teaching reading
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Radiant ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-175
Tawvicky Hidayat

In this millennium era, Indonesia faced moral crisis within the school or outside the school. They are accustomed to do bad behavior due to spiritual lack. Spiritual crisis happened because they were not given enough lessons about religion. However, teachers must provide good learning materials, so that the students can change their behavior. Even when teachers/lecturers teach English they must include religious knowledge in their teachings. Such as reading moral stories, giving good advices to students, telling about prophet stories, etc. Reading or telling story can affect moral, as the study held by Dr. Kang Lee and Colleagues that was recently published in the article ”Can Classic Moral Stories Promote Honesty in Children”. In that case, the researcher should study “The Influence of Teaching Reading Islamic Narrative Stories Toward Students’ Social Behavior”. There are two research problems in this study. The first, is there any influence of using Reading Islamic Narrative Stories towards Social Behavior in intensive class IV semester IDIA Al-Amien Prenduan? The second, how significance does using Reading Islamic Narrative Stories towards Social Behavior in intensive class semester IV IDIA Al-Amien Prenduan? The research population of this study is the students of the intensive class IV semester IDIA Al-Amien Prenduan, they are 19 students. The main instrument used in this research is test, and the supporting instruments are observation and documentation. The tests were divided into pre-test and post-test. Since this study is quantitative, the researcher used statistical analysis as data analysis. The statistical formula which was used was t-test which was suitable with the research design, and it is one group pretest-posttest design. The research result shows that using Reading Islamic Narrative Stories towards Social Attitude in intensive class semester IV IDIA Al-Amien Prenduan with significance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-184
Mia Fitriah Elkarimah ◽  
Usman Sutisna ◽  

The Iqra method is one of the methods in teaching the Qur'an. This method uses the Iqra book, consisting of 6 levels or volumes. Each volume has its difficulties, from volume 1 being the easiest to volume 6 being the most difficult. Many Al-Qur’an Education Parks (TPA) use this method, but in reality, TPA teachers still do not fully understand this Iqra teaching method. Therefore, this PKM aims to identify and improve the quality standards of teaching reading Al-Qur’an using the Iqra method through mentoring activities. Partners in this service come from all teachers and guardians of students at TPA Hayatinnur. This service was held on February 15-16, 2021, at the Hayatinnur TPA hall, attended by four teachers and 24 student guardians divided into two shifts. The method used in this implementation is a direct demonstration or training on the Iqra Method Teaching technique, Class Management, and Classical Iqra Teaching & Problem Solving. After the mentoring was done, it was clear that the teachers had begun to master teaching techniques.

Bq Zuhrotun Nafisah ◽  
Dedi Sumarsono

Reading is essential and serves as a basic building block in English language learning process. As a result, a teacher must have an effective teaching technique in teaching reading comprehension. This study aims to find out the influence of reciprocal questioning towards students’ motivation in reading comprehension of the third-grade students at SMP Negeri 3 Praya. The research was conducted through experimental research, the pre-test and post-test were used as the design. The instrument was used a set of questionnaires (Likert scale) for motivation test. The data analysis that used was descriptive analysis and inferential analysis for measuring the motivation test in form of questionnaires. Then, according to the result of the test, it showed that t-test 4.865 was higher than the t-table 2.423 at the level of significance 0.50. It means that, there was a positive effect of Reciprocal Questioning procedure towards students’ motivation in reading comprehension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-116
Luu Hoang Ngoc Van Trang Tran

Negative verbs in English are regularly translated into Vietnamese as không (Doan, 2010). However, in different types of texts and specific contexts, especially in literary ones, the equivalents of negative verbs are quite diverse and distinctive.  This study aims to analyze the Vietnamese equivalent diversity of negative verbs detached from the classic literary work – 'The Call of the Wild' by Jack London (1903) (ST) and the translation ‘Tiếng gọi của Hoang dã’ by Lam Hoai and Vo Quang (2019) (TT). Based on qualitative and text analysis method, after conducting a process of splitting, filtering, and inspecting source and target texts, 164 negative verbs were detached from the ST and their matching equivalents in the TT; không and its variants were identified as the dominant equivalent pattern (72.6%). Particularly, some specific equivalents, which were the results of passive-active restructuring (1.8%), negative-positive replacement (6.7%), and other structural, lexical transformations (12.8%), have been investigated for conceivably affecting features of equivalent selections by translators. The obtained results would be a modest part contributing to the vast work of building an English-Vietnamese corpus. The matter plausibly concerns translation issues, yet the outcomes of this study could be applied to translation training and teaching reading comprehension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Roma Marian F. Guadaña

This study is focused on looking into the acceptance level of the teachers relative to transmedia storytelling, views on the modification of reading tasks and activities through transmedia storytelling, and integration of transmedia storytelling in reading tasks and activities. This study focuses and limits only in describing the acceptance level of language teachers as to transmedia storytelling and on knowing the teachers’ thoughts on modification of reading tasks and activities. The study used descriptive research design wherein the data were analyzed through a modified questionnaire on the level of acceptance and thematic analysis wherein responses were analyzed using open-ended questionnaire for thoughts and views on transmedia storytelling modifications and integration. The results of the study show a positive acceptance of transmedia storytelling among teachers. Furthermore, it was emphasized that transmedia storytelling is a beneficial and educational strategy for teaching reading and integration should be done through adapting and designing various media platforms. This action research presented a new reading strategy for language teachers that can be used in distance learning aimed for a contextualized and expanded teaching and learning of reading through a matrix that include selected and applicable reading texts in Grades 7-10 with transmedia storytelling media platforms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Fatma Dewani Harahap

Reading Comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand the meaning. It relies on two, interconnected abilities: Word reading be able to decode the symbols on the page and language comprehension being able to understand the meaning of words and sentences . In fact, students generally feel bored and unmotivated in learning English especially in reading skill because English is different from Indonesian so that the students have difficulty in understanding reading English text. They do not know the meaning of some words in the text. Therefore, the teacher’s role becomes important in the teaching and learning process especially in teaching reading. Therefore, appropriate media should be chosen to motivate their students not only to read the text but also comprehend what they read. One of the media that can be used and applied by the teacher is Composite Pictures. A Composite Picture is a large single picture which shows a scene in which a number of people can be seen doing several things. Thus, to know whether or not there was a significant effect of using Composite Pictures on reading comprehension achievement; Composite Pictures was used as media in teaching reading in this research.

2021 ◽  
Fisseha Motuma

This study explored lived academic experiences of primary school teachers in teaching reading. It attempted to find out whether primary school English teachers were aware of different thinking and comprehension strategies like cognitive, metacognitive and comprehension strategies: predicting, visualizing, making connections and summarizing. Purposive sampling technique was employed to specify the participants. To collect the required data, focus group discussion and classroom observation were used. Seven experienced primary school English teachers were involved in the study: two of the teachers participated in the classroom observations, whereas the five teachers participated in the Focus Group Discussion. The data collected through FGD were audio-recorded and later transcribed for analysis. The data were analyzed based on grounded theory using open, selective and substantiate coding. The results of the analysis indicated teachers gave little attention to thinking or thought-based teaching of reading comprehension. The teaching focused on textual comprehension instead of research-proved thinking strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Jufri Jufri

This research is aimed at identifying the students’ ability in reading by using scaffolding teaching model. This is an experimental research that was carried out at senior high school. There were three senior high schools in Padang that became the location of the research, namely SMAN 1, SMAN 7 and SMAN 8 Padang.  The population for this research consisted of the students studying at grade X at the three schools respectively. Meanwhile, the sample was taken by using cluster random sampling technique. The whole number of sample was 192 students, namely, 64 students studying at each school. The research instrument used in this research was reading test consisting of 30 items. After carrying the research for about three months the researcher found the result as follows. The findings of the research indicated that the students’ reading achievement taught by scaffolding model was better than those who were taught by conventional model. To prove it, the researcher used t-test formula. The result showed that scaffolding model gave significant effect towards the students reading ability compared to the conventional one.

2021 ◽  
Say Phonekeo

<p>This study has two phases. Phase 1 aimed at: (1) investigating pre-service teachers’ prior experiences of reading and learning to read in English, (2a) exploring the current state of reading instruction, and (2b) finding out the extent to which a culture of thinking (CoT) was practiced when teaching reading in the Lao EFL pre-service teacher education context. A CoT is defined as “a place where a group’s collective as well as individual thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted as the regular, day-to-day experience of all group members” (Ritchhart, Church, & Morrison, 2011, p. 219). In other words, a CoT is a place where a group of teachers, students, or people come together to conduct learning that benefits all group members and every member of the group is encouraged to interact, share ideas, and think about what is learned. To achieve Phase 1’s aims, an exploratory study was employed and a qualitative method was utilized to collect and analyze the data.   Phase 1’s findings revealed that the Lao EFL pre-service teachers’ prior experiences of reading and learning to read were mostly a matter of learning discrete language features as opposed to meaning construction. The results also found that teachers paid considerable attention to discrete language items in the course of reading instruction rather than language proficiency and critical reading development. The findings also revealed that the CoT practice was not in place for teaching reading in Lao EFL pre-service education although it was acknowledged and recognized in the education and curriculum policy. The results of Phase 1 were used as baseline data for Phase 2, a classroom-based intervention.   Phase 2 aimed at determining the extent to which the CoT implementation improved reading comprehension development, fostered learning engagement, and shaped perceptions of learning reading in Lao EFL pre-service teacher education. In order to accomplish the objectives of this phase, a quasi-experimental design was adopted, meaning that two intact classes of intermediate EFL pre-service teachers were recruited to participate in this phase. One of the classes was assigned to an experimental group while the other class was a comparison group. In terms of the intervention, thinking routines (e.g., Chalk Talk, Claim-Support-Question, and Connect-Extend-Challenge) were integrated into the three stages of reading instruction (pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading). The data were collected through a pre-test, immediate post-test, delayed-test, direct classroom observations, a pre-post perception survey, and focus group interviews. They were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. An effect size analysis was also performed to supplement the t tests used in this phase.   The findings revealed that the CoT implementation had a strong effect (d = 1.01) on reading comprehension development and there was a statistical significance between the two groups, t(59) = 3.894, p = .00 < .05. It also fostered interactive and meaningful learning engagement, and changed students’ perceptions towards learning reading. Drawing from the findings, it has been suggested that a CoT can be an option for EFL teachers to consider integrating into their classroom practices in order to foster deep and meaningful learning and shape students and teachers’ experiences of and attitudes toward learning and teaching English.</p>

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