2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 100
C. E. Stringari ◽  
W. C. Marques ◽  
L. F. Mello ◽  
R. T. Edit

Oil spills can generate different effects in different time scales on the marine ecosystem. The numerical modeling of this process is an important tool with low computational cost which provides a powerful appliance to environmental agencies regarding the risk management. In this way, the objective of this work is evaluate the local wind influence in a hypothetical oil spill along the Southern Brazilian shelf. The numerical simulation was carried using the ECOS model (Easy Coupling Oil System), an oil spill model developed at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, coupled with the tridimensional hydrodynamical model TELEMAC3D (EDF, France). The hydrodynamic model provides the velocities, salinity and temperature fields used by the oil spill model to evaluate the behavior and fate of the oil. The results suggest that the local wind influence are the main forcing driven the fate of the spilled oil. The direction and intensity of the currents are important controlling the behavior and the tridimensional transportation of the oil, on the other hand, the turbulent diffusion is important for the horizontal drift of the oil. The weathering results indicate 40% of evaporation and 80% of emulsification, and the combination of these processes leads an increasing of the oil density around 53.4 kg/m³ after 5 days of simulation.

M. Sornam

Oil spill pollution plays a significant role in damaging marine ecosystem. Discharge of oil due to tanker accidents has the most dangerous effects on marine environment. The main waste source is the ship based operational discharges. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be effectively used for the detection and classification of oil spills. Oil spills appear as dark spots in SAR images. One major advantage of SAR is that it can generate imagery under all weather conditions. However, similar dark spots may arise from a range of unrelated meteorological and oceanographic phenomena, resulting in misidentification. A major focus of research in this area is the development of algorithms to distinguish ‘oil spills’ from ‘look-alikes’. The features of detected dark spot are then extracted and classified to discriminate oil spills from look-alikes. This paper describes the development of a new approach to SAR oil spill detection using Segmentation method and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). A SAR-based oil-spill detection process consists of three stages: image segmentation, feature extraction and object recognition (classification) of the segmented objects as oil spills or look-alikes. The image segmentation was performed with Otsu method. Classification has been done using Back Propagation Network and this network classifies objects into oil spills or look-alikes according to their feature parameters. Improved results have been achieved for the discrimination of oil spills and look-alikes.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. e1400265 ◽  
Deeksha Gupta ◽  
Bivas Sarker ◽  
Keith Thadikaran ◽  
Vijay John ◽  
Charles Maldarelli ◽  

Crude oil spills are a major threat to marine biota and the environment. When light crude oil spills on water, it forms a thin layer that is difficult to clean by any methods of oil spill response. Under these circumstances, a special type of amphiphile termed as “chemical herder” is sprayed onto the water surrounding the spilled oil. The amphiphile forms a monomolecular layer on the water surface, reducing the air–sea surface tension and causing the oil slick to retract into a thick mass that can be burnt in situ. The current best-known chemical herders are chemically stable and nonbiodegradable, and hence remain in the marine ecosystem for years. We architect an eco-friendly, sacrificial, and effective green herder derived from the plant-based small-molecule phytol, which is abundant in the marine environment, as an alternative to the current chemical herders. Phytol consists of a regularly branched chain of isoprene units that form the hydrophobe of the amphiphile; the chain is esterified to cationic groups to form the polar group. The ester linkage is proximal to an allyl bond in phytol, which facilitates the hydrolysis of the amphiphile after adsorption to the sea surface into the phytol hydrophobic tail, which along with the unhydrolyzed herder, remains on the surface to maintain herding action, and the cationic group, which dissolves into the water column. Eventual degradation of the phytol tail and dilution of the cation make these sacrificial amphiphiles eco-friendly. The herding behavior of phytol-based amphiphiles is evaluated as a function of time, temperature, and water salinity to examine their versatility under different conditions, ranging from ice-cold water to hot water. The green chemical herder retracted oil slicks by up to ~500, 700, and 2500% at 5°, 20°, and 35°C, respectively, during the first 10 min of the experiment, which is on a par with the current best chemical herders in practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Paulin Yosephin Marini ◽  
Sherlly Monica Bonsapia ◽  
Johni R.V. Korwa

<p><em>This study aims to analyze a blowout from an oil and gas leak owned by PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP) Australasia in the Montara oil field in the Indonesian Timor Sea, and how to resolve disputes between Australia and Indonesia. A qualitative approach was used in this study, whilst the data collection technique was through library research. The theory of state responsibility, the concept of human security, and the concept of international maritime law are used to analyze disputes between Indonesia and Australia. The study found that the Montara oil spill had not only damaged the marine ecosystem but also polluted Indonesian waters. It also found that although the Australian government had formed a special commission to resolve cases and even used dispersant, it had not satisfied all parties. Several points are summarized. First, the Montara oil spill in Australia is a transnational study because the impact has crossed national borders. Secondly, UNCLOS has a weakness in the settlement of the Montara case because the Convention only provides a description related to ‘Responsibility of Each Country’ and does not specifically arrange material compensation mechanisms to countries that cause sea pollution. Third, the Montara oil spill has caused huge losses for Indonesian seaweed farmers, especially 13 districts in NTT. The recommendations are that the Indonesian government along with the Montara Victim Peoples’ Advocacy Team should continue to follow up the case of oil spills from the Montara platform and continue to fight for compensation to the Australian government and the PTTEP as the responsible party.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
Eduart Wolok ◽  
Jamal Barafi ◽  
Navneet Joshi ◽  
Rossella Girimonte ◽  
Sudip Chakraborty

AbstractThe major battle that the human civilization is facing in the present era is regarding pollution; one of a serious threat among these pollutions is the contamination of water bodies due to oil spills. Oil spills from ships, tankers, or leaks in marine oil pipes are something that is needed to deal with to make the earth a better place. To protect the water and the environment, this oil should be removed from the water or the surface. The chances for oil spills have reduced as we have observed there is a significant change in the pattern with the decrease of the use of tankers and pipelines for oil and petroleum derivatives. The point should be that according to the researchers, the marine ecosystem is damaged even more by the other sources of pollution even though the event of oil spills is certainly much sensational. There is an urgent requirement of advanced eco-friendly tools to eliminate spilled oil. Some studies suggest that the use of organic matter may be an effective step in such an oil spilled scenario. Organic matter acts as a sorbent, a surfactant, and a separator and can make using a variety of ingredients such as organic, inorganic, synthetic, or different, but they must interact with the biological system. Some organic materials can contaminate the water more than the oil that is spread, so eco-friendly, non-toxic, low-cost organic matter should be used for oil removal and recovery. If the oil is recovered from the environmental surface, then after the successful removal of that oil, it can be conducive to sustainable development. This review summarizes the overall perspective on the potential of different biomaterials for the removal of accidentally spilled oils.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 412-438

AbstractIn the face of technology failures in preventing oil from reaching beaches and coasts after catastrophic oil spills in the 1960s and early 1970s, the oil industry and governmental officials needed to quickly reconsider their idea of prevention. Initially, prevention meant stopping spilled oil from coating beaches and coasts. Exploring the presentations at three oil-spill conferences in 1969, 1971 and 1973, this idea of prevention changed as the technological optimism of finding effective methods met the realities of oil-spill cleanup. By 1973, prevention meant stopping oil spills before they happened. This rapid policy transformation came about because the oil industry could not hide the visual evidence of the source of their technology failures. In this century, as policymakers confront invisible pollutants such as pesticides and greenhouse gases, considering ways to visually show the source of the pollution along with the effects could quicken policy decisions.

1991 ◽  
Vol 1991 (1) ◽  
pp. 673-676
Edward Tennyson

ABSTRACT Recent large oil spills from tankers have reaffirmed the need for continuing technology assessment and research to improve oil-spill response capabilities. The Minerals Management Service (MMS) remains a lead agency in conducting these studies. This paper discusses MMS concerns, as reinforced by the acceleration of its research program in 1990. It briefly assesses the current state-of-the-art technology for major aspects of spill response, including remote sensing, open-ocean containment, recovery, in-situ burning, chemical treating agents, beach-line cleanup, and oil behavior. The paper reports on specific research projects that have begun to yield information that will improve detection and at-sea equipment performance. The first detection project, for which MMS has patent pending, involves the use of shipboard navigational radar to track slicks at relatively long range. The second project involves the use of conventional containment and cleanup in a downwind mode, which is contrary to the traditional procedures. The paper also discusses current research projects, including the development of an airborne, laser-assisted fluorosensor that can determine whether apparent slicks contain oil. Additional projects involve the development of improved strategies for responding to oil in broken-ice conditions, for gaining an improved understanding of the fate and behavior of spilled oil as it affects response strategies, and for reopening and operating the oil and hazardous materials simulated environmental test tank (OHMSETT) facility in Leonardo, New Jersey. Recent progress on the development of safe and environmentally acceptable strategies to burn spilled oil in-situ is also discussed. The OHMSETT facility is necessary for testing prospective improvements in chemical treating agents and to develop standard procedures for testing and evaluating response equipment.

2001 ◽  
Vol 2001 (2) ◽  
pp. 975-981 ◽  
Paula Jokuty

ABSTRACT When an oil spill occurs, there is an immediate need on the part of spill responders to know the properties of the spilled oil, as these will affect the behavior, fate, and effects of the oil, which will in turn affect the choice of countermeasures. However, it is often difficult or impossible to obtain a sample of the spilled oil, let alone the specialized analysis required to determine its properties, in a manner timely enough to suit the circumstances of an oil spill. Under the scrutiny of the media and the public, answers regarding the identity and predicted behavior of the spilled oil will be expected immediately, if not sooner. In preparation for such emergencies, the Emergencies Science Division (ESD) of Environment Canada has been collecting properties data for crude oils and oil products since 1984. Basic physical properties—density, viscosity, pour point, etc.—and environmentally relevant characteristics—evaporation rates, emulsion formation, chemical dispersibility—are measured. Properties related to health and safety—flash point, volatile organic compounds, sulfur—also are determined. In fact, nearly 20 different types of measurements are made for both fresh and weathered crude oils and oil products. To date data has been collected for more than 400 oils. For ease of access, this information is stored in an electronic database. The database in turn is accessible via the World Wide Web, and is also periodically printed in an easy-to-read catalogue format. The wide variety of data collected in the database also makes it possible to examine both simple and complex relationships that may exist between oil properties and spill behavior. This presentation will review the full scope of information determined and collected by ESD. Using tables and graphs, examples will be presented of the many ways in which this information can be viewed and used by both laymen and experts in the field of oil spills.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 (1) ◽  
pp. 2017-076
Changwoo Nam ◽  
Houxiang Li ◽  
T.C. Mike Chung

ABSTRACT 2017-076 In this paper, we discuss a new class of i-PetroGel oil-superabsorbent technology that has shown a potential solution to the oil spill recovery and cleanup in arctic environments, based on the laboratory tests at Penn State and an open tank test at Ohmsett. This i-PetroGel material is formed by polyolefin polymers that are petroleum downstream products with similar oleophilic and hydrophobic properties of oil molecules. Apart from many oil sorbents based on adsorption, i-PetroGel absorbs oil by absorption (similar to Hydrogel absorbing aqueous solutions) and swells to a large volume. During Ohmsett testing, i-PetroGel flakes spread on top of the affected area showed effective transformation of Alaska North Slope (ANS) oil into a floating gel on the seawater surface, which was effectively recovered by an oleophilic drum skimmer and pumped to a storage tank. The recovered ANS oil-swelled adducts, containing <0.1 wt% water, exhibit similar distillation characteristics as the original ANS oil. Overall, this i-PetroGel technology could potentially provide a comprehensive solution for combating oil spills, with the goal to dramatically reduce the environmental impacts from oil spills and help recover one of the most precious natural resources. i-PetroGel exhibits a combination of desirable properties. ✓ High oil absorption capacity about 35–40 times by weight at 3 and 25 °C. ✓ Suitable to a broad range of hydrocarbons, including complex crude oils, refined oil products (gasolines, diesels, heating oils, etc.), and solvents (toluene, benzene, etc.). ✓ Fast kinetics in capturing the spilled oil. ✓ No detectable water absorption in i-PetroGel. ✓ The resulting oil/i-PetroGel adducts floating on water surface are recovered by skimmer. ✓ The recovered oil/i-Petrogel adducts can be refined as crude oil through standard refining processes. ✓ Cost effective. ✓ No secondary pollution.

1997 ◽  
Vol 1997 (1) ◽  
pp. 1029-1030 ◽  
Gordon A. Robilliard ◽  
Paul D. Boehm ◽  
Michael J. Amman

ABSTRACT The purpose of the guidance manual is to identify for first responders the basic methods for collecting, preserving, and documenting essential ephemeral samples and data that are needed for NRDA and general environmental assessment in oil spills. The manual assumes that first responders will have limited specialized experience, expertise, and equipment in environmental sampling. Ephemeral data and samples include (a) source oil and freshly spilled oil, (b) the spatial distribution and amount of oil on the water surface and on shorelines, (c) unoiled beach sediments, (d) oil in the water column in unoiled and oiled areas, and (e) selected unoiled intertidal organisms. The manual provides guidance on where, when, and how to collect each type of sample and data. The manual emphasizes the importance of documenting samples and data so that they can be used later to evaluate the environmental impacts of the spilled oil.

1979 ◽  
Vol 1979 (1) ◽  
pp. 685-692
Peter C. Cornillon ◽  
Malcolm L. Spaulding ◽  
Kurt Hansen

ABSTRACT As part of a larger project assessing the environmental impact of treated versus untreated oil spills, a fates model has been developed which tracks both the surface and subsurface oil. The approach used to spread, drift, and evaporate the surface slick is similar to that in most other oil spill models. The subsurface technique, however, makes use of a modified particle-in-cell method which diffuses and advects individual oil/dispersant droplets representative of a large number of similar droplets. This scheme predicts the time-dependent oil concentration distribution in the water column, which can then be employed as input to a fisheries population model. In addition to determining the fate of the untreated spill, the model also allows for chemical treatment and/or mechanical cleanup of the spilled oil. With this capability, the effectiveness of different oil spill control and removal strategies can be quantified. The model has been applied to simulate a 34,840 metric ton spill of a No. 2-type oil on Georges Bank. The concentration of oil in the water column and the surface slick trajectory are predicted as a function of time for chemically treated and untreated spills occurring in April and December. In each case, the impact on the cod fishery was determined and is described in detail in a paper by Reed and Spaulding presented at this conference.

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