Book Review: IMPACT Learning: Librarians at the Forefront of Change in Higher Education
Since the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education was released and adopted by the ACRL, academic librarians have been challenged to rethink how they teach information literacy to college students. This rethinking has led to a new approach in information literacy called “informed learning,” which teaches students how to use information within a context. In IMPACT Learning, Professor Clarence Maybee details an example of informed learning, namely the Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation (IMPACT) program.
1997 ◽
Vol 29
pp. 103-104
2018 ◽
Vol 40
pp. 262-268
2016 ◽
Vol 44
pp. 544-551
2019 ◽
Vol 52
pp. 964-971