2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Arista Candra Irawati ◽  
Anis Mashdurohatun Mashdurohatun ◽  
Adhi Budi Susilo

The fact that occurs as a form of disciplining students so that they are more disciplined gets a dilemma with accusations of violence against students where parents do not directly compromise or solve problems but directly report to the police where the teacher is always the victim and the object of the sufferer. it is very ironic that the existence of a teacher as a hero without merit and from a science teacher is very weak. On the one hand, it must realize the goals of national education, on the other hand, in carrying out its authority it is considered to violate the law. This activity involved partners from the Semarang Regency Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Office. The problems faced by the first partner, Has the teaching profession in the district have implemented conflict management as a form of legal protection for the second teaching profession, What is the impact of conflict management legal counseling on the teaching profession in Semarang Regency. in handling and resolving conflicts The implementation of community service activities is carried out using a participatory approach method. meaning that the participants are required to actively participate during the activity. From the results of the first community service activities, the teaching profession in Semarang district does not understand conflict management as a legal protection in applying discipline to students so as not to have an impact on legal issues, secondly seeing the pre-test and post-test conducted on 36 participants marked by indicators of increasing knowledge participants on how to resolve conflicts between the teaching profession and students, as well as increasing knowledge about the application of the Law

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Purwaningtyas Kusumaningsih ◽  
Diah Widiawati Retnoningtyas ◽  
I Made Gde Sudyadnyana Sandhika

Knowledge in healthy foods selection needs to be taught to childrens and adolesncent as the next generation for Indonesia. It because foods that they consume will give many impact to their health, physical growth, mentally and intelligent. Many factors can influence the children and adolescent in selecting helathy food, such as parenting, environment, economic, pshycology and education. Education as the last factor was choosen as a method to transfer knowledge about selecting a helathy foods in this community service activities. Improving foster knowledges in selecting healthy foods, which located in Klungkung district had purposed to give solution to the foster in knowing healthy foods and giving understanding what were the impact of safe and healthy foods to them. In order they will able to review of negative or positive impact before they consume foods. The success in this community service activities were from analyzed scored of pre and post test by Wilcoxon analysis in SPSS 16.  The obtained result showed if p-value was less then 0.05 (p=0.001), it means that the foster could received the subjects clearly by lecture and playing methods. In discussion between team and the foster, when they choose and consume healthy foods will give advantages and will support them in reacing academic, sport and other achievments. Females foster understand if they consumed healthy foods they will able to maintains their weight and avoid anemia. Males foster also know they will built good stamina to do many activities. In conclusion education about selecting healthy foods need sustainable action from people around the children and adolescent. In case it will built their good habits and behavior in ways to choose healthy foods in whole their life. A demonstration in processing healthy foods can be a skill and provision to introduce the healthy foods directly to them.    

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 321-329
Arman Rifat Lette

Abstrak: Praktik bullying ataupun kekerasan di sekolah masih sering terjadi hingga saat ini. Sudah banyak kasus Bullying yang terungkap dan bahkan menyebabkan kematian bagi korban. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada siswa tentang bullying dan cara pencegahannya. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan yaitu Penyuluhan kesehatan tentang bullying dan pencegahannya serta diskusi bersama. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 08 Februari 2020 pukul 09.20-11.00 WITA. Peserta kegiatan penyuluhan ini adalah siswa-siswi SMK Negeri 1 Lelogama, Kecamatan Amfoang Selatan, Kabupaten Kupang kelas XI-XII. Peserta penyuluhan sebanyak 68 peserta. Penyuluhan Kesehatan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Pihak sekolah juga memberikan dukungan penuh dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini. Pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa semakin bertambah terkait bullying dan cara pencegahannya, dibuktikan dari hasil pre-test dan post-test dimana terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 30% setelah diberikan penyuluhan. Perlu dilakukan pengabdian lanjutan dengan waktu yang lebih lama untuk advokasi aturan/kebijakan terkait pencegahan dan penanganan bullying di sekolah.Abstract: The practice of bullying or violence in schools was still common today. There have been many cases of bullying that have been revealed and have even caused death to victims. The purpose of this service was to provide knowledge and understanding to students about bullying and how to prevent it. The form of service activities carried out was health counseling about bullying and its prevention and discussion together. This community service activity was held on Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 09.20-11.00 WITA. The participants of this counseling activity were students of SMK Negeri 1 Lelogama, Amfoang Selatan District, Kupang Regency in class XI-XII. There were 68 extension participants. Health education can run well and smoothly. The school also provides full support in this service activityStudents' knowledge and understanding is increasing regarding bullying and how to prevent it, as evidenced by the results of the pre-test and post-test where there is an increase in knowledge of 30% after being given counseling. Further service needs to be done with a longer time for advocating for rules / policies related to the prevention and handling of bullying in schools. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Komang Krishna Yogantara ◽  
Dewiwati Sujadi

Cepaka Village as a partner village of Triatma Mulya University has expressed their desire to form a tourist village, but their limited knowledge of tourism villages becomes an obstacle in making it happen. The focus of this activity is carried out based on the above grouping, namely realizing, packaging / packaging tourism villages by involving all existing potential, and involving village communities, management / governance of SMEs and services that will become the core products of tourism villages and the impact of tourism villages, implementing mentoring activities for community financial institutions in cooperatives, LPDs, traditional markets, waste banks and BUMDES. In accordance with the problems faced by partners in this service activity, the implementer can provide several solutions in accordance with existing conditions in the field. The implementation of community service activities in Cepaka Village includes several activities that have been carried out to increase the number of tours. As for the implementation of the program, namely: Programs in the Environmental Sector that have been implemented in Cepaka Village, including Community Service in the Cepaka Harum Plastic Bank area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Latifahtur Rahmah ◽  
Angeline Listiyani Utomo ◽  
Go Fernando Wibisono

Food industry personnel, including coffee shops, do not have the opportunity to work from home and are required to continue working at work as usual. By holding outreach on food safety keeping all workers in food production and supply chains healthy and safe is critical to surviving the current pandemic. Maintaining the movement of food along the food chain is an important function that needs to be contributed by all stakeholders along the food chain. The purpose of this community service is to increase knowledge or information about food safety for food or beverage handlers so that coffee shops are better prepared to deal with COVID-19 conditions. To facilitate the communication of counseling using poster, and divided the discussion of food safety into 4, namely: 1) food safety of producers; 2) food safety distributors; 3) food safety of consumers 4) Food safety of food production. After being given counseling, an evaluation was carried out by measuring employee knowledge using a comparison of pre-test and post-test questionnaires given through the google form. The results of the evaluation stated that all employees in the eight coffee shops had increased knowledge about food safety. Most of the employees felt that community service activities with counseling were useful for maintaining security in coffee shops so that they could make employees and customers feel safe and comfortable.   Abstrak: Insan industri makanan, termasuk kedai kopi, tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja dari rumah dan diharuskan untuk tetap bekerja di tempat kerja seperti biasa. Dengan mengadakan sosialisasi tentang keamanan pangan, menjaga semua pekerja dalam produksi pangan dan rantai pasokan tetap sehat dan aman sangat penting untuk bertahan dari pandemi saat ini. Menjaga pergerakan makanan di sepanjang rantai makanan merupakan fungsi penting yang perlu disumbangkan oleh semua pemangku kepentingan di sepanjang rantai makanan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan atau informasi tentang keamanan pangan bagi penjamah makanan atau minuman sehingga warung kopi lebih siap menghadapi kondisi COVID-19. Untuk memudahkan komunikasi, penyuluhan menggunakan poster dan membagi pembahasan keamanan pangan menjadi 4, yaitu: 1) keamanan pangan produsen; 2) distributor keamanan pangan; 3) keamanan pangan konsumen 4) Keamanan pangan produksi pangan. Setelah diberikan penyuluhan, dilakukan evaluasi dengan mengukur pengetahuan karyawan menggunakan perbandingan kuesioner pre-test dan post-test yang diberikan melalui google form. Hasil evaluasi menyatakan bahwa seluruh karyawan di delapan kedai kopi tersebut mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan tentang keamanan pangan. Sebagian besar karyawan merasa kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan penyuluhan bermanfaat untuk menjaga keamanan di warung kopi sehingga dapat membuat karyawan dan pelanggan merasa aman dan nyaman.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 274
Kholid Fathoni ◽  
Ira Prasetyaningrum ◽  
Franciscus Anggara Pradana Herdi Praja

Community service activities as mentioned in Undang-Undang of Indonesia State No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education system, article 20 is one of the mandates of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, including the Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS). Management of community service in the Research and Community Service Center (P3M) is still manual in collecting, storing and processing service data. The system raises several problems including delays, inaccuracies and excessive workload for administrators and operators and stakeholders in processing and accessing data of community service. Therefore it is necessary to make an application for a multiplatform-based information system to handle transactions and management of various community service data. This application handles the collection of proposal data, progress reports and final reports and handles proposal selection transactions, monitoring and evaluating progress reports, as well as seminar results, including the plotting of service reviewers. This system uses PHP framework and MySQL database management system. The test results show that all application functions are running well and make it easy for all service stakeholders to manage community service activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Nurul Iman ◽  
Khairul Huda

Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi di Lembaga PAUD Al- Khair Udayana Mataram ini adalah: 1) Untuk mendeskripsikan rancangan  model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) pada anak usia dini; 2) Untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman kepada para pendidik tentang pentingnya menerapkan model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) pada anak usia dini. Hal ini didasarkan atas masih kurangnya efektifitas dan bermaknaan dalam mengembangkan karakter peduli lingkungan bagi anak, hal ini dibuktikan dengan rendahnya rasa cinta dan peduli lingkungan pada diri anak misalnya membuang sampah di sembarang tempat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan yang bersifat partisipatif. Hasil dari pelatihan ini adalah peserta pelatihan memahami dan menguasai rancangan  model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) Adapun dampak dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan kebermanfaatan bagi para pendidik dalam hali ini adalah  guru PAUD supaya bisa memilih model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi sebagai alternatif dalam proses pembelajaran pada anak usia dini dalam usaha menanamkan karakter peduli lingkungan pada anak sehingga terlahir anak-anak yang mau menjaga kelstarian lingkungan sekitar serta sehat jasmani maupun rohani.Training on the Application of Conservation-Based Learning Model (Pbk) in Early Childhood at the Institute of Paud Al-Khair Udayana MataramAbstractThe objectives of community service activities carried out in the form of training in the application of conservation-based learning models at the Al-Khair Udayana Mataram PAUD Institution are: 1) To describe the design of conservation-based learning models (PBK) in early childhood; 2) To provide knowledge and experience to educators about the importance of applying conservation-based learning models (PBK) in early childhood. This is based on the lack of effectiveness and meaning in developing the character of caring for the environment for children, this is evidenced by the lack of love and care for the environment in children, for example, throwing trash in any place. The method used in community service activities is participatory training and assistance. The results of this training are training participants to understand and master the design of conservation-based learning models (PBK). The impact of this community service activity is to provide benefits for educators in this matter, PAUD teachers so they can choose conservation-based learning models as alternatives in the learning process for children. early age in an effort to instill the character of caring for the environment in children so that children are born who want to maintain the environment surrounding environment and healthy physically and spiritually.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Hayatun Nufus ◽  
Zuriat Zuriat

At present, the use of plastic is a general consumption in modern society, most of the consumption of plastic is only used once. As a result, a pile of plastic waste will pollute the environment and eventually the plastic waste will end up at sea. The high percentage of plastic waste contamination in the sea as one of the contaminants that can have a negative impact, not only on the environment, but can have an impact on biota that exist in that environment. The method of carrying out community service activities includes the socialization of the impact of plastic waste pollution on biota as well as techniques to minimize excessive use of plastic waste in daily life. The results achieved in the implementation of community service activities are an increase in knowledge and care for the environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Anak Agung Ketut Raka ◽  
I Ketut Winantra

ABSTRAK             Di Indonesia peningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan sasaran pembangunan di bidang pendidikan nasional dan merupakan bagian integral dari upaya peningkatan kualitas manusia secara menyeluruh. Mengingat peran pendidikan sangat penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat, maka pemerintah berupaya untuk meningkatkan kwalitas semua komponen yang dapat menunjang peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Salah satu komponen yang dimaksud adalah peningkatan mutu profesionalisme guru khususnya guru pendidikan agama hindu.             Ada beberapa komponen strategis yang perlu diperhatikan oleh guru pendidikan agama hindu yaitu permasalahan-permasalahan profesionalisme guru, prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme guru dan upaya peningkatan profesionalisme guru. Permasalahan-permasalahan profesionalisme guru meliputi profesionalisme profesi keguruan, otoritas profesioanal guru, kebebasan akademik dan tanggung jawab moral. Prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme guru meliputi memiliki bakat, minat, panggilan jiwa dan idealisme, memiliki komitmen, kualifikasi akademik, kompetensi, tanggung jawab, penghasilan, kesempatan, jaminan perlindungan hukum dan organisasi profesi. Upaya-upaya profesionalisme guru meliputi terdidik secara baik, terlatih secara baik, dihargai secara baik, terlindungi secara baik dan dikelola secara baik. ABSTRACT Indonesia is improving the quality of education is a development target in the field of national education and is an integral part of efforts to improve the quality of society, the government seeks to improve the quality of all components that can support the improvement of the quality of education. one of the components in question is improving the quality of teacher professionalism, especially teachers of Hindu education. There are several strategic components that need to be considered by Hindu religious education teachers, namely problems - the problems of teacher professionalism, the principles of teacher professionalism and efforts to increase teacher professionalism. problems - the problems of teacher professionalism include professionalism of the teaching profession, teacher professional authority, academic breakdown and moral responsibility. the principles of teacher professionalism include having talent, interest, calling soul and idealism, having commitment, academic qualifications, competence, responsibilities, income, opportunities, legal protection guarantees and professional organizations.Efforts - the efforts of teacher professionalism include well-educated, well-trained, well-respected, well-protected and well-managed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Neneng Susanti ◽  
Ivan Gumilar Sambas Putra ◽  
Muhammad Bayu Aji Sumantri ◽  
Nugi Muhammad Nugraha ◽  
Supardi Supardi ◽  

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat diselenggaran dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kebijakan pemerintah dalam pemberian insentif pajak; pemahaman atas masa pembayaran, penyetoran dan pelaporan pajak; dan perhitungan atas pph (pajak penghasilan).Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, tutorial, dan diskusi. Materi kegiatan mengenai Tax Planning (insentif pajak) sebagai strategi UMKM dalam menghadapi dampak COVID-19 dengan harapan  memberikan pemahaman bagi UMKM yang nantinya dapat diterapkan dan ditularkan ke masyarakat luas. Target materi pada kegiatan penyuluhan PKM tercapai dengan cukup baik, dapat dilihat dari hasil pemahaman dari materi kegiatan. Untuk menerapkan hasil dari kegiatan masih diperlukan UMKM binaan KADIN di sektor kuliner dan fashion dapat melaksanakan pengadministrasian keuangan yang baik, merencanakan strategi keuangan yang baik dan perencanaan perpajakan tepat guna dan tertib administrasi.Kata Kunci : Tax planning, insentif pajak, Covid 19,  UMKM Community service activities are held with the aim of providing an understanding of government policies in providing tax incentives; understanding of the payment period, deposit and tax reporting; and calculation of pph (income tax). The implementation of community service activities is carried out by means of lectures, tutorials, and discussions. Activity material regarding Tax Planning (tax incentives) as a strategy for MSMEs in dealing with the impact of COVID-19 with the hope of providing understanding for MSMEs which can later be applied and transmitted to the wider community. The target material in PKM extension activities was achieved quite well, it can be seen from the results of the understanding of the activity material. To implement the results of these activities, KADIN-assisted MSMEs in the culinary and fashion sectors are still required to carry out good financial administration, plan a good financial strategy and plan taxation in an efficient and orderly manner.Keywords: Tax planning, tax incentives, Covid 19, UMKM

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