scholarly journals Duality for complexes of tori over a global field of positive characteristic

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 831-870
Cyril Demarche ◽  
David Harari
Masataka Chida ◽  
Satoshi Kondo ◽  
Takuya Yamauchi

AbstractIf is an integral model of a smooth curve X over a global field k, there is a localization sequence comparing the K-theory of and X. We show that K1 () injects into K1(X) rationally, by showing that the previous boundary map in the localization sequence is rationally a surjection, for X of “GL2 type” and k of positive characteristic not 2. Examples are given to show that the relative G1 term can have large rank. Examples of such curves include non-isotrivial elliptic curves, Drinfeld modular curves, and the moduli of -elliptic sheaves of rank 2.

2010 ◽  
Vol 06 (07) ◽  
pp. 1541-1564 ◽  

Let K be a function field over a perfect constant field of positive characteristic p, and L the compositum of n (degree p) Artin–Schreier extensions of K. Then much of the behavior of the degree pn extension L/K is determined by the behavior of the degree p intermediate extensions M/K. For example, we prove that a place of K totally ramifies/is inert/splits completely in L if and only if it totally ramifies/is inert/splits completely in every M. Examples are provided to show that all possible decompositions are in fact possible; in particular, a place can be inert in a non-cyclic Galois function field extension, which is impossible in the case of a number field. Moreover, we give an explicit closed form description of all the different exponents in L/K in terms of those in all the M/K. Results of a similar nature are given for the genus, the regulator, the ideal class number and the divisor class number. In addition, for the case n = 2, we provide an explicit description of the ramification group filtration of L/K.

Merrick Cai ◽  
Daniil Kalinov

In this paper, we study the irreducible quotient [Formula: see text] of the polynomial representation of the rational Cherednik algebra [Formula: see text] of type [Formula: see text] over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic [Formula: see text] where [Formula: see text]. In the [Formula: see text] case, for all [Formula: see text] we give a complete description of the polynomials in the maximal proper graded submodule [Formula: see text], the kernel of the contravariant form [Formula: see text], and subsequently find the Hilbert series of the irreducible quotient [Formula: see text]. In the [Formula: see text] case, we give a complete description of the polynomials in [Formula: see text] when the characteristic [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] is transcendental over [Formula: see text], and compute the Hilbert series of the irreducible quotient [Formula: see text]. In doing so, we prove a conjecture due to Etingof and Rains completely for [Formula: see text], and also for any [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]. Furthermore, for [Formula: see text], we prove a simple criterion to determine whether a given polynomial [Formula: see text] lies in [Formula: see text] for all [Formula: see text] with [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] fixed.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 1032
Raúl Durán Díaz ◽  
Víctor Gayoso Martínez ◽  
Luis Hernández Encinas ◽  
Jaime Muñoz Masqué

A method is presented that allows one to compute the maximum number of functionally-independent invariant functions under the action of a linear algebraic group as long as its Lie algebra admits a basis of square-zero matrices even on a field of positive characteristic. The class of such Lie algebras is studied in the framework of the classical Lie algebras of arbitrary characteristic. Some examples and applications are also given.

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