scholarly journals Evaluation of Serum Interleukin-6 and C-Reactive Protein Levels among Women During Term Labour

Ubongabasi A. James ◽  
John O. Imaralu ◽  
Ijeoma Esiaba

Aims: To determine the serum concentrations of C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) as well as level of leukocytosis, as inflammatory contributory factors in women with uncomplicated term pregnancies before, during and after labour. Study Design:  This is a cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Babcock University Teaching Hospital (BUTH) and Department of Biochemistry, Babcock University, Ogun State Nigeria between June 2019 and February 2020. Methodology: 45 venous blood samples were obtained from 34 selected women and grouped into three; prenatal (≥ 32 weeks, n = 18), labour (4 to 6 cm dilation, n = 12) and postnatal (≤ 24 hour postpartum, n = 15). Sixteen blood samples were also obtained from the umbilical cord. Levels of CRP and IL-6 were determined by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) techniques and the leukocyte count, by hematologic method. Differences in statistical mean were evaluated by one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Bonferroni post hoc comparison. The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: Concentration of serum IL-6 was significantly high during labour (1354.79 ± 189.16 pg/mL) compared to the prenatal (14.94 ± 4.86 pg/mL, P < .001) and postnatal (13.17 ± 3.06 pg/mL, P < .001) periods. The low level of CRP observed during active labour compared to the prenatal and postnatal periods did not reach significant difference. The levels of these inflammatory markers were low in the cord blood. Leukocyte counts (P = .011) as well as neutrophils (P = .014) and MID cell fractions (P = .004) were significantly higher during the postnatal period. Conclusion: The high levels of serum IL-6 observed in this study supports human term labour as an inflammatory event not associated with increased leukocytosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 180
Stephanie Wiguna ◽  
Risti Saptarini Primarti ◽  
Iwan Ahmad Musnamirwan

Pendahuluan: Periodontitis apikalis adalah peradangan dan kerusakan jaringan pada daerah apikal jaringan periodonsium. Terjadi akibat pulpa nekrosis mengalami perluasan infeksi dari bakteri saluran akar menuju apeks gigi. Penelitian terdahulu membuktikan bahwa periodontitis apikalis dapat dikaitkan dengan peningkatan kadar interleukin-6. Interleukin-6 adalah salah satu sitokin pro-inflamatori yang mempunyai peran penting dalam respon inflamasi. Tujuan penelitian menganalisis perbedaan kadar interleukin-6 dalam darah vena antara pasien dengan periodontitis apikalis dan pasien tanpa periodontitis apikalis. Metode: Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan dua puluh sampel stok darah vena yang terdiri atas 10 sampel darah vena pasien dengan periodontitis apikalis dan 10 sampel darah vena pasien tanpa periodontitis apikalis. Serum darah yang telah dipisahkan dengan metode sentrifugasi dipakai sebagai sampel uji enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) sandwich untuk mengukur kadar IL-6 dengan membaca nilai absorbansi dan kurva standar. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji Shapiro-Wilk, dilanjutkan dengan uji T tidak berpasangan. Hasil: Kadar IL-6 teridentifikasi pada semua sampel. Sampel darah vena pasien tanpa periodontitis apikalis memiliki kadar IL-6 berkisar antara 4,7-18,74 mg/L, sedangkan kadar IL-6 pada pasien dengan periodontitis apikalis 4,0-90,75 mg/L. Uji T tidak berpasangan menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (p=0.02). Simpulan:  Kadar IL-6 pada darah vena dengan periodontitis apikalis lebih tinggi dibandingkan kadar IL-6 pada tanpa periodontitis apikalis.Kata kunci: periodontitis apikalis; interleukin-6; Enzim-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Sandwich ABSTRACT Introduction: Apical periodontitis is inflammation and tissue damage in the apical area of the periodontium. Occurs due to pulp necrosis experiencing an expansion of infection from root canal bacteria to the apex of the tooth. Previous studies have shown that apical periodontitis can be associated with elevated levels of interleukin-6. Interleukin-6 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that has a vital role in the inflammatory response. The study aimed to analyze differences in interleukin-6 levels in venous blood between patients with apical periodontitis and patients without apical periodontitis. Methods: This research was an analytic observational study with twenty venous blood samples consisting of 10 venous blood samples from patients with apical periodontitis and ten venous blood samples from patients without apical periodontitis. Blood serum that has been separated by centrifugation method was used as a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test sample to measure IL-6 levels by reading absorbance values and standard curves. The data obtained were analyzed using the Shapiro-Wilk test, followed by an unpaired T-test. Results: IL-6 levels were identified in all samples. Venous blood samples from patients without apical periodontitis had IL-6 levels ranging from 4.7-18.74 mg/L, while IL-6 levels in patients with apical periodontitis were 4.0-90.75 mg/L. The unpaired t-test showed that there was a significant difference (p=0.02). Conclusion: IL-6 levels in venous blood with apical periodontitis were higher than IL-6 levels in those without apical periodontitis.Keywords: apical periodontitis; interleukin-6; Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Sandwich 

2006 ◽  
Vol 2006 ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Unase Buyukkocak ◽  
Osman Caglayan ◽  
Cagatay Daphan ◽  
Kuzey Aydinuraz ◽  
Oral Saygun ◽  

Surgery induces release of neuroendocrine hormones (cortisol), cytokines (interleukin-6: IL-6, tumour necrosis factor-α: TNF-α), acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein: CRP, leptin). We studied the effects of general and spinal anaesthesia on stress response to haemorrhoidectomy. Patients were assigned to general and spinal anaesthesia groups (n=7). Blood samples were drawn before induction and 24 hours after surgery. Perioperative levels of IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, cortisol, and leptin were comparable among the groups. Twenty four hours after surgery, TNF-αand cortisol did not change; IL-6 and CRP increased significantly in all patients. Significant increase in leptin levels was found in patients undergoing spinal anaesthesia. Except for the increase in leptin levels, there was no significant difference related to the effects of general and spinal anaesthesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 2525-2531
Nguyen The Nguyen Phung ◽  
Thi Thai Phien Nguyen ◽  
Thanh Liem Bui ◽  
Thanh Hung Nguyen ◽  
Diep Tuan Tran

Precise diagnosis of the severity of dengue fever (DF) and its timely treatment reduce its mortality, but the sensitivity of clinical presentations is low for the classification of severity. Research on biomarkers is ongoing, and some studies in adults have shown the utility of C reactive protein (CRP) in the early diagnosis of dengue severity. However, the role of CRP in children with DF is still unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the value of CRP in distinguishing between DF and severe DF. A cross-sectional study was conducted from May 2016 to April 2017 at Children's Hospital 1 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Serum CRP was tested on days 4 and 5 of the disease. Laboratory tests for DF were based on either a positivity for non-structured glycoprotein-1 antigen (NS1Ag) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for immunoglobulin (Ig) M in acute phase serum. Among 270 patients, 29.6% had DF, 26.7% had DF with warning signs, and 43.7% had severe DF. The CRP level was measured in 123 patients on day 4 and 147 patients on day 5 of the illness. The median CRP level for DF was 2.4 mg/L, for DF with warning signs was 6.7 mg/L, and for severe DF was 7.3 mg/L. The CRP level was higher on day 4 than on day 5. The CRP level showed a statistically significant difference between the group with circulatory dysfunctions (p=0.02) or liver dysfunction (p= 0.04) and the other patients. The CRP cut-off point on day 4 that distinguished DF and severe DF was 5.8 mg/L and the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was 0.89, with a sensitivity of 82.9% and specificity of 80%. The CRP concentration in the early stage of illness may, therefore, help to distinguish between DF and severe DF.

Meily Manoppo ◽  
Hermie MM Tendean ◽  
Joice MM Sondakh

Objective: To compare the level of high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) on patients with premature rupture of membranes (PROM) at term pregnancy. Methods: The study was cross-sectional design. The data collection included age, parity, gestational age, birth weight, and APGAR score on 28 pregnant women at term pregnancy consisting of 14 subjects of Premature Rupture of Membrane (PROM) less than 12 hours and the remaining one was equal or more than 12 hours. We took blood samples from the subjects for the examination of hs-CRP level. Data were analyzed using non-parametric statistical test and processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Results: The mean hs-CRP level on PROM <12-hour and 12-hour group was 12.9 and 17.8 mg/l. There was not significant difference on hs-CRP level between both of group at term pregnancy (p=0.734). Conclusion: The level of hs-CRP does not have association with the incidence of PROM. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2017; 5-1: 12-15] Keywords: high sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, premature ruptures of membranes, term pregnancy

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-58
Garima Biyani ◽  
Swapan Kumar Ray ◽  
Kripasindhu Chatterjee ◽  
Sukanta Sen ◽  
Pradyut Kumar Mandal ◽  

Background: Febrile convulsion (FC) is the most common seizure disorder in childhood. White blood cell (WBC) and C reactive protein (CRP) are commonly measured in FC. Add a paragraph on Aims and Objectives of the study.Aims and Objectives: To compare WBC and CRP in febrile children, aged 6 months to five years, with and without FC, in order to determine whether leukocytosis and elevated CRP can be used as diagnostic tool for febrile seizure.Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study 214 children (112 with FC), aged 6 months to 5 years, admitted to in the first 48 hours of their febrile disease, either with or without seizure, were evaluated over a 12 months period. Age, sex, temperature; WBC, CRP and hemoglobin were recorded in all children. There was a significant increase of WBC (P<0.001) in children with FC so we can deduct that leukocytosis encountered in children with FC can be due to convulsion in itself.Results: When comparing FC and non-FC children, we encountered a significant increase of WBC (P =0.0005) in children with FC, measured at the time of admission to pediatric medicine ward. There was no significant difference regarding CRP between the two groups. In fact, elevated CRP is a result of underlying pathology.Conclusion: In stable patients, if there’s no reason to suspect a bacterial infection or who don’t have any indication of lumbar puncture, there’s no need to assess WBC as an indicator of underlying infection. Any child with febrile seizure with a high CRP value should be evaluated for infection.Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol.8(2) 2017 56-58

2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (8) ◽  
Kyu-Man Han ◽  
Heon-Jeong Lee ◽  
Leen Kim ◽  
Ho-Kyoung Yoon

Abstract Study Objectives To investigate the association between weekend catch-up sleep (WCS) and the levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP)—a serum inflammatory maker—in adults Methods Data of 5,506 adults aged 19 years or older were obtained from the nationwide cross-sectional Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys conducted in 2016. Serum hsCRP level, weekday and weekend sleep durations, and sociodemographic and health-related characteristics were assessed. Participants whose weekend sleep duration was more than 1 h longer than their weekday sleep duration were included in the WCS group. hsCRP level was categorized into quartiles (i.e. highest, middle-high, middle-low, and lowest). Obesity was defined by body mass index ≥ 25.0 kg/m2. Results The WCS group included 1,901 participants (34.5%). In the logistic regression analysis controlling for all variables, adults in the WCS group were significantly less likely to show the highest hsCRP level (versus the lowest level) compared with those without WCS in the complete sample (adjusted odds ratio = 0.795, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.662 to 0.955). In a subgroup analysis, this association was significant only for those with weekday sleep duration of 6 h or lower. Longer WCS (≥3 h) was not associated with hsCRP levels. Non-obese people with WCS demonstrated a lower risk for high hsCRP levels, while there was no significant difference in obese people with WCS. Conclusions Our findings indicate that WCS may be beneficial for low-grade systemic inflammation in adults, particularly among those with shorter weekday sleep durations. WCS may also interact with obesity.

Mary P. Miles ◽  
Erin E. Walker ◽  
Stephen B. Conant ◽  
Shelly P. Hogan ◽  
Jessy R. Kidd

Attenuation of exercise-induced interleukin-6 (IL-6) responses by carbohydrate (CHO) has been demonstrated in studies comparing controlled doses (≥ 0.9 g · kg−1 · h−1) to placebo, but not in studies of voluntary intake. This study sought to determine if attenuation of the IL-6 response during a 32.2-km mountain trail race occurs for high compared to low ad libitum CHO intakes. IL-6, C-reactive protein (CRP), and creatine kinase activity (CK) were analyzed from blood samples collected 12 h pre-, 0, 4, and 24 h post-race. Subjects were grouped into low (n = 14, 0.4 ± 0.1 g · kg−1· h−1) and high (n = 18, 0.8 ± 0.2 g · kg−1 · h−1) CHO intake groups. IL-6 0 h post-race (P < 0.05) was higher in the low (40.2 ± 22.7 pg · mL−1) compared to the high CHO group (32.7 ± 22.1 pg · mL−1). CRP and CK both increased post-race, but no differences were observed between groups. Attenuation of exercise-induced IL-6 is apparent across a range of CHO intakes.

1990 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-165 ◽  
A. M. Cruickshank ◽  
W. D. Fraser ◽  
H. J. G. Burns ◽  
J. Van Damme ◽  
A. Shenkin

1. Recent studies have suggested that interleukin-6 is a major mediator of the acute-phase protein response in man. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between the response of serum interleukin-6 to surgery, the type of surgical procedure performed and the response of serum C-reactive protein. 2. Timed venous blood samples were taken from 26 patients in five broad surgical categories (minor surgery, cholecystectomy, hip replacement, colorectal surgery and major vascular surgery). C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 were measured in each sample. 3. Serum interleukin-6 rose within 2–4 h of incision in all patients and the magnitude of the response differed among the various surgical groups. The response of interleukin-6 correlated (r = 0.80, P < 0.001) with the duration of surgery. In contrast, serum C-reactive protein was not detectable after minor surgery (< 10 mg/l) and the response of C-reactive protein did not differ among the more major surgical groups. The response of interleukin-6 showed a weak, but significant, correlation with the response of C-reactive protein (r = 0.67, P < 0.001). 4. We conclude that serum interleukin-6 is a sensitive, early marker of tissue damage. In general, the greater the surgical trauma, the greater the response of serum interleukin-6 and the greater the peak serum concentration of interleukin-6. Our results are consistent with a role for interleukin-6 in the induction of C-reactive protein synthesis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Johelle De Santana Passos Soares ◽  
Isaac Suzart Gomes-Filho ◽  
Julita Maria Freitas Coelho ◽  
Simone Seixas da Cruz ◽  
Luís Claúdio Lemos Correia ◽  

This study aims to analyze the relationship between chronic periodontitis and C-reactive protein (CRP), taking certain associated factors into consideration. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 75 adults of both sexes. After the participants had been interviewed, they underwent physical and dental examinations and blood collection. CRP levels were evaluated by means of nephelometry. A periodontal clinical examination was conducted by trained examiners and the diagnosis of chronic periodontitis was established when at least 30% of the individual’s teeth presented clinical attachment loss ≥ 5 mm. The analysis procedures consisted of descriptive analysis and linear regression. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in CRP levels between the groups with and without periodontitis. The median CRP level in the group with periodontitis was 2.3 mg/l (25-75% interquartile range, IQR = 0.74-5.4) and in the group without periodontitis, 1.8 mg/l (25-75% IQR = 0.79-4.54) (p = 0.417). Log CRP was significantly correlated only with the individual’s body mass index (BMI). The main findings from this study indicate that there is no association between severe chronic periodontitis and CRP, and factors like BMI need to be analyzed carefully in studies on this topic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 218-223
Mario I. Lumbreras-Marquez ◽  
Jesus Lumbreras-Marquez ◽  
Marcelo Barraza-Salas ◽  
Roberto A. Castillo-Reyther ◽  
Salvador De la Maza-Labastida ◽  

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