2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Geneva L. Fleming

The term navigation has become the new “buzz” word for assisting individuals in their shift from one situation in life, to another. The process and service delivery of navigation is useful for helping individuals, families and communities achieve their goals. Navigation service is especially beneficial in helping persons manage their health and biopsychosocial needs, including mental health. Whether it is helping a person transition from mental illness to mental health, or assisting a student in their career development, having someone with the proper knowledge and skills to help navigate that process can be advantageous. This article will identify and describe the five essential components of effective case management and its application to the navigation process. It will also state some important interviewing skills that can enhance the practitioner-client relationship during the navigation case management process.

2004 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 319-333 ◽  
Charles A. Rapp ◽  
Richard J. Goscha

Thomas P. Golden ◽  
Andrew J. Karhan ◽  
Adene P. Karhan ◽  
Sarah J. Prenovitz

Youth who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits experience disparate educational, employment, and economic outcomes when compared to youth with disabilities who do not receive these entitlements. Promoting the Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income (PROMISE) was a 6-year national research demonstration project that designed, implemented, and evaluated interventions that led to more successful postschool outcomes for youth SSI recipients ages 14 to 16. Although prior research demonstrations have been conducted testing the combination of case management with other services and supports with SSI populations, research on the taxonomy of those case management strategies considered most effective in supporting positive postschool outcomes is very limited. This article presents a comprehensive taxonomy of case management that provides a common frame of reference for future research on effective case management strategies and translation to practice by discussing implications for policy, practice, and further research when supporting successful postschool outcomes of youth SSI recipients.

2010 ◽  
C. Rogers ◽  
C. Walsh ◽  
H. Cronin ◽  
C. A. Byrne ◽  
M. Walsh ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 507-508
Ying Wang ◽  
Mandong Liu ◽  
Iris Chi

Abstract Chinese immigrant caregivers face unique self-care difficulties in the United States due to language barriers, cultural isolation, and occupational stress. This study aimed to conduct a formative evaluation on a caregiver self-care curriculum of an app designed for Chinese immigrants in the United States. Using a co-design approach in 2019, 22 Chinese immigrant caregivers in Los Angeles county were recruited through purposive sampling method. The directed content analysis was adopted to analyze the qualitative data using NVivo 12.1.0 software. We organized the findings under two main contents: self-care and caregiving. Three categories were identified under the self-care content: physical health, emotional and mental health, and support resources. Sixteen subcategories under physical health (e.g., dietary supplements), five subcategories under emotional and mental health (e.g., depression) and eight subcategories under support resources (e.g., support and networking group, senior center) are suggested. Two categories were identified under the caregiving content: caregiving knowledge and skills, and community resources. Fourteen subcategories under caregiving knowledge and skills (e.g., care assessment) and six subcategories under community resources (e.g., medical emergency call) were mentioned. With this useful information, we could further refine the self-care curriculum to be more linguistically, culturally and occupationally sensitive for Chinese immigrant caregivers. Empowerment approach for enhancing the ability to caregiving and self-care should be emphasized in content design for immigrant caregivers. The co-design approach is crucial for planning of the program and intervention curriculum to improve understanding of the users’ needs and better cater them.

Rosa Town ◽  
Daniel Hayes ◽  
Peter Fonagy ◽  
Emily Stapley

AbstractThere is evidence that young people generally self-manage their mental health using self-care strategies, coping methods and other self-management techniques, which may better meet their needs or be preferable to attending specialist mental health services. LGBTQ+ young people are more likely than their peers to experience a mental health difficulty and may be less likely to draw on specialist support due to fears of discrimination. However, little is known about LGBTQ+ young people’s experiences and perceptions of self-managing their mental health. Using a multimodal qualitative design, 20 LGBTQ+ young people participated in a telephone interview or an online focus group. A semi-structured schedule was employed to address the research questions, which focussed on LGBTQ+ young people’s experiences and perceptions of self-managing their mental health, what they perceived to stop or help them to self-manage and any perceived challenges to self-management specifically relating to being LGBTQ+ . Reflexive thematic analysis yielded three key themes: (1) self-management strategies and process, (2) barriers to self-management and (3) facilitators to self-management. Participants’ most frequently mentioned self-management strategy was ‘speaking to or meeting up with friends or a partner’. Both barriers and facilitators to self-management were identified which participants perceived to relate to LGBTQ+ identity. Social support, LGBTQ+ youth groups and community support were identified as key facilitators to participants’ self-management of their mental health, which merits further investigation in future research. These findings also have important implications for policy and intervention development concerning LGBTQ+ young people’s mental health.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 1-1
Bronwyn Keefe ◽  
Jennifer Tripken

Abstract Increases in the numbers of older adults with mental health and substance use concerns compel us to identify best practices in training to address these issues. Senior Centers are an ideal location for behavioral health education programs as they are the go-to place for many older adults. This session will describe a program funded by The Retirement Research Foundation and offered in collaboration with Center for Aging and Disability Education and Research at Boston University and NCOA to increase senior center staff knowledge and skills. Approximately 250 senior center staff in Illinois, Florida, and Wisconsin completed an online certificate in Behavioral Health and Aging. Results show that 100% of respondents felt that the training was useful for their job; 93% felt that they will be a more effective worker as a result of the training; and 97% felt that the information they learned in the training will make a difference with the people they serve. We held key informant interviews to assess the impact of training and participants stated that their knowledge, skills, and behaviors were influenced by the program. At the organizational level, leaders reported new programming related to behavioral health and revised practices and protocols. This presentation will cover: (1) the extent to which training participants mastered the competencies needed for effective practice; (2) knowledge and skills gained from the training program; (3) Senior Centers’ capacity to identify and refer older adults to mental health services; and (4) organizational changes related to behavioral health programming with older adults.

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