National-Level Planning Institutions and Decisions in the Federal Republic of Germany

Gerd Schmidt-Eichstaedt
Nadezhda E. Mikhalchuk

The study of practical experience of the project activities of the libraries of the Federal Republic of Germany in the field of promoting library as a reading centre is relevant at the present stage of formation of digitalization society. Problems associated with the reduced motivation to read are manifested in one way or another in social and economic spheres, therefore the importance of promotion of reading at the national level is recognized in many countries. It resulted in the development of national programmes on support of reading. Despite the fact that all libraries in the world perform one common function — the development of reader competence and sustained interest in obtaining set of knowledge through reading, the experience of using the forms and methods of this activity is extremely wide.The purpose of the article is to study the trends in the promotion of books and reading in the libraries of Germany for the possible adaptation of examples of specific activities in the libraries of our country. Getting acquainted with international experience allows identifying common and special features in the practice of library activities in Russian Federation and Germany, to determine the achievements and to point out the problems in a broader context. The system of librarianship management in Germany and the typology of German libraries are similar in many respects to the structure of this sector in the Russian Federation, which is an important reason for the possibility of adapting the experience in the domestic librarianship.The author analyzes the primary sources in German, presented on the websites of libraries and on the pages of professional library journals of the Federal States of Germany. The article considers the experience of working with the target groups of children, young adults, families with children, refugees and migrants. The author describes the national reading program Lesestart 1-2-3, popular forms of promoting reading: “Knowledge Box” (Wissensbox), “Book Cinema” (Bilderbuchkino) and Kamishibai. The article emphasizes that reading aloud is a unique tool, undeservedly forgotten by our libraries. Research by German librarians, psychologists and educators testifies that reading aloud not only promotes imagination, creativity and empathy, but also influences educational opportunities. The author concludes that book and reading promotion events held in the libraries of the Federal Republic of Germany can be used as experience in a number of Russian libraries, considering the specific conditions.

1994 ◽  
Vol 33 (03) ◽  
pp. 312-314 ◽  
J. Michaelis

Abstract:In addition to the medical education in the Federal Republic of Germany which includes a compulsory Medical Informatics course there exists a formal program for professional qualification of physicians in Medical Informatics. After two years of clinical practice and 1.5 years of professional training at an authorized institution, a physician may receive in addition to the medical degree a “supplement Medical Informatics”. The qualification requirements are described in detail. Physicians with the additional Medical Informatics qualification perform responsible tasks in their medical domain and serve as partners for fully specialized Medical Informatics ex-’ perts in the solution of practical Medical Informatics problems. The formal qualification is available for more than 10 years, has become increasingly attractive, and is expected to grow with respect to future Medical Informatics developments.

1963 ◽  
Vol 02 (02) ◽  
pp. 49-51 ◽  
K. Knapp ◽  
W. Lenz

SummaryIn 1961 an increase in certain congenital malformations was noticed in various parts of the Federal Republic of Germany. From the outset, it seemed very probable that a single cause was responsible, since, although these malformations varied, they appeared to belong to one and the same syndrome. For general reasons, such causes as radioactivity, contraceptives, attempted abortions or virus diseases did not provide an acceptable explanation. The epidemiology was, however, suggestive of some chemical substance taken orally.After thalidomide had been indicated in several histories, suspicion of that drug was aroused and, within one week, intake of it could be proved or was found to be very likely in 17 out of 20 cases, while in the remaining cases it could not be excluded. Though this first result was highly significant, we were at first reluctant to incriminate thalidomide definitely, because there was still some doubt about the reliability of the histories. But within a few weeks, the thalidomide aetiology received support from many sources. Specific studies on limited material are sometimes superior to extensive, broadly planned investigations.

J. Misfeld ◽  
J. Timm

AbstractOn the basis of numerous research results and data on the development of nicotine and condensate contents of German cigarettes, of their respective shares in the market, the smoked length of cigarettes, and of the pro capita consumption of cigarettes in the Federal Republic of Germany, an estimate has been prepared on the yearly pro capita consumption of smoke condensate and nicotine in the Federal Republic covering the years 1961-1970. The values for 1961 amount to 40.2 g of smoke condensate (crude) and to 2.04 g of nicotine. The values for 1970 are found to be only 29.4 g and 1.63 g respectively. That means that the consumption of smoke condensate and nicotine in the Federal Republic has decreased during the last ten years. The share of smokers having remained almost the same, the consumption of smoke condensate and nicotine per smoker is, as well, found to have decreased by about 27 % and 20 % respectively during the years between 1961 and 1970 despite an increased cigarette consumption.

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