scholarly journals Peran Dedikasi Pendidik Dalam Mengembangkan Basis Mutu Pendidikan

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Muhammad Zainal Abidin

This study aims to determine the role of teacher dedication in improving the quality of education. Furthermore, the role of teacher dedication is expected to be concluded how important the role of teacher dedication is in improving the quality of education, as well as knowing the obstacles of teachers in improving the quality of education. This research was conducted in the form of field research. The book which is used as the main guideline in this research is 1) "Spiritual Teaching" (contains the teacher's dedication to his work), written by Abdullah Munir, 2) "Quality and Competitive Education" by Dedi Mulyasana. This research uses qualitative research, data collection is done by interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that Madrasah Aliyah Negri 1 Suruh has dedicated teachers. The form of dedication is 1) There is a sense of willingness of teachers to always sacrifice both the sacrifice of energy, thought and time in order to improve the quality of education, 2) The growth of the desire of teachers to provide the best in improving the quality of education, 3) Teachers Teachers S indirectly have strong soul in improving the quality of education. Besides Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kabupaten Semarang also has a good quality of educational education. This can be observed from the results of increasing academic achievement obtained from year to year. While non-academic achievement is seen from the change in attitude of students who experience changes in attitude for the better. however, in improving the quality of education against the obstacles faced by teachers. These obstacles are the lack of students learning, the distance from the teacher's house to the school is quite far, the lack of respect for students to teachers and differences in the basic knowledge of religion students have. Then the existence of dedicated teachers in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kabupaten Semarang has an impact on the quality of Education.

Sumiyati S

This research is a qualitative research that is field research, researchers describe the findings sourced from the field. The research data were obtained from interviews with respondents, consisting of parents and community leaders as well as observations of children in Kajen Village Rt 04 / Rw 02. Data collection techniques used were through observation, interviews, and documentation. While the technical analysis of data includes data reduction, data presentation and verification.From the results of this study indicate that the role of parents in Rt 04 / Rw 02 Kajen Margoyoso Village Pati Regency related in Improving Early Childhood Speaking Behavior is mostly good, smooth and develops according to the development of his age. It's just that they as parents need to know and be aware that, educating children must be with patience and perseverance. Parents can teach polite speaking behavior by familiarizing children with things that are praiseworthy from an early age. Because children are a reflection of the actions of their parents. So that the hope of parents later children can behave and talk politely with everyone.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 93
Ulil Azmi ◽  
Muhammad Ridha DS

Abstract: This study aims to explore and analyze the principal's management in improving the quality of education at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau. The approach used in this research is qualitative research approach by using field research type (field research). The subject of the study was the principal at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau. Data collection is done through observation, interview and documentation study. The analyst technique used is as follows: (1). Data reduction, (2). Presentation of data, (3). After the data is compiled and then drawn conclusions in the form of matrices and narratives. The results show that with good management, there is a quality improvement in MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau, this is proven, with many events that have been successfully implemented in order to improve the quality, such as camps and provincial and provincial silat martial arts ever held at MAS Thawalib Tanjung Limau.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Sarno Hanipudin ◽  
Zulaekha Zulaekha

The role of the committee in improving the quality of education is that it is able to assist and coordinate with the school in order to continuously improve quality through the four roles it plays. With the establishment of good communication between the school and the school committee on how to improve the quality of schools, the facilities and infrastructure that support each Madrasah performance in improving quality will be realized. This research was conducted with the aim of describing the role of the School Committee in the effort to improve the quality at MI Ma'arif 03 Limbangan Cilacap. The aspects studied included the role of the School Committee as a provider of consideration, supporter, controller, and mediator. This study uses a qualitative approach and the type of research is Field Research. Data collection uses observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The instrument used was the researcher himself. The research subjects were the principal and the school committee. The object of the research was the role of the school committee in improving the quality of education. The data analysis process was carried out by data classification, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The technique of checking the validity of the data used triangulation of sources and methods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 2570-2589
Wellya Fitri ◽  
Vanica Sherly

This research aims to investigate how members of the organization view the role of accounting and accountability in sharia entities before converting from convensional banks to sharia banks.  This research is a type of phenomenological research.  Data collection techniques are guided free interviews.  The interview were conducted with employees of the Bank of Nagari Syariah Unit of West Sumatera and the sharia Unit of Payakumbuh branch.  The results of this research proved that (1)The Imperfect  implementation of Sharia accounting on Bank Nagari Syariah Unit of West Sumatera related to the concept of time period in terms of zakat reporting and withdrawal, thus making the implementation of the Islamic accounting system has not fulfilled the rules expected, (2) Low quality of human resources residing in the sharia branches related to sharia accounting and accountability, because they didn’t realizing that the sharia system is run from the basic knowledge of sharia and sharia responsibility as a good Muslim, (3) Sharia units cannot fully run a Sharia products as a whole because is constrained by the capitalist rules that must be followed without any other options such as accounting concepts in monetary units, (4) The low level of public awareness that chooses to become a Sharia Bank client to fully carry out pure sharia from its own instinctively

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 477-494
Ali Idrus ◽  
Ade Maman

One of the solutions proposed by Badan Amil Zakat Nasional is to form Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik which has the task of improving the quality of life of mustahik through its programs. So, the purpose of this study is to find out how the role of Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik Badan Amil Zakat Nasional in improving the economic welfare of mustahik. This study uses qualitative research methods that produce descriptive data. Where this research is based on observations made by the author and then explained according to what the author observed in the field. The data collection that the researchers did was using the method of observation, documentary interviews, and other data. When the data has been collected, the researcher conducts an analysis and then draws conclusions from the analysis. The results of this study are Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Mustahik BAZNAS plays a role in the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and focuses on potential creative businesses, empowers by providing business development capital assistance, in accordance with the budget draft proposed by mustahik, and approved by LPEM BAZNAS. Keywords: The Role of LPEM BAZNAS, Mustahik's Economic Welfare

Syafi'i Syafi'i

The leadership of the kiai becomes very important in Islamic boarding school because the development of the quality of pesantren education depends on the competence of the leader, the meaning of the leader here is the kiai or caretaker of the boarding school. This study aims to describe the first role of leadership in improving the quality of education, secondly the leadership of kiai that is effective in improving the quality of education in Islamic boarding schools.This research uses a qualitative method, with a case study in Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic Boarding School in Malang. Data collection was carried out using interview, observation, and documentation and observation techniques. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative methods and inductive thinking patterns. The purpose is to analyze the data obtained from field objects, and then to be related to relevant theories.The results showed: 1) The role of the kiai in improving quality in the Bahrul Maghfiroh Islamic boarding school in Malang is as a manager, educator, human resource empowerment, decision maker, attainee of the pesantren, motivator and supervisor. 2) Effective kiai leadership is leadership that builds cooperation with kiai or other institutions, regenerates kiai and builds good relations with the community.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 407
ZM Abid Mohammady

Abstract: In the context of Indonesia, the quality of education seems to be something taboo to talk about, however, according to researchers the quality of education in Indonesia is very apprehensive. It is necessary for the role of headmaster and special efforts in developing a quality education institution through organizational culture as a value system that is understood, imbued, run jointly by members of the organization as a system of meaning or guidance for the organizers. This study aims to describe the three roles and impacts role of the headmaster role in developing the quality of organizational culture, they are: (1) the role of the headmaster as a manager; (2) the role of the headmaster as the educator; (3) the role of the headmaster as the supervisor; 4) The impact of the headmaster's role in developing the quality of organizational culture quality at SDMT Ponorogo. This research is categorized into a field research with qualitative descriptive approach and the research design was case study. The setting of study was at SDMT Ponorogo.  The findings showed that (1). The role of headmaster as manager encompasses conducting internal and external analysis, internalizing the Islamic value that is kemuhamadiyahan value. (2). The role of the headmaster as an educator includes involving educators in upgrading, workshops or training in order to provide opportunities for educators to improve their knowledge and skills by learning to the higher education, conducting cadre to members of organizational culture and creating jargon to motivate members of organizational culture. (3). The role of the headmaster as a supervisor comprises overseeing and Evaluating the performance and achievement of members of organizational culture, conducting weekly, monthly and semester meetings, monitoring achievements of educators and learners. (4) The impact of the school headmaster's role in developing the quality of organizational culture is organizational culture climate becomes harmonious and schools achieve more attainments.Abstrak: Dalam konteks Indonesia, mutu pendidikan seolah-olah menjadi barang yang tabu untuk diperbicangkan, dalam konteks tersebut kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia sangat memperihatinkan. Untuk itu diperlukan peran kepala sekolah dan Upaya khusus dalam mengembangkan sebuah mutu lembaga pendidikan melalui budaya organisasi sebagai sistem nilai yang dipahami, dijiwai, dijalankan secara bersama oleh anggota organisasi sebagai sistem makna atau pedoman bagi pelaku organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tiga peran serta dampak peran  kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi, yaitu: (1) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai Manajer, (2) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai Educator, (3) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor, dan (4) Dampak peran kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi di SDMT Ponorogo. Dengan menghasilkan temuan: (1).Peran kepala sekolah sebagai manajer diantaranya: melakukan analisis internal dan eksternal, menginternalisasi nilai keislaman yaitu nilai kemuhammadiahan. (2). Peran kepala sekolah sebagai educator diantaranya: mengikut sertakan pendidik dalam penataran, workshop atau pelatihan memberikan kesempatan kepada pendidik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya dengan belajar ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, melakukan pengkaderan kepada anggota budaya organisasi. membuat jargon-jargon untuk memotivasi anggota budaya organisasi. (3). Peran kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor diantarnya: mengawasi dan mengevaluasi kinerja dan pencapaian anggota budaya organisasi, mengadakan rapat setiap, minggu, bulan dan semester, memantau prestasi pendidik dan peserta didik. (4) Dampak peran kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi diantaranya: iklim budaya organisasi menjadi harmonis, sekolah menjadi lebih berprestasi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-144
Wendi Purwanto

           The background of this study is the uniqueness of the management zakat fitrah in Nuguk hamlet by giving to those considered to have a match or harmony, with the hope that the person receiving the zakat fitrah can become the mediator of health, tranquility for the life of muzakki in the future. This article is the result of qualitative field research with descriptive-analysis methods. The conclusion of this study is the management of zakat fitrah in Nuguk hamlet is performed with the classical management model, a model that’s still very simple with the way of muzakki delivering zakat fitrah to the ‘amil individually at their home respectively. The trust among the community in Nuguk hamlet is excessive and not following the ideal concept of shari’a. The management according to the al-Qur`an includes three important element, namely : collection  (Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 103), data collection and distribution (Qs. al-Baqarah [2] : 282 and Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 60), and utilization by using ‘traditional consumptive’ model, that’s zakat fitrah is directly distributed to mustahik through the ‘amil intermediary. The factors the contribute to the weaknesses of zakat fitrah management in Nuguk hamlet include : 1) low quality of education, and 2) oriented to the past management Abstrak            Latar belakang kajian ini adalah karena ada keunikan manajeman zakat fitrah di Dusun Nuguk, yaitu dengan cara menyerahkan kepada orang yang dianggap cocok atau serasi, dengan harapan orang yang menerima zakat fitrah tersebut dapat menjadi perantara kesehatan, ketenteraman bagi kehidupan muzakki dikemudian hari. Artikel ini merupakan hasil dari penelitian kualitatif lapangan dengan metode deskriptif-analisis. Adapun kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah manajemen zakat fitrah di Dusun Nuguk dilakukan dengan model manajemen klasik, yaitu suatu model manajemen yang masih sangat sederhana dengan cara muzakki menyerahkan zakat fitrah kepada ‘amil yang bersifat perorangan di rumah ‘amil masing-masing. Kepercayaan masyarakat Dusun Nuguk yang berlebihan kepada ‘amil dirasa kurang sesuai dengan konsep ideal syariat. Adapun manajemen menurut Alquran meliputi tiga unsur penting, yaitu : Pengumpulan (Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 103), Pendataan dan Pendistribusian (Qs. Al-Baqarah [2] : 282 dan Qs. At-Taubah [9] : 60, serta Pendayagunaan dengan menggunakan model ‘konsumtif tradisional’, yaitu zakat fitrah langsung didistribusikan kepada mustahik melalui perantara ‘amil. Faktor yang menyebabkan lemehnya mananjemen zakat fitrah di dusun Nuguk ada dua, yaitu : (1) Rendahnya mutu pendidikan, dan (2) Berorientasi pada manajemen masa lalu.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93

This aims of the study are finding the development strategy in the tourist area of the Dlundung waterfall to be excellent destination in Mojokerto. This is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data will be analyzed by SWOT method. Strategies have been found is the increased promotion of the natural beauty of waterfalls and campgrounds, additional facilities of outbound and painball, repair and improvement of facilities, road improvements, additional services and hours of operation of public transport, improving the quality of human resources of tourism, Perhutani reports the condition of the campground to Disparta about prioritized apparatus intensively, Perhutani and Disparta give an opportunity for investors to benefit location of the campsite, ask for the role of local communities in improving the security of tourism, Perhutani maintains the cleanliness and comfort of the facilities at tourist sites, increasing community empowerment in troubleshooting facilities and accessibility. Keywords: the development strategy, excellent destination

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Rini Kurnia Sari ◽  
Cecep Hidayat ◽  
Stephanie Bangapadang

 Indonesia is predicted to experience a demographic bonus period in 2030. In order for  Indonesia to get the maximum benefit from this demographic bonus, the availability of abundant  productive-age human resources must be balanced by improving the quality of education and  skills. Educated and competitive human resources need to be improved in terms of the number  and quality of competitiveness to support sustainable growth. In this research, the authors want to see the role of universities in influencing economic growth. The role of universities can  be measured by the number of universities, college enrollment rate and the human development  index (HDI). The analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The research  data used are panel data, data from 34 provinces in Indonesia with the study year 2015 - 2018.

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