scholarly journals Use of Sports Facilities and Areas For After Earthquake Disaster Services

Levent Atali ◽  
Kursad Sertbas
2005 ◽  
Dr. Shinkichi Kishi ◽  
Mr. Hattori Hideyasu ◽  
Dr. Yuzo Suga

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 709-716
Slavica Ostojić Krsmanović ◽  
Ljiljana Crnčević Radović

The modern way of life means a quick pace that carries a tremendous amount of stress, irregular diet and lack of physical activity, which poses a health risk. For this reason, the World Health Organization recommends physical activity of at least 30 minutes a day which can be, among others, achieved using the pool. Only safe swimming pool water can provide users with all the benefits of its use, which will lead to overall health improvement. Although microbiological hazards pose the greatest danger to the health, chemical risks, as a result of unhygienic user behavior, should not be neglected since they can lead to a reduced effect of disinfection. The presence of urine in the pool water leads to a chemical reaction between nitrogen compounds from the urine and chlorine-based disinfectant, which creates chloramines which are the prerequisite for the occurrence of by-products of disinfection. As a result of their presence, the pool users may experience irritation of respiratory tract, skin and eyes. Our study was designed to determine the presence of urination during the use of the pool and examine the regularity of using the toilet before entering the pool. The survey was conducted on 1,506 respondents, divided into two age groups. In the age group of 12 to 15 years there were 380 respondents and in the age group of 18 to 25 years, 1,126 participants. Data of our study show that 27.0% of respondents had at least one episode of urination inside the pool. At least one episode of urination inside the pool had nearly one third of respondents aged 12 to 15 years (30.2%) and every fourth respondent in age group 18 to 25 years (25.9%). Of the total number of respondents in our research, 59.5% considered that the use of the toilet before entering the pool is very important hygienic measure. Hygienic significance of this measure identified 41.5% of the respondents in age group 12 to 15 years and 65.7% of respondents aged 18 to 25 years. In relation to the regularity of use, the results of our survey show that 50.5% of respondents, or half of our respondents, regularly use the toilet before entering the pool. In the age group 12 to 15 years hygienic measure regularly applied 35.7% of respondents. A significantly higher percentage of regular use of this hygienic measure, but still not sufficiently high, was recorded in the age group of 18 to 25 years (55.5%). The results of our study lead to conclusion that urination inside the pool is present as a form of unhygienic behavior of pool users, which represents a public health problem. Since the younger age group, from 12 to 15 years, showed a higher degree of risk-taking behavior, fundamental and continuous education on the importance of implementation of hygiene measures when using the pool is necessary. Code of conduct in the context of sports facilities, which include the swimming pools, should start since an early age. Learning about forms of behavior in public places and public sports facilities begins in the family and later continues throughout schooling. Health education is a part of the general culture of every individual, regardless of gender, age, education and standard.

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