scholarly journals Effect of Boron Concentration on Fatigue Crack Propagation Resistance and Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of INCONEL 718

L. Xiao ◽  
D.L. Chen ◽  
M.C. Chaturvedi
Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 2564
Philip Manuel Pohl ◽  
Frank Kümmel ◽  
Christopher Schunk ◽  
Itziar Serrano-Munoz ◽  
Henning Markötter ◽  

The influence of gradients in hardness and elastic properties at interfaces of dissimilar materials in laminated metallic composites (LMCs) on fatigue crack propagation is investigated experimentally for three different LMC systems: Al/Al-LMCs with dissimilar yield stress and Al/Steel-LMCs as well as Al/Ti/Steel-LMCs with dissimilar yield stress and Young’s modulus, respectively. The damage tolerant fatigue behavior in Al/Al-LMCs with an alternating layer structure is enhanced significantly compared to constituent monolithic materials. The prevalent toughening mechanisms at the interfaces are identified by microscopical methods and synchrotron X-ray computed tomography. For the soft/hard transition, crack deflection mechanisms at the vicinity of the interface are observed, whereas crack bifurcation mechanisms can be seen for the hard/soft transition. The crack propagation in Al/Steel-LMCs was studied conducting in-situ scanning electron microscope (SEM) experiments in the respective low cycle fatigue (LCF) and high cycle fatigue (HCF) regimes of the laminate. The enhanced resistance against crack propagation in the LCF regime is attributed to the prevalent stress redistribution, crack deflection, and crack bridging mechanisms. The fatigue properties of different Al/Ti/Steel-LMC systems show the potential of LMCs in terms of an appropriate selection of constituents in combination with an optimized architecture. The results are also discussed under the aspect of tailored lightweight applications subjected to cyclic loading.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 3010-3017 ◽  
Pavel Hutař ◽  
Jan Poduška ◽  
Alice Chlupová ◽  
Miroslav Šmíd ◽  
Tomáš Kruml ◽  

1996 ◽  
Vol 219 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 212-220 ◽  
G. Hénaff ◽  
B. Bittar ◽  
C. Mabru ◽  
J. Petit ◽  
P. Bowen

2008 ◽  
Vol 22 (31n32) ◽  
pp. 5477-5482 ◽  

The crack propagation properties for ultrafine-grained Zn -22 wt % Al alloy during low cycle fatigue (LCF) in the superplastic region and the non-superplastic region were investigated and compared with the corresponding results for several other materials. With the Zn - 22 wt % Al alloy, it was possible to conduct LCF tests even at high strain amplitudes of more than ±5%, and the alloy appeared to exhibit a longer LCF lifetime than the other materials examined. The fatigue life is higher in the superplastic region than in the non-superplastic region. The rate of fatigue crack propagation in the superplastic region is lower than that in the other materials in the high J-integral range. In addition, the formation of cavities and crack branching were observed around a crack tip in the supereplastic region. We therefore conclude that the formation of cavities and secondary cracks as a result of the relaxation of stress concentration around the crack tip results in a reduction in the rate of fatigue crack propagation and results in a longer fatigue lifetime.

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