Treated and untreated anovulation associated with ovarian and uterine blood flow in Arabian mares (a case study)

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-34
Amal M. Abo El-Maaty ◽  
Yehia El Baghdady ◽  
Khalid A. ElShahat ◽  
Mahmoud A. Helmy ◽  
Elshymaa A. Abdelnaby

To investigate the development of treated and untreated hormonal anovulatory follicles (AnOV) associated with uterine and ovarian vascularization, rectal Doppler ultrasound of seven Arabian mares was performed before and after the development of an AnOV. In addition to measuring the diameter, area and volume of the follicle, daily colour and power Doppler scans were analysed in order to measure red, blue and power blood flow areas in pixels. Serum levels of estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), leptin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-1) and nitric oxide (NO) were measured as well. The diameter (cm), area (cm2), volume (cm3), area in pixels, antral area in pixels, circumference, and percentage change in circulation of the AnOV progressively increased (P<0.0001) after the disappearance of uterine oedema compared to the values obtained during oedema. The blue, total colour and power areas of the AnOV increased after the disappearance of uterine oedema (P<0.0001). When the antral area was excluded, the percentage of the granulosa layer in the colour and power Doppler decreased after the disappearance of uterine oedema. The ipsilateral uterine horn and uterine body had significantly (P<0.0001) high blue and red blood flow vascularization areas in the presence of uterine oedema. The AnOV was associated with low P4, IGF-1 (P<0.001), and leptin (P<0.05). Treatment of the AnOV follicle with GnRH resulted in its luteinization and induced ovulation 9 and 30 days later. It can be concluded that an abrupt increase in blood flow due to decreased progesterone and E2 and increased IGF-1 causes anovulation. The absence of oestrous behaviour and high uterine-oedema-associated follicular and ipsilateral uterine horn vascularization are predictors of ovulation failure.

2020 ◽  
pp. 19-29
Patricia Diaz Ortega ◽  
Manuel García Manero

Introduction: Symptomatic uterine fibroids can cause symptoms that can be disabling. There are many treatments, including ulipristal acetate, whose role in reducing symptoms and decreasing the size of the fibroid is well known. With this preliminary study, we also try to evaluate the correlation between myoma vascularization measured by ultrasound (Power Doppler 2D) and serum VEGF levels, before and after treatment with ulipristal acetate; in patients diagnosed with symptomatic uterine fibroids. Materials and Methods: A preliminary, prospective observational pilot study was designed. Twenty-four premenopausal women, diagnosed with symptomatic uterine fibroids, were included and all of them completed the study. Four cycles of ulipristal acetate were administered according to the dose and indications specified in the data sheet. In order to assess the influence of this treatment on the angiogenesis process of the fibroids, measurements of VEGF serum levels were made and their vascularization was assessed by means of 2D power doppler ultrasound; at the beginning and the end of treatment. In addition, several determinations of the same parameters were made throughout the successive visits. Endpoints were defined as the decrease in VEGF levels from previous levels, the decrease in myoma vascularization on ultrasound, and the reduction in myoma size. Result: 24 patients who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled (n=24). The average size of myomas was reduced from 45,08 ? 24,02mm to 29?16,96mm after treatment. The average VEGF serum level significantly decreased after the first treatment cycle (from 147,17 ? 153,51 pg/ml to 102,04 ? 186,08pg/ml). Vascularization of myomas after treatment with ulipristal acetate was analyzed, and a significantly decrease was achieved in 83,3% of cases. Conclusion: There is a correlation between myoma vascularization and treatment with Ulipristal acetate. SPRMs may provide effective treatment for women with symptomatic fibroids by two ways: supports selective progesterone receptor modulators and reduced angiogenesis. Keywords: Angiogenesis; Ulipristal Acetate; Uterine fibroids; VEGF

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Joanna Świdrowska ◽  
Piotr Smolewski ◽  
Jerzy Stańczyk ◽  
Elżbieta Smolewska

Synovial angiogenesis is considered to be an important early step in the pathogenesis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). In this study we assessed levels of angiogenic markers in serum or synovial fluid and their possible relevance to disease activity or degree of ultrasound signs of synovial inflammation and angiogenesis in early JIA. The concentration of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), its soluble receptors 1 and 2 (sVEGF-R1, sVEGF-R2), and angiopoietins 1 and 2 (ANG-1, ANG-2) were evaluated in 43 JIA patients and 23 healthy controls. Synovial angiogenesis was assessed by means of Power-Doppler Ultrasonography (PDUS), according to the fourth-grade vascularity scale. VEGF and its receptors’ (sVEGF-R1, sVEGF-R2) serum levels were significantly higher in JIA patients (p=0.002). We found large variation in serum ANG-1 and ANG-2 levels. The PDUS imaging identified increased synovial microvascular blood flow in 15 (35.7%) examined JIA children. Intensity of joint vascularization correlated with higher serum VEGF and its levels was lowest in grade 0 and highest in grade 3 (p<0.007andp<0.001, resp.). In conclusion, the high correlation between synovial microvascular blood flow, serum angiogenic proteins, and symptoms of synovitis may indicate its important role in pathogenesis of JIA.

1999 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 201 ◽  
Suzanne L. Miller ◽  
Graham Jenkin ◽  
David W. Walker

The effect of maternal hyperthermia on uterine blood flow (UBF) through the two main uterine arteries and on the proportion of UBF shunted through uterine arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs) was investigated. Eight late-pregnant ewes were exposed to normothermic (22–23˚C) or hyperthermic (approx-imately 39˚C) ambient conditions for 8 h. UBF was measured in the left and right uterine arteries using flow probes and microspheres were injected into the uterine artery before, during and after the experimental period. The distribution of microspheres between the uterus and lungs was determined to calculate changes in capillary and AVA blood flows. Hyperthermia produced a significant (P<0.05) increase in maternal core temperature (+1.5˚C), increase in maternal blood pH (+0.21; P<0.05) and decrease in maternal pCO 2 (–16.2 mmHg; P<0.05). Blood flow to the uterine horn ipsilateral to the corpus luteum (CL) remained unchanged during hyperthermia, whereas total UBF and blood flow to the contralateral uterine horn were significantly decreased (P<0.05), by 23.1% and 20.8%, respectively, of pre-heat control values. The proportion of UBF shunted through uterine AVAs during hyperthermia was not significantly different from values observed in normothermic ewes (21.9 0.7%). Mild to moderate hyperthermia in late-pregnant sheep induces respiratory alkalosis and decreases total blood flow to the uterus, brought about by a decrease in blood flow to the uterine horn contralateral, but not ipsilateral to the CL. Heat treatment does not alter the proportion of UBF traversing uterine AVAs.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Carlo Bastianelli ◽  
Manuela Farris ◽  
Stefania Rapiti ◽  
Roberta Bruno Vecchio ◽  
Giuseppe Benagiano

Objective. Evaluate if different bleeding patterns associated with the use of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) are associated with different uterine and endometrial vascularization patterns, as evidenced by ultrasound power Doppler analysis.Methodology. A longitudinal study, with each subject acting as its own control was conducted between January 2010 and December 2012. Healthy volunteers with a history of heavy but cyclic and regular menstrual cycles were enrolled in the study. Ultrasonographic examination was performed before and after six months of LNG-IUS placement: uterine volume, endometrial thickness, and subendometrial and myometrial Doppler blood flow patterns have been evaluated.Results. A total of 32 women were enrolled out of 186 initially screened. At six months of follow-up, all subjects showed a reduction in menstrual blood loss; for analysis, they were retrospectively divided into 3 groups: normal cycling women (Group I), amenorrheic women (Group II), and women with prolonged bleedings (Group III). Intergroup analysis documented a statistically significant difference in endometrial thickness among the three groups; in addition, mean pulsatility index (PI) and resistance index (RI) in the spiral arteries were significantly lower in Group I and Group III compared to Group II. This difference persisted also when comparing—within subjects of Group III—mean PI and RI mean values before and after insertion.Conclusions. The LNG-IUS not only altered endometrial thickness, but—in women with prolonged bleedings—also significantly changed uterine artery blood flow. Further studies are needed to confirm these results and enable gynecologists to properly counsel women, improving initial continuation rates.

2010 ◽  
Vol 36 (5) ◽  
pp. 635-640 ◽  
O. Morel ◽  
F. Pachy ◽  
P. Chavatte-Palmer ◽  
M. Bonneau ◽  
E. Gayat ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 160 ◽  
pp. 90-96 ◽  
J.C. Ferreira ◽  
F.S. Ignácio ◽  
N.S. Rocha ◽  
D.L. Thompson ◽  
C.R. Pinto ◽  

1976 ◽  
Vol 40 (5) ◽  
pp. 725-728 ◽  
L. B. Curet ◽  
J. A. Orr ◽  
H. G. Rankin ◽  
T. Ungerer

This study was designed to determine what effect physical training has on heart rate and stroke volume responses to exercise stress and to determine if exercise altered the distribution of uterine blood flow. Measurements were made in ten pregnant ewes at rest and immediately following exercise on a treadmill. Five ewes underwent physical training for 3 wk prior to measurement. An increase in heart rate with no change in stroke volume was observed following exercise in both trained and untrained ewes. Total uterine blood flow was not changed following exercise, but distribution was altered in favor of the placenta. Blood flow was evenly distributed within the placenta before and after exercise. The redistribution of flow to the placenta that occurs after exercise. tphe redistribution of flow to the placenta that occurs after exercise might represent a compensatory mechanism for the fetus.

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