Study of Prevalance of Nephropathy among Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Waghodia Region, Vadodara, Gujarat
Introduction: Sickle-cell disease (or drepanocytosis) is a life-long blood disorder Characterized by red blood cells that assume an abnormal, rigid, sickle shape. Sickle cell disease (SCD) has several complications, including chronic renal failure, manifesting with hypertension (high blood pressure) proteinuria (protein loss in the urine), hematuria (redblood cells in urine) and worsening anaemia. Progression to end-stage renal failure confers a poor prognosis. Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the Prevalence of Nephropathy among sickle cell disease patients. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study includes a total 150 participants who suffering from sickle cell anemia and attending our Institute. Renal function test and Urine examination of all participants was done. Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) calculated using the Cockroft Gault formula. Comparison of results was done between Sickle cell trait and Sickle cell disease Group. Results: The mean age of the SCA patients were 25.54±10 years. Maximum participants are found to be from age group 25-30 yr(n=35) followed by 20-25 yr(n=30). Of the 150 SCA patients, 89 (59.33%), and 61 (40.66%) were males and females, respectively. The Mean value of S.Creatinine of SCT group is 0.73±0.46 mg/dl and SCD is 1.0±0.35 mg/dl, while the Mean value of eGFR is 134.19±87.21 ml/min and 124.20 ±58.25 ml/min in SCT and SCD Group respectively. Conclusions: From our study we conclude that the Derangement of Kidney function in sickle cell disease is frequent in our setting especially among young adult. It concerns SCD as well as SCT patients. Albuminuria is more frequent in homozygote patients and its prevalence increase with age. Age ≥ 25 years is associated with high risk of CKD in SCA group and albuminuria in SCD.