Reaching Out to the Future Generation of Shipbuilders and Shipbuilding Leaders

2008 ◽  
Christopher Skiba ◽  
Richard Boutwell ◽  
William Boze

The Office of Naval Research recognizing the importance of education, specifically science and mathematics, embarked nearly a decade ago on their National Naval Responsibility for Naval Engineering program. Since then, academia, industry, and SNAME have increased their individual and collaborative efforts towards reaching out to students in an effort to share the excitement and opportunities available within the marine industry. Recently, in this vein, the Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding Apprentice School Chapter of the Hampton Roads SNAME chapter held a “Boat Design Competition” exposing over 240 high school students from 10 school districts (30 teams from 18 different high schools) to the excitement and knowledge needed to prepare design, construction and engineering packages using guidelines, lectures, and tutorial videos prepared by Apprentices and veteran Naval Architects. This was the first time high school students had the opportunity to compete in a head-to-head competition to design, construct, and operate the best boat relative to a number of prescribed requirements. The program also served to educate Apprentices in leadership, project management, research methods, brainstorming, naval architecture and systems engineering as well as establish a nurturing relationship between student chapter and veteran SNAME members which continues today.

2020 ◽  
pp. 24-33
K. V. Rozov

The article presents the structure, content and results of approbation of the C++ programming course developed for the 10th grade students of physics and mathematics profile and implemented as part of the academic subject “Informatics”. The aim of the course is to develop in the student not only knowledge and skills in programming, but also his algorithmic culture and programming culture as important qualities of a potential IT-specialist. This is facilitated by special control of educational process by the teacher, which consists in monitoring the activities of students in writing programs and timely correction of this activity. The assessment of the level of development of student algorithmic culture and programming culture relative to the basic level of their formation (when mastering the basics of algorithmization and programming in the 9th grade) was carried out on the basis of a number of criteria presented in the article. The results of approbation showed that the specially organized teacher activity makes it possible to increase the level of algorithmic culture and programming culture of high school students when studying the basics of programming in C++.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 469-480
Giang-Nguyen T. ◽  
Byron Havard ◽  
Barbara Otto

<p>Students drop out of schools for many reasons, and it has negative effects on the individual and society. This paper reports a study using data published in 2015 from the Educational Longitudinal Study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics to analyze the influence of parental involvement on low-achieving U.S. students’ graduation rates from high school. Findings indicate that both students and parents share the same perspective on the need for parental involvement in their academic progress. For low-achieving high school students, parental involvement in academic work is a positive factor influencing students’ graduation from high school.</p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 116 (7) ◽  
pp. 1-35 ◽  
Michael A. Gottfried ◽  
Robert Bozick ◽  
Sinduja V. Srinivasan

Background/Context Educational policymakers and researchers are concerned about the declining quantity and quality of U.S. students in line to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. As one policy response, a number of federal initiatives have been enacted to enhance STEM curriculum in schools. Part of this push has been to offer applied STEM courses in the K–12 curriculum to reinforce academic STEM material as well as motivate students to remain in these fields. Prior to this current study, no national-level research has evaluated the effectiveness of these courses. Purpose (a) What applied STEM courses are most commonly taken by high school students? (b) To what extent are high school students taking both academic math courses and applied STEM courses? (c) Do applied STEM courses in high school improve achievement in math? Participants To address the three research questions listed above, this study relies on a comprehensive longitudinal dataset: the Education Longitudinal Survey (ELS:2002). The present study is based on a sample of approximately 11,112 students who participated in the base-year (10th grade, 2002) and first follow-up (12th grade 2004) interviews, who completed math assessments in both years, and for whom valid transcript information was collected. Research Design This study begins with a descriptive analysis to evaluate which students have taken applied STEM courses and at which ability level. From this, a common set of applied STEM courses is determined across this nationally representative dataset. Next, this study relies on a linear regression model of math achievement where the dependent variable is a standardized math score. Independent covariates include measures as to whether or not a student had taken applied STEM courses, academic math courses taken by the student, and a range of controls. Findings Students who take an applied STEM course had higher math scores than their peers who did not take an applied STEM course, all else equal. These courses may be particularly beneficial for those students who are less oriented toward advanced math. Conclusions/Recommendations Applied STEM courses can be used to support learning in math instructed elsewhere in the curriculum, particularly for those students at the lower end of the math pipeline. In providing hands-on learning, often with technology and with direct application to concrete occupationally specific problems, applied STEM courses may serve as a critical means to support an understanding of concepts taught in lower level math pipeline courses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-407
Daniel Naveed Tavakol ◽  
Karen Emmons

Since fall 2015, the University of Virginia’s (UVA) Engineering Student Council (ESC) has partnered with the nonprofit Virginia Science Olympiad (VASO) organization to host a Science Olympiad (SciOly) state tournament in Charlottesville, Virginia, each spring. This annual tournament brings over 2,000 middle and high school students, teachers, and parents to the UVA campus, and teams of 15–17 people from roughly 90 schools across Virginia participate in 46 different events (23 middle school, Division B; 23 high school, Division C) relating to the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields throughout the day-long competition. The national SciOly organization sets the events and rules to comply with national education standards, and the VASO board coordinates the teams and tournaments within the state. By collaborating with VASO, UVA ESC was able to plan a large-scale SciOly tournament at UVA in approximately 10 mo with the support of the UVA School of Engineering and Applied Science. Since this event was planned and executed solely by undergraduates in cooperation with the nonprofit organization, there were institutional hurdles that were overcome through the months of planning. The Virginia SciOly state tournament has continued to be held at UVA with the support and cooperation of the UVA ESC and VASO, and bringing this tournament to UVA has allowed for increased excitement for participating K–12 students and a mitigated burden to the VASO organizers in planning the state competition. This paper aims to provide a resource for other universities to support STEM activities in K–12 outreach organizations, like SciOly, in the future.

2019 ◽  
pp. 317-331
E. Bagno ◽  
H. Berger ◽  
E. Magen ◽  
C. Polingher ◽  
Y. Lehavi ◽  

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