scholarly journals Evaluation of Education Students with Intellectual Disability in Saudi Arabia

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 131
Khalid H. Alshamri

A survey was conducted in order to evaluate the quality of education received by students with intellectual disability in Aljouf, Saudi Arabia from the perspectives of their teachers and parents. From a sample of 95 respondents, it was found that most teachers used “baby steps” strategy in delivering content for students with intellectual disabilities. Most of the parents were found to rely almost entirely on formal education for their children and were not directly involved with their children’s education at home. Only a minority of the teachers were found to utilize assistive technology to augment their practice. Both teachers and parents did not feel very confident about the effectiveness of the current systems in teaching their children important social and practical skills. Recommendations based on these outcomes were provided.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Mifta Aulia ◽  
Abhanda Amra

Parents’ low participation in improving the quality of education is an interesting topic of study. This research aims to obtain data on parents’ participation in improving the quality of infrastructure and learning process in elementary schools. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources of data were the principal, teachers, and parents. Data collection techniques were observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the research findings, it can be discussed that parents already participated in improving educational infrastructure but not maximized. They donate funds and energy for school construction. While, in learning process, parents contribute to guide, to motivate, to supervise the children, and to facilitate all their needs in learning. Problems faced by parents in improving the quality of learning are lack of time in supervising the children to learn due to busy work and also the low level of parents’ education and income (education and economic factors).

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anneli Hermanoff ◽  
Kaarina Määttä ◽  
Satu Uusiautti

Vocational education is a remarkable phase of life for all young people, including the ones with intellectual disability (ID). In addition to vocational skills and knowledge, vocational special education provided to people with ID has to meet their needs and enhance their life-management skills. However, their own perceptions of the quality of education has been less studied. The purpose of the research at hand was to give voice to young adults with ID themselves and ask how they would describe their ideal vocational school. In this qualitative study, 14 Finnish young adults with ID (aged 17-23) were interviewed. The study employed a narrative approach to reach the participants’ voices and experiences. According to the findings of this research, the location of the study place, company of same-aged peers, supportive teachers and tutors, and varied teaching arrangements typified a good study place. As the conclusion of the study, the ideal school according to the perceptions of young adults with ID is presented as a combination of the physical, pedagogical, and social learning environments. Education that can be molded according to individual needs and provides sufficient and tailored support and guidance services—in addition to hearing the young adults’ own hopes and wishes—strengthen personal sense of responsibility, and transition toward adulthood and as independent life as possible.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 93
Meiyao Lu

Education is to learn or to gain knowledge of something through being taught by others or through self-learning. The two most important words about education are teaching and learning. By definition, teachers are leaders, and to put it simply leaders lead. Teachers lead their students along the path of knowledge. As for students, they who can be equipped with academic knowledge and a set of practical skills can be useful members of society and make a contribution to the economic development of a nation and even the world. In this sense, we should keep in mind that to consistently improve the quality of education is to promise a bright future for the nation.

Muhamad Havid Abdul Aziz ◽  
Agus Efendi ◽  
Basori Basori

<p>Education is very important for us, the country can go forward because the people are educated. The success of education is determined by the quality of education itself. To know the quality of education required a result or achievement. One of the factors affecting achievement is the facility. The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is influence of learning facilities on student achievement. Sampling using simple random sampling system as much as 58 people from the total population as much as 70 people at the level of formal education. The method used in data collection that is using quisioner, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique used is using simple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of data analysis and hypothesis testing it is known that the two variables of learning facilities (X) and student learning achievement (Y) have a positive influence, this is evidenced by r = 0.277 where the guidelines used to provide interpretation proposed by Sugiyono are at intervals 0.20 - 0.399 which fall into the low category[18]. Based on the results of research that has been put forward by the authors which there is influence between learning facilities on learning achievement with low categories, it is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the use of learning facilities and conducted other research on other factors that affect student achievement in addition to learning facilities.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Agus Yudiawan

Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School is a combination of Religion and general science. This Islamic boarding school still maintains its traditional system by using the method of sorogan and wetonan in carrying out the process of its education system especially in the study of classical books while the quality of education in the Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School is quite good. Educational programs in the Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School, namely formal education programs including Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), non-formal education in the form of diniyah education for 6 years for SD/MI graduates and 3-year program for graduates MTs. The social program includes preaching and social activities of students. One of the factors supporting the implementation of the education system in the Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School which is urgent and important is the building. From year to year, Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School experienced a development starting with buying land or land until now it has become a building that can be occupied and to study Islam. The inhibiting factor in the implementation of the Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Islamic Boarding School is the most urgent matter in terms of dormitory because, with the increasing number of students, a large place for students to live or live is needed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Rachel Risda Sitanggang ◽  
Nuriyanti Nuriyanti

ABSTRAKArtikel ini merupakan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memecahkan masalah yaitu meningkatkan kemandirian melalui kebiasaan atau rutinitas sehari-hari dari siswa-siswi kelas VII.1 dan VII.2 di SMP Nomennsen Kota Jambi. penelitian ini dilakkuan dengan cara deskriptif kuantitatif dan datanya diolah dengan metode statistika. Data yang diambil adalah 40 siswa dan dikumpulkan dengan angket atau kusioner. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa meningkatkan kemandirian melalui rutinitas atau kebiasaan sehari-hari merupakan cara praktis yang dapat dilakukan guru dan orang tua kepada anaknya, karena itu dapat membentuk kepribadian dan kemampuan anak menjadi lebih baik dan cepat. Kepribadian dan kemampuan anak yang baik akan berpengaruh terhadap mutu dan kualitas lulusan pendidikan di Indonesia, dimana kualitas yang baik adalah modal penting untuk dapat bersaing dengan lulusan dari negara lain. Kata kunci: Kemandirian, Rutinitas, Kemandirian Anak ABSTRACTThis article is a research that aims to solve the problem of increasing independence through daily habits or routines of students of class VII.1 and VII.2 in NOMENNSEN Middle School, Jambi City. this study was conducted in a quantitative descriptive way and the data was processed by statistical methods. The data taken was 40 students and collected by questionnaire or questionnaire. The results show that increasing independence through routine or daily habits is a practical way that teachers and parents can do to their children, because it can shape the personality and ability of children to be better and faster. Good children's personality and abilities will influence the quality and quality of education graduates in Indonesia, where good quality is an important capital to be able to compete with graduates from other countries. Keywords: Independence, Routines, Independence of Children 

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 243
Darmawati Darmawati ◽  
Sundari Sundari

Abstract: Abstract: A research development of teaching materials in the form of character-based worksheets. This research is aimed at developing producing output an elementary teaching materials based on the character value addition through this research are expected to: 1) provide accurate information to organizations / institutions / groups ber- competent to teach students to use materials ajarberbasisnilai right character in Basic pendidikanSekolah levels; 2) the development of strategies and policies that will be recommended from this research can be a direction for developm-ment-based learning models karakterdi value formal education, 3) prod- ucts of this study can be a reference for the Department of Education in policy decisions ber- connection with efforts to improve the quality of education in North Maluku in obtaining appropriate teaching materials in elementary school education. The results of this study indicate that that the teaching materials developed are worksheets grade 5 semesters 1 with the theme of Ben-da-objects in the surrounding environment. Integrating the value of the character in the worksheets to follow the curriculum in 2013 with thematic integrative approach. LKS validation results developed are still in pretty decent categories used so that still needs to be revised and improved in the development of the next stage. Abstrak: Telah dilakukan  penelitian pengembangan bahan ajar  berbentuk LKS berbasis karakter. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang bertujuan menghasilkan out put suatu bahan ajar SD berbasis nilai karakter Selain itu melalui penelitian ini diharapkan dapat: 1) memberikan informasi yang akurat kepada organisasi/lembaga/kelompok yang ber-  kompeten untuk mengajarkan kepada anak didik dengan memakai bahan ajarberbasisnilai karakter yang tepat di jenjang pendidikanSekolah Dasar; 2) strategi pengembangan dan kebi- jakan yang akan direkomendasikan dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi arahan bagi pengem-bangan model-model pembelajaran  berbasis nilai karakterdi jenjang pendidikan formal, 3) ha- sil penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi Dinas pendidikan dalam penentuan kebijakan ber- kaitan dengan upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan di Maluku Utara dalam memperoleh bahan ajar yang tepat pada jenjang pendidikan Sekolah Dasar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan adalah LKS kelas 5 semester 1 dengan tema ben- da-benda di lingkungan sekitar. Pengintegrasian nilai karakter dalam LKS mengikuti kuriku- lum 2013 dengan pendekatan tematik Integratif. Hasil validasi LKS yang dikembangkan  masih dalam kategori cukup layak digunakan sehingga masih perlu dilakukan revisi dan perbaikan dalam pengembangan tahap berikutnya. Kata Kunci: bahan ajar, lembar kerja siswa, nilai karakter, sekolah dasar kota ternate

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-42 ◽  
Anda Kauliņa ◽  
Daina Voita ◽  
Irēna Trubina ◽  
Toms Voits

Abstract One of the measures of the quality of education system is equal access to the education opportunity to enable learning for everyone. In the recent years, multiple conventions, declarations, announcements and resolutions regarding inclusive education have been approved internationally and included in the Latvian law of education. Nevertheless, even with the abundant amount of data and previous research results, the introduction and provision of inclusive education in practice has been controversial. The main focus has been placed on child inclusion within the educational system, but support for teachers and parents or legal guardians has not always been sufficient. For inclusive education to be truly successful, all involved parties should be receiving adequate support. Aim of the present study: analysis and evaluation of the present state of inclusive education framework and its success within the Latvian educational system. Materials and methods: literature review, survey. Conclusions: Inclusion of children with special educational needs in the inclusive education framework is a complicated pedagogical and psychological process requiring a specific attitude and preparedness of the education professionals, school staff, parents, children and society as a whole.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-354
Veneta Bogdanova ◽  
Cvetomila Doncheva ◽  

This report aims to present the integration of electronic educational resources into pre-school education by applying a convenient electronic form (e-book) for remote pedagogical interaction with children and parents. The introduction of modern educational methods and technologies enriches the learning content and increases the quality of education. The main concept on which the report is based is pedagogical interaction through interactive forms of training to build skills for cooperation between teachers and parents. Thus, the activities in the group create an aspiration for teachers to improve their competencies. By adapting these resources, opportunities are presented for provoking the child’s interest in an unconventional and emotional form of educational and educational activities in the third preparatory group „Smile“ for the expansion of competences in preschool.

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