scholarly journals An Exploratory Study of the Factors Affecting Labor-Management Relations in the Context of Employee Satisfaction within Garments Industry of Bangladesh

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 317
Mohammed S. Chowdhury ◽  
Nurul Amin ◽  
Zahurul Alam

The study examined the factors that affected Labor-Management Relations in the context of employees’ satisfaction in Garments Industry of Bangladesh. The data for the study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources relied on interview method with the help of a structured questionnaire for self-guidance. All hypotheses were tested using regression analysis and Pearson correlations controlling for background variables of gender, marital status, and age. The study revealed that all dimensions of labor-management relations were positively and significantly correlated to employee satisfaction and overall labor-management relations. Implications, limitations, and directions for further research were discussed.

Prakashkumar Rathod ◽  
Siddaling Swamy Hiremath ◽  
A.G. Bhanu Prakash

An ex-post-facto and exploratory study was conducted to explore the attitude of 200 dairy farmers towards cross breeding and factors affecting its adoption using pretested interview method in Bidar District of Karnataka. The study revealed that majority of the dairy farmers (74.0 %) belong to medium level of favorability followed by high and low level of favourable attitude towards cross breeding. About 85 per cent respondents perceived that adoption of cross breeding would give them better recognition in society and about 74 per cent farmers felt that cross breeding was essential to improve milk production. The results show that there is a need to give greater emphasis to educate the farmers regarding cross breeding for effective adoption and popularization of the technology.

Adams Lukman JIMOH ◽  
Ismaila Bolarinwa KADIRI

A very few organizations believe that the employees of their organizations are the main assets which can lead them to success or failure. Unless and until the employees of these organizations are satisfied, motivated, encouraged, none of the organizations can progress or achieve success. This research was carried out with the objective of examining the impact of staff welfare on job commitment in Tuyil pharmaceutical company, Ilorin, Kwara State. Data for the study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. A descriptive research approach was used. The population for the study was 255 staff of Tuyil Pharmaceutical company. About 72 respondents which served as the study sample size was determined through Guilford formula. The study used structured questionnaire to elicit information from the respondents. The data collected were analyzed through the use of Least square regression. The result of the findings revealed that (r=.890, r2=.792, p= 0.5) meaning that staff welfare enhances job commitment. Therefore, the study concludes that employee welfare have significant impact on job commitment. The study recommends that management should put more attention on the welfare facilities that improve the job commitment so as to achieve improve employee satisfaction and commitment in the organization.

Nebojsa Pavlovic

One of the biggest issues facing every organization is how to keep and recruit skilled employees. This chapter deals with work environment because there is a widespread belief that it is one of the most significant factors affecting the development of job satisfaction. The goal of this chapter is to dig deeper into the important factors that exert influence on a positive work environment. The author uses meta-analysis to assesses primary sources, which are believed to contain necessary information about certain terms that describe work environment. The results of the research indicate that a positive work environment is closely connected to employee satisfaction. It is incumbent upon managers and leaders to intensively work on improving a workplace for every employee. Further research is necessary because of the dynamics of organizational structure and inevitable, rapid technological changes. This means that managers have to put in an enormous effort so as to produce in-depth analyses of their work environments and to determine how to improve them.

2016 ◽  
pp. 15
Mariana Giaretto ◽  
Victoria Naffa

ResumenEn este trabajo analizamos las relaciones entre tomas de tierras y Estado, en elAlto Valle de Río Negro en Argentina. En un contexto general de especulacióninmobiliaria, por la que se encarecen los precios de alquileres y terrenos, y depolíticas de vivienda selectivas y acotadas, los sectores populares acceden aun espacio en la ciudad mediante tomas de tierras. Frente a estos conflictos,el Estado, en sus diferentes niveles y poderes, despliega una forma deintervención basada en la criminalización de las luchas por tierra y vivienda.Al mismo tiempo, el poder ejecutivo nacional crea la Secretaría de Acceso alHábitat, para posibilitar la intervención política orientada a la regularizaciónde los asentamientos. Sin embargo, esta intervención tiende a reinscribir laproblemática habitacional en el campo político, para reducirla a un conflicto“entre partes”, eludiendo la responsabilidad estatal.Desde un enfoque metodológico cualitativo, seleccionamos como referenteempírico el caso del asentamiento de Villa Obrera en Fiske, Menuco (Gral.Roca), y las técnicas de recolección de datos se basan en fuentes secundarias,como expedientes judiciales y normativa, y en fuentes primarias como son losrelatos de los protagonistas mediante entrevistas individuales y colectivas.Palabras clave: tomas de tierras, Estado, criminalización de los conflictos.Conflicts caused by land occupation and modesof State intervention: analysis of an experience ofAlto Valle in Río Negro (Argentina)AbstractThis paper analyzes the relationship between State and land occupation,at Alto Valle in Río Negro, Argentina. In a general context of real estatespeculation, where rents and land prices are expensive, and a policy ofselective and limited housing, popular sectors can have access to a spacein the city through land occupation. In front of these conflicts, the Statein its different levels and powers, displays a form of intervention basedon the criminalization of struggles for land and housing. At the sametime, the national executive creates the Secretariat of Access to Habitat,oriented to allow political intervention for the regularization of settlements.However, this intervention tends to re-register the housing problems in thepolitical arena, reducing it to a conflict “between parties” and eluding theresponsibility of the State.From a qualitative methodological approach, we selected as empirical referencethe case of the settlement of Villa Obrera in Fiske, Menuco (GeneralRoca). The techniques of data collection are based on secondary sources, suchas policy and legal records, and primary sources as the stories of protagoniststhrough individual and collective interviews.Keywords: land occupation, State, criminalization of conflicts.Conflitos sobre ocupações de terras e modos deintervenção do estado: análise de uma experiênciado Alto Valle do Rio Preto (Argentina)ResumoEste trabalho analisa as relações entre a posse de terra e o Estado, no AltoValle do Rio Preto, na Argentina. Num contexto geral da especulaçãoimobiliária, por qual se encarecem os preços do aluguel e das terras, e depolíticas de habitação seletivas e limitadas, os setores populares acedem aum espaço na cidade através de ocupações de terras. Frente a estes conflitos,o Estado, em seus diferentes níveis e poderes, desenvolve uma forma deintervenção com base na criminalização das lutas pela terra e vivenda. Aomesmo tempo, o poder executivo nacional cria a Secretaria de Acesso àHabitat para possibilitar à intervenção política orientada a regularização dosassentamentos. No entanto, esta intervenção tende a registrar os problemasde habitação no campo político, para reduzi-la a um conflito “entre aspartes”, iludindo a responsabilidade do Estado.A partir de uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, foi selecionado comoreferência empírica o caso do Assentamento de Villa Obrera em Fiske,Menuco (Gral. Roca), e as técnicas de recolecção de dados são baseados emfontes secundárias, como expedientes judiciais e normativos, e em fontes primárias como são as histórias dos protagonistas através de entrevistasindividuais e coletivas.Palavras-chave: tomada de terras, Estado, criminalização dos conflitos.

Ahmed Salem Ahmed Marey Alhammadi ◽  
Aftab Hameed Memon ◽  

UAE construction industry frequently faces poor cost performance which commonly known as cost overrun problem. This problem is resulted from several factors and it is important to identify these cost overrun factors in order to avoid and minimize it. Hence, this paper focused on determined the relevancy of factors affecting cost performance in construction projects of UAE. Through a review of past research works conducted globally, 27 factors of cost overrun were listed and used for developing a structured questionnaire. A survey was conducted with 33 practitioners from client, consultant and contractors organizations involved in handling construction projects in UAE. The respondents were requested to state their perception regarding the relevancy of each of the factors that was perceived in context with cost overrun issue using 5-points Likert scale. The responses were analysed using average index method and the results found that all the 27 factors are relevant with construction industry of UAE in causing cost overrun. These factors can be used for further investigation to uncover critical problems of cost overrun.

2016 ◽  
pp. 36-42
Thi Ngoc Anh Nguyen ◽  
Hoang Lan Nguyen

Background: Breast milk is the most valuable source of food for infants, no food is comparable. However in many countries around the world including Vietnam, the breastfeeding prevalence has been declining. A report of the Ministry of Health showed that only 19.6% of infants in Vietnam were exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. The study was conducted in Hoi An with the aim at describing the situation of exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of the mothers in Hoi An city, Quang Nam province and; identifying some factors affecting exclusive breast feeding for the first 6 months in the study area. Methods: A crosssectional descriptive study was conducted in Hoi An city in December 2014. 516 mothers of infants aged from 6 to 12 months were directly interviewed on the basis of a structured questionnaire. Information about general characteristics of mothers and their infants, their knowledge and attitude of breastfeeding and the feeding types of their baby for the first 6 months was collected. Multivariable logistic regression model was used to identify factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. Results: The exclusive breastfeeding prevalence for the first 6 months is 22.3%. Knowledge in breastfeeding and attitude toward exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months are factors that significantly related to exclusive breastfeeding prevalence for the first 6 months (OR = 3.3; p=0.001 and OR=10.4; p<0.001, respectively). Conclusion: The exclusive breastfeeding rate for the first 6 months in Hoi An city is low. The promoting antenatal education in exclusive breastfeeding is necessary solution to improve exclusive breastfeeding rate for the first 6 months. Key words: breast milk, exclusive breastfeeding, Hoi An

1983 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 2-3
Stephen Frantzich

Until recently most students of Congress were limited to studying it from afar, depending primarily on secondary sources. Limited press coverage of current debates and behavior were often so skimpy that it was necessary to wait a number of years until a select group of events percolated through the process to become part of “the literature.” It took even longer before the events found their way into the classroom as relevant examples of important principles and concepts. The primary sources available (The Congressional Record, Committee Reports, etc.) were ponderous, poorly indexed and often retained the tainted image that they did not truly represent reality. While the Congress of recent years is much more open to public view than its predecessors, open committee meetings and the increase in recorded voting did little to enhance the resources available to teachers or students for understanding the process.

Miyoung Lee ◽  
Yeon-Suk Kim ◽  
Mi-Kyoung Lee

Prenatal depression is an important factor in predicting postpartum depression. Most studies have assessed factors affecting prenatal depression by focusing on pregnant wives. However, the emotional and psychological aspects of both expectant parents need to be considered. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of spouse-related stress in expectant couples on prenatal depression and investigate the mediating effects of marital intimacy on this relationship. A total of 120 expectant couples from two cities in Korea at more than 15 weeks of completed pregnancy participated in the study. Using a structured questionnaire, we assessed the general characteristics of the participants, spouse-related stress, prenatal depression, and marital intimacy. The results revealed that four actor effects and one partner effect were significant. Marital intimacy and prenatal depression among expectant parents were affected by spouse-related stress. Moreover, spouse-related stress in the husbands completely mediated marital intimacy in pregnant wives, demonstrating partner effects on prenatal depression in pregnant wives. Therefore, it was observed that paternal factors affect prenatal depression in pregnant wives. This warrants the inclusion of husbands in marital interventions and strategies to improve marital intimacy in pregnant wives.

2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-123 ◽  
Małgorzata Koszewska

An overview of the Western European literature shows that one of the most distinct trends in consumption that has been noted in the recent years is globally increasing environmental and social awareness. The issue of consumers' behaviours and attitudes towards "socially responsible products" has been gaining importance in Polish economy as well. This article evaluates the development prospects of ethical and ecological consumption in Poland vis-a-vis Western European countries. The comparative analysis being part of the article utilizes primary sources of information, i.e. interviews with a representative sample of Polish adults, as well as secondary sources of information. A factor analysis or, more precisely, a principal component analysis, allowed dividing Polish consumers into groups that were typologically homogeneous in respect of their sensitivity to various aspects of business ethics and ecology.

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