scholarly journals The genus Luticola (Bacillariophyta) on Ile Amsterdam and Ile Saint-Paul (Southern Indian Ocean) with the description of two new species

Barbora Chattová ◽  
Marc Lebouvier ◽  
Myriam De Haan ◽  
Bart Van de Vijver

Five species of the terrestrial diatom genus Luticola D.G.Mann were found during a taxonomic survey of two small volcanic islands, Ile Amsterdam and Ile Saint-Paul (Southern Indian Ocean). Apart from the two already known Luticola species L. beyensii Van de Vijver et al. and L. subcrozetensis Van de Vijver et al., two new species are described: L. ivetana Chattová & Van de Vijver sp. nov. and L. vancampiana Chattová & Van de Vijver sp. nov. Finally, one, up to now unknown, Luticola species is briefly discussed and illustrated. Detailed morphological descriptions of these taxa are provided based on both light and scanning electron microscopy observations. Morphological features of the new species are compared to morphologically similar taxa, and notes on their ecology and biogeography are added.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 336 (1) ◽  
pp. 28 ◽  

During a survey of the non-marine diatom flora of the volcanic islands, Ile Amsterdam and Ile Saint-Paul (southern Indian Ocean), seven species belonging to the terrestrial diatom genus Humidophila have been recorded. Apart from five previously known taxa (Humidophila contenta, H. crozetikerguelensis, H. gallica, H. brekkaensis, H. vidalii), two taxa could not be identified based on the currently available literature and are described as new to science: Humidophila amsterdamensis sp. nov. and Humidophila rouhaniana sp. nov.                 Detailed morphological descriptions of these taxa are given based on both light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations. The morphological features of each taxon have been compared with similar species and notes on their ecology and associated diatom communities have been added.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 494 (2) ◽  
pp. 208-218

This is the first detailed taxonomic study of the genus Navicula in the Krasnodar Territory of the Caucasus region, Russia. During the study of the genus in waterbodies of the Adegoy River valley 15 taxa were recorded. Two species, N. adegoyensis sp. nov. and N. pseudocryptofallax sp. nov., are described as new to science. Their morphology is studied by light and scanning electron microscopy, and comparisons with morphologically similar species are provided. The use of the name N. avenacea for N. lanceolata sensu auct. is discussed. Navicula diversity was higher in the Adegoy River than in pools elsewhere in the river valley.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 126 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

In this study, seven Mastogloia species belonging of the section Ellipticae are morphologically described through scanning electron microscopy, including two new taxa M. matthaei and M. stellae. They were collected as epiphytes on seagrasses from several tropical (Indonesia), subtropical (Egypt, Greece, Republic of Malta, Turkey) and temperate (Slovenia, Italy) regions of the world. All these species show typical characters of the Hustedt’s section Ellipticae: elliptical valve outline, a flat valve surface and rounded apices. Moreover, this study provides novel information on the frustule ultrastructure and gives update of their current geographical distribution. Some nomenclatural inconsistencies have been resolved with the typification of M. ovulum and the related species, M. emarginata, from the original Miang Besar material in the Hustedt collection.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 115 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Patrick Kociolek ◽  
Bo Wu ◽  
Qi Liu ◽  
Quanxi Wang

A new species of genus Campylodiscus is described, Campylodiscus sinensis sp. nov., from Dongtan, Chongming Island, Shanghai, China. It is a small species compared with other species in genus Campylodiscus, with two characteristic kidney-shaped bumps externally and pyramidal verrucae. Light and scanning electron microscopy characteristics of this taxon support its systematic placement in the genus Campylodiscus. This new species is compared with other small species in genus Campylodiscus from around the world. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (7) ◽  
pp. 1290 ◽  
Philipp Chetverikov ◽  
Charnie Craemer ◽  
Stefan Neser ◽  
Sarah Zukoff

A new phytoptid genus and two new species, Solenocristus karooensis n. g. & n. sp. and S. searsius n. sp. (Phytoptidae, Sierraphytoptinae, Sierraphytoptini), were collected in the Eastern and Western Cape provinces of South Africa, from southern African endemic dicotyledonous trees Schotia afra (Fabaceae) and Searsia lucida (Anacardiaceae) respectively. They are described and illustrated with the aid of conventional light microscopy and low temperature scanning electron microscopy. Females of both new species possess a distinct pregenital plate divided into two parts by a subcuticular medial ridge. Additionally, in S. karooensis n. sp. the movable digit of the male chelicerae varies in length: among six observed males, three males had a movable digit (md) twice shorter than the fixed digit (fd), in one male it was slightly shorter than fd and in the remaining two males md and fd were of the same length. An updated key to the world genera of the tribe Sierraphytoptini is given. The key incorporates data on seven sierraphytoptine genera including three genera (Neoprothrix Reis & Navia, Solenoplatilobus Chetverikov & Craemer and Solenocristus n. g.) which were described since the last generic key of Eriophyoidea by Amrine et al. (2003) was published.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 197 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

Hantzschia species are uncommon in Xinjiang Province, usually found in small populations and found only in a few samples. However, the diversity in the region is relatively high, with 13 species and 1 variety being identified. Except for the cosmopolitan species H. amphioxys, H. abundans, H. virgata and H. distinctepunctata, most of the taxa in Hantzschia observed in this region have limited distributions, including H. vivacior, H. nitzschioides, H. compacta, H. barckhausenii, H. longa and H. vivax, as well as the species described herein as new. Four new species of Hantzschia are described: H. pseudobardii, H. sinensis, H. yili and H. subrobusta, a further two interesting species, H. vivacior and H. nitzschioides are documented with light and scanning electron microscopy. All species described are compared with other similar Hantzschia taxa from other localities or compared to holotype specimens. These data show a higher diversity of diatoms in Xinjiang Province than previously understood and provide additional information for understanding their biogeography.

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2732 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

We identified nine species of phylactolaemate bryozoans collected from ponds and dams on Okinawa Island, Japan. This is the first report on freshwater bryozoans from Okinawa and includes the first record of Plumatella javanica from Japan. Phylactolaemate species were identified on the basis of colony and statoblast morphology and are illustrated by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We detected two new plumatellid species that, like Plumatella minuta and Plumatella vorstmani, have a transparent, weakly chitinized colony and hypertubercles on the floatoblast fenestra. A previous molecular study showed these four species to form a clade separate from Plumatella and Hyalinella. We here establish the new genus Rumarcanella to accommodate these species and describe Rumarcanella gusuku n. sp. and R. yanbaruensis n. sp. We discuss the dispersal of bryozoans to and from Japan by birds carrying statoblasts and provide a key to the Phylactolaemata of Japan.

Zootaxa ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 1542 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-67 ◽  
XUE LI ◽  

Two new species of scorpionflies, Panorpa byersi Hua et Huang and Panorpa brevicornis Hua et Li, from Shaanxi Province, China, are described and illustrated. Their male genitalia were observed under scanning electron microscopy. Their biology is briefly noticed with larval stage obtained through rearing. The type specimens are preserved in the Entomological Museum, Northwest A & F University.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 404 (4) ◽  
pp. 163 ◽  

A new species from the diatom genus Navicula—N. teletskoyensis sp. nov. is described from mountain oligotrophic Lake Teletskoye (West Siberia). Morphology of the taxon was studied under light and scanning electron microscopy. New species is compared with morphologically similar species, it resembles N. pseudolanceolata, N. bourrellyivera, N. trivialis, N. oligotraphenta, N. hanseatica, N. melovskii, N. subconcentrica, N. johncarteri and N. vaneei.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 111 (1) ◽  
pp. 39 ◽  

Two new species of Orthoseira from lava tubes on Île Amsterdam and Big Island (Hawai΄i) are described using light and scanning electron microscopy: Orthoseira johansenii Lowe & Kociolek sp. nov., from Hawai’i, and O. verleyenii Van de Vijver sp. nov., from the subantarctic. Both species have flat valve surfaces, the striae on the mantle are composed of uniseriate areolae and the valve face areolae are small and more or less irregularly scattered, occupying almost 2/3 of the total valve face surface. The areolae in O. johansenii are occluded by an internal velum; no velum was detected in O. verleyenii. In the centre of the valve is a small central hyaline area with 1–6 carinoportulae in O. verleyenii, 2–4 in O. johansenii. A distinct ring of marginal linking spines or straight, non-linking spines are present at the valve face/mantle junction. No caverns or internal undulations are present. Internal valves have not been encountered. Both Orthoseira johansenii and O. verleyenii have valves of about the same dimensions. The two species differ in that O. verleyenii shows a rather regular striation pattern near the valve face/mantle junction is noted whereas this is not the case in O. johansenii. Moreover, O. johansenii short slits between the carinoportulae on the internal valve side are absent whereas in O. verleyenii most valves possesses these slits. The two new species are compared with others in this small (ca. 15 species) genus. The biogeographic implications of species separated by 15,000 km are discussed.

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