2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin ◽  
Fachri Nanda Aulia ◽  
Cut Ita Erliana

PT. Industri Nabati Lestari, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan CPO (crude palm oil) menjadi minyak goreng (olein) dan memiliki produk sampingan dari hasil pengolahan yaitu stearin dan PFAD. Permasalahan yang didapati hasil uji laboratorium pada perusahaan menunjukkan kualitas olein masih berbeda - beda. Hal ini menunjukkan kualitas pengolahan olein yang dihasilkan ternyata tidak konsisten, sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan perusahaan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengadakan pengukuran terhadap kadar colour (red), FFA (free fatty acid)  dan IV (Iodine Value). Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode Statistical Quality Control (SQC) menggunakan peta kendali rata - rata (x), peta kendali range (R), dan perhitungan kapabilitas proses, dilanjutkan dengan membuat diagram sebab akibat (cause-effect) untuk mengetahui penyebab produk yang berada diluar batas kendali. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa kadar Colour dan kadar FFA (Free Fatty Acid) sudah berada dalam batas kendali sedangkan kadar Iodine Value (IV) terdapat 2 data dari 30 data yang tidak memenuhi standar mutu. Berdasarkan hasil analisa yang di lakukkan dengan diagram sebab akibat, dapat diidentifikasi faktor - faktor penyebab kekurangan kualitas pada kadar IV (Iodine Value) seperti faktor metode yaitu pergantian resep yang tidak akurat, faktor manusia yaitu kurangnya kontrol dalam mengoperasikan mesin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 317-327
MM Zannat ◽  
R Nandi ◽  
M Ashik-E-Rabbani ◽  
MA Awal

Performance of a motor operated oil palm crusher was tested at the Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. The crusher is powered by a three- phase 7.5hp electric motor. Crushing efficiency and crushing capacity are some of the most important parameters for evaluating the crushing performance. This study provides some information on the composition of crude palm oil, palm oil extraction methods, the crushing efficiency, etc. The crusher has an average oil extraction efficiency of 72.84 %. This was obtained from 2.5kg of palm fruit at the steaming time of 2min. The average crushing capacity of the crusher was 12.72 kg/hr. The average crude palm oil percentage in fruit was 19.67%. On an average 200 gm of crude palm oil was extracted from 1 kg of fruit. The average oil cake percentage in palm fruit was 62.2% and the average sediment percentage was 14.04%.  Manually, the crushing capacity was 0.84 kg/hr, crude palm oil percentage was 22.14%, oil cake percentage was 44.28%. The break-even point of the crusher was 700 hr. It means that if the crusher is used for more than 700 hr, it will be economically suitable compared to manual crusher. The quality parameters evaluated were Free fatty acid, Iodine value, Peroxide value and Saponification value. Free fatty acid was 1.33%; Iodine value was 50; Peroxide value was 2meq/kg; and Saponification value was 120. Overall performance of the machine was satisfactory compared to manually operated crusher. Progressive Agriculture 30 (3): 317-327, 2019

2021 ◽  
Vol 1053 (1) ◽  
pp. 012110
N Suriaini ◽  
A Raaf ◽  
N Arpi ◽  
Y Syamsuddin ◽  
M D Supardan

2016 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  

AbstractVegetable oil enriched with diacylglycerol (DAG) isknown as healthy oil. This oil is much more expensive thancooking oil. Production of DAG could be performed byglycerolysis process of CPO using specific lipase of 1,3-glyceride from Rhizopus oryzae mold. Product derived fromglycerolysis process of CPO is a mixture of DAG, mono-acylglycerol (MAG), free fatty acid (FFA) and residual ofunglycerolysed triacylglyserol (TAG). Therefore the DAGproduct has to be isolated from other components in order toget high purity of DAG. The objective of the research was topurify and to find out optimal concentration of DAG derivedfrom a mixture product of CPO glycerolysis at laboratoryscale experiment (total reactant for glycerolysis was93.8 mL) and semipilot scale experiment (10 times oflaboratory scale) using column chromatography with silicagel as stationary phase. The research showed that thehighest DAG content could be collected at fraction of 26 th i.e65%, while at semipilot scale experiment the highest contentof DAG (97%) was achieved at 64 to 66th fraction.Reglycerolysis of residual CPO only yielded 8.24%glycerolysis product which was much lower than that of thefirst glycerolysis reaching 46.67%. The highest DAG derivedfrom the second reglycerolysis product was achieved at 24 thfraction reaching 35.71 % .AbstrakMinyak nabati kaya kandungan diasilgliserol (DAG)dikenal sebagai minyak sehat (healthy oil). Minyak ini jauhlebih mahal dari minyak makan biasa. Produksi DAG dapatdilakukan dengan proses gliserolisis CPO menggunakanenzim lipase spesifik 1,3-gliserida dari kapang Rhizopusoryzae. Produk gliserolisis CPO triasilgliserol adalahcampuran DAG, monoasilgliserol (MAG) dan asam lemakbebas (ALB) serta residu triasilgliserol (TAG) yang tidaktergliserolisis. Oleh karena itu DAG yang terbentuk harusdipisahkan dari komponen lainnya agar diperoleh fraksi DAGdengan kemurnian tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmemurnikan dan menetapkan konsentrasi DAG yang dapatdiperoleh dari gliserolisis CPO skala lab (total reaktan93,8 mL) dan skala semipilot (10 kali skala laboratorium)dengan kromatografi kolom menggunakan fase padat silikagel. Residu TAG dari gliserolisis pertama digunakan untukgliserolisis kedua atau gliserolisis ulang. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa fraksi DAG dengan konsentrasitertinggi diperoleh pada fraksi ke-26 yaitu sebesar 65%,sedangkan pada percobaan dengan skala semipilot (10 kaliskala laboratorium) diketahui bahwa konsentrasi DAGtertinggi (97%) diperoleh pada fraksi ke-64 sampai denganke-66. Gliserolisis kedua dari residu CPO hanya mampumenghidrolisis TAG menjadi campuran DAG, MAG danALB sekitar 8,24%, lebih kecil dari reaksi gliserolisispertama yaitu sebesar 46,67%. DAG tertinggi yang berhasildikumpulkan dari produk gliserolisis kedua adalah padafraksi ke-24 yaitu sebesar 35,71% .

2013 ◽  
Vol 446-447 ◽  
pp. 1523-1527
Krit Somnuk ◽  
Gumpon Prateepchaikul

Free fatty acid (FFA) in mixed crude palm oil (MCPO) must be reduced to less than 1 wt.% or 2 mgKOH.g-1of acid value by the acid-catalyzed esterification process when the base-catalyzed transesterification was used to produce the biodiesel for the two-stage process. This study was to investigate the effects of acid catalyst types: sulfuric acid (H2SO4), phosphoric acid (H3PO4), and hydrochloric acid (HCL) at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 vol.% of acid catalyst concentration on the reduction of acid value in MCPO by the continuous static mixer. Results indicated that H2SO4has the most significant variable affecting the acid value in MCPO. The acid catalyst concentration of 1.0 and 1.5 vol.% H2SO4can reduce the acid value to less than 2 mgKOH.g-1with 15 vol.% of methanol and 5-meter in the length of static mixer, while both H3PO4and HCL could not reduce the acid value was reduced to less than 2 mgKOH.g-1. Moreover, the results clearly indicated that HCL has the lowest significance effect on the acid value reduction in MCPO by the esterification reaction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-102
Eka Nuryanto ◽  
Iput Pradiko ◽  
Zulfi Prima Sani Nasution

Mixing Crude Palm Oil (CPO) with high and lower Free Fatty Acid (FFA) is a technique to reduce FFA in CPO. Avocado Seeds Extract (ASE) was expected to reduce the FFA. This study was conducted to test the ability of ASE on reducing ALB in CPO. The variable in this study is ASE solution (0-50 ml). The whole treatment were conducted at same level of o temperatur 60 C, stirring speed (400 rpm) and reaction time (60 minutes). The research was employed non factorial Completely Randomized Design. Statistical analysis was performed using F Test along with Duncan Test. The results showed that addition of ASE can reduce FFA. The results of F Test showed that the addition of 25 ml ASE is the most effective for reduction ALB content (4.65 % to 0.22 %) in CPO.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Murad Bahadi ◽  
Nadia Salih ◽  
Jumat Salimon

Oleic acid (OA) rich vegetable oils is important for the daily essential dietary oils intake but restrict to particular oil such as olive oil. However OA enrichment to other vegetable oil such as palm oil is always possible. OA can be obtained from cheap resources such as high free fatty acid crude palm oil (HFFA-CPO). OA concentrate from HFFA-CPO fatty acids mixture requires efficient and low cost technique. Urea complex crystallization fractionation is a classic method for fractionating saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids from polyunsaturated fatty acids of many vegetable oils. In this work, the separation and purification of oleic acid (OA) from unsaturated fatty acids mixture fraction (USFA) of HFFA-CPO fatty acids mixture by urea complex fractionation (UCF) was studied. The crystallization reaction conditions of urea inclusion for the non-urea complex fraction (NUCF) were optimized using the response surface methodology (RSM) and the optimal model was developed. The results showed high content of OA (88%) in urea complex fraction (UCF) with 86% yield at optimal conditions of urea-to-USFAs ratio of 4.62 : 1 (w/w), crystallization temperature at –10°C and crystallization time of 24 h. The results have demonstrated that urea complex crystallization fractionation method is a very effective with low cost, stable, obtainable, and comparatively ease to recover of OA from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of an oil fatty acids mixture. Pure OA is plausible to be used back for the OA enrichment modification into palm oil for new dietary oil.

2017 ◽  
Indra Masmur ◽  
Seri Bima Sembiring ◽  
Nimpan Bangun ◽  
Jamaran Kaban ◽  
Nabila Karina Putri

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-102
Eka Nuryanto ◽  
Iput Pradiko ◽  
Zulfi Prima Sani Nasution

Mixing Crude Palm Oil (CPO) with high and lower Free Fatty Acid (FFA) is a technique to reduce FFA in CPO. Avocado Seeds Extract (ASE) was expected to reduce the FFA. This study was conducted to test the ability of ASE on reducing ALB in CPO. The variable in this study is ASE solution (0-50 ml). The whole treatment were conducted at same level of o temperatur 60 C, stirring speed (400 rpm) and reaction time (60 minutes). The research was employed non factorial Completely Randomized Design. Statistical analysis was performed using F Test along with Duncan Test. The results showed that addition of ASE can reduce FFA. The results of F Test showed that the addition of 25 ml ASE is the most effective for reduction ALB content (4.65 % to 0.22 %) in CPO.

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