Online Information Seeking Behavior among Indonesian during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Background: The COVID-19 vaccination movement in Indonesia until mid-2021 has still not reached the expected number, which is less than 20% of the Indonesian population who receive the first dose of vaccine. Meanwhile, the government's target for accelerating herd immunity is to achieve immunization coverage of 70% by November 2021. Several issues have arisen regarding the public's reluctance to accept the COVID-19 vaccine, such as vaccine readiness, efficacy, conspiracy, halal issues, and the negative side of this vaccine. Aims: This study aims to assess the online behavior of the Indonesian community in seeking information related to the COVID-19 vaccine. Methods: Google trends was used as a data source to see the public interest in several issues including COVID, vaccines, and government policies. Analysis: The analysis was carried out descriptively. Results: The results of this study indicate the movement over time of society towards several terminologies in line with events or the implementation of policies in Indonesia. Conclusion: This research contributes to surveillance of the public's information needs on the COVID-19 issue to avoid misinformation.