scholarly journals Effects of Guided Inquiry and Cooperative Instructional Strategies on Ss1 Students’ Academic Achievement In Conceptual Understanding of Photosynthesis.

2016 ◽  
Vol 06 (08) ◽  
pp. 01-11
Eziyi, Margaret ◽  
Mumuni, A. A ◽  
Nwanekezi, A. U
Patsy J. Robles-Goodwin

The rising numbers of English Learners (ELs) in our schools requires educators to have a specialized knowledge base for understanding their linguistic needs, especially when planning for instruction; teachers also need to use language acquisition principles for working with ELs and integrate effective instructional strategies in their teaching. Studies have found factors affecting student success in public schools: 1) inadequate preparation of teachers, 2) ineffective teaching practices, and 3) at-risk school environments. These complex factors impact the instruction and ultimate success of student learning which is extremely detrimental to ELs. Therefore, the focus of the chapter addresses: the changing demographics, historical reasons for low achievement of ELs, and how educators can use their understanding of best practices to motivate ELs and increase their academic achievement. This chapter provides effective teaching practices for ELs and instructional activities that teachers can implement to help young ELs succeed academically.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 2211 ◽  
Hee-jeong Kim

Conceptual understanding has been emphasized in the national curriculum and principles and standards across nations as it is the key in mathematical learning. However, mathematics instruction in classrooms often relies on rote memorization of mathematical rules and formulae without conceptual connections. This study considers the concreteness fading instruction strategy—starting with physical activities with manipulatives and gradually fading concreteness to access abstract concepts and representations—as a promising and sustainable instructional model for supporting students in accessing conceptual understanding in mathematics classrooms. The results from the case study support the validity of the concreteness fading framework in providing specific instructional strategies in each phase of concept development. This study implies the development of sustainable teacher education and professional development by providing specific instructional strategies for conceptual understanding.

2019 ◽  
pp. 073194871988734
Kaitlin Bundock ◽  
Leanne S. Hawken ◽  
Sharlene A. Kiuhara ◽  
Breda V. O’Keeffe ◽  
Robert E. O’Neill ◽  

Implementing an integrated sequence of concrete-representational-abstract depictions of mathematics concepts (CRA-I) can improve the mathematics achievement of students with disabilities, and explicit instructional strategies involving problem-solving heuristics and student verbalizations can help facilitate students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics. Combining CRA-I and explicit instructional strategies may increase students’ conceptual understanding and ability to express mathematical reasoning through writing. This study included three ninth-grade students with disabilities, and employed a multiple-probe design across-participants to investigate a functional relation between an explicit instructional strategy within a CRA-I framework and high school students’ with disabilities proficiency in solving rate of change problems. Results showed that all three students improved their mathematics scores (combined Tau-U effect size = 0.77, p < .001) and maintained improvements during a 1- to 7-week post-instruction phase. Implications for research and practice related to mathematics instruction and intervention specifically for students with learning disabilities are discussed.

1981 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 1315-1318
Philip A. Saigh

Twenty-seven elementary school students from 12 countries sat for the Nonverbal Battery of the Lorge Thorndike Intelligence Test during their first semester at a private American overseas school. Their final grades in English, mathematics, science, and social science, as well as their GPAs were correlated with the Nonverbal IQ. Moderate correlations were observed in each instance. Although the sample was small, these results were considered useful because of the present dearth of empirical data that may be used in forming placement decisions involving international students. It was also indicated that the teacher's daily exposure to the overseas milieu may have led to the use of more effective instructional strategies. A call for additional research in the United States and the Middle East was made.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-95
Yusuf Ziya Olpak ◽  
Huseyin Ates ◽  

The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service science teachers’ perceptions toward additional instructional strategies in biology laboratory applications in the scope of blended learning. This study used a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design model and was conducted with 69 students who study in their 2nd year in the department of science education at a state university in Turkey. Academic achievement test, personal information form, student feedback form, semi-structured interview, and additional instructional strategies were used to collect the data. To determine students’ academic achievements, the scores obtained from the academic achievement test were used from a pre-test and post-test and additional instructional strategies (discussion question, reflection paper, task assignment, and quiz) were used. In addition, students’ views and satisfaction levels toward the course were examined. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, One-way ANOVA, and content analysis were used. The results of the study showed that students’ academic achievement scores showed a significant difference in terms of the additional instructional strategies. In addition, students’ evaluation scores and satisfaction levels about the learning process were high, but there was no significant difference in terms of additional instructional strategies. In the future, conducting similar studies with wider samples could be effective in terms of contributing to the relevant literature at different education levels and different disciplines.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-15
Asrat Dagnew ◽  
Desta Mekonnen

The main objective of this study was to investigate the effect of using guided inquiry teaching method in improving grade eight students’ conceptual understanding of photosynthesis. The study employed Quasi-experimental research method. The data collection instruments were multiple choice tests, observation, as well as informal assessment. The pre-test and post-test were administered before and after treatment respectively. The informal assessment also administered before and after intervention. Besides, the observation was conducted from the first day up to the last day of the intervention. The pre-test and post-test data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-tests quantitatively while; data collected through informal assessment and observation were presented using narration. The finding of pre-test revealed that there was no significant difference between the mean score of the two groups. The post-test result revealed that experimental group students significantly improved their conceptual understanding of the topic photosynthesis compared to the control group students. The study concluded that guided inquiry teaching method is more effective than the lecture method in improving students’ conceptual understanding of photosynthesis. Based on the finding of this study, it was recommended that governments should encourage biology teachers to apply guided inquiry teaching method by providing appropriate instructional material. Keywords: Conceptual understanding Guided inquiry, photosynthesis,

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 11
Puput Rakhmawati

The aims of this research are: (1) to find out whether the students’ ability to understand mathematic concept using POGIL method is better than the ability of studentswith expository learning, (2) to perceive whether the conceptual understanding of students with high self-efficacy is better than the students with medium and low self-efficacy, (3) to find out if the high self-efficacy students’ mathematic conceptual understanding ability is better by applying POGIL than expository method, if the medium self-efficacy students’ mathematic conceptual understanding ability is better by applying POGIL than expository method and if the low self-efficacy students’ mathematic conceptual understanding ability is better by applying POGIL than expository method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Muhammad Rezky Firdaus ◽  
Maya Istyadji ◽  
S Sauqina

Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengimplementasi model inkuiri terbimbing terhadap penguasaan konsep dan keberlanjutan pemahaman konsep pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap analisis penguasaan konsep dan keberlanjutan pemahaman konsep peserta didik pada materi sistem pernapasan manusia di SMP Negeri 26 Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu dengan desain penelitian menggunakan Non Equivalent Control Group Design. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik kelas VIII A sebagai kelas eksperimen berjumlah 30 orang dan peserta didik kelas VIII B sebagai kelas kontrol berjumlah 30 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan random sampling classroom dilihat dari rata-rata nilai kelas pada hasil ulangan akhir semester. Pengumpulan data sampel menggunakan tes soal pilihan ganda tes pre-test/post-test, angket atau kuesioner, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji analisis statistik desktiptif, uji N-Gain dan uji hipotesis statistik menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) Implementasi model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan penguasaan konsep dengan hasil yaitu mendapatkan rata-rata sebesar 0,6%, sedangkan penguasaan konsep menggunakan model ekspositori mendapatkan rata-rata sebesar 0,5%; (2) Implementasi model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing keberlanjutan pemahaman konsep kelompok eksperimen pada data pretest dan posttest mendapatkan hasil total sebesar 4% dengan kriteria kurang sekali menjadi 76% dengan kriteria baik dari 300 total keberlanjutan pemahaman konsep, sedangkan keberlanjutan pemahaman konsep menggunakan model ekspositori kelompok kontrol pada data pretest dan posttest mendapatkan hasil total sebesar 12% dengan kriteria kurang sekali menjadi 21% dengan kategori kurang dari 300 total keberlanjutan pemahaman konsep; dan (3) Uji T mendapatkan hasil perhitungan T Hitung yaitu 3.14 > T Tabel yaitu 2.00 dengan taraf signifikan 0.05 maka Ha diterima. Berarti terdapat perbedaan penguasaan konsep dan keberlanjutan konsep siswa yang mengimplementasikan model inkuiri terbimbing dan model ekspositori. Research has been carried out to implement a guided inquiry model for mastery of concepts and sustainability of conceptual understanding on the material of the human respiratory system. This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation of the guided inquiry learning model on the analysis of concept mastery and the sustainability of students' conceptual understanding on the human respiratory system material at SMP Negeri 26 Banjarmasin. This study used a quasi-experimental method with a research design using Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The sample of this research is the students of class VIII A as the experimental class totaling 30 people and students of class VIII B as the control class totaling 30 people. The sampling technique used was classroom random sampling, seen from the average class value on the results of the Final Semester Test. The sample data was collected using multiple choice test, pre-test/post-test, questionnaires, and visual documentation. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical analysis test, N-Gain test and statistical hypothesis testing using t-test. The results showed that (1) the implementation of the guided inquiry learning model can affect the increase in mastery of concepts with the result that it gets an average of 0.6%, while the mastery of concepts using the expository model gets an average of 0.5%; (2) The implementation of the guided inquiry learning model for the sustainability of conceptual understanding of the experimental group in the pretest and posttest data obtained a total result of 4% with the criteria of being less than 76% with good criteria of 300 total sustainability of concept understanding, while the sustainability of understanding the concept used the expository model of the control group. the pretest and posttest data get a total result of 12% with the criteria being less than 21% with a category of less than 300 total sustainability of concept understanding; and (3) The T test shows that Tcalc > T tab (3.14 > 2.00), which with a significant level of 0.05 means that Ha is accepted. This study conclude that there are differences in the mastery of concepts and the sustainability of the concepts of students who implement the guided inquiry model and the expository model.  

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