Carolina Lacerda Medeiros

<p><strong>Resumo:</strong> A literatura que discute a sintaxe do verbo nas línguas naturais em geral assume que as línguas V2 são aquelas em que o verbo flexionado ocupa a segunda posição na sentença, sendo a primeira posição ocupada por qualquer outro elemento. O alemão, assim como outras línguas germânicas, é caracterizado como uma língua de tipo V2. O inglês, por outro lado, não apresenta a ordenação de constituintes segundo a qual o verbo obrigatoriamente ocupa a segunda posição na sentença, tendo sido considerado uma língua V2 apenas em seu período arcaico. Este artigo procura fazer um breve estudo comparativo analisando a fala de duas crianças, uma adquirindo o alemão e uma adquirindo o inglês britânico, em diferentes momentos (1;9 até 3;3). Com base na tipologia de Vikner (1995) temos como objetivo verificar até que ponto as duas línguas se assemelham, no âmbito da sintaxe, e em que momento passam a se comportar como línguas distintas no que respeita à posição do verbo uma vez que, linearmente, o inglês apresenta o verbo em segunda posição nas sentenças simples. Como hipótese, temos que um ponto decisivo para a diferenciação das duas gramáticas seria a aquisição de encaixadas. Desse modo, a criança que adquire o alemão começaria a apresentar traços de uma gramática V2 a partir do momento em que adquire sentenças encaixadas, dado que, diferentemente do inglês, esta língua não apresenta verbo em segunda posição nas subordinadas. A criança adquirindo o inglês, por outro lado, mantém a ordem V2 linear nas encaixadas.  O <em>corpus </em>utilizado neste trabalho é oriundo da base CHILDES e pode ser acessado <em>online</em>. O quadro teórico se baseia na noção de Gramática de Chomsky (1985), convencionada como Língua-I, que remete à possibilidade de se gerarem estruturas linguísticas e não, por exemplo, a um certo inventário de estruturas. Tais possibilidades são limitadas pela Gramática Universal, parte das faculdades inatas do ser humano, que dispõe de princípios imutáveis e parâmetros que podem ser fixados diferentemente em gramáticas particulares, determinando, assim, os limites de variação entre essas gramáticas (Chomsky &amp; Lasnik 1993). Cada gramática particular, neste sentido, representa uma determinada parametrização dos princípios da Gramática Universal. A gramática do falante, na teoria gerativa, será, portanto, uma entidade individual: uma gramática particular internalizada na mente de cada indivíduo.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> <em>The literature usually assumes that V2 languages are those in which the finite verb is on second position on the sentence, like it is in German. English, on the other hand, does not present the same linearization, so Vikner (1995) classified it as a residual V2-language. This paper aims to provide a comparative study analyzing the speech of two children, one acquiring German and the other acquiring European English, in different moments (1;9-3;3). Based on Vikner's typology, we try to verify how these two languages are syntactically alike and in which moment they begin to behave like different grammars, in what concern verb position, since, linearly, English also presents the verb in second position in matrix sentences. As a hypothesis, we believe that a crucial point in this differentiation would be the acquisition of subordinate sentences. In this sense, the child acquiring German would start presenting  V2 grammar traces on the moment s/he acquires subordinate sentences, since, unlike English, this grammar do not present V2 in subordinate structures. The child acquiring English, on the other hand, would maintain the V2 linearization on subordinate sentences. This work is based on the CHILDES corpus, which can be accessed online. The theoretic framework is based on Chomsky's (1985) notion of Grammar as I-Language, that refers to the possibility to generate language structures and not, for example, a certain inventory of structures. Those possibilities are limited by the Universal Grammar, part of human's innate faculties, that is formed by immutable principles and parameters that can be differently fixed by different particular grammars determining the limits of language variation between those grammars. In this sense, each particular grammar represents a different parametrization of the Universal Grammar's principles. Each speaker's grammar, in this sense, will be an individual entity: a particular grammar internalized in the individual's mind</em><em>.</em></p><p>Keywords: <em>Language Acquisition; V2; Comparative Syntax; Generative Grammar.</em></p><p> </p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Robert Freidin ◽  
Juan Uriagereka ◽  
David Berlinski

The following remarks attempt to place Jean-Roger Vergnaud’s letter to Noam Chomsky and Howard Lasnik more centrally within the history of modern generative grammar from its inception to the present.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (71) ◽  
pp. 565-580
Magda Costa Carvalho

Indecisão plena de promessas: imagens da vida e da infância na filosofia de Henri Bergson Resumo: Numa passagem da obra Évolution Créatrice, Bergson recupera a imagem da criança para afirmar que a natureza viva opera através de tendências divergentes. Apesar de não ter desenvolvido um pensamento de pendor educacional, encontram-se na obra bergsoniana referências que, por um lado, recuperam a dimensão criativa e criadora da infância e, por outro, acentuam a forma infantil dos movimentos do élan vital. Estas referências fazem parte da imagética do autor, mostrando como o seu pensamento sugestiona leituras ímpares. O convite para cruzar a imagem da vida como infância com a imagem da infância como vida revela-se, assim, sugestivo para repensar o que nos habita como constitutivamente outro: a criança que fomos e a natureza que somos. E será através da imagem – como forma de contacto dinâmico com o real – que poderemos encontrar algumas respostas para a sugestão bergsoniana de se promover nas escolas um conhecimento infantil (enfantin).Palavras-chave: infância; criança; natureza; imagem; Bergson. Indecision charged with promise: Images of life and childhood in Henri Bergson’s philosophy Abstract: In a passage in his Évolution Créatrice, Bergson reclaims the image of the child to argue that living nature works through divergent tendencies. Although Bergson’s work doesn’t focus specifically on education, it does contain references that, on the one hand, reclaim the creative and creating nature of childhood, while on the other hand accentuating the childlike nature of élan vital’s movements (vital impetus). These references are part of Bergson’s repertoire of imagery and demonstrate how his thought evokes uneven readings. The invitation to cross the image of life as childhood with that of childhood as life ultimately evokes a rethinking of what inhabits us as constitutively other: the child we were and the nature we are. And it is through the notion of image – as a form of dynamic contact with reality – that we will find some answers for Bergson’s suggestion that schools promote a childlike knowledge (enfantin).Key-words: childhood; child; nature; image; Bergson.  Indecisión cargada de promesas: Imagénes de la vida y de la infancia en la filosofía de Henri Bergson Resumen: En un pasaje sobre la obra Évolution Créatrice, Bergson recupera la imagen del niño para afirmar que la naturaleza viva opera a través de tendencias divergentes. A pesar de no haber desarrollado un pensamiento de carácter educacional, se encuentran en la obra bergsoniana referencias que, por un lado, recuperan la dimensión creativa y creadora de la infancia y, por otro, acentúan la forma infantil de los movimientos del impulso vital. Estas referencias hacen parte de la imagen del autor, mostrando como su pensamiento sugestiona lecturas impares. O convite para cruzar la imagen de la vida como infancia con la imagen de la infancia como vida se revela, de esta manera, sugestivo para repensar lo que nos habita como constitutivamente otro: el niño que fuimos y la naturaleza que somos. Y será a través de la imagen – como forma de contacto dinámico con lo real – que podremos encontrar algunas respuestas para la sugestión bergsoniana de promoverse en las escuelas un conocimiento infantil (enfantin).Palavras-clave: infancia; niño; naturaleza; imagen; Bergson. Data de registro: 20/08/2020Data de aceite: 30/11/2020

2004 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 682-703 ◽  
Fred Eckman

This paper considers the question of explanation in second language acquisition within the context of two approaches to universals, Universal Grammar and language typology. After briefly discussing the logic of explaining facts by including them under general laws (Hempel & Oppenheim 1948), the paper makes a case for the typological approach to explanation being the more fruitful, in that it allows more readily for the possibility of ‘explanatory ascent’, the ability to propose more general, higher order explanations by having lower-level generalizations follow from more general principles. The UG approach, on the other hand is less capable of such explanatory ascent because of the postulation that the innate, domain-specific principles of UG are not reducible in any interesting way to higher order principles of cognition (Chomsky 1982).

2008 ◽  
Vol 54 (No. 8) ◽  
pp. 358-366 ◽  
I. Ubrežiová ◽  
K. Wach ◽  
J. Horváthová

The main attention of the submitted paper is devoted to the comparison of development of entrepreneurship in Slovak and Polish small and medium-sized he enterprise sector. The conditions for blooming entrepreneurship are created in the national economy. Especially the role of SMEs in the transition economy, both in Slovakia and Poland, has the impact on SMEs. The entrepreneurship of small and medium-sized enterprises is extended in the whole Slovakia. From the viewpoint of the regional structure, most enterprises are located in the Bratislavský region (30.4%), Košický region (11.8%), Žilinský region (10.1%) and Trenčianský region (10.1%). On the other hand, the least of enterprises were registered in the Nitrianský region (8.9%), Trnavský region (9.2%) and Banskobystrický region (9.6%). Small and medium entrepreneurship is diversed throughout Poland. The average small and medium entreprenership ratio is 44.5, while the highest is in the Mazowieckie region – 55.2% and the lowest in the Podkarpackie region – 30 %. The supporting system for private entrepreneurship in both countries, Slovakia and Poland, is very similar and the entrepreneurs are satisfied with its offer and help.

1999 ◽  
Vol 27 (03n04) ◽  
pp. 365-370
Atsushi Kato ◽  
Toshihiro Miura ◽  
Yumi Nishiyama ◽  
Yoko Tachibana ◽  
Yasuhiro Ohnishi ◽  

Intraperitoneal administration of the methanol extract of Embelia schiperi (ES) to normal mice caused a significant decrease in blood glucose (p < 0.01) and a significant increase in triglycerides 4 hours after administration at 100 mg/kg (p < 0.01). The toluene fraction of Embelia keniensis methanol extract (TS) showed hypoglycemic and lipid lowering activity 7 hours after intraperitoneal administration at 100 mg/kg. In addition, TS (100 mg/kg) administration significantly decreased blood glucose in epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic mice (p < 0.01). Moreover, ES tended to increase while TS tended to decrease the blood triglycerides in epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic mice. On the other hand, no changes in blood cholesterol were observed after the administration of ES or TS in normal and epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic mice. We found that two species from Embelia, ES and TS, have different activities on blood glucose and triglycerides in normal and epinephrine-induced hyperglycemic mice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-204
Eric Hoekstra

Abstract Frequency and arm-chair linguistics. A Frisian linguist looks back on Dutch Linguistics and on himselfIn this contribution I focus on a paper written by Maarten Lemmens on progressive constructions, which appeared in Dutch Linguistics (2015). This paper illustrates the usefulness of frequency in linguistic research convincingly. Additionally I discuss the tension within generative grammar between vision on the one hand and a methodologically adequate treatment of data on the other hand. Finally, I look back on my own activities as a linguist, presenting some personal thoughts about the question what the usefulness is of mediocrity.

2015 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 43-49
Luthfunnesa Bari ◽  
M Ariful Islam ◽  
Zannatul Ferdous ◽  
M Atiqul Azman ◽  
Shahanaz Khatun ◽  

Context: Recent reports of media have brought great attention to the problem of formalin used by whole sellers and venders in preserving fish. It is evident from several studies that fish items in different markets in Bangladesh are treated with formalin for preservation which is highly hazardous and carcinogenic chemical. Objectives: The study was undertaken to determine the presence of formalin in fishes collected from various wet markets of Tangail and Tongi town. Materials and Methods: From 12 selected wet markets, various species of fishes were collected and presence of formalin was detected using the “formalin detection kit in fish” developed by Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR). Results: It was found that 16 fishes were formalin contaminated out of 192 fish samples in which 0% in Santosh bazar, 11.11% in Soi ani bazar, 13.33% in Park bazar, 14.81% in Old bus stand bazar, 0% in Chara bari bazar and 12.82% in New bus stand bazar of Tangail town. On the other hand, 33 formalin contaminated fish out of 171 were obtained in which 0% in Coto bazar, 20% in Gazipura bus stand bazar, 37.5% in Chourasta bazar, 0% in Boro bari bazar, 36.36% in CheragAli bazar and 20% in Tongi bazar of Tongi town. The study indicates that almost 8.33% of fish samples in Tangail town and 19.29% of fish samples in Tongi town were formalin contaminated. Conclusion: The present study revealed that in Tangail town 75% imported fish and 25% local fishes were formalin contaminated whereas in Tongi town, 82% imported fishes and 18% local fishes were formalin contaminated. DOI: J. bio-sci. 21: 43-49, 2013

روسني بن سامة (Rosni Bin Samah)

ملخص البحث:تعد رواية فريدة هانم الماليزية أول رواية فنية في الأدب الماليزي الحديث، حيث اتفق الأدباء والباحثون على ذلك، ولكنهم اختلفوا في أصليتها الإبداعية لوجود تصوير البيئة المصرية لأحداثها. ومن جهة أخرى عاش البطل في الرواية من بدايتها حتى نهايتها في القاهرة، ومنهم من رأى بأنها رواية مترجمة من الرواية العربية، ومن منهم من رأى بأنها رواية إبداعية ابتدعها الراوي بتصوير البيئة المصرية. وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن حقيقة أمرها بتجلية معايير تأثرها برواية زينب، حيث قام الباحث بالمقارنة بين الروايتين، وتوصلت النتائج إلى أن رواية فريدة هانم الماليزية تأثرت برواية زينب المصرية ولكن راويها لا يترجم تلك الرواية بل قام بالاطلاع عليها ثم صاغها بصياغته الجديدة مع رعاية البيئة المصرية وعاء لها.الكلمات المفتاحية: رواية هانم المصرية- رواي هانم الماليزية- معاير الرواية -المقارنة- التشابه.Abstract:Faridah Hanum is regarded as the first  Malay novel in Modern Malay Literature by the literary circles and researchers but they are in disagreement on the originality of its creativity features since its setting is Egyptian. On the other hand, its hero lived in Cairo from the beginning of the story until the end. Some of them viewed that it is a translated version of an Arabic novel while others still see it as a creative work with an Egyptian background. This study aims at discovering the truth about the status of the novel through pointing out the influences of the Arabic novel “Zainab” on it. This is done through comparing between the two novels. It is concluded that the Malay novel “Faridah Hanum” indeed had been influenced by “Zainab”, but it is not a translation but rather the writer happened to have read the Zainab novel but later on tried to put the story in  a new plot though he did retain the Egytian background as the setting.Keywords: Hanum Egyptian Novel–  Hanim the Malaysian novelist– Standards of Novel – Comparison– Similarities.Abstrak:Faridah Hanum dianggap sebagai novel Melayu pertama dalam kesusasteraan Melayu moden oleh kumpulan sasterawan dan penyelidik-penyelidik namun mereka masih lagi berada dalam percanggahan tentang keasliannya kerana persekitarannya yang berlatarkan sebuah negara asing: Mesir kerana wiranya tinggal di Kaherah dari permulaan cerita sehinggalah ke penghujungnya. Sebahagian dar mereka melihat yang ia adalah satu terjemahan satu novel Arab manakala yang lain masih menyaksikan ia adala satu hasil kerja kreatif dengan hanya menggunakan latar belakang Mesir. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan beberapa fakta tentang status novel tersebut dengan melihat kepada pengaruh-pengaruh novel Arab “Zainab”  yang terdapat padanya. Ini dilaksanakan melalui perbandingan antara dua novel tersebut. Kesimpulannya, novel Melayu “Faridah Hanum” sememangnya telah dipengaruhi oleh “Zainab”, namun ia bukan satu terjemahan tetapi penulis telah berpeluang  membaca novel Zainab dan kemudiannya cuba untuk meletakkan cerita dalam satu plot baru walaupun dia mengekalkan latar belakang Mesir sebagai persekitaran ceritanya.Kata kunci: Orang Mesir– Hanum– Hanim novelis Malaysia– Piawaian Novel– Persamaan-persamaan– Perbandingan.

1969 ◽  
pp. 125-145
Yüki Mukai

Japanese final particles (shüjoshi) are situated at a modus (modality) layer, which expresses the speaker’s subjective attitude regarding the dictum (proposition) such as his judgement, supposition, volition, emotion and order. The speaker uses the final particle yo to express an assertive attitude generally when he introduces new information to which he wants the addressee to pay attention. On the other hand, the speaker uses a final particle ne, expecting the addressee to agree with him or in order to make his utterance roundabout, introducing given/old information. However, the speaker’s choice of yo or ne depends not only on the informational structure of discourse, but also on the human relationship or on the strategy used by that speaker in the moment of his utterance.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-234
Luthfi Rahman

This paper engages with the theological discourse on the state of al-Mahdi in Shi‘i tradition and the Peaceful Kingdom of Christianity. It focuses on two particular narratives, Quranic one focusing on Shi‘i tafsir Qur’an 24:55 and Biblical one concerning on Isaiah 11:1-19. This study employs library research looking specifically at Qur’anic and Biblical commentaries. By comparing the texts, it is found out that the first insists on several requirements to realize the promise of God (the state of al-Mahdî) by performing active struggles i.e. possessing strong faith and doing righteous action. On the other hand, the latter provides the description of the ideal circumstance when Messiah comes to a region in which both the ruler and the ruled do active struggles. The first still emphasizes the importance of strong faith while the second doesn’t. Yet, both narratives share that active struggles and righteous actions must be at stake.

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