scholarly journals Christopher G. Weeramantry, Tread Lightly on the Earth: Religion, the Environment, and the Human Future

ICR Journal ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 749-752
Zarina Nalla

Most religions tell us that nature is the beautiful and perfect handiwork of God worthy of respect and protection. These principles should be integrated into international law if we are to address the current crisis facing humanity. Christopher Gregory Weeramantry discusses these ideas comprehensively in his book. The work received support from the World Future Council (WFC), an independent think-tank founded in 2007 in Hamburg, Germany, whose members are active in governmental bodies, civil society, business, science and the arts. The WFC’s primary focus has been on the issue of climate change by promoting laws such as the renewable energy Feed-in Tariff.

2021 ◽  
pp. 204382062098639
Aya Nassar

In this engagement with Eric Magrane’s article, ‘Climate Geopolitics (The Earth is a Composted Poem)’, I follow two provocations: first, geopoetics as travelling through disciplinary turfs, and second, geopoetics as storytelling. Coming from a disciplinary trajectory that spent a long stop at international relations (IR), these provocations attach me to geopoetics as practice and a growing field. My engagement here is oriented to geopoetics not only at the threshold of geography and the arts and humanities, but also the intersections of geography and politics. I primarily propose that viewing geopoetics as an open space for experimenting allows for disrupting masterful understandings of the academic self and counters a univocal, universal narrative of the world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 100 (4) ◽  
pp. 745-766
Lillian C. Woo

In the last fifty years, empirical evidence has shown that climate change and environmental degradation are largely the results of increased world population, economic development, and changes in cultural and social norms. Thus far we have been unable to slow or reverse the practices that continue to produce more air and water pollution, soil and ocean degradation, and ecosystem decline. This paper analyzes the negative anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem and proposes a new design solution: ecomimesis, which uses the natural ecosystem as its template to conserve, restore, and improve existing ecosystems. Through its nonintrusive strategies and designs, and its goal of preserving natural ecosystems and the earth, ecomimesis can become an integral part of stabilizing and rehabilitating our natural world at the same time that it addresses the needs of growing economies and populations around the world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Susana Borràs

<p>In the new 'Age of the Anthropocene', the Earth's atmosphere, like other elements of Nature, is rapidly being colonized by a minority of the world's population, at no cost, threatening the security of all humanity and the stability of the planet. The development processes of the great emitters of greenhouse gases have transferred social and environmental costs to all the world population, especially the most impoverished ones. This article is a critical analysis of how the legal climate change regime continues to legitimize the onslaught on the atmosphere. It reflects on the need to move to a new "climate justice law", characterized by responsibilities and obligations centered on the prevention, repair, restoration and treatment of damage and related risks linked to climate change, while protecting human rights and the atmosphere, as a common interest of humanity and the Earth.</p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Atmosphere, climate change, common concern of humankind, climate justice law<strong></strong></p>

Science ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 370 (6517) ◽  
pp. eaay3701
Jessica E. Tierney ◽  
Christopher J. Poulsen ◽  
Isabel P. Montañez ◽  
Tripti Bhattacharya ◽  
Ran Feng ◽  

As the world warms, there is a profound need to improve projections of climate change. Although the latest Earth system models offer an unprecedented number of features, fundamental uncertainties continue to cloud our view of the future. Past climates provide the only opportunity to observe how the Earth system responds to high carbon dioxide, underlining a fundamental role for paleoclimatology in constraining future climate change. Here, we review the relevancy of paleoclimate information for climate prediction and discuss the prospects for emerging methodologies to further insights gained from past climates. Advances in proxy methods and interpretations pave the way for the use of past climates for model evaluation—a practice that we argue should be widely adopted.

Daedalus ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 141 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-110 ◽  
Mohamed T. El-Ashry

The world is entering a new energy era marked by concerns over energy security, climate change, and access by the poor to modern energy services. Yet the current energy path is not compatible with sustainable development objectives. Global demand for energy will continue to grow; so will CO2 emissions. Achieving a low-carbon energy world will require an unprecedented technological transformation in the way energy is produced and used. That transformation has begun, as renewables capacity continues to grow, prices continue to fall, and shares of global energy from renewables continue to increase. Government policies are the main driver behind renewable energy's meteoric growth. Still, the world is tapping only a small amount of the vast supply of renewable energy resources. There is broad consensus that the role of these resources should be expanded significantly in order to meaningfully address energy security, energy access, and climate change.

Avidan Kent ◽  
Vyoma Jha

Canada – Certain Measures Affecting the Renewable Energy Sector (Canada FIT), appears to be the first-ever case at the World Trade Organization (WTO) to address the tenuous ‘trade versus climate’ debate in the context of renewable energy policies. Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) for renewable energy, which have emerged as a popular domestic policy tool to address climate change, share an extremely controversial relationship with the international trade regime, especially with the legality of such support schemes increasingly coming under the WTO scanner. In this article, the authors focus on four aspects that emerge from the decisions made by the WTO’s Panel and Appellate Body in this case, namely the clarification of the blurred legal status of renewable energy support schemes under WTO law; a new ‘public goods’ exception; an evolving, “activist” WTO jurisprudence; and the imminent end of domestic content requirements in renewable energy policies. The authors argue in this article that the WTO Panel and Appellate Body’s decisions represent a development of the law, one that is aimed at settling the ever-so-contentious clash between the WTO law on subsidies and climate change support schemes.

Brad Tabas

      This text examines the effects of climate change on cultural ideas regarding the colonization of space. More specifically, this paper explores the ways which the looming danger of climate catastrophe has fueled the growth of post-planetary culture: a culture that dreams of a human destiny beyond the Earth. It takes as its object both science fiction texts and non-fiction futurological pronouncements by scientists and entrepreneurs. What emerges from this study is the observation that unlike climate skeptics, post-planetarists believe that climate change is real. Yet like climate skeptics, they subordinate climate action to other priorities, putting the construction of a means of escaping this planet above climate action. But why do these post-planetarists wish to fly? Via a close reading of David Brin’s Earth, we argue that one of the key characteristics of post-planetary culture is a feeling of hatred and alienation towards the Earth. This hatred is both re-enforced by the ravages of climate change even as it contributes to this destruction by blocking post-planetarists from whole-heartedly engaging in climate action. In order to illustrate an antidote to this pathological cultural reaction to our current crisis, I present a close reading Kim Stanley Robinson’s Aurora, exploring how this text is both a critique of post-planetarism and a guide to renewing our love for the Earth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. e58755
Renan Moutropoulos Fortunato ◽  
Monique Maciel Barbosa

O texto tem como finalidade analisar o sistema de proteção ambiental internacional. A abordagem compara três visões sobre o tema: a) a criada por Estados no âmbito da ONU, calcada no conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável; b) uma visão crítica pós-estruturalista que desconstrói tal conceito; e c) a cosmovisão indígena brasileira sobre o meio ambiente. A intenção deste estudo é contrapor diferentes modos de concepção da natureza e suas implicações para a proteção ambiental. Portanto, pretende-se analisar a presença da visão indígena na Rio-92, a maior conferência sobre o tema. Para isso, lança-se mão de pesquisa bibliográfica e analisa-se a Carta da Terra - declaração de princípios éticos publicada na ocasião da Conferência Mundial dos Povos Indígenas sobre Território, Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento da Rio-92.Palavras-chave: Proteção ambiental; Cosmovisões ameríndias; DIP.ABSTRACTThis text aims to analyze the topic of environmental protection by comparing three visions about the theme. a) the one crafted by States within the UN system, based on the concept of “sustainable development”; b) a post-structuralist critical vision, which deconstructs that concept; and c) the Brazilian Amerindian cosmovisions over nature. This movement intends to contrast the different manners of conceiving nature and its consequences for environmental protection. So, the text seeks to assess the presence of the indigenous cosmovisions during the Earth Summit (1992), the most important summit on the topic. The research uses bibliographical research and a documental analysis of the Earth Charter of the Indigenous Peoples (a declaration of ethical principles published during the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples on Territory, Environment and Development, during the Earth Summit).Keywords: Environmental protection; Amerindian cosmovision; International law. Recebido em: 29/03/2021 | Aceito em: 05/08/2021. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Imam Mulyana

Energy plays a pivotal role in ensuring economic growth, social equity and live-able environment. In this regard, the non-renewable or conventional source of energy such as oil, gas and coal continue to supply the energy demand throughout the world. Nevertheless, as the awareness of the international society towards the protection and preservation of the global environment is rapidly growing, the utilization of energy resources has been gradually shifted from the non-renewable to renewable ones. Observing the international developments in the field of energy, further international legal instruments is required to be able to regulate renewable energy activities undertaken by the countries today. Although there have been a number of rules in international law, but until recently, most of these regulations is still not legally binding. Moreover, to achieve world order that uses renewable energy, international law also had to resolve some fundamental issues, namely the issue of state sovereignty and energy security.

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