1984 ◽  
Vol 33 (12) ◽  
pp. 1759
2005 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
F. Finelli ◽  
G. Marozzi ◽  
G. Vacca ◽  
G. Venturi

Roman Baudrimont

This paper is to summarize the involvement of the stress energy tensor in the study of fluid mechanics. In the first part we will see the implication that carries the stress energy tensor in the framework of general relativity. In the second part, we will study the stress energy tensor under the mechanics of perfect fluids, allowing us to lead third party in the case of Newtonian fluids, and in the last part we will see that it is possible to define space-time as a no-Newtonian fluids.

2016 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
pp. 1660127
Irina Dymnikova ◽  
Anna Dobosz ◽  
Bożena Sołtysek

We present a regular spherically symmetric cosmological model of the Lemaitre class distinguished by the holographic principle as the thermodynamically stable end-point of quantum evaporation of the cosmological horizon. A source term in the Einstein equations connects smoothly two de Sitter vacua with different values of cosmological constant and corresponds to anisotropic vacuum dark fluid defined by symmetry of its stress-energy tensor which is invariant under the radial boosts. Global structure of space-time is the same as for the de Sitter space-time. Cosmological evolution goes from a big initial value of the cosmological constant towards its presently observed value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 136 (5) ◽  
Roberto Niardi ◽  
Giampiero Esposito ◽  
Francesco Tramontano

AbstractIn this paper the Feynman Green function for Maxwell’s theory in curved space-time is studied by using the Fock–Schwinger–DeWitt asymptotic expansion; the point-splitting method is then applied, since it is a valuable tool for regularizing divergent observables. Among these, the stress-energy tensor is expressed in terms of second covariant derivatives of the Hadamard Green function, which is also closely linked to the effective action; therefore one obtains a series expansion for the stress-energy tensor. Its divergent part can be isolated, and a concise formula is here obtained: by dimensional analysis and combinatorics, there are two kinds of terms: quadratic in curvature tensors (Riemann, Ricci tensors and scalar curvature) and linear in their second covariant derivatives. This formula holds for every space-time metric; it is made even more explicit in the physically relevant particular cases of Ricci-flat and maximally symmetric spaces, and fully evaluated for some examples of physical interest: Kerr and Schwarzschild metrics and de Sitter space-time.

Roman Baudrimont

This paper is to summarize the involvement of the stress energy tensor in the study of fluid mechanics. In the first part we will see the implication that carries the stress energy tensor in the framework of general relativity. In the second part, we will study the stress energy tensor under the mechanics of perfect fluids, allowing us to lead third party in the case of Newtonian fluids, and in the last part we will see that it is possible to define space-time as a no-Newtonian fluids.

M. Sharif ◽  
Komal Ashraf

This paper investigates stability of thin-shell developed from the matching of interior traversable wormhole with exterior Ayon–Beato–Garcia–de Sitter regular black hole through cut and paste approach. We employ Israel formalism and Lanczos equations to obtain the components of surface stress-energy tensor at thin-shell. These surface stresses violate null and weak energy conditions that suggest the presence of exotic matter at thin-shell. The surface pressure explains collapse as well as expanding behavior of the developed geometry. We explore stability of the constructed thin-shell through both perturbations along shell radius as well as barotropic equation of state for three appropriate values of the shape function [Formula: see text]. It is concluded that stability of thin-shell depends on the shape function, charge and cosmological constant.

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