scholarly journals Tugas Pemimpin Muda Kristen Masa Kini Sebagai Gembala Menurut 1 Timotius 4

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-97
Santy Sahartian ◽  
Samuel Brian Septiadi

Abstract: The church is God's people who need guidance and leadership so that people can know God. Therefore the Church needs a leader who understands his duties as a leader. But there are still church leaders who do not understand their duties as leaders based on Bible principles. The church is less prepared for the younger generation as leaders. This we can see in the church in general does not provide opportunities for young people to develop their potential to lead. This church's disbelief in youth leadership is increasingly apparent because of the life of the Christian youth itself. Aside from not being able to be considered capable, the church is reluctant to entrust great responsibility to the youth because the lives of Christian youth are often considered far from God's word. Today's young Christian leaders are those who carry out Christian leadership duties at a relatively young age. Today's young leaders have so many weaknesses that young leaders are less accepted and respected by many people, so that Christian youths are trusted they must carry out the duties of young Christian leaders today according to 1 Timothy 4 namely young Christian leaders should remind the congregation of the word, teach the truth of the word , be an example for God's people who are led, grow in service, supervise themselves and teachings. So that the Christian Young leaders can be respected by everyone.Keywords: Task, Young Leaders, I Timothy 4Abstrak: Gereja merupakan umat Allah  yang memerlukan pembinaan dan kepemimpinan sehingga umat dapat mengenal Allah. Maka dari itu Gereja membutuhkan sosok pemimpin yang memahami tugasnya sebagai pemimpin. Namun masih ditemukan pemimpin gereja yang kurang memahami tugasnya sebagai pemimpin berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Alkitab. Gereja kurang mempersiapkan generasi muda sebagai pemimpin. Hal ini dapat kita lihat di dalam gereja secara umum tidak memberikan kesempatan bagi pemuda untuk mengembangkan potensinya dalam memimpin. Ketidak pecayaan gereja terhadap kepemimpinan pemuda ini semakin nyata karena kehidupan pemuda Kristen itu sendiri. Selain karena kurang di anggap mampu, gereja enggan mempercayakan tanggung jawab yang besar kepada pemuda karena kehidupan pemuda Kristen yang sering kali dianggap jauh dari firman Tuhan.  Pemimpin muda Kristen masa kini adalah seorang yang menjalankan tugas kepemimpinan Kristen dalam usia yang relative muda. Pemimpin muda masa kini memiliki banyak sekali kelemahan sehingga pemimpin muda kurang diterima dan dihargai oleh orang banyak, agar pemuda kristen dipercayai maka harus menjalankan tugas pemimpin muda Kristen masa kini t menurut 1 Timotius 4 yaitu  pemimpin muda kristen seharusnya mengingatkan jemaat akan firman, mengajarkan kebenaran firman, menjadi teladan bagi umat Tuhan yang dipimpin, bertumbuh dalam pelayanan, mengawasi diri dan ajaran. Sehingga pemimpin Muda Kristen dapat dihargai seiap orang.Kata- kata kunci: Tugas, Pemimpin Muda, I Timotius 4

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Ezra Tari ◽  
Ermin Alperiana Mosooli ◽  
Elsye Evasolina Tulaka

This article examines Christian leadership with integrity based on 1 Timothy 3: 1-7. This study departs from the condition of the leaders, both church leaders and leaders in general. Some leaders are no longer a figure or role model for their own families, people they lead and even society in general. With that problem, the authors describe the leader who is an example for everyone. The method used is a qualitative method. Based on the study conducted by the author, there are two important things that need to be learned, namely Leadership Model is without blemish, husband of one wife, can hold back, polite, wise, likes to give a ride, and inspires many people including the servants in Church. Furthermore, the leader has a good name inside and outside the congregation. This is evident from the activities of the leader himself. Therefore, this paper is a study of Christian leadership that highlights all aspects of the life of Christian leaders not only in the Church but in society. Abstrak Artikel ini mengkaji tentang kepemimpinan Kristen yang berintegritas berdasarkan 1 Timotius 3:1-7. Kajian ini berangkat dari kondisi para pemimpin, baik pemimpin gereja maupun pemimpin pada umumnya. Beberapa pemimpin tidak lagi menjadi figur atau teladan bagi keluarganya sendiri, orang yang dipimpinnya bahkan masyarakat pada umumnya. Dengan persoalan itu maka, penulis memaparkan tentang pemimpin yang menjadi teladan bagi semua orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan oleh penulis, maka ada dua hal penting yang perlu dipelajari, yakni Keteladanan pemimpin itu tidak bercacat, suami dari satu istri, dapat menahan diri, sopan, bijaksana, suka memberi tumpangan, dan menginspirasi banyak orang termasuk para pelayan-pelayan di Gereja. Selanjutanya, pemimpin itu memiliki nama baik di dalam dan di luar jemaat. Hal ini nampak dari aktiftas pemimpin itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini merupakan studi kepemimpinan Kristen yang menyoroti seluruh aspek kehidupan pemimpin Kristen bukan hanya di dalam Gereja tetapi dalam masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Lydia Reid

In popular culture the relationship between science and religion has often been portrayed as one of conflict. The impact of the conflict thesis can be observed in church leaders’ hesitancy in talking about science and religion in the public domain. It was this finding that led Revd Professor David Wilkinson (cosmologist and theologian) and Professor Tom McLeish (physicist and Anglican lay reader) to form the project ‘Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science’ funded by The Templeton World Charity Foundation. The data presented in this article (collected during 2015-2018) is derived from two discreet pieces of research. The first consisting of a survey of over 1,000 church leaders and interviews with 20 senior church leaders and, the second, with a strategic focus on ministerial training comprised of 12 interviews with church educationalists. This paper reflects on the findings from both pieces of research – covering topics such as church leaders’ enthusiasm towards science, how church leaders view the relationship between science and religion and the role of compartmentalisation in ministerial training. The article is unique in providing sociological analysis on the relevant data and including a personal reflection by David Wilkinson – the project’s director – on the implications of the research for ministerial training and science.

Edward P. Mermilliod

A body of academic research continues to grow to advance the church-based family ministry movement. There is a problem, however. The majority of the content produced by scholarship has, for the most part, been inaccessible to most Christian leaders. The purpose of this article is to provide a synthesis of the research regarding church-based family ministry in a format that could benefit local church leaders in their understanding and pursuit of family ministry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-24
Parluhutan Manalu

The purpose of this research is to create a leader who is humble and sincere in leading God's people and who is responsible for his people. A leader is very important in an organization, group or in a church so he is required to be truly responsible for leading or directing the people he leads, this can be done by understanding David's profile as a leader. After conducting research by asking 8 questions with 8 respondents, the cumulative percentage of 72.665% was obtained, which means that the church leaders in the Orthodox Church Evangelismos Pargambiran, Sumbul, Dairi implemented David's leadership well in leading and carrying out tasks that had entrusted by God to him. The author's hopes for the future can be emulated: David's profile as a leader so as to realize leaders who are truly humble and responsible in leading their people. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mewujudkan pemimpin yang rendah hati dan dan tulus dalam memimpin umat Allah dan yang bertangung-jawab atas umatnya. Seorang pemimpin sangat penting dalam sebuah organisasi, kelompok ataupun dalam sebuah gereja sehingga dia dituntut untuk sungguh-sunguh bertanggung-jawab dalam memimpin atau mengarahkan orang-orang yang dipimpinnya, hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan memahami profil Daud sebagai Pemimpin. Setelah dilakukan penelitian dengan mengajukan 8 buah pertanyaan dengan 8 orang responden diperoleh hasil akumulatif presentase sebesaar 72,65625% yang artinya bahwa pemimpin gereja yang ada di Gereja Orthodox Evangelismos Pargambiran, Sumbul, Dairi menerapkan dengan baik kepemimpinan Daud dalam memimpin dan dalam melaksanakan tugas yang telah dipercayakan oleh Allah kepadanya. Harapan penulis ke depan bisa diteladani: Profil Daud sebagai pemimpin sehingga dapat mewujudkan pemimpin-pemimpin yang benar-benar rendah hati dan bertanggungjawab dalam memimpim umatnya.

Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong

Traditional and Christian leaders in Akan communities in Ghana provide leadership services for the same Akan people. For proper internal harmony and identity devoid of identity crises, the two leadership systems should not only understand each other but must be willing to learn relevant values and lessons from each other. The integration which has already taken place among Akan traditional leaders as they have over the years learnt Christian leadership values and lessons from churches and mission schools is yet to take place properly in Christian leadership formation. This article seeks to analyse the values and lessons in Akan traditional leadership formation and its significance for Christian leadership formation. Observation and interviews of the Akan traditional leadership institution at Akuapim, Akyem and Asante and examination of secondary materials on early interpreters of the interaction between the Akan traditional leadership institution with the Christian faith are used to gather qualitative data. Akan traditional leadership formation pays much attention to matters of royal consciousness, leadership as service, mentoring, the celebration of the Adae festival and oath swearing. Christian leadership formation that seeks to avoid the church being alien on Akan cultural soil will need to pay attention to the indigenous leadership formation when addressing issues on institutional memory, stewardship, women in leadership, leadership as service and accountability in Christian leadership. Keywords: Akan, Christian, Traditional Leadership, Leadership Formation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
Kasebwe T.L. Kabongo

The author reflects on the reality of nepotism in Christian leadership as he has observed in the township of Soshanguve and many other African poverty-stricken communities he has lived in. The leadership of churches in those areas seems to run in the family. This model tends to have a disempowering effect on the other church members in terms of taking responsibility or initiating projects that could expand the impact of the church beyond the borders of its walls. This article recognises the positive impact of nepotism, but it mostly stresses on the negative impact of nepotism on the democratisation of power in the church and society. It uses music, a critical vehicle of knowledge acquisition in Africa, to stress upon the fact that Christian leaders should be equipped to participate in the common good, help in the empowerment of ordinary people around them, starting with their members and be altruistic, like Jesus, and work beyond the boundaries of their families.

Exchange ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-178
Obvious Vengeyi

AbstractWhat does it mean to be prophetic during political turmoil? Does it mean opposition to the government or opposition to any opposition to the government? This article offers a Biblical theological response to this question as it evaluates the behaviour of the clergymen and church representative bodies in Zimbabwe. Although the immediate context is the violence that engulfed the nation soon after 29 March 2008 election, over the years since 2000, the church has spoken with contradictory voices. There are churches and individual church leaders who openly displayed their allegiance to the government irrespective of all glaring misgivings. On one hand there existed some Christian leaders who opposed whatever the government did, hence they openly clamoured for regime change. While all this was happening, the common man benefitted only confusion as to who really is prophetic, that is who really represents God and the people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-72
Heryanto Heryanto

Today's youth ministry is a ministry that has very different challenges and struggles than the youth ministry in the previous decade. The need for leaders in the service of young people today is needed so that youth services can be strong. Through a qualitative review of the literature using a practical theological research method that will discuss the role of church leaders in the leadership of youth ministry today. The purpose of this research is expected to open new understanding for church leaders to build and guide young people to become leaders for youth ministry. The benefit of this research is that the presence of young people in the church is well served to grow prospective young leaders who bring glory to the name of the Lord Jesus. Found several things that must be done by church leaders in building and guiding young people to be leaders in youth ministry are: First, as a spiritual guide. Second, as a pilot model followed. Third, the personal example of having the love of Jesus Christ and loving others. Fourth, inspire young people to give dedication to Jesus Christ and Fifth, to encourage spiritual growth and character. Pelayanan kaum muda pada masa kini merupakan pelayanan yang memiliki tantangan dan pergumulan yang amat berbeda dibandingkan pelayanan kaum muda dalam dekade sebelumnya. Kebutuhan terhadap para pemimpin dalam pelayanan kaum muda masa kini sangat dibutuhkan agar pelayanan anak muda dapat menjadi kuat. Melalui kajian kualitatif literatur menggunakan metode penelitian teologi praktika yang akan membahas peran pemimpin gereja dalam kepemimpinan pelayanan kaum muda masa kini. Tujuan penelitian ini diharapkan membuka pengertian baru bagi para pemimpin gereja untuk membangun dan membimbing kaum muda untuk menjadi para pemimpin bagi pelayanan kaum muda. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah agar keberadaan kaum muda di gereja terlayani dengan baik sehingga menumbuhkan calon pemimpin kaum muda yang membawa kemuliaan bagi nama Tuhan Yesus. Didapati beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan para pemimpin gereja dalam membangun dan membimbing para kaum muda menjadi pemimpin dalam pelayanan kaum muda adalah : Pertama, sebagai pembimbing rohani. Kedua, sebagai model percontohan yang diiikuti. Ketiga, contoh pribadi yang memiliki kasih Yesus Kristus dan mengasihi sesama. Keempat, menginspirasi kaum muda dalam memberi dedikasi kepada Yesus Kristus dan kelima, pendorong pertumbuhan rohani dan karakter.

Religions ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 524
Hans Morten Haugen

Church leaders and politicians in several countries make frequent references to Christian values as part of a rhetoric of dividing between wanted and unwanted view and practices. Hence, even more than a source for division between adherents of different faiths, religion divides adherents of the same faith when identifying the core of religion. The article presents findings from a survey and focus group interviews with five groups of Norwegian Christian leaders: church leaders, bishops and deans from the Church of Norway, as well as leaders in mission organization and diaconal foundations. The informants are generally very hospitable towards immigrants, not particularly skeptical of Islam, and highly skeptical of politicians applying the term ‘Christian values’ for protectionist purposes. While distancing themselves from the term ‘Christian values’, informants have a clear understanding of what these values encompass. These attitudes mirror the major attitudes among the so-called church-going Norwegians in the Pew report, “Being Christian in Western Europe”, having higher appreciation of both Islam and immigration than the other groups of informants. The article proceeds by explaining and contextualizing, including how the churches have promoted conviviality in diverse societies and whether the leaders are willing to act when Christianity is applied to legitimize nativism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
Volker Kessler

The aim of this article is to investigate two links between beauty and leadership: What is beautiful about spiritual leadership? Why should spiritual leaders bother about beauty? This study was motivated by the Bible verse 1 Timothy 3:1 and the observation that, at least in the German context, church leadership is no longer seen as a beautiful task. After a preliminary note on theological aesthetics, the paper discusses several approaches towards the link between aesthetics and transformation of the world, among them God becoming beautiful by Rudolf Bohren and Christianity, art and transformation by John de Gruchy. The article finally argues that: (1) spiritual leaders are beautifying the church and beyond and (2) spiritual leaders should strive for beauty as diligently as they strive for truth and goodness. Statement (1) is drawn from the propositions that (a) the spirit is the real leader of the church, (b) church leaders are partaking in the work of the spirit and (c) the spirit is beautifying the church and beyond. This is a theological statement, not a phenomenological one. A small poll provides some answers to the questions: ‘what is beautiful about leading?’ and ‘what is not beautiful about leading?’ An example of a German kindergarten illustrates some benefits of an aesthetical approach.Contribution: This article focuses on the neglected area of aesthetics in the context of leadership. It aims to encourage Christian leaders to fight against the ugliness of the world and make the world more beautiful.

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