scholarly journals Application of Information Technology at School to Create Competitive Advantages on Distruption Era

Asih Enggar Susanti
2012 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 46-64 ◽  
Soni Agrawal ◽  
Kishor Goswami ◽  
Bani Chatterjee

Firms from developed countries are increasingly offshore outsourcing services to developing countries to have cost as well competitive advantages. Although this is a growing practice, there has been limited empirical attention in understanding the outsourcing phenomenon, particularly from the perspective of service provider firms that execute important business processes for their overseas clients. Despite growing trends to outsource, only a few service provider firms report success. This puts the service provider firms under increasing pressure to add value and improve quality of relationship. They have to depend not only on tangible factors but some intangible factors also play an important role in their performance. In this paper, the authors try to find out factors that influence performance of service provider firms. Multiple regressions using four indicators of firm performance are carried out to see the influence of certain factors on information technology enabled service (ITES) firms’ performance.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 57 ◽  
Johanes Fernandes Andry

Established in 2001, XYZ Cargo is a Freight Forwarder Service Company specialized in the logistic transportation located in Jakarta. XYZ Cargo has broad experiences in both ocean freight and air freight service and has more than sixty agents of partnership around the world. XYZ Cargo has implemented Information Technology (IT) that covers all key aspects of business processes of the enterprise. It has an impact on the strategic and competitive advantages of its success. Many organizations have started implementing IT governance in order to achieve the collaboration between business and IT. The purpose of this research is to get an overview of performance measurement of the currently-running IT Governance with several aspects to consider such as effectiveness, efficiency, functional unit of information technology within an organization, data integrity, safeguarding assets, reliability, confidentiality, availability, and security. The analytical tool used in this research is the COBIT 5 standard procedure by ISACA. The result of IT Governance based on COBIT 5 in domain EDM, shows average values at the level of 2.0 until 2.7 (managed process) for EDM01, EDM02, EDM03 and 1.3 until 1.7 (performed process) for EDM04, EDM05.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-40 ◽  
Govindan Marthandan ◽  
Tang Chun Meng

For years information technology (IT) has helped companies improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Today’s IT plays a more strategic role in building capabilities for sustaining and creating competitive advantages. The increasing importance of IT has led many organizations to integrate it into their daily operations. To justify the ever-increasing spending on IT, organizations have been searching for evaluation methods to prove the business value of IT. However, this is a challenging undertaking, as there are contradictory answers to questions on whether it is worthwhile to pay substantial sums for IT. To gain insight into the reasons behind the contradictory answers, this paper first reviews conflicting research results of past studies on IT business value. It then explains the term IT productivity paradox. Last, it provides five reasons why IT business value is not fully reflected in the way business managers expect it to be.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-31
Razieh Sobhani ◽  
Habib Seifzadeh ◽  
Taghi Javdani Gandomani

With regard to the increasing spread of information technology in the world, access to this technology is of great importance. Due to their competitive advantages, open source software are more popular than the close ones and they are more widely used, as well. Having an appropriate process for migrating, identifying and ranking activities to prepare and perform the migration design in the organization, prevents the failure of the performance in organizations. Today, there are lots of migration processes in review of literature and this will confuse the managers to choose the most appropriate process for their organization. This article studies the presented processes of migration to open source software in the world and by presenting novel factors. It also attempts to introduce an appropriate framework to select the most efficient process in migration to open source software. So that organizations do not have a concern to choose the best migration process and IT managers are able to select the appropriate process for their organizations quickly and with no confusion.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51 ◽  
Jhony Pereira Moraes ◽  
Sidimar Meira Sagaz ◽  
Geneia Lucas Dos Santos ◽  
Deison Alencar Lucietto

Este artigo teve por objetivo descrever usos e aplicações de três ferramentas de gestão presentes no ambiente empresarial contemporâneo: a Tecnologia da Informação (TI), os Sistemas de Informações Gerenciais (SIG) e a Gestão do Conhecimento (GC). Foi realizada revisão narrativa de literatura. Verificou-se que o fluxo de informações funciona como o elemento unificador entre TI, SIG e a GC. Ao possibilitarem o uso adequado de informações e de pessoas com vistas ao alcance dos objetivos organizacionais, fomentam a criação de vantagens competitivas. Identificou-se, então, que a introdução dessas ferramentas, ao alterar processos internos e externos, contribui para o desenvolvimento das organizações.Palavras-Chave: Tecnologia da Informação. Sistemas de Informações Gerenciais. Gestão do Conhecimento. Vantagem Competitiva. Abstract: This article aims to describe uses and applications of three management tools present in the contemporary business environment: Information Technology (IT), Information Systems Management (ISM) and Knowledge Management (KM). A narrative review of the literature was performed. It was verified that the information flow works as the unifying element between IT, ISM and KM. By enabling the proper use of information and people to achieve the organizational objectives, they promote the creation of competitive advantages. It was identified, then, that the introduction of these tools, by altering internal and external processes, contributes to the development of organizations.Keywords: Information Technology. Management Information Systems. Knowledge management. Competitive advantage.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 135
Mr.Sc. Luan Jusufi

The purpose of this paper is to examine the information technology as factor in development of contemporary business. In this paper we intend to investigate the role and effect of information technology in the creation and maintenance of sustainable competitive advantages for organizations.Also we will offer basic notions related to information technology and explain the main factors that affect the application of Information Technology.As we know in current market conditions, nearly all business operations are closely related to and depend on the application of Information Technology. Information Technology enables cost reduction, market expansion, increase productivity, enables better communication, improves service and offers great opportunities to find e new business partners.Also we will become familiar with the application of computer networks such as: Internet, Intranet, and Extranet.Using the scientific and professional literature offered from several aspects to this research paper is aimed to proof the role and importance of use an Information Technology in development of contemporary business.

Patricia Martínez García de Leaniz ◽  
María Elena García Ruiz

In today´s economy information technology (IT) companies must increasingly compete for resources and customers, and consumer interests and resource scarcity are changing the way these companies do business. To stay competitive, IT companies must look beyond their own operations and consider opportunities to introduce sustainability and social responsible issues into their business strategies in order to increase resource efficiency across the entire value chain: not only at the front-end the design and manufacturing of products and packaging but also in the systematic recovery of valuable materials. By collaborating closely with value chain partners and other key stakeholders, IT companies can discover optimal solutions and drive impactful action. In this paper, the authors delve into how IT companies can promote sustainability and social responsible issues into their value chain while presenting a set of tools that these firms can use to act in a sustainable manner and obtain competitive advantages.

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