scholarly journals Training Cum Development and Productivity of Workers in Nigeria Agip Oil Company, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 49-67
Porbari M.B. ◽  
Barinem W.G.

This study investigated the relationship between training and development and productivity of workers of Nigeria Agip Oil Company, Port Harcourt. A review of relevant literature revealed that intellectual response to the issue focused on the relationship between training and productivity in other work organizations and also excludes managerial development. They also failed to specify the method of training, and omitted the development of managers in connection to workers’ productivity. This enabled the researchers to identify the gap in knowledge on this area of research, taking cognizance of the various training and development methods, such as on-the-job, off-the-job trainings and development of managers. In the bid to investigate the relationship between the variables, four research questions and four hypotheses were posed to guide the study. Human capital theory was utilized in the clarification and explanation of the causal connection between the study variables. Simple random and random samplings were adopted. The sample size of 316 was determined with the aid of Taro Yamane Statistics, from the population figure of 1500. The study adopted cross-sectional research design and generated data through survey. Data were generated through the questionnaire and analysed using percentage, while chi-square (X2) statistics was applied to test the hypotheses. The study concluded that there is significant relationship between on-the-job training, off-the-job training, development of managers and productivity of Nigeria Agip Oil Company, Port Harcourt respectively. It also found significant relationship between training and development of workers and inducement by the acquired knowledge and skills to look for better jobs in other organizations. The study thus recommended regular on-the-job training, regular off-the-job training and development of managers, amongst others. The study thus established that training and development significantly cause workers’ productivity in Nigeria Agip Oil Company in Port Harcourt.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-50
Victoria Ysabel Bringas Rios

Knowledge management and continuous improvement are key success factors that are applied in organizations independently; However, there is a significant relationship between the two, therefore organizations that seek to be leaders in their sector must analyze them together. Considering that universities have a leading role and must transcend the expectations of our society, I have considered it pertinent to carry out this article whose purpose is to establish the relationship between Knowledge Management and Continuous Improvement in a Private University from Lima, Peru. It has a quantitative approach because statistical analysis was used to test what was established in the hypotheses. The design is non-experimental, cross-sectional, since information is presented as it occurs in reality and in a given time, it is transectional, correlational, because it measures and evaluates the relationship between the variables. The sample is made up of 45 individuals between heads of areas and school coordinators, to whom a questionnaire with 32 questions was applied, whose data were processed in the statistical program SPSS version 25. Finally, the significant relationship between management of the knowledge and continuous improvement, obtaining a Spearman Rho, 0.730, at the 1% level of significance. Likewise, the findings affirm that the phases of creating, storing, applying and transferring knowledge also have a significant relationship with continuous improvement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-106
Dwi Saputri Mayang Sari

Asphyxia Neonatorum is a failure to start and continue breathing spontaneously and regularly when a new baby is born or some time after birth. Babies may be born in asphyxia or may be able to breathe but then experience asphyxia some time after birth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parity and old parturition with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum in the pre-Sumatran city general hospital in 2019. This study uses an Analytical Survey using a Cross Sectional approach. The population of this research is the babies born in the prehumulih city general hospital in 2019 amounted to 1763 people. The number of samples in this study were 326 respondents. In the univariate analysis it was found that from 326 respondents it was found that parity of high risk mothers was 168 respondents (51.5%) while parity of low risk mothers was 158 respondents (48.5%) and mothers who were diagnosed with prolonged labor were 149 respondents (45.7 %) while mothers who were not diagnosed with prolonged labor were 177 respondents (54.3%). Bivariate analysis shows parity has a significant relationship with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum (p value 0,000) and old parturition has a significant relationship with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum (p value 0,000). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between parity and old parturition with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 333
Winanda Winanda ◽  
Ricvan Dana Nindrea

<p><em>The number of medical personnel in the Padang City is still a shortage of the amount required is 83 people, but this time medical personnel numbered 53 people. This research was carried out by combining two types of research are mixed method, preceded by a quantitative research with cross sectional approach, followed by qualitative research. The study was conducted in Primary Health Care Padang City. The population in this study are all medical personnel in the Padang City with a sample of 38 people, with a sampling technique is simple random sampling. The bivariate analysis known there are significant relationship between work (p = 0,023), compensation (p = 0,001), supervision (p = 0,001) and the relationship between employees (p = 0,000) with job satisfaction. But there is no relationship promotion with job satisfaction (p = 0,208). The conclusion of the study there are significant relationship between work, compensation, supervision and the relationship between employees with job satisfaction.</em></p>

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Irene Ubro

Abstract: Humans need a certain amount of energy in order to support the growth and activity. Energy can arise due to combustion derived from carbohydrates, fats and proteins in foods consumed by the body, therefore to have enough energy one should consume enough and balanced food.Nutritional status is a state of the body that is the final result of a balance between the nutrients into the body and its utilization. Adolescence (10-19 years) is a period that is often prone to nutritional problems, because in this period there is less and over nutrient intake. This study aims to determine the relationship between energy intake and Student’s Nutrition Status of  Faculty of Medical Education, University of Sam Ratulangi Manado Year 2013. This study was an observational analytic using cross - sectional approach. Results of statistical analysis using the Spearman rank test shows that, the value of the correlation coefficient (r) of - 0.234 on IMT and 0.077 on WHR and p value of < α = 0.05 on IMT and 0.514 > α = 0.05 on WHR. From the results it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between energy intake with BMI, while the relationship between energy intake with WHR there is no significant relationship. Keywords : Energy Intake, Nutritional Status    Abstrak: Manusia membutuhkan energi dalam jumlah tertentu guna untuk menunjang proses pertumbuhan dan melakukan aktifitas. Energi dapat timbul karena adanya pembakaran yang diperoleh dari karbohidrat, lemak dan protein dalam makanan yang di konsumsi oleh tubuh, karena itu agar energi tercukupi perlu  mengkonsumsi makanan yang cukup dan seimbang. Status gizi adalah keadaan tubuh yang merupakan hasil akhir dari keseimbangan antara zat gizi yang masuk ke dalam tubuh dan utilisasinya.Masa remaja (10-19 tahun) merupakan masa yang sering rentan terhadap masalah gizi, dikarenakan pada masa ini terjadi asupan gizi kurang dan asupan gizi lebih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan energi dengan status gizi pada mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Angkatan 2013 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional (potong lintang). Kesimpulan: Hasil analisis statistik dengan menggunakan uji spearman rank menunjukkan bahwa, nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar -0,234 pada IMT dan 0,077 pada WHR serta nilai p sebesar < α = 0,05 pada IMT dan 0,514 > α = 0,05 pada WHR. Dari hasil tersbut disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan bermakna antara asupan energi dengan IMT sedangkan hubungan antara asupan energi dengan WHR tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna. Kata Kunci : Asupan Energi, Status Gizi

Bina Aquari Bina Aquari

ABSTRAK   Kontrasepsi Hormonal sebagai salah satu alat Kontrasepsi meningkat dan tajam. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) 2014, Pengguna alat kontrasepsi suntik yaitu 35,3%, pil yaitu 30,5%, IUD yaitu 15,2%, Implant 7,3%, dan 11,7% Kontrasepsi lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan peningkatan berat badan dan ketidakteraturan siklus haid dengan KB suntik pada akseptor KB di Puskesmas Pembina Palembang Tahun 2018.Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah hubungan antara umur dan pengetahuan akseptor tentang KB Suntik di Puskesmas Pembina Palembang Tahun 2018.Penelitian ini menggunakan survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang dilakukan dengan kuesioner.Uji Statistic yang dipakai adalah Uji Chi-Square. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 62 orang dan seluruh Populasi dijadikan sampel. Dari hasil analisa univariat responden yang memakai KB Suntik lebih besar yaitu sebanyak 36 orang (58,1%), dan 26 orang (41,9%) yang tidak memakai KB Suntik. Responden yang berat badannya meningkat memakai kontrasepsi sebanyak 33 orang (53,2%), sedangkan responden yang berat badannya tidak meningkat sebanyak 29 orang (46,8%) dibandingkan dengan responden yang siklus haidnya tidak teratur adalah sebanyak 32 orang (51,6%). Hasil analisa statistik dengan menggunakan Uji Chi-Square dengan df = 1 ada hubungan yang bermakna peningkatan berat badan dengan KB Suntik pada akseptor KB diperoleh p value (0.006) lebih kecil dari (0,05) dan ada hubungan yang bermakna ketidakteraturan siklus haid dengan KB suntik pada akseptor KB diperoleh p value (0,011) lebih kecil dari (0,05). Saran agar petugas kesehatan meningkatkan kinerja dan sistem informasi mengenai masalah yang berhubungan dengan pemakaian KB Suntik.       ABSTRACT   The hormonal contraception as becoming on of the contraceptions tools which is increasing sharply. Based on world Health Organitation (WHO) the user of injected contraception is 35,3%, pill 30,5%, IUD 15%, implant 7,3%, and 11,7% for another contraception. The purpose of this research is for knowing wheter there is the increasing of weight and the irregular of monthly period with injected contraception for the acceptor at Puskesmas Pembina Palembang in 2014. The main case of this research is the relationship between the increasing of the weight and the irregular monthly period at Puskesmas Pembina Palembang in 2014. This research using analytic survey with cross sectional closing yhat was done by using questioner, the statistic test which take is Chi-Square test. The population in this reseacrh are 62 peoples, and all off them as becoming the sample from the result of respondent univariat analyze whom using the injected contraception in bigger that is exactly 36 people (58,1%) and 26 people (41,9%) whom do not using it. The respondent with their weight is increasing because of using contraception is 33 people (53,2%), while the respondent whom the weight do not increasing is 29 people (46,8%), when we compare with the respondent whom the monthly period is irregular are 32 people (51,6%). The result for statistic analyze by using the Chi-Square test with the df = 1 says that there is a significant relationship between the weight increasing with the injected contraception for the acceptor we get p value (0,006) is smaller than (0,05) and there is significant relationship between the injected contraception for the acceptor we get p value (0,011) with is smaller than (0,05). The sugestion of the health workes to increasing the performance the information sistem about the problem that is connected with the inject contraception using

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-251
Elsa Rizki Lilian ◽  
Andi Siswandi ◽  
Anggunan Anggunan

ABSTRACT: THE CORRELATIONS OF AGE AND HYPERTENSION WITH THE OCCURRENCE OF BPH IN THE SURGICAL WARD AT RSUD DR.H.ABDUL MOELOEK IN 2020Introduction: Lower Urinary Tractus Symptoms (LUTS) is a problem that is experienced by men around the world and one that often occurs is Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is a histological disorder characterized by the proliferation of prostate cells. It is estimated that 50% of men show BPH histopathology at the age of 60 years old and an increase of 90% at the age of 80 years old. Hypertension is also known to have a role in increasing prostate volume, in a cohort study it was found that hypertension resulted in an increased risk of 1.5 times to cause LUTS/BPH.Objective: To determine the relationship between age and hypertension on the incidence of BPH in Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek in 2020.Methods: This study is quantitative research, an observative analytic study design with a cross-sectional approach was carried out at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek which was taken on October 16, 2020. The population was all patients in the Surgical Ward with total sampling. Data collection was obtained from secondary data from medical records. Data analysis was performed Univariate analysis (frequency distribution) and bivariate analysis with chi-square.Results: Respondents with BPH aged >50 years old were 32 respondents (97%) and respondents with BPH and hypertension were 20 respondents (60.6%). The results of the bivariate analysis using chi-square showed a significant relationship between BPH and age p value=0.000 (P<0.05) and the relationship between BPH and hypertension with p value=0.000 (p<0.05).Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between BPH with age and hypertension with the occurrence of BPH in the Surgical polyclinic at RSUD Dr.H.Abdul Moeloek in 2020. Keywords: BPH, Age, Hypertension  INTISARI: HUBUNGAN USIA DAN HIPERTENSI TERHADAP KEJADIAN BPH DI RSUD Dr.H.ABDUL MOELOEK Pendahuluan: Lower Urinary Tractus Symptoms (LUTS) adalah masalah yang banyak dialami oleh laki-laki di seluruh dunia dan salah satu yang sering terjadi adalah Benigna Prostat Hyperplasia (BPH). BPH adalah kelainan histologis yang khas di tandai dengan proliferasi sel-sel prostat. Diperkirakan 50% laki-laki menunjukan histopatologi BPH pada umur 60 tahun dan meningkat 90% pada umur 80 tahun  Hipertensi juga diketahui memiliki peranan dalam peningkatan volume prostat yakni pada suatu penelitian cohort diketahui adanya hipertensi mengakibatkan peningkatan resiko sebanyak 1,5 kali untuk menimbulkan gejala LUTS/BPH.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan usia dan hipertensi terhadap kejadian BPH di RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Tahun 2020Metode: Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan penelitian analitik observatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional telah dilakukan di RSUD Dr.H.Abdul Moeloek Provinsi Lampung yang berlangsung pada 16 Oktober 2020. Populasi adalah seluruh pasien di Poli Bedah dengan pengambilan sampel secara total sampling. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari data sekunder yang diperoleh dari rekam medis. Analisis data secara univariat (distribusi frekuensi) dan uji bivariat mengunakan chi squareHasil: Responden dengan BPH yang berusia >50 tahun sebanyak 32 responden (97%) dan responden dengan BPH dengan hipertensi sebanyak 20 responden (60,6%). Hasil Uji bivariat menggunakan chi square menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan antara BPH dengan usia diperoleh nilai p=0,000 (P<0,05) dan hubungan BPH dengan hipertensi nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05).Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara BPH dengan usia dan terdapat hubungan sgnifikan antara BPH dengan hipertensi di poli klinik bedah RSUD Dr.H.Abdul Moeloek tahun 2020.Kata kunci: BPH, Usia, Hipertensi

e-CliniC ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Miranda A. Tambunan ◽  
Pieter L. Suling ◽  
Christy N. Mintjelungan

Abstract: Nicotine stomatitis could be found among heavy smokers. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between smoking habits and the incidence of lesions suspected as nicotine stomatitis among villagers of Ongkaw Dua. This was an analytical study with a cross sectional design. Population consisted of 183 smokers aged >15 years at Desa Ongkaw Dua and the subjects were 65 smokers. The chi-square showed a p-value of 0.592 for the relationship between the duration of smoking and the occurence of lesion supspected as nicotine stomatitis. Moreover, the chi-square showed a p-value of 0.005 for the relationship between the number of cigarettes consumed per day and the occurence of lesion suspected as nicotine stomatitis. In conclusion, there was no relationship between the duration of smoking and the occurence of lesion suspected as nicotine stomatitis, but there was a significant relationship between the number of cigarettes consumed per day and the occurence of lesion suspected as nicotine stomatitis.Keywords: smoking habit, nicotine stomatitis Abstrak: Stomatitis nikotina dapat dijumpai pada perokok berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebiasaan merokok dengan angka kejadian lesi yang diduga stomatitis nikotina pada masyarakat desa Ongkaw Dua. Jenis penelitian ialah analitik observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu 183 perokok berusia >15 tahun di Desa Ongkaw Dua dan yang menjadi subyek penelitian berjumlah 65 orang. Hasil uji chi-square terhadap hubungan lama merokok dengan angka kejadian lesi yang diduga stomatitis nikotina mendapatkan p=0,592. Hasil uji chi-square terhadap hubungan antara jumlah rokok yang dihisap setiap hari dengan angka kejadian lesi yang diduga stomatitis nikotina mendapatkan p=0,005. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah tidak terdapat hubungan antara lamanya merokok dengan angka kejadian lesi yang diduga stomatitis nikotina, tetapi terdapat hubungan bermakna antara jumlah rokok yang dihisap setiap hari dengan angka kejadian lesi yang diduga stomatitis nikotina.Kata kunci: kebiasaan merokok, stomatitis nikotina

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 562 ◽  
Ririn Setyowati ◽  
Surahma Asti Mulasari

Pencemaran lingkungan akibat sampah plastik semakin mengkhawatirkan apabila tidak ada usaha untuk mengatasinya. Masyarakat yang kurang pengetahuan dan berperilaku buruk dalam pengelolaan sampah plastik dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan ibu rumah tangga dengan perilaku mengelola sampah plastik. Penelitian dilakukan di Dusun Kedesen, Desa Kradenan, Kecamatan Kaliwungu, Kabupaten Semarang Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan studi cross sectional, dengan sampel berjumlah 74 orang yang diambil secara secara acak sederhana. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara terstruktur menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat dengan uji statistik Kai Kuadrat (X2). Penelitian menemukan sekitar 56,8% responden berpengetahuan tidak baik dan sekitar 60,8% responden berperilaku tidak baik. Analisis bivariat menunjukan hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara tingkat pengetahuan ibu rumah tangga dengan perilaku mengelola sampah plastik. Ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara tingkat pengetahuan ibu rumah tangga dengan perilaku mengelola sampah plastik di Dusun Kedesen, Desa Kradenan, Kecamatan Kaliwungu, Kabupaten Semarang tahun 2012.Pollution caused by plastic increase worrying if there is no attempt to resolve it. Lack of knowledge and poor people’s behavior in the management of plastic waste can cause environmental and health problems. Management of plastic waste can be started from each household who produce plastic waste. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between the level of housewife’s knowledge with the behavior to manage of plastic waste at Kedesen, Kradenan Village, District Kaliwungu, Semarang in 2012. The study was analytic survey with cross-sectional design. Sample was 74 respondents with simple random sampling. Research tool used was a questionnaire. Analyzed used univariate and bivariate analysis with statistical test Chi Square(X2). The results showed 74 respondents obtained from 42 respondents (56.8%) are not well knowledgeable, 32 respondents (43.2%) both knowledgeable. There were 45 respondents (60.8%) did not have good behavior, while 29 respondents (39.2%) had good behavior. Bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge with behavior of housewives in managing plastic waste at the hamlet Kedesen. Statistical results showed the value (p = 0.000) smaller than alpha (a = 0.05). There was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge with behavior of housewife in managing plastic waste at Kedesen Hamlet, Village Kradenan, Kaliwungudistrict, Semarang regency in 2012.

Steven W. Schmidt

As stand-alone concepts, job satisfaction and job training have each been researched extensively. However, encouraged by researchers who have found a myriad of effects of job training on employee behavior in the workplace, the concepts of job training and job satisfaction are being examined together. Results of many studies indicate that the effects of job training go beyond those that might be considered traditional, that is, the acquisition of knowledge, the improvement of skill, and the increasing of efficiency in the workplace. This review of literature looks at the relationship between job training and job satisfaction, and also examines the concept of job training satisfaction. It has been found that the research on the relationship between these two concepts can be categorized as follows: job training satisfaction as a measured construct, workplace and employee studies, training methodology studies, perception and meaning, and additional outcomes. Training and development practitioners must be aware of the relationship between job training and job satisfaction when planning and promoting workplace training programs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 826-856 ◽  
Yewande Adetoro Adewunmi ◽  
Reuben Iyagba ◽  
Modupe Omirin

Purpose Benchmarking in FM practice although understood and applied globally, little is known about the practice in Nigeria. The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework to guide the use of benchmarking. Design/methodology/approach The research adopts a cross-sectional survey design. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires on FM organizations in Lagos metropolis, Abuja and Port Harcourt. The results of the survey were supplemented with interviews with FM unit heads in the study areas. The framework was validated using a focus group discussion with ten FM industry experts. Findings A framework which serves as a guide for the use of best practice benchmarking was developed. It showed that there is a relationship between best practice benchmarking and location. Research limitations/implications The evaluation of the framework was limited by the number of participants involved and being that it has not been put to use. Originality/value This study develops a multi-sector framework to guide the use of best practice benchmarking in facilities management (FM). The framework explains the relationship between organizational characteristics and best practice benchmarking. In addition, there are limited empirical benchmarking frameworks in FM literature.

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