A significant range extension for the Western Soil-Crevice Skink Proablepharus reginae (Glauert 1960) and an updated reptile species list of Cape Range, Western Australia

2021 ◽  
Chad Beranek ◽  
Stephen Mahony ◽  
Shawn Scott

ABSTRACT We describe a 226 km range extension for the known distribution of the Western Soil-Crevice Skink Proablepharus reginae in Western Australia. This record from Cape Range National Park is the first for this species on the North West Cape and within the Cape Range IBRA sub-region and marks the most westerly record of P. reginae for mainland Australia. This finding raises the terrestrial reptile species richness for the Cape Range peninsula to 90. Previous surveys in this area failed to detect P. reginae, which demonstrates the value of repeated surveys in documenting species richness in remote locations. Furthermore, we provide morphological and ecological data and discuss this record in the contexts of geographic variation and the high number of isolated reptile populations and endemism seen on the Cape Range peninsula.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (29) ◽  
pp. 112
Taleb Mohamed Lamine ◽  
Maatoug M’hamed ◽  
Azouzi Blel ◽  
Zedek Mohamed ◽  
Hellal Benchabane

This study aims to search the relationship between the decline of the Atlas cedar and the eco-dendrometrique factors in the National Park of Theniet El Had located in the north-west of Algeria. This study takes place throughout 30 circular plots of 1.000m2 area in which, a dendrometric measures and ecological data are taken in addition to descriptive data for Atlas cedar trees. The descriptive data shows that 34% of inventoried Atlas cedar have damaged leaves and 30% have more then 25% of their crowns damaged. The analysis of variance shows that there is no relationship between the rate of the Atlas cedar decline ant the ecological factors, components of the soil and dendrometric parameters except for the average circumference witch is influenced by the competition between trees. Therefor, a particular management plan for the regulation of competition is a necessity for this park.

2001 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 71 ◽  
PM Johnson ◽  
MDB Eldridge ◽  
V Kiernan ◽  
RJ Cupitt

IN 1982, the Queensland subspecies of the blackfooted rock-wallaby Petrogale lateralis purpureicollis was reported to occur around Mt Isa and south to around Dajarra (Briscoe et al. 1982). During 1991, the known range of this taxon was extended 300 km to the north-west when an adult female P. l. purpureicollis was collected from ?Ridgepole Waterhole? in the Musselbrook Resource Reserve near Lawn Hill National Park (Eldridge et al. 1993). In 1994 the range was further extended when P. l. purpureicollis was recorded from the Constance Ranges and the upper reaches of Stockyard and Elizabeth Creeks; around the town of Cloncurry and the following distances from the town: 85 km north west; 60 and 87 km west; 4, 23, 28 and 35 km south and 15 km east (Bell et al. 1995). Approaches by the Cannington Mining operation to the southwest of McKinley in October 1999 to confirm the presence of rock-wallabies on nearby Glenholme Station established the presence of P. l. purpureicollis; a 75 km range extension to the south-east.

2018 ◽  
Vol 66 (7) ◽  
pp. 556 ◽  
Michael K. Macphail ◽  
Robert S. Hill

Fossil pollen and spores preserved in drillcore from both the upper South Alligator River (SARV) in the Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory and the North-West Shelf, Western Australia provide the first record of plants and plant communities occupying the coast and adjacent hinterland in north-west Australia during the Paleogene 66 to 23million years ago. The palynologically-dominant woody taxon is Casuarinaceae, a family now comprising four genera of evergreen scleromorphic shrubs and trees native to Australia, New Guinea, South-east Asia and Pacific Islands. Rare taxa include genera now mostly restricted to temperate rainforest in New Guinea, New Caledonia, New Zealand, South-East Asia and/or Tasmania, e.g. Dacrydium, Phyllocladus and the Nothofagus subgenera Brassospora and Fuscospora. These appear to have existed in moist gorges on the Arnhem Land Plateau, Kakadu National Park. No evidence for Laurasian rainforest elements was found. The few taxa that have modern tropical affinities occur in Eocene or older sediments in Australia, e.g. Lygodium, Anacolosa, Elaeagnus, Malpighiaceae and Strasburgeriaceae. We conclude the wind-pollinated Oligocene to possibly Early Miocene vegetation in the upper SARV was Casuarinaceae sclerophyll forest or woodland growing under seasonally dry conditions and related to modern Allocasuarina/Casuarina formations. There are, however, strong floristic links to coastal communities growing under warm to hot, and seasonally to uniformly wet climates in north-west Australia during the Paleocene-Eocene.

2019 ◽  
Darren Cheah ◽  
Kliti Grice ◽  
Cornelia Wuchter ◽  
Alan G. Scarlett ◽  
Marco J. L. Coolen

2002 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 565 ◽  
B. E. Pfeil ◽  
L. A. Craven

Three new taxa of Glycine are described, namely Glycine pullenii B.E.Pfeil, Tindale & Craven and G.�aphyonota B.E.Pfeil from Bungle Bungle-Purnululu National Park, Western Australia, and G. hirticaulis subsp. leptosa B.E.Pfeil from the Top End of the Northern Territory. A key to Glycine Willd. in north-western Australia is provided. A range extension for G. falcata Benth. is noted.

1994 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 555
N. M. Lemon ◽  
T. Mahmood

The North West Shelf of Western Australia is an area of known extensional control with a number of inbuilt complexities related to variations in direction of extension and the existence of early fracture sets. Analogue modelling in a sandbox of modest construction and proportions can imitate the style of structures imaged by seismic on the North West Shelf. Models were constructed to simulate deformation in a sedimentary sequence above simple listric, ramp/flat and complex 3D detachment surfaces. A new 3D technique has been devised to simulate progressive deformation above complex detachment morphologies. Analysis of the structures produced has been achieved by marrying sequential plan view photographs of the model surface with serial vertical sections of the bulk of the model once the experiment has been completed and the sand stabilised. This technique also has the ability to simulate geometry and kinematics of extensional structures in a complex polyphase area. This 3D technique has proven particularly useful in the understanding of structures developed in regions where the sedimentary sequence has been subject to more than one period of extension, each with different orientations. The models provide the first understanding of the areal distribution of fault patterns and associated subsidiary troughs in areas of complex detachments. These models show the distribution of pre-rift and syn-rift sediments in extensional terranes and are valuable in the prediction of deformation in areas of poor seismic quality and for confirmation of seismic interpretation.

AAPG Bulletin ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 104 (4) ◽  
pp. 913-938
Sam McHarg ◽  
Chris Elders ◽  
Jane Cunneen

1988 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 385 ◽  
BR Maslin ◽  
L Pedley

Patterns of distribution are described for the three subgenera and nine sections that make up the Australian Acacia flora. Subgenus Phyllodineae (833 species) is widespread and contains 99% of the species; subgenus Acacia (six species) and subgenus Aculeiferum (one species) are poorly represented and virtually confined to the north of the continent. The geographic patterns of species-richness are strongly influenced by sections Phyllodineae (352 species), Juliflorae (219 species) and Plurinerves (178 species). Section Phyllodineae has centres of richness south of the Tropic of Capricorn in temperate and adjacent semiarid areas of eastern, south-eastern and south-western Australia. The section is poorly represented in the tropics. The closely related sections Juliflorae and Plurinerves predominate in the north of the continent, semiarid areas of the south-west, many rocky tablelands of the Arid Zone and along the Great Dividing Range and adjacent inland riverine lowland areas in eastern Australia. The remaining four sections contribute little to the overall patterns of species-richness. The principal speciespoor areas are sandy and fluvial lowland regions of the Arid Zone. In eastern Australia, sections Botrycephalae, Juliflorae, Phyllodineae and Plurinerves show discontinuous patterns of species-richness along the Great Dividing Range. All sections have species whose ranges terminate in the area of the McPherson-Macleay Overlap region.

1985 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 247 ◽  
SJM Blaber ◽  
JW Young ◽  
MC Dunning

The species composition and broad trophic structure of the mangrove creek and open shore fish communities of the Dampier region in tropical north-western Australia are described. The habitats are characterized by a lack of freshwater influence, low turbidity and a tidal range in excess of 4 m. Both mangroves and open shores have a diversity of species typical of Indo-west Pacific coastal waters but the physical conditions have modified the community structure both to exclude many families that prefer areas of higher turbidity and reduced salinity, and to include others that usually occur only in clear waters. The fish faunas of the mangroves (113 species) and open shores (106 species) are compared: 54 species were common to both. The deeper waters were dominated by piscivores, which penetrated throughout the mangroves at high tide. Iliophagous species were abundant, particularly in the mangroves where the organic content of the substratum (7.8-8.2%) was not reduced markedly compared with other areas of the Indo-Pacific, despite the lack of freshwater inflow. The clear and deep water in the mangroves at high tide favour predation on juveniles by piscivorous fishes and reduce the effectiveness of such areas as nurseries. There is virtually no overlap of the fauna with that of the deeper waters (>20 m) of the North West Shelf, and the inshore region is not a significant nursery ground for any of the commercially important deeper water species.

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