Land resource inventory (LRI) at larger scale (1:10000) is the basic prerequisite to develop agricultural land use planning for upgrading the socioeconomic condition of the farmers. In the present era of climate change and huge demand for food, the agriculture in India is under severe stress, which might be improved through a judicious land resource inventory followed by a robust agricultural land use planning. Moreover, site specific land management options must be framed to provide right technology at right time in right place. Thus, with this aim, a methodology of LRI at 1:10000 scale have been developed using geospatial technique for preparation of landscape ecological map (LEU) as base map. The detailed information generated in GIS environment has been used in the field for detailed ground truthing and land resource inventory for farm planning. The detailed methodology has been presented through a case study considering Rajnagar block of Birbhum distrct, West Bengal for doing LRI at 1:10000 scale