scholarly journals Evaluation of Sesame Yield and Yield Component under Different NPSZnB Fertilizer Rates in Western Tigray, Ethiopia

2020 ◽  
pp. 7-16
Teame Shimgabr ◽  
Negasi Gebereslasie ◽  
Welesenbet Haftu ◽  
Haile Alene

Sesame is one of the most popular oil crops in the Western Tigray Ethiopia. Blended fertilizers containing N, P, S, Zn and B have been recommended to ameliorate site specific nutrient deficiencies in different districts of Tigray. Field experiment was conducted during rainfall season of 2018 and 2019 to study the effect of NPSZnB fertilizer on sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in vertisols of Western Tigray at the Humera station, Banat and Kebabo Kafta Humera and Tsegede Wereda’s. The treatments consisted of six levels of NPSZnB 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg ha-1 and one blanket recommendation NP was applied. Data were recorded on sesame yield and yield components. The results revealed that addition of graded rate of NPSZnB significantly increased yield and yield attributes over the control. Analysis of variances showed that grain yield, number of capsule per plant, number of seeds per capsule and number of branching per plant was significant differences at (P< 0.001). Grain yield increases from 421 kg ha-1 to 630.1 kg ha-1 as NPSZnB increases from 0 (control) to 150 kg ha-1 and 421 kg ha-1 to 626.2 kg ha-1 as NP increases from 0 (control) to 41 N kg and 46 P205 kg ha-1 respectively. But NPSZnB was not significant with blanket recommendation of NP (41 kg N and 46 kg P205 ha-1), this indicates that either the blend or blanket NP can be used but not one to replace the other.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Teame Shimgabr ◽  
Negasi Gebereslasie ◽  
Haile Alene ◽  
Welesenbet Haftu ◽  
Nebyu Tsegay

Field experiments were conducted in three sites of Western Tigray, Ethiopia. The experiments aimed at identifying optimum the rate of the newly introduced NPS fertilizer impact with different levels on growth, yield attributes, yield and economics of sesame in vertisols of Western Tigray at the Humera station, Banat and Kebabo Kafta Humera and Tsegede Wereda’s. The treatments consisted of six levels of NPS 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg ha-1 and one blanket recommendation N and P was applied. The experiment was laid out in an RCBD with three replications. Yield of Sesame and yield related components showed significant difference (p < 0.001) compared to control. Results showed that number of branches plant-1, length of pod bearing zone (cm), plant height (cm), number of capsules plant-1, seeds capsule-1 and seed yield was significant differences at (P< 0.001) Grain yield increases from 444.8 kg ha-1 to 671.9 kg ha-1 as NPS and 444.8 kg ha-1 to 628 kg ha-1 as NP increases from 0 (control) to 100 kg ha-1 NPS and 41 kg N and 46 kg P205 ha-1 respectively. But NPS was not significant with blanket recommendation of N and P (41 kg N and 46 kg P205 ha-1), therefore no need to replace the NP by NPS fertilizer in the study area.

Agro-Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
J.A. Oloniruha ◽  
S.K. Ogundare ◽  
K. Olajide

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an important oil-seed crop cultivated for its high nutrition and edible seeds. However, its cultivation is affected by low soil fertility, wrong choice of plant population density and time of sowing. The experiment was carried out during the 2016 and 2017 cropping seasons at the Research Site of Agronomy Section, Kabba College of Agriculture, Kabba, Kogi State, Nigeria. The experiment evaluated the influence of plant population density and organo-mineral fertilizer rates on the performance of Sesame in Kabba, Kogi State, Nigeria. The experiment was a split plot design replicated thrice. The main plot treatment was three plant population density (P1 = 111,111; P2 = 83,333 and P3 = 66,667 plants ha–1) and the sub-plot treatment was four organo-mineral fertilizer rates (F0 = 0, F1 = 500, F2 = 1000, F3 = 1500 kg ha-1). Data were collected on growth, morphological characters (plant height, number of leaves, number of branches) and yield components (number of capsules plant–1, 1000 seed weight and yield ha–1). The result showed that the plant at P1 produced the tallest plants throughout the period of sampling, which was closely followed by P2 while P3 produced the shortest plants. Numbers of capsules plant–1 was highest in plots with P1 which was statistically the same with the number of capsules plant–1 in P2. Number of capsules plant–1 in P1 and P2 were statistically better than the plots with P3. Plots treated with rate F2 gave the highest number of capsules and also recorded the highest yield in 2016 and 2017 growth seasons. The results indicated that Sesame with closest spacing was better in terms of seed yield land–1 area while widest spacing gave the highest individual yield attributes. For economic use of land, it is concluded that plant population density at 111,111 be adopted in the production of Sesame. Best growth and yield performance of Sesame was achieved with 1500 kg ha-1 of organo-mineral fertilizer and is recommended for optimum production of Sesame in the study area.

2020 ◽  
Hintsa Meresa Berhe ◽  
Fantaye Belay Marie

Abstract Background: Maize is an important cereal crop grown and consumed in Ethiopia. However, its yield is constrained by low soil fertility and improper utilization of fertilizer. Therefore the objective of this finds was to study the effect of NPSZNb fertilizer rates on grain yield, nutrient uptake and economic feasibility of maize. Methods: A field experiment was conducted at Bega-Sheka in 2018/19 & 2019/2020 cropping season. The treatments were consisted of six blended fertilizer rates (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg NPSZnB ha -1 ) and recommended p (40 kg ha -1 ). Treatments were arranged in RCBD design with three replications. Result: Analysis of variance indicated that blended fertilizer rate had statistically significant (p < 0.005) effect on plant height, ear length, number of seeds per row, grain and biomass yield. However, it did not have a significant effect on phonological traits, number of grain rows and 1000-grains weight. Application of NPSZnB fertilizer ranging from 150 to 250 kg ha-1 and 200 kg ha-1 of DAP gives the highest grain and biomass yields. Hence the higher nutrient uptake of N and P was recorded from the maximum rate of NPSZnB and P fertilizer, respectively. The MRR value showed that the highest MRR of 529% was obtains from 150 kg NPSZnB ha -1 . Conclusions: From the result of the study, application of 150 kg NPSZnB ha -1 increases yield and yield component of maize and give maximum return from unit investment which can be recommended for the study area.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 140-150
Santosh Marahatta

Improving nutrient management through site specific nutrient management (SSNM) can increase grain yield and maintain appropriate yield attributes per unit of fertilizer applied through harmonized uptake, utilization and metabolism of major nutrients. On-farm experiments were conducted from 2011-2013 at Sunawal, Nawalparasi. SSNM dose was calculated by accounting for indigenous nutrient supply, yield goal, nutrient demand and fertilizer efficiency. SSNM decreased nitrogen and phosphorus application by 4 and 28% while demanded 80% more potassium and increased grain yield by 6% over recommended practice. As compared to the farmers fertility management practice (FFP), SSNM increased grain yield by 35%. Reducing 25% of SSNM dose was equally effective as recommended practice of nutrient application. Only improving the potassium application (+32 kg ha-1) on FFP, yield was increased by 17%. Leaf color charts (LCC) improve nitrogen management and proved as crucial component of SSNM as 0.3 t ha-1 more yield over three split nitrogen applications of SSNM dose.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Goitom Teame ◽  
Alemtsahay Tsegay ◽  
Berhanu Abrha

Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the chief foreign exchange earning oil crops in Ethiopia. However, its productivity remains low due to lack of appropriate agronomic practices. The aim of this research was to study the effect of organic mulches on sesame productivity and in situ moisture conservation. This experiment was carried out in Humera Agricultural Research Center, Western Tigray, during 2015 growing season. The experimental design was Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. There were four types of organic mulches; rice straw, sorghum straw, sesame straw, and Sudan grass were compared with control. Sesame, variety Setit-1 was used in the experiment. The organic mulching rate of application was 10 ton ha−1and this was applied evenly to the soil immediately after germination. Soil water content, phonological characteristics yield, and yield components of sesame were collected. The analyzed results indicated that organic mulching had significant effect on soil moisture content at 0–0.2 m, 0.21–0.4 m, and 0.41–0.6 m in every two-week interval after sowing and grain yield of sesame. Sesame straw conserved highest soil moisture content as compared with respective mulch material. The highest yield (664 kg ha−1) was recorded with Sudan grass while the lowest grain yield (190 kg ha−1) was recorded with no mulch.

Ebenezer Ayew Appiah ◽  
Joseph Xorse Kugbe ◽  
Ahmed Mahama Rufai

To help economize fertilizer use and predict soil-based and site-specific fertilization regimes in crop production, knowledge on crop response to incremental rates of nutrition have long been identified to play a significant role. In the nutrient-poor lixisols of northern Ghana where bulk of Ghanaian maize is produced, the response of maize growth and yield to eleven rates of N fertilization was evaluated in 2019 as a first step in developing a tool that could predict site-specific nitrogen rates for optimum maize production. The rates were 00, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, and 150 kg/ha; laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design. Collected maize growth and yield data were subjected to analyses of variance, where significantly different means were separated at a probability of 5% using the least significant difference. The study revealed no significant differences in plant height from the third to sixth week after planting, days to 50% flowering, 100 grain weight, and leaf area index at sixth week after planting. However, plant height and leaf area index at ninth week, cob weight, cob length, straw weight and grain yield were significantly affected by N fertilizer rates. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates had a pronounced effect on later-stages of growth, on grain yield and on yield components of maize.  Application of 120 to 150 kg/ha N achieved statistically similar, and maximum growth and yield parameters compared to lower rates. The findings provide essential agronomic data required to relate soil test results with corresponding maize yield.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-100
Shahnaj Yesmina ◽  
Moushumi Akhtarb ◽  
Belal Hossain

The experiment was conducted to find out the effect of variety, nitrogen level and harvesting time on yield and seed quality of barley. The treatments used in the experiment consisted of two varieties viz. BARI Barley 4 and BARI Barley 5, three harvesting time viz. 35, 40 and 45 Days after Anthesis (DAA) and nitrogen levels viz. 0, 70, 85 and 100 kg N ha-1 . The experiment was laid out in a spilt- spilt-plot design with three replications assigning the variety to the main plot, harvesting time to the sub-plots and nitrogen level to the sub-sub plots. Variety had significant effects on the all yield attributes except fertile seeds spike-1 . Seed quality parameters viz. normal seeds spike-1 , deformed seeds spike-1 , germination (%) and vigour index were statistically significant. The variety BARI Barley 5 produced higher grain yield and seed quality than BARI Barley 4. Grain yield from BARI Barley 5 and BARI Barley 4 were 4.59 t ha-1 and 4.24 t ha-1 , respectively. Significantly, the highest 1000-seed weight (46.90 g) was produced by BARI Barley 5 than (37.90 g) BARI Barley 4. The result revealed that harvesting time had significant effect on yield and yield attributes and seed quality parameters. Seed yield was highest (4.65 t ha-1 ) when the crop harvested at 40 DAA and it was increased linearly from 35 DAA. Maximum quality seed and 1000-seed weight (43.20 g) was obtained when the crop harvested at 40 DAA. All the yields, yield attributes and seed quality parameters were significantly influenced by nitrogen levels. The highest grain yield (5.14 t ha-1 ) was obtained when BARI Barley 5 variety was fertilized by 100 kg N ha-1 and the lowest (3.14 t ha-1 ) was obtained from control treatments. Normal seeds spike-1 , vigour index, germination (%) were better at 85 kg N ha-1 in variety of BARI Barley 5 than BARI Barley 4. So it can be concluded that BARI Barley 5 showed better result when fertilized with 100 kg N ha-1 and harvested at 40 DAA for getting maximum yield and 85 kg N ha-1 and harvested at 40 DAA for getting better quality seed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
Tarundeep Kaur ◽  
Makhan Singh Bhullar ◽  
Fatehjeet Singh Sekhon

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 849
Buta Singh Dhillon ◽  
Virender Kumar ◽  
Pardeep Sagwal ◽  
Navjyot Kaur ◽  
Gurjit Singh Mangat ◽  

Poor early growth and uneven crop establishment are reported as the major bottlenecks in wide-scale adoption and optimal yield realization of dry direct-seeded rice (DSR). Seed priming can potentially help overcome these problems in DSR. Therefore, laboratory and field studies were conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, during kharif/wet-season 2018 and 2019 to evaluate the effect of different priming techniques on germination, establishment, growth, and grain yield of rice under DSR conditions. The following priming treatments were evaluated: dry non-primed seed (control), hydropriming with distilled water, halopriming with 2.0% potassium nitrate, hormopriming with 50 ppm gibberellic acid (GA3), and osmopriming with polyethylene glycol (PEG)(−0.6 MPa), each with 12 and 24 h priming duration. In 2019, priming treatments were tested under two DSR establishment methods—conventional DSR (sowing in dry soil followed by irrigation) and soil mulch DSR (locally known as vattar DSR) (sowing in moist soil after pre-sowing irrigation), whereas in 2018, priming treatments were evaluated under conventional DSR only. In both years, halopriming and hormopriming resulted in a 7–11% increase in rice yields compared to non-primed dry seed (control). Osmopriming resulted in a 4% yield increase compared to control in 2018 but not in 2019. The higher yields in halopriming and hormopriming were attributed to higher and rapid germination/crop emergence, better root growth, and improvement in yield attributes. Priming effect on crop emergence, growth, and yield did not differ by DSR establishment methods and duration of priming. Conventional DSR and soil mulch DSR did not differ in grain yield, whereas they differed in crop emergence, growth, and yield attributes. These results suggest that halopriming with 2.0% potassium nitrate and hormopriming with 50 ppm GA3 has good potential to improve crop establishment and yield of rice in both conventional and soil mulch DSR systems.

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