Association between Trigeminal Neuralgia and Multiple Sclerosis: Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 1927-1930
Tahir Baig ◽  
Adnan Ahmed ◽  
Atif Hussain ◽  
Rabia Shah ◽  
Muhammad Tahir ◽  

Background: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a severe neuropathic unilateral facial pain affecting about 30% percent of the world population. Neuropathic pains are considered to be associated with multiple sclerosis (MS).Multiple sclerosis is a chronic inflammatory condition causing demyelination and degeneration of axons in central nervous system. Objective: The objective of the study is to determine role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to find association between trigeminal neuralgia and multiple sclerosis. Methods: The prospective cohort study was conducted for six months in Radiology Department of Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar from September 2020 to February 2021. Initially 250 patients were screened for multiple sclerosis. The study recruited a total of 35 patients of MS visited neuroradiology department, out of which 26 patients were enrolled in the study. The participants with age of 18 years and onward of both genders with definitive symptoms of TN with MS that is having unilateral TN pain (that is sharp shooting electric pulse like) lasting for up-to 2minutes precipitated with an environmental stimulus were included in the study. The patients (n=6) with bilateral MS with TN and cognitive disturbances (n=3) were excluded from the study. Results: The study recruited a total of 26 participants with MS related TN. The clinical examination didn’t show any difference between the three groups with the p-value less than 0.001. Age at the onset of MS was younger in patients with MS related sensory disturbances compared to other two groups, with p-value less than 0.05. The frequency of the affected side was different in all three groups with the p-value less than 0.05 as tested by Fischer exact test. Trigeminal reflex tests done for different components such as R1 and SP1 showed longer latency periods for the affected side after stimulation and unaffected side after stimulation with the mean of 14.2± 4.4 and 15.3±3.2, 16.3±4.2 and 17.4±5.2ms and p-value less than 0.001 as shown by Wilcoxon test. Conclusion: The study showed significant association between trigeminal neuralgia and multiple sclerosis with the greater efficacy of using MRI as imaging technique to find this association. Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Trigeminal neuralgia

1995 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-259 ◽  
J F Meaney ◽  
J W Watt ◽  
P R Eldridge ◽  
G H Whitehouse ◽  
J C Wells ◽  

1989 ◽  
Vol 52 (8) ◽  
pp. 967-969 ◽  
G Tedeschi ◽  
S Allocca ◽  
A Di Costanzo ◽  
A Diano ◽  
V Bonavita

Neurosurgery ◽  
1987 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 733-736 ◽  
Akira Tanaka ◽  
Yoshirou Maruta ◽  
Yoshirou Maruta

Abstract A case of trigeminal root neurinoma presenting as atypical trigeminal neuralgia was reported. The orbicularis oculi reflex was absent on the affected side, but reappeared after operation. The demonstration of the tumor was much clearer on magnetic resonance imaging. The usefulness of these electrophysiological and radiological studies in differentiating varied entities of trigeminal neuralgia is stressed. (Neurosurgery 21:733-736, 1987)

Cosmo Helder Ferreira da Silva ◽  
Heloyse Maria Rocha Arruda ◽  
Adrícia Kelly Marques Bento ◽  
Gabriela Soares Santana ◽  
Karlos Eduardo Rodrigues Lima ◽  

Analisar Este estudo tem o objetivo de apresentar as características, particularidades e aplicações variadas do exame de ressonância magnética no diagnóstico da esclerose múltipla (EM), apresentando suas vantagens e desvantagens no diagnóstico diferencial destas afecções. Está delineado pela proposta de uma pesquisa embasada nos pressupostos da revisão da literatura. Com isso, utilizou para análise estudos que tenham sido publicados em periódicos nacionais e internacionais, indexados em base de dados como BIREME e SCIELO, que tenham como enfoque principal a questão que envolve os critérios para a importância da ressonância magnética como método diagnóstico. Com o resultado da pesquisa foi possível concluir que o papel do diagnóstico por imagem na investigação da EM se mostra de muita importância, visto que apenas com a investigação clínica não é possível ter a certeza desta patologia se mostrando, então, como um importante instrumento auxiliar na detecção dos estágios iniciais e avançados da doença, permitindo a visualização das imagens e dos processos inerentes à patologia em questão.Descritores: Ressonância Magnética, Esclerose Múltipla, Diagnóstico. Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis by magnetic resonance imagingAbstract: This study aims to present the characteristics, particularities and varied applications of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS), presenting its advantages and disadvantages in the differential diagnosis Of these affections. It is delineated by the proposal of a research based on the assumptions of the literature review. Thus, studies that have been published in national and international journals, indexed in databases such as BIREME and SCIELO, have been used to analyze the main focus of the issue that involves the criteria for the importance of magnetic resonance as a diagnostic method. With the result of the research it was possible to conclude that the role of imaging diagnosis in the investigation of EM is very important, since only with clinical research it is not possible to be sure of this pathology showing, then, as an important auxiliary tool to detect the early and advanced stages of the disease, allowing the visualization of the images and processes inherent to the pathology in question.Descriptors: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Multiple Sclerosis, Diagnosis. Diagnóstico de la esclerosis múltiple por resonancia magnéticaResumen: Este estudio pretende presentar las características, particularidades y variadas aplicaciones de la resonancia magnética en el diagnóstico de la esclerosis múltiple (EM), presentando sus ventajas y desventajas en el diagnóstico diferencial de estos afectos. Está delineado por la propuesta de una investigación basada en los supuestos de la revisión bibliográfica. Así, se han utilizado estudios publicados en revistas nacionales e internacionales, indexados en bases de datos como BIREME y SCIELO, para analizar el enfoque principal del tema que involucra los criterios de la importancia de la resonancia magnética como método de diagnóstico. Con el resultado de la investigación fue posible concluir que el papel del diagnóstico por imágenes en la investigación del EM es muy importante, puesto que solamente con la investigación clínica no es posible estar seguro de esta patología monstrándose, entonces, como una importante herramienta auxiliar para detectar las etapas tempranas y avanzadas de la enfermedad, permitiendo la visualización de las imágenes y procesos inherentes a la patología en cuestión.Descriptores: Imagen de Resonancia Magnética, Esclerosis Múltiple, Diagnóstico.

Quinten van Geest ◽  
Kim A. Meijer ◽  
Jeroen J. G. Geurts ◽  
Hanneke E. Hulst

2011 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 1122-1129 ◽  
Flavia Nelson ◽  
Sushmita Datta ◽  
Nereyda Garcia ◽  
Nigel L Rozario ◽  
Francisco Perez ◽  

Background: Accurate classification of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in the brain cortex may be important in understanding their impact on cognitive impairment (CI). Improved accuracy in identification/classification of cortical lesions was demonstrated in a study combining two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences: double inversion recovery (DIR) and T1-weighted phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR). Objective: To evaluate the role of intracortical lesions (IC) in MS-related CI and compare it with the role of mixed (MX), juxtacortical (JX), the sum of IC + MX and with total lesions as detected on DIR/PSIR images. Correlations between CI and brain atrophy, disease severity and disease duration were also sought. Methods: A total of 39 patients underwent extensive neuropsychological testing and were classified into normal and impaired groups. Images were obtained on a 3T scanner and cortical lesions were assessed blind to the cognitive status of the subjects. Results: Some 238 cortical lesions were identified (130 IC, 108 MX) in 82% of the patients; 39 JX lesions were also identified. Correlations between CI and MX lesions alone ( p = 0.010) and with the sum of IC + MX lesions ( p = 0.030) were found. A correlation between severity of CI and Expanded Disability Status Scale was also seen ( p = 0.009). Conclusion: Cortical lesions play an important role in CI. However, our results suggest that lesions that remain contained within the cortical ribbon do not play a more important role than ones extending into the adjacent white matter; furthermore, the size of the cortical lesion, and not the tissue-specific location, may better explain their correlation with CI.

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