scholarly journals L'expérience québécoise

2005 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 575-584
Louise Robic

Quebec is the only Canadian Province to have affirmed its rights in the area of immigration by creating in 1968 a Department of Immigration. The Department has as its fundamental mission to provide a framework of support and orientation for immigration in the Province. The expression "humanitarian immigration" applies to two categories of people : refugees, as defined by the Geneva Convention, and more imposing those persons who, without being refugees, are selected for immigration due to humanitarian reasons. In recent years Quebec has welcomed 12 000 to 20 000 persons who have come to Canada claiming refugee status. The people of Quebec have shown openness and generosity in insuring newcomers with financial support and diverse means of welcome ranging from health care and housing to legal aid. The Quebec experience inspires thought on the relativity of the generosity and the fundamental contradiction of humanitarian immigration. The solution to the problem posed by the existence in the world of twelve million refugees can not be found only through immigration, but rather for a major part, by the recognition and guarantee of the respect of Human Rights.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-175 ◽  
Hou Yuxin

Abstract The Wukan Incident attracted extensive attention both in China and around the world, and has been interpreted from many different perspectives. In both the media and academia, the focus has very much been on the temporal level of the Incident. The political and legal dimensions, as well as the implications of the Incident in terms of human rights have all been pored over. However, what all of these discussions have overlooked is the role played by religious force during the Incident. The village of Wukan has a history of over four hundred years, and is deeply influenced by the religious beliefs of its people. Within both the system of religious beliefs and in everyday life in the village, the divine immortal Zhenxiu Xianweng and the religious rite of casting shengbei have a powerful influence. In times of peace, Xianweng and casting shengbei work to bestow good fortune, wealth and longevity on both the village itself, and the individuals who live there. During the Wukan Incident, they had a harmonizing influence, and helped to unify and protect the people. Looking at the specific roles played by religion throughout the Wukan Incident will not only enable us to develop a more meaningful understanding of the cultural nature and the complexity of the Incident itself, it will also enrich our understanding, on a divine level, of innovations in social management.

Inam Ullah Wattoo ◽  
Yasir Farooq

This study presents a critical analysis on the charter of human rights of United Nations, as it was design to promote peace and justice in the world but unfortunately it was not come in true. So the concepts and impacts of human rights presented by UN will be examine in the light of Seerah, and to find out the reasons which caused its failure. It is historical observation that fundamental human rights are very essential for justice and peace in the world. All the peoples have equal rights in all respects. No one is allowed to disregard the rights of others on the basis of race, color and religion. Holy Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) founded the state of Yathrab and first time in the history declared the fundamental rights of human and vanished the differences based on race, color and gender. Rights for slaves, war prisoners and women were not only defined but were implemented by legal procedure in very short time. In 1948 United Nation declared a charter for human rights which proclaimed that inherent dignity and equal rights are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace of the world. This charter consist on 30 articles regarding individual and common rights of human. This charter of UN guaranteed the security of all fundamental rights of all human being. Although there are number of articles which caused uneasiness among the people of different religions such as article No. 19. Freedom of opinion and express must be observed but it should must be keep in mind that some irresponsible elements of different societies are using this for their criminal purposes as cartoon contest on Prophet Muḥammad (PBUH) by Geert wilders of Holland in recent days caused huge disturbance for world peace. Whereas, the Prophet of Islām ordered the Muslim to respect the clergy of other religions even He (PBUH) halted the Muslims to abuse the idols.

Susan Sered

Susan Sered, author of the seminal work Uninsured in America: Life and Death in the Land of Opportunity (2005), returned to the same communities to learn how the people she originally interviewed were faring after the implementation of the ACA. Not a single person she interviewed had remained in the same coverage status for more than a few years at a time. Even with insurance, health care was hardly affordable for many. Most important, geographically driven health disparities had been exacerbated by the 2012 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, leaving large numbers of people to fall into the “coverage gap.” The existence of these gaps, together with the inconsistent nature of coverage and the absence of a human rights ethos, created barriers and resentment, with many people feeling that other categories of people received greater benefits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (S1) ◽  
pp. 99-101
Priyanka Agarwal ◽  
Jamema Swamidas ◽  
Sarwani Ghosh Laskar ◽  
Shrikant Kale ◽  
Ashutosh Mukherji ◽  

The Covid-19 onset was very pandemic for all of society all over the world. To overcome this state of affairs, the country’s government had done the lockdown in their respective countries. The lockdown helped the people from spreading the Covid-19 virus among people, however, it affected another part of life such as people becoming unemployed. The health care sector was affected a lot by the lockdown as the patient faced lots of problems such as reaching the hospital, meeting the concerned staff, getting the treatment on time, etc. Covid-19 affected the cancer patients most, during the lockdown. After awareness of Covid-19, when the world has started towards the unlock down. With the little negligence of people, the world has started facing the peak of Covid-19. And, there was more crowd in the health care sectors, therefore the hospital staff got infected a lot, as the patient treatment cannot be carried out from home. Cancer patient treatment, which comes under radiotherapy, has already existed in chronic medical conditions, such as lung cancer patients, esophagus cancer patients, heart disease patients, etc, has a higher risk of Covid-19 infection. During treatment, when such a patient comes in contact with a radiation oncologist, medical physicist, and radiation technologist, then some of the staff get infected through patients. To prevent such spread, all the medical staff should strictly follow the rules made for staff. In this article, we are sharing the challenges for the medical physics team and some suggestions during patient care. 

Rita Dashe SELKUR

It is often said that health is wealth. That being the case then, health is an asset to be desired because a healthy man is a wealthy man equally; a healthy nation is invariably a wealthy nation. Health has been described a fundamental human right indispensable for the exercise of other human rights. This implies that the state has a responsibility for the health of her people. Every human being is entitled to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health conducive to living a life in dignity. The realization of these may be pursued through numerous, complimentary approaches, such as the formulation of health policies, or the implementation of health programmes developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the adoption of specific legal instruments. Poor health inflicts great hardships on communities whereby the health status of people in the community affect their abilities to work and thus underpins the welfare of such community. This paper will attempt to examine what health care is at the rural region, the legal framework as encapsulated in the various legal instruments, obstacles and steps towards change.

Anupama Shukla

Around 400 BC, Areatus -- one of Hippocrates’ pupils, proclaimed ‘epilepsy is an illness of various shapes and horrible’. Later, Areatus was also one of the people who called the disease ‘sacred’; according to them, a deity had sent a demon to possess the patient, or the patient had been cursed by the moon. The Hippocratic physicians were among the first to attempt to separate the scientific and the cultural/fictional discourses. However, even till the late nineteenth century, medical narratives were intertwined with the fictional narratives that surrounded epilepsy, and these narratives contributed significantly towards the stigma that has historically been associated with the disease. This paper will examine how medical and non-medical discourses shaped the representation of epilepsy and contributed to the cultural mythology surrounding epilepsy. In the course of this paper, the author will specifically focus on Dostoevsky’s The Idiot, in which the reader sees the author’s personal view of epilepsy, cleverly accommodated into the character of Prince Myshkin, who is surrounded by social stigmatisation. Dostoevsky suffered from epilepsy for a major part of his life, and he maintained detailed accounts of his seizures. His epilepsy had a huge influence on his writings and his perception of the world. Dostoevsky’s epilepsy has been seen as particularly relevant, since being an epileptic himself, his works provide the reader with an insight into the disease which is hard to find elsewhere.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-45
Vitalis Tarsan

Abstract: Schools that are able to survive in the future are schools that embraced change. Not only embracing but managing it cleverly. Schools must be changed because the world around them changes too. When a school plans a change, it must be started from the planning of the change itself, which is determining what must be made, who changes it, when it is changed, why it is changed, and how it is changed. After everything was clear, then the school entered the movement stage. In the process of movement, schools must break through comfort zones, sell the change, strengthen individual capacity, provide financial support and facilities and strengthen school governance systems. After the school community is able to stand up, run, and race in the expected changes; then the school ensuring whether the planned changes have been carried out according to the plan or not. Then the school needs to do an evaluation and subsequently, make continuous improvements. And finally, give credit to the people involved in the change and celebrate the success of the change together.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 416-436
Saddam Hussain ◽  
Ali Sohail ◽  
Chunjiao Yu ◽  
Sadaf Manzoor ◽  
Ayesha Zahid

CPEC being a mega project of the recent era not only in South Asia but throughout the world. CPEC is going to take place between Pakistan and China by bringing enormous economic betterment and lifestyle changes for the people living in Pakistan. Both countries, China and Pakistan are agreed to build one road one belt which is commonly known as China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) with the intentions to bring peace and prosperity as well as to enhance business activities by promoting trade with each other and with rest of the world, which will directly affect on economic growth. Being a mega economic project for both countries it will bring prosperity and economic stability. It will enhance Pakistan’s infrastructure (road, railway and telecommunication), overcome energy crises, develop trade, modernize and develop agriculture and manufacturing industry and mutual connectivity between people of both countries which is a very important factor for trade. China being the strongest economy of the present day will support the new economically arising country (Pakistan). China will pull Pakistan from the crises by applying modern technology and high financial support, which every country faces during the difficult time of raising its economy. This study helps to overlook and analyze the benefits of CPEC for the people of Pakistan. Keywords: China Pakistan Economic Corridor, One Belt One Road, Gwadar, Socio-Economic Development

Louis Mendy

Death Penalty has been practiced since human beings decided to constitute nations and live in countries. It was institutionalized to get rid of people who were supposed to be harmful to societies. However, proponents of Capital Punishment do not seem to understand that people may be executed because of their evil acts, but their death will never wipe evil out of their societies. Since the ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by a very large majority of countries in the world, the legality and legitimacy of Death Penalty have been constantly questioned by human rights defenders. Even the three major and revealed religions: Christianity, Judaism and Islam recognize that life is a sacred right from God. For the people who are against Death Penalty, Capital Punishment is akin to a premeditated voluntary homicide by a government. Even if Death Penalty is considered as a deterrent in many societies, it has never been proven that it can stop people from committing murders. The abolition of Death Penalty is nowadays a moral duty for all governments. Even a moratorium is proposed to countries which have not abolished it yet. The tendency today is the total abolition of Capital Punishment in the world and its restoration by countries that have already abolished it is something unheard of, retrograde and senseless.

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