Implementation of Social Culture in Corporate Governance: A Literature Study
Good corporate governance (GCG) is a principle implemented by the company to ensure that the interests of stakeholders are not neglected. GCG consists of five main pillars which are transparency, accountability, responsiveness, independency, and fairness. In Indonesia, GCG implementation has not been effective enough as it is only necessarry for large companies and the public. The instrument used to assess GCG implementation is not appropriate either, examples of such are its portion, the existence and role of independent commissioners, portion, the existence and role of the audit committee, and ownership structure. This paper analyzes the implementation of culture found in Indonesian people living in GCG system. With the implementation of this social culture, the corporate GCG is better in its implementation because it is built on the noble values of the people. It then became the Pancasila which is the philosophy of Indonesia as such the the GCG implementation is accessed using the Pancasila Corporate Governance Index (PCGI).