scholarly journals Analyzing the Factors of Job Satisfaction in a Mexican Hospital with Binary Indicators by Confirmatory Factor Analysis

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
Kismiantini ◽  
Osval Antonio Montesinos Lopez ◽  
Garcia Martinez J. Jesus ◽  
Franco Perez Emeterio
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Widawati Hapsari

Abstract Job satisfaction has been an important topic of focus in the organizational setting for the last few decades. This research aims to validate job satisfaction scale in medical practitioner population. The 10 items in this scale consist of 4 extrinsic facet items and 5 intrinsic facet items. This intrument was adapted into Bahasa Indonesia as suggested by Beaton, et al. (2000) and analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis. The study conducted among 287 participants working in the medical field. The study showed that the reliability of intrinsic facet is .811 and extrinsic facet .729. Further analysis found that there is correlation between intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction. This study concluded that the job satisfaction scale used in this study is valid and reliable to be applied in medical practitioner in Indonesia. Abstrak Alat ukur kepuasan kerja telah digunakan di berbagai bidang pekerjaan termasuk kesehatan. Sayangnya di Indonesia penelitian mengenai alat ukur ini sendiri masih sangat terbatas, terutama mengenai konstruk kepuasan kerja dengan subjek khusus tenaga kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengadaptasi skala kepuasan kerja untuk tenaga kesehatan dari Hills, Joyce dan Humphreys (2012) ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Proses penerjemahan berdasarkan langkah-langkah yang disarankan oleh Beaton, dkk. (2000). Alat ukur kepuasan kerja yang digunakan terbagi menjadi dua berdasarkan sumbernya, yaitu ekstrinsik dan intrinsik, dengan total 10 aitem. Peserta yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 287 responden. Berdasarkan hasil uji reliabilitas didapatkan koefisien alfa sebesar .811 untuk kepuasan kerja yang bersifat intrinsik dan .729 untuk kepuasan kerja yang bersifat ekstrinsik. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas dengan teknik faktor analisis dan uji reliabilitas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat ukur ini cukup valid dan reliabel untuk diterapkan di Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisis tambahan yang dilakukan, ditemukan hubungan antara sumber kepuasan kerja yang bersifat intrinsik dan ekstrinsik

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Anđelka Stojanović ◽  
Natalija Sofranova ◽  
Sanela Arsić ◽  
Isidora Milošević ◽  
Ivan Mihajlović

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a vital element for building a long-term relationship with a company’s stakeholders. Different dimensions of a company’s social initiatives in terms of internal and external CSR activities influence the satisfaction of employees with the purpose of improving the CSR application. The aim of this research is to examine the level of employees’ awareness of the implementation of CSR in Serbian and Russian companies. A comparative analysis between these two countries was carried out in order to perceive the differences in attitudes of employees, their job satisfaction, and consequently the implementation of CSR. The hypotheses of the developed model were tested by using the Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The obtained results offered several implications for scholars and practitioners that should be considered when formulating and implementing CSR actions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (0) ◽  
Mariana Charantola Silva ◽  
Marina Peduzzi ◽  
Carine Teles Sangaleti ◽  
Dirceu da Silva ◽  
Heloise Fernandes Agreli ◽  

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To adapt and validate the Team Climate Inventory scale, of teamwork climate measurement, for the Portuguese language, in the context of primary health care in Brazil. METHODS Methodological study with quantitative approach of cross-cultural adaptation (translation, back-translation, synthesis, expert committee, and pretest) and validation with 497 employees from 72 teams of the Family Health Strategy in the city of Campinas, SP, Southeastern Brazil. We verified reliability by the Cronbach’s alpha, construct validity by the confirmatory factor analysis with SmartPLS software, and correlation by the job satisfaction scale. RESULTS We problematized the overlap of items 9, 11, and 12 of the “participation in the team” factor and the “team goals” factor regarding its definition. The validation showed no overlapping of items and the reliability ranged from 0.92 to 0.93. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated suitability of the proposed model with distribution of the 38 items in the four factors. The correlation between teamwork climate and job satisfaction was significant. CONCLUSIONS The version of the scale in Brazilian Portuguese was validated and can be used in the context of primary health care in the Country, constituting an adequate tool for the assessment and diagnosis of teamwork.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 26 ◽  
Nicole Bérubé ◽  
Magda B. L. Donia ◽  
Marylène Gagné ◽  
Nathalie Houlfort ◽  
Elena Lvina

<p>We used the samples of six studies to validate the Work Domain Satisfaction Scale (WDSS), a global, five-item and mid-level measure of work domain well-being. English and French versions of the scale were included in the studies to assess the stability of the instrument across these languages. Confirmatory factor analysis yielded a one-factor structure, which was shown invariant across languages and samples. Test-retest reliability of the scale was high, indicating that it measures a stable construct over time. Confirmatory factor analysis also provided evidence that satisfaction with work, measured with the WDSS, is related, but conceptually and empirically distinct from both life satisfaction and job satisfaction. The WDSS was also correlated in predictable ways with affective organizational commitment, a measure of how attached people are to their organizations. Work domain satisfaction also explained a significant amount of variance in affective organizational commitment, beyond job satisfaction. Moreover, the WDSS was positively related to inclusion of work into the self, a psychological variable that reflects the importance of work in the lives of individuals. The results indicate that the WDSS is a reliable, stable, and valid mid-level measure of satisfaction with work as a domain within people’s lives.</p>

Hasan Darvish ◽  
Gholamreza Jandaghi ◽  
Maryam Mashayekhi

In this research has been paid to the research and study of new concepts in management that is considered to the attention of many researchers in various fields including economics, social sciences, and political science and ... because of its strand nature. This study investigates the effect of social capital on job satisfaction of managers and employees in the State General Inspection Organization. The purpose of this study, the type of application and data collection methods, descriptive. This study is called correlation research because of the relationship between two or more variables. In this study has been investigated the model by using exploratory and confirmatory analysis statistics. The statistics society of this research is managers, experts and employees of the State General Inspection Organization. Confirmatory factor analysis of social capital in the first question of all questions except 58 and 61 t-value are acceptable to that question will be removed and the job satisfaction of first-order factor analysis of questions 2 and 31 are removed and values x 2 / df First-and second-order confirmatory factor analysis, and RMSEA of social capital and job satisfaction of first-and second-order model is indicative of the suitability and the value of x 2 / df and RMSEA T-value of the structural model and the necessary modifications are appropriate.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 46E-65E
Ana Cláudia de Souza ◽  
Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre ◽  
Edinêis de Brito Guirardello

Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of the Brazilian version of the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) using confirmatory factor analysis supported by structural equation modeling in a sample of Brazilian nursing workers. Methods: Data from 360 nursing workers were analyzed. Confirmatory factor analysis used partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Results: The results showed that the Brazilian version of the JSS presented better adjustment to the model after the removal of four items from the scale. According to confirmatory factor analysis, convergent and discriminant validities were confirmed. Conclusions: The Brazilian version of JSS showed strong evidence of construct validity through convergent and discriminant measures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 249810
Chanta Jhantasana

The hierarchical construction model (HCM) may be used to minimize colinear formative indicators while increasing the statistical power of content-specific constructs. However, the present research discovered a strong correlation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and job satisfaction, indicating a lack of discriminating validity that limits the use of HCM. Thus, this research condensed data on job satisfaction for university staff by comparing a consistent partial least square (PLSc) model to a composite model without utilizing higher-order constructs. The sample consisted of 392 individuals working in a Thai university with a total of 1,042 staff. The results show that the composite model performs better than a consistent partial least square, generating bias. Intrinsic motivation is both a direct and indirect effect on job satisfaction. Extrinsic motivation is a complementary model mediator effect. The limitation of the study is an inherent relation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and indicators of job satisfaction, which can cause a common factor model bias. Further studies where the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) is compared early with the covariance-based structural equation model (CB-SEM) are needed, particularly studies using composite indicators. PLS-SEM can now be used to measure both confirmatory composite analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, while CB-SEM can only estimate confirmatory factor analysis. The method of condensing data may help eliminate discriminant validity issues.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-65 ◽  
Ana Cláudia de Souza ◽  
Neusa Maria Costa Alexandre ◽  
Edinêis de Brito Guirardello

2002 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
Nico Martins ◽  
Hartmut Von der Ohe

The aim of this study was to validate a questionnaire that can be used to determine how employees select the best company to work for. The second focus was to determine the role of trust in a relationship where employers must attract, motivate and retain employees. The confirmatory factor analysis resulted in 10 dimensions that supported most of the theoretically constructed dimensions. A second-order factor analysis was done and it became clear that there are two second-order factors underlying factor 1, namely leadership and trust. A strong correlation was found between trust and the dimensions of job satisfaction, relationships and leadership. Opsomming Die doel van die studie was om ‘n vraelys te valideer wat gebruik kon word om te bepaal hoe werknemers die beste organisasie om voor te werk kies. Die tweede fokus was om die rol van vertroue te bepaal in ‘n vertrouensverhouding waar werkgewers werknemers moet lok, motiveer en behou. ‘n Bevestigende faktorontleding het tien faktore tot gevolg gehad wat die meeste van die teoreties opgestelde dimensies ondersteun. ‘n Tweede-orde-faktorontleding van faktor een het aangetoon dat die faktor uit twee tweede-orde-faktore, leierskap en vertroue bestaan. ‘n Sterk korrelasie het voorgekom tussen vertroue en die dimensies van postevredenheid, verhoudinge en leierskap.

2015 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-129 ◽  
Brody Heritage ◽  
Clare Pollock ◽  
Lynne D Roberts

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