scholarly journals Input Demand and Output Supply Elasticities of Coarse Cereals in India: A Translog Profit and Sure Approach

Radha R. Ashrit

Aims: The aim was to estimate the output supply and input demand elasticities of maize, jowar and bajra production, using the restricted normalised translog profit function, for the major producing states of India (Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan).  Study Design: A stratified multi-stage random sampling design was adopted for carrying out the sampling. Place and Duration of Study: The study pertains to cross sectional plot level data for the period 2013-14 and 2017-18. The study is based on secondary data, collected from Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.  Methodology: For the present studied crops (maize, jowar and bajra), those states were selected which covered maximum area, i.e, 85% of the total area under the cultivation. Socio-economic data of farmers such as age, sex, level of education, occupation, size of landholding were collected. The translog profit function approach was used as the econometric technique to estimate output supply, and input demand functions. Labour, fertiliser and seeds are taken as variable inputs. Statistical software STATA version 16 was used for the analysis. Results: The results suggest that the changes in market prices of inputs and output significantly affect the farmers’ profits, crop produce supply and the use of resources in the cultivation of these crops. The supply elasticities of maize, jowar and bajra with respect to its own prices are positive and statistically significant indicating that increase in support prices can boost the supply of these nutri-grains and farmers profits. Labour demand for these crops in the country is elastic and significant to its own price. Conclusion: During both the periods, 2013-14 (typical monsoon year) and 2017-18 (drought year), the elasticities derived are statistically robust as almost all of them carried compatible signs and in line with the theory. Promoting these crops can contribute to labour absorption.

2002 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-411 ◽  
Ståle Størdal ◽  
Sjur Baardsen

A five input transcendental logarithmic (translog) cost function and a set of conditional input demand functions, which were extended to include a conjectural elasticity term, were analyzed. The analysis was based on data covering individual Norwegian sawmills over the period 1974–1991. The presence of mill-level data allowed us to test cross-sectional effects as well as intertemporal effects. Under the assumption of cost minimization, price-taking behavior was rejected for the years 1982 and 1984–1991. There was no variation of the conjectural elasticity over regions, but the use of market power increased after the price negotiations were brought from the national to regional levels. The necessity of having information on sawlog purchases and market areas to conclude on welfare effects is explained. This analysis also contributes to explain the post-1992 period, where the Norwegian sawlog market has experienced several structural changes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Nadia Shah ◽  
Mehwish Hussain

Abstract Objectives To determine prevalence of Household Food Insecurity in urban slums of Karachi To assess children's behavior living in a state of food insecurity in urban slums To relate Household food insecurity with child's behavior Methods The study used a cross-sectional descriptive survey; conducted in 12 towns from all six districts of Karachi using multi-stage sampling methods. The structured questionnaire, comprised of Socio-demographic information, Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and Child's behaviour questionnaire (CBQ) was conducted among 400 mothers of children bearing age 3 to 11 years living in urban slums. Correlation of HFIAS and CBQ scores were measured by Spearman's correlation coefficient. Generalized linear regression analysis was performed to determine relationship between scores of food insecurity and child behavior. Results Every two out of three households were found food insecure. 70% of households were worried for shortage of food in past month. Almost all households endured insufficient quality (95%) while 84.2% households did not have sufficient quantity of food in past month. Overall 70% mothers reported behavioral problems in their children; of which solitary and aggressiveness were the most common behavioral problems. Subsequent misbehavior reported were: avoiding going to school, stressed, impetuous, fearful, somatic complaints, bullied and not confident. Correlation between food insecurity and child misbehavior was significantly positive. One additional household with food insecurity increased 26.7% behavioral problems in children in urban slums. Conclusions Food insecurity in slum areas of Karachi is rampant. Behavioral problems in children living in areas with food insecurity are at subsequent high risk. Strategies must be derived for related interventions to reduce these psycho-social problems in addition to socioeconomic problems. Funding Sources No funding was available for the research. Authors conduction self research.

Tri Wahyuni Lestari ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Delima Delima ◽  
Cicih Opitasari ◽  
Hadi Siswoyo

Abstrak Rumah Riset Jamu Hortus Medicus (RRJHM) berdasarkan Permenkes No.003/Menkes/Per/2010, merupakan klinik jamu yang melakukan kegiatan penelitian berbasis pelayanan. Sebagai bagian dari fasilitas penelitian berbasis pelayanan kesehatan, maka RRJHM terus meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya agar senantiasa dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pasien. Salah satu aspek peningkatan mutu pelayanan adalah aspek kepuasan pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain cross-sectional dan merupakan analisis lanjut dari data penelitian Model Pelayanan Kesehatan Tradisional tahun 2016. Subjek penelitian adalah pasien yang berobat di RRJHM pada saat penelitian berlangsung. Tujuan analisis untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat kepuasan pasien yang berobat ke RRJHM. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hampir seluruh responden merasa puas terhadap pelayanan di RRJHM. Namun, masih ada beberapa responden yang berpendapat tidak atau kurang puas terhadap beberapa aspek pelayanan seperti: pelayanan yang dapat diberikan dengan cepat, selalu menanyakan keluhan pasien, selalu memberikan kesempatan bertanya kepada pasien, memberikan informasi tentang penyakit, cara pengobatan/tindakan yang dilakukan, kontra indikasi dan efek samping yang mungkin terjadi secara jelas/mudah dimengerti, memberikan edukasi tentang pola hidup sehat (diet, aktivitas fisik), prosedur administrasi yang cepat, ruangan yang tertata bersih, rapi dan nyaman. Kata kunci: Kepuasan pasien, pelayanan kesehatan, jamu Abstract Based on Permenkes No.003/Menkes/Per/2010, Rumah Riset Jamu Hortus Medikus (RRJHM) is a jamu clinic that conducts service-based research activities. As part of the service based research facility, RRJHM continues to improve the quality of its services so that it can always fulfill the needs of patients. One aspect of improving the quality of service is the aspect of patient satisfaction. This cross-sectional descriptive study is an analysis of secondary data from the former research i.e.Traditional Health Service Model in 2016 that was conducted regarding patient satisfaction who visited at RRJHM. This study aims to determine the aspects of patient satisfaction at RRJHM. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results show that almost all respondents satisfied with the service at the RRJHM. However, there are still some respondents who are not satisfied with the service, especially in the aspect such as: the service is given quickly, always asks the patient’s complaint, always gives the opportunity to ask the patient, providing information about the disease, how the treatment/action is done, contra indications and side effects that may occur clearly/easily understood, providing education about healthy lifestyle (diet, physical activity), rapid administration procedures, clean, neat and comfortable room. Keywords: patient satisfaction, health service, herbal medicine

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 90
Pratiwi Dian Pramana ◽  
Mayetti Mayetti ◽  
Husnil Kadri

AbstrakSindrom nefrotik terdiri dari proteinuria massif, hipoalbuminemia, edema, serta dapat disertai hiperkolesterolemia. Proteinuria merupakan gejala utama pada sindrom nefrotik, sedangkan gejala klinis lainnya dianggap sebagai manifestasi sekunder. Kehilangan protein melalui urin menyebabkan terjadinya hipoalbuminemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi hubungan antara proteinuria dan hipoalbuminemia pada anak dengan sindrom nefrotik. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi retrospektif dengan desain Cross Sectional. Data sekunder diambil dari rekam medik pasien yang didiagnosis sebagai Sindrom Nefrotik Anak di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) Dr. M. Djamil Padang Periode Januari 2009 - April 2012. Penelitian berlangsung dari Oktober 2011- Desember 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukan insiden tertinggi sindrom nefrotik pada kelompok umur >6 tahun terutama pada anak laki-laki dengan rasio 1,43:1. Sebagian besar pasien memiliki kadar protein urin semikuantitatif +3 dengan rata-rata kadar protein urin kuantitatif 3,121 ± 2,157 gr/24 jam. Hampir seluruh pasien mengalami hipoalbuminemia (98,2%). Analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara proteinuria dan hipoalbuminemia (p > 0.05). Hal ini mungkin disebabkan oleh jumlah subjek yang kurang, sehingga penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan berlangsung lebih lama agar didapatkan jumlah subjek yang lebih besar.Kata kunci: Anak dengan sindrom nefrotik, Proteinuria, HipoalbuminemiaAbstractNephrotic syndrome consist of massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, and may be accompanied by hypercholesterolemia. Proteinuria is a major symptom of nephrotic syndrome, while the other clinical symptoms considered secondary manifestations. Loss of protein in the urine leads to hypoalbuminemia. This study aims to identify the relationship between proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia in children with Nephrotic Syndrome. Method of this research performed a retrospective study with cross sectional design. Secondary data were taken from medical record of patients that were diagnosed as Nephrotic Syndrome Children in General Hospital Dr. M. Djamil Padang period January 2009 - April 2012. The study was held on October 2011 - December 2012. The result of this study showed that the highest incidence of Nephrotic Syndrome in the age group >6 years old especially in male with the ratio 1,43:1. Most of patients have levels of semiquantitative urinary protein +3 with average levels of quantitative urinary protein 3.121 ± 2.157 gr/24 hours. Almost all of the patients had hypoalbuminemia (98.2%). Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant relationship between proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia (p> 0.05). This may be due to the less number of subjects, so further research is expected to last much longer in order to have a larger number of subjects.Keywords:Nephrotic syndrome children, Proteinuria, Hypoalbuminemia

Vivian Tallita Pinheiro Santana ◽  
Eliane Aparecida Suchara ◽  
Roberta Carreto ◽  
Phelipe Magalhães Duarte

O conhecimento do perfil epidemiológico das intoxicações medicamentosas é um importante guia para a gestão de recursos destinados ao planejamento e à implementação de ações que previnam a ocorrência desse agravo. O presente trabalho buscou estudar o perfil das intoxicações medicamentosas ocorridas no município de Primavera do Leste-MT, entre 2007 a 2014. Foram avaliados dados secundários registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN), que permitiram a realização de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo e transversal em que se analisaram informações referentes ao perfil das vítimas (idade, sexo) e dos casos (circunstâncias, tipo de exposição e evolução dos casos). Registraram-se 52 casos, destes 73,1% (n=38) são vítimas do gênero feminino e 26,9% (n=14) do masculino. As intoxicações com medicamentos ocorreram em quase todas as faixas etárias (01 a 64 anos), porém a maioria das vítimas possuía entre 20 a 39 anos (n=26; 50%) e 15 a 19 (17,3%; n=9). As circunstâncias relacionadas às intoxicações foram: 73,1% (n=38) por tentativa de suicídio, 15,4% (n=8) por uso acidental e os demais pelo uso habitual, abuso, automedicação e violência/homicídio. Em 82,7% (n= 43) dos casos, as exposições foram agudas e únicas, em 9,6% (n=5) agudas repetidas, não sendo registrada exposição crônica. 84,6% (n= 44) das intoxicações evoluíram para cura sem sequelas. Registrou-se um óbito em função da tentativa de suicídio. As intoxicações por medicamentos são frequentes e representam um importante problema de saúde pública, que necessita de ações preventivas e educativas com foco nas vítimas e circunstâncias mais frequentes. Palavras-chave: Suicídio. Abuso de Medicamentos. Automedicação. AbstractKnowledge of the epidemiological profile of drug intoxications (Notification of Injury Information System) is an important guide for the resources management  intended to the planning and implementation of actions that prevent the occurrence of this outcome. The present study aimed to describe the drug intoxications profile occurring in the municipality of Primavera do Leste -MT, between 2007 and 2014. Secondary data recorded in  SINAN (Information System for Notifiable Diseases) were used to conduct a descriptive and cross - sectional epidemiological study in which information was analyzed regarding the victims’ profile (age, sex) and cases (circumstances, type of exposure and evolution of cases). There were 52 cases, of which 73.1% (n = 38) were females and 26.9% (n = 14) males. Drug intoxications occurred in almost all age groups (01 to 64 years), but the most of the  were between 20 and 39 years (n = 26; 50%) and 15 to 19 (17.3%; n = 9). The circumstances related to intoxication were: 73.1% (n = 38) for attempted suicide, 15.4% (n = 8) for accidental use and the others for habitual use, abuse, self-medication and violence / homicide. In 82.7% (n = 43) of the cases the exposures were acute and single, in 9.6% (n = 5) repeated acute, and chronic exposure was not recorded. 84.6% (n = 44) of intoxications evolved to cure without sequelae. A death was recorded due to suicide attempt. Drugs intoxications are frequent and represent a relevant public health problem that requires preventive and educational actions with a focus on the most frequent victims and circumstances. Keywords: Suicide. Drug Misuse.Self-Medication.

Manjuram Mannuru

Background: Rajiv Aarogyasri has covered 86.53% of the families across the state. Majority of its people are living in rural areas. Hence, our study will explore gaps in accessibility of urban centric health services by rural policyholder’s under the scheme. To find out the current status of Aarogyasri coverage, awareness, utilization and experiences of rural policyholders in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh during the year 2014-15.Methods: This is a cross-sectional quantitative study and a total of 200 households were surveyed by using multi-stage random sampling technique to obtain primary data, and for background & discussion secondary data was reviewed. SPSS software was used for data analysisResults: In the past one year, 6.77% of the families have received benefits under the scheme. Amongst the ones who have utilized RAS services, 2/3rd of the families were protected from catastrophic illnesses and the mean average of 91.70% of the total costs was covered by RAS. Another 19.21% of the families were in need of healthcare but did not utilize the services due to lack of RAS card, lack of awareness, non-listed therapies, procedural difficulty, non-availability of caretaker, loss of wage and low quality of services.Conclusions: Overall, 66.66% of the beneficiaries expressed their satisfaction, 16.66% opinionated fair while 16.66% were dissatisfied with the RAS services. Beneficiaries experienced shortage of supportive services in Government hospitals under the scheme. Further, IEC activities, alternatives for excluded conditions, strengthening of public facilities will improve the utilization of RAS and reduce the OOPE.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Anindhita Syahbi Syagata

<p><em>This study aims to understand the relation between energy intake and waist circumference with the risk of T2DM. It was an observational study with a cross-sectional design using secondary data (ethical number, 476/KEP-UNISA/V/2018). Sample collected by simple random sampling. The minimum sample size was calculated using the Fisher formula. In this study, obtained 67 sample with inclusion criteria were not taking drugs to lower blood glucose levels. The independent variable in this study was T2DM risk, while the dependent variable was diet and waist circumference. The normality test of data used Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The Spearman correlation analysis used for knowing the relation between energy intake and waist circumference with blood glucose. The result showed that there was no relation between energy intake and blood glucose (r=0.19; p=0.12). There was no relation between waist circumference and blood glucose (r=0,18; p=0,16). There were 91 % of subjects having a high risk of T2DM and 52.2 % of subjects having a high total cholesterol. There is no relation either energy intake or waist circumference and blood glucose. Almost all subjects have high risk in T2DM.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-258 ◽  
S Islam ◽  
JR Sarker

Fisheries sector has high potential for the economic development of Bangladesh. Bangladesh earns a considerable amount of foreign currencies by exporting fish, shrimps and other fisheries products. This study addresses profitability of tilapia production using benefit cost ratio. The study also examines input demand and output supply of tilapia farming in Bangladesh by applying a profit function approach. Results revealed that benefit cost ratio is greater than 1, means that tilapia production is profitable in the study area. Tilapia farmers are also responsive to changes in market prices of inputs and outputs. Tilapia price is the most dominant determinant of output supply and input demand. A 1% increase in tilapia price will increase output supply by 3.836% and increase demand for lime, fingerlings, feed and labour by 0.941%, 0.987%, 0.523% and 1.00%, respectively. Problem facing index analysis shows major problems faced by the farmers were low market price of tilapia, high prices of fish feed with adulteration and inadequate supply of good quality fry. Progressive Agriculture 29 (3): 248-258, 2018

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 599-610
Lindiwe Julia Ncube ◽  
Maupi Eric Letsoalo

Purpose This paper presents an interpretive data analysis from a superordinate study that aimed to determine foodservice satisfaction. The purpose of this paper is to determine inpatient hospital foodservice experiences. Design/methodology/approach The authors used secondary data obtained from 419 respondents: (225 (53.70 per cent) males, 178 (42.48 per cent) females and 16 (3.82 per cent) undisclosed) participants. A comparative, quantitative and cross-sectional approach was applied to provide insight into hospital foodservice experiences. The Wilcoxon–Mann–Whitney test, interpreted at 0.05 error rate, was used to compare male and female patient experiences. Findings Male patients had significantly higher rank-sum scores than female patients in almost all items (p<0.0001). The study revealed that hospital personnel, especially foodservice staff, had an unsatisfactory communication approach. Originality/value This is the first South African study that compares female and male inpatient foodservice perceptions. Hospital managers and stakeholders may need to consider patient’s gender, as a significant factor that is associated with patient experiences, when embarking on improving foodservice systems.

Satyajit Pattnaik ◽  
Kokila Selvaraj

Background: Traditionally dengue was perceived as an urban problem. But of late many cases are being reported from rural areas. This study was undertaken to assess the preventive measures taken by people in a rural area against dengue. Methods: This was a cross sectional study done in the rural field practice area of a private medical college in Tamilnadu. Hundred houses were selected from five villages through a multi stage simple random sampling. A pre-tested semi-structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Results: All household surveyed reported using some form of personal measures against dengue. The most common personal protective measure was use of mosquito nets (58%) followed by mosquito coils (9%). Almost all (98%) of the respondents use the PPM at night time only. Conclusions: It was found that many people are using PPMs but mostly during the daytime. This practice has to be corrected with more awareness and health education. 

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