scholarly journals Centralidade dos serviços de saúde na zona leste de Teresina (PI): uma análise de sua produção espacial / Centrality of the health services in the East region of Teresina, PI: an analysis of its space production

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Paulo Henrique de Carvalho Bueno ◽  
Antônia Jesuíta de Lima

<p>Compreende-se a centralidade intraurbana como especializações funcionais de algumas frações espaciais da cidade que se singularizam a partir da concentração e geração de fluxos permanentes de pessoas e mercadorias. Nessa direção, a centralidade dos serviços de saúde de Teresina tem seu marco inicial com a instalação do Hospital Getúlio Vargas (1941) no centro histórico da cidade. Desde então, diversos hospitais, clínicas, laboratórios e atividades correlatas aí se instalaram, o que lhes configura como o espaço de maior concentração destes na cidade. Mas, a partir dos anos 2000 inicia-se um processo de descentralização dos serviços de saúde para outros espaços citadinos, notadamente para os bairros mais centrais da zona Leste. Nesse sentido, objetiva-se analisar a produção espacial da centralidade dos serviços de saúde na zona Leste de Teresina, pautado em depoimentos de profissionais e empreendedores dos bairros Fátima, Jóquei e São Cristóvão que lidam com os referidos serviços. Argumenta-se que a constituição dessa nova centralidade dos serviços de saúde de Teresina baseia-se na busca do segmento de renda alta da cidade, o qual exige serviços exclusivos e próximos aos seus locais de moradia ou de mais fácil acessibilidade quando comparados aos encontrados no centro principal.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chaves</strong>: Centralidade. Serviços de Saúde. Zona Leste de Teresina.</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The intraurban centrality is understood as the functional specializations of some space fractions of the city that singularize from the concentration of people and goods permanent flux generation. In this direction, the centrality of the health services of Teresina has its beginning with the installation of Getúlio Vargas Hospital (1941) in the historic center of the city. Since then, several hospitals, laboratories and related activities have been installed, which is configured as their greatest concentration space of this city. But, from 2000, a process of decentralization of health services has begun to other city places, mainly to the more central districts of the East region. This way, it is aimed to analyze the space production of the centrality of the health services in the least region of Teresina, based on the testimony of the professionals and entrepreneurs of the districts of Fátima, Jóquei and São Cristóvão that deal with such services. It argues that the constitution of this new centrality of health services in Teresina is based on the search for the high income population of the city, which demands exclusive services and near their living places or of easier accessibility when compared to the ones found in the main downtown. </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Centrality. Health Services. East Region of Teresina.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. e001696
Chris M A Kwaja ◽  
D J Olivieri ◽  
S Boland ◽  
P C Henwood ◽  
B Card ◽  

IntroductionCivilian–military relations play an important yet under-researched role in low-income and middle-income country epidemic response. One crucial component of civilian–military relations is defining the role of the military. This paper evaluates the role of Nigerian military during the 2014–2016 West African Ebola epidemic.MethodsFocus groups and key informant interviews were conducted throughout three states in North East region of Nigeria: Borno, Yobe and Adamawa. Participants were identified through mapping of stakeholder involvement in Nigerian epidemic response. English-translated transcripts of each key informant interview and focus group discussion were then coded and key themes were elucidated and analysed.ResultsMajor themes elucidated include developing inclusive coordination plans between civilian and military entities, facilitating human rights reporting mechanisms and distributing military resources more equitably across geographical catchment areas. The Nigerian Military served numerous functions: 37% (22/59) of respondents indicated ‘security/peace’ as the military’s primary function, while 42% (25/59) cited health services. Variations across geographic settings were also noted: 35% (7/20) of participants in Borno stated the military primarily provided transportation, while 73% (11/15) in Adamawa and 29% (7/24) in Yobe listed health services.ConclusionsRobust civilian–military relations require an appropriately defined role of the military and clear civilian–military communication. Important considerations to contextualise civilian–military relations include military cultural–linguistic understanding, human rights promotion, and community-based needs assessments; such foci can facilitate the military’s understanding of community norms and civilian cooperation with military aims. In turn, more robust civilian–military relations can promote overall epidemic response and reduce the global burden of disease.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (14) ◽  
pp. 3854
Luis Alfonso Escudero Gómez

Historic centers have become first-line tourist destinations. In order to achieve sustainable development, it is essential to get to know the opinions of the host community on the impact of tourism, the positives, as well as the negatives. This paper aims to understand the residents’ opinions and perceptions of destinations as the historic cities. This research looks into the residents’ opinions on the impact of tourism in the historic city of Toledo, Spain. The results of a quantitative survey among 442 residents in the city of Toledo are presented. The study is a revision of the literature and analysis and explanation of an empiric study’s results. Descriptive statistics have been used, as well as factor analysis and non-parametric tests to analyze data. The main results point out that residents have a positive vision of tourism development, rather than negative. The economic importance of tourism and its ability to create jobs stand out. However, they also think that the historic center is being turned into a museum for tourists. Analyzing their opinions according to certain demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, some major differences come up, such as that the inhabitants of residential areas have a more positive opinion than those who live in the historic center. Understanding the perspective of the residents can help the managers and planners of the tourism in the city to play down the potential negative impact of tourism and to achieve support from the host community in regards to tourism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
L Borges Costa ◽  
C Salles Gazeta Vieira Fernandes ◽  
T Custódio Mota ◽  
E Torquato Santos ◽  
M Moura de Almeida ◽  

Abstract The Alma-Ata Conference promoted Primary Health Care (PHC) worldwide as a form of universal and continuous access to quality and effective health services. In Brazil, PHC, through the Family Health Strategy (FHS), aims to be the gateway to the health system and its structuring axis. For this, it is necessary to promote access, an essential condition for the quality of health care services, following the attributes systematized by Barbara Starfield. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of the attribute “First Contact Access” on the perspective of adult users of public PHC services in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. A transversal study was carried out, in 19 PHC Units, from June to December 2019, using the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCATool) Brazil version for adult users. Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical analysis. 233 users participated, mostly women (69.5%), aged 30 to 59 years old (55.3%), mixed-race (69.5%), with complete high school (38.2%), without private health coverage (89.3%), homeowners (68.7%) and belonging to families of up to 4 members (87.9%). The “Accessibility” component had the lowest score, 2.83, and the “Utilization” had the highest score, 8.06. Older age was associated with higher “Accessibility” scores (p = 0,018), while lower values of “Utilization” were associated with higher education (p = 0,004). The main problems observed were: low access for acute demand consultations, lack of access at nighttime and weekends, little access through non-personal ways, bureaucratic barriers and a long time for scheduling appointments. We conclude that, although there was an improvement in PHC coverage in the city over the years, mainly due to FHS, there is still a lot to improve to ensure timely access to health services. Key messages Users consider PHC as the usual source of care, demonstrated by the high score of 'Utilization', however, they are unable to use it when necessary, demonstrated by the low score of 'Accessibility'. Expanding forms of access is essential to contribute to the strengthening of PHC in Fortaleza, Brazil, facilitating the entry to its national Universal Health System.

2019 ◽  
pp. 26
Antonio Díaz Sotelo

ResumenEl objeto de este texto es la exposición y análisis de los procedimientos de intervención pública en el paisaje urbano de la ciudad de Madrid. El objetivo último de ese análisis es identificar el modelo público para el paisaje urbano en Madrid.  Este texto se centra en la exposición analítica de documentos oficiales antes que en sus conclusiones definitivas, por lo que le corresponde la denominación de Informe.  Este informe se organiza en dos partes: una exposición teórica que enmarca el posterior análisis de instrumentos administrativos de intervención en el paisaje.  Se concibe como parte de la investigación de Tesis Doctoral titulada “Transformación Reciente del Paisaje Comercial en el Centro Histórico”, acotada en un marco temporal de apenas diez años, marcado por la crisis y la desregulación económica, y en un marco territorial limitado al centro histórico de Madrid. Esa investigación se enmarca en una reflexión general sobre la relación entre actividad económica y paisaje urbano. El interés de este informe para la investigación es sobre la utilidad de ese modelo público para el paisaje urbano en Madrid como parámetro para valorar la rentabilidad de los esfuerzos públicos y privados en la mejora de la calidad del paisaje urbano.AbstractThe purpose of this text is the exhibition and analysis of public intervention procedures in the urban landscape of the city of Madrid. The ultimate goal of this analysis is to identify the public model for the urban landscape in Madrid. This text focuses on the analytical exposition of official documents rather than on their final conclusions, for which reason the denomination of Report corresponds. This report is organized in two parts: a theoretical exposition that frames the subsequent analysis of administrative instruments of intervention in the landscape. It is conceived as part of the Doctoral Thesis research titled "Recent Transformation of the Commercial Landscape in the Historic Center", bounded within a period of just ten years, marked by the crisis and economic deregulation, and in a territorial framework limited to the historic center of Madrid. This research is part of a general reflexion on the relationship between economic activity and urban landscape. The interest of this report for the investigation is about the utility of that public model for the urban landscape in Madrid as a parameter to assess the profitability of public and private efforts in improving the quality of the urban landscape.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Ana Carla de Lira Bottura

This article introduces partial discussions from a doctoral research in progress that has as object of study the tendency to paci cation and concealment of con icts veri ed in the production process of contemporary urban space - particularly in the most recent Brazil- ian cities - as well as its strategies and mechanisms of control. As a eld of study, it is proposed the city of Palmas, capital of Tocantins, last planned capital of the twentieth century, founded on May 20, 1989, a year that symbolizes the opening of the Western world to the neoliberal economic policy. Based on the observation of the absence of signi cant movements of resistance to the urban space production process at Palmas and interpreting it as a re ection of pacifying tendency of consensus and appeasement / masking of con icts as a feature of neoliberal city, we propose the hypothesis of physical and territorial con guration of the city as a laboratory of the neoliberal model of urban management, in which socio-spa- tial dynamics gradually developed in other contemporary cities through processes historically constructed, get explicit and take place, immediately or in a very short time. Through a historical ap- proach to the context of its creation and occupation, we propose an urban space production reading based on the recognition of char- acteristics relating to its conditions of New Town and neoliberal city as well as the incipient action of the social movements dedicated to the struggles for housing as social agents in this process. 

2020 ◽  
Heriberto F. Sanchez ◽  
Andrea Maria D. Vargas ◽  
Marcos Azeredo F. Werneck ◽  
Efigênia F. Ferreira

Knowledge of patients' views can contribute to the strengthening of health services. The aim of this study is to describe the patients' perception of a public oral health service, contributing to evaluations in health services. This is a qualitative study in which a focus group was conducted, with the participation of six patients of the oral health system in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, all with a minimum experience of three years of using the service. A theoretical model with dimensions aimed at assessing integrality and primary care services was used. In conducting the research, a semi-structured script was used. The data were analyzed by content analysis. The most representative categories for evaluating oral health actions in primary care are the health unit; the welcoming and its relation with the creation of the bond; service with a strong emphasis on the humanized relationship between professional and patient and on teamwork and; as a highlight, citizen participation, based on the recognition of a “system” that prevents the proper functioning of services and that must be fought with citizenship. Patients’ perceptions can be used to assess oral health in primary care from the perspective of those who actually use health services, seeking ultimately to constantly improve them. Knowledge of patients' perceptions may enable organizations to know their performance, through assessment methodologies based on the established perceptions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 172-184
Maria Leonor Botelho

In 1996, the World Heritage Committee added the Historic Center of Oporto, Portugal, to the World Heritage List, recognizing its outstanding value, identified by its urban fabric and its many historic buildings. The area’s value is the result of a complex topography, articulated through streets, lanes, alleyways, stairs, and squares, while its architecture (residences and monuments) projects cultural values accumulated over successive eras. In the state of art section, this chapter presents some significant references and visual resources that contribute to the understand city´s urban development and to visualize the city in the past. This chapter presents two case studies of the authors’ attempts at visualization of that historic district. One describes a 3D scale model—Oporto’s Medieval Scale Model - and the other is a virtual reality project—Virtual Porto in the Sixteen Century—both shown as examples of thorough research, careful documentation of processes, and clear and approachable presentation. The authors also consider the potential of expanded development of such presentations, in light of uses in tourism and furthering greater knowledge, with the goals of facilitating the process of heritage conservation and the dissemination of information. As such, the two case studies are viewed in terms of principles of the London Charter regarding the creation of virtual heritage, as well as cite other examples of projects in European cities.

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