culture shock
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Herdi Herdi ◽  
Fitriana Ristianingsih

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan resiliensi mahasiswa rantau ditinjau berdasarkan gegar budaya di Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 1000 mahasiswa, sebanyak 105 mahasiswa memiliki gegar budaya sangat tinggi, 225 mahasiswa memiliki gegar budaya tinggi, 357 mahasiswa memiliki gegar budaya sedang, 237 mahasiswa memiliki gegar budaya rendah, dan 76 mahasiswa memiliki gegar budaya sangat rendah. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive random sampling. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei dengan studi komparasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan Resilience Question Test dan Inventory Culture Shock. Analisis uji validitas instrumen menggunakan Product Moment Pearson dengan bantuan  aplikasi IBM SPSS versi 26.0 hingga diperoleh 37 butir item valid pada Resilience Question Test dan diperoleh 23 butir item valid Inventory Culture Shock. Uji reliabilitas dengan rumus Alpha Cronbach hingga diperoleh koefisien sebesar 0.880 pada Resilience Question Test dan 0.929 pada Inventory Culture Shock yang berarti bahwa instrumen memiliki reliabilitas tinggi dan layak digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik Uji Kruskal Wallis Test dan diperoleh nilai Asymp. Sig sebesar 0.000 (<0.05). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 7,6% mahasiswa rantau mengalami gegar budaya sangat rendah, 23,7% mahasiswa rantau mengalami gegar budaya rendah, sebanyak 35,7% mahasiswa rantau mengalami gegar budaya sedang, sebanyak 22,5% mahasiswa rantau mengalami gegar budaya tinggi, selanjutnya 10,5% mahasiswa rantau mengalami gegar budaya sangat tinggi. Sebagian besar resiliensi mahasiswa rantau berdasarkan gegar budaya berada pada kategori sedang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan resiliensi mahasiswa rantau ditinjau berdasarkan gegar budaya. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi gegar budaya tidak hanya mengenai nostalgia kampung, disorientasi dan hilangnya kebiasaan, gaya hidup, bahasa, dan simbol. Namun, resiliensi juga menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya gegar budaya.

Audrey Webster ◽  
Alana Metcalf ◽  
Lauren Kelly ◽  
Ave Bisesi ◽  
Miranda Marnik-Said ◽  

Recommendations for enhancing scientific literacy, inclusivity, and the ecosystem for innovation call for transitioning from teacher-centered to learner-centered science classrooms, particularly at the introductory undergraduate level. Yet, little is documented about the challenges that undergraduates perceive in such classrooms and on students' ways of navigating them. Via mixed methods, we studied undergraduates' lived experience in one form of learner-centered teaching, hybrid project-/problem-based learning (PBL), in introductory organismal biology at a baccalaureate institution. Prominent in qualitative analyses of student interviews and written reflections were undergraduates' initial expectation of and longing for an emphasis on facts and transmission of them. The prominence diminished from semester's middle to end, as students came to value developing ideas, solving problems collaboratively, and engaging in deep ways of learning. Collaboration and personal resources such as belief in self emerged as supports for these shifts. Quantitative analyses corroborated that PBL students transformed as learners, moving toward informed views on nature of science, advancing in multi-variable causal reasoning, and more frequently adopting deep approaches for learning than did students in lecture-based sections. The qualitative and quantitative findings portray the PBL classroom as an intercultural experience in which culture shock yields over time to acceptance in a way supported by students' internal resources and peer collaboration. The findings have value to those seeking to implement PBL and other complex-learning approaches in a manner responsive to the lived experience of the learner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 1004
Elisabeth Tekege ◽  
Berta Esti Ari Prasetya

Kebudayaan dan lingkungan yang baru membuat individu seperti mahasiswa berada di dalam kondisi yang berbeda dari lingkungan daerahnya, perubahan ini apakah akan mengakibatkan prestasi belajar akan berada pada taraf yang baik atau tidak pada setiap mahasiswa yang merantau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara culture shock dan prestasi belajar pada mahasiswa tahun pertama yang merantau di UKSW Salatiga. Metode penelitian dalam pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik snowball sampling dengan melibatkan 102 mahasiswa angkatan 2019 yang berasal dari Papua. Pengambilan data melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan ke setiap responden dengan teknik analisa data menggunakan uji korelasi spearman’s rho dengan bantuan aplikasi SPSS 26.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai r = 0.068 (P>0,05) yang berarti tidak adanya hubungan signifikan antara culture shock dengan prestasi belajar. Dengan demikian hipotesis (H1) ditolak dimana hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak adanya hubungan yang singnifikan antara culture shock dan prestasi belajar.

Atteq-ur- Rahman ◽  
Nadia Gul ◽  
Riaz Hussain

Purpose: This study analyzes Gulliver’s sufferings among his different hosts and his relevancy to today’s sojourners who travel abroad and suffer from the effects of culture shock. During his stay with four different hosts, Gulliver remains unable to adjust with them due to the impact of culture shock. He looks at his hosts from the cultural parameters of his native land that leads to multiplication his problems. Like him, most of the travelers who move abroad for various reasons undergo the effects of culture shock. If they fail to understand the internal and external aspects their hosts’ culture, they may respond as Gulliver does. Approach: Though critics have analyzed Gulliver’s character from different perspectives, none has studied him from the lens of culture shock. On close analysis of the text of Gulliver’s Travels, readers can easily observe Gulliver suffering from the effects of culture shock among his hosts. A fresh perspective has been adopted in this study by analyzing Gulliver’s character in the light of culture shock. Culture shock affects sojourners in multiple ways. Many students, migrants, and the diaspora go through this experience while living in a new culture among new people. Findings: This study shows that culture has been a common phenomenon for people who stay abroad for long or settle though they do not realize that several problems that they face are caused by culture shock. However, if someone consciously assimilates the effects of culture shock, it becomes a great experience to live a better life. Implications: Though Gulliver belongs to the eighteenth century England, yet he exists around and among us.  It is Gulliver’s relevancy that adds to the meaningfulness of his character for the contemporary sojourners. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Hespi Septiana ◽  
Him’mawan Adi Nugroho ◽  
Warsita Noer Ardiyanti ◽  
Masilva Raynox Mael ◽  
Agus Ridwan

From time to time, Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) continues to grow, including BIPA at the State University of Surabaya (Unesa). It cannot be denied that in its journey, BIPA Unesa encountered various problems. One of them is a report from a foreign student who was confused when he first arrived in Surabaya. Their confusion includes finding the ideal place to live, using online motorcycle taxi applications, and using public facilities such as markets, hospitals, and police stations. Not only that, but the understanding of academic rules on campus has also not been able to be conveyed on target. Some local students and lecturers have helped, but the limited number and time have made it impossible to assist students. Therefore, this research focuses on making a pocketbook called "survival book" in five different languages ​​for foreign students. The benefits of this research are expected to be able to solve the concerns of BIPA students when they first come to Surabaya with the development of a pocketbook. This research belongs to the category of product development. With this research, it is hoped that it will produce an output in the form of a survival book for BIPA Unesa students as well as scientific articles that will be published in accredited national journals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 333-343
Sri Seti Indriani ◽  
Ditha Prasanti

The increasing  number of patients recovering  from the COVID-19  and the decreasing number of people exposed to the infection seemed to raise the community’s hopes for  returning to face-to-face learning. Some schools have slowly implemented face-to-face learning. Teachers sincerely hope to optimize face-to-face learning soon. However, there are still pros and cons over face-to-face learning for fear of schools turning into COVID-19 clusters. The teachers complained about  various online learning problems, so they   applied  for  permission to conduct  face-to-face learning. The purpose of this research is to understand  teachers’ experiences in  online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, including  positive and negative experiences  as well as  obstacles in the online learning during the pandemic. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods, with data collection technique conducted through documentation studies as well as interviews with five kindergarten and elementary school teachers. The selection of research subjects used purposive sampling. The results of this study  revealed that the  teachers had  extraordinary experiences, both  negative and positive. The negative experiences during online learning are related to confusion, culture shock, dissatisfaction, stress, fatigue, and overwhelm, while the positive experiences are related to the ease of attending meetings simultaneously, carrying out activities at home and gaining new knowledge, especially in communication technology. Barriers and challenges experienced by teachers in  online learning during the pandemic are  technical and non-technical in nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 134-146
Ekaterina Voevodina ◽  
Alexander Tyurikov

Interest in the problem of socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students is growing due to intensification of the processes of internationalization of education, global competition of universities, and increase in the export of educational services. The purpose of the study is to analyze the types and causes of the emergence of socio-cultural barriers to adaptation of foreign students in the context of higher education in Russia; to work out recommendations for their reduction. The theoretico-methodological basis of the research is the ABC model of culture shock, phenomenological approach to the analysis of intercultural communications (ICC) in the global world. The socio-cultural barriers to the adaptation are considered through the prism of the lack of ICC resources increasing the manifestations of culture shock, and first of all—social perception. Based on the synthesis of studies by Russian and foreign authors, the article examines the causes of the formation of deficiencies in the linguistic, paralinguistic, cognitive and behavioral competencies necessary for successful socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students. The primary materials are the results of the monitoring ^Assessment of the quality of education at the Financial University» conducted by the focus group method at the Financial University in the 2020-2021 academic year. To improve the socio-cultural adaptation of foreign students to education, the authors propose telecollaboration. The conclusions and recommendations given in the article can be used in the field of education for children and adults, including additional and inclusive education (students with disabilities, migrant students, etc.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Claus-Ulrich Viol ◽  
Simon Klasen

Despite their controversial status in the current literature on sojourner adjustment, classical U-curve and four-stage models of culture shock continue to enjoy remarkable popularity. This study aims to investigate their validity by starting from (recollected) sojourner experience. Using a qualitative approach, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 50 students who had taken part in the European Erasmus exchange to see if any adaption patterns would emerge that tally with previous conceptions or offer alternatives to them. Our results show that neither moments of crisis or shock, nor any of the four stages or the typical culturally induced adjustment problems were generally reported. Accounts instead focused on success, personal growth, and a three-phase structure that divided the experience mainly in terms of social contacts and eventfulness. Furthermore, emotional ambivalence emerged as a distinctive feature throughout the entire stay. We propose that the specific characteristics of the Erasmus experience account for some of our results. Students’ close relationship with their international peers, which is one of these features, may thus facilitate cultural adaptation. Abstract in Spanish A pesar de su estado controvertido en la literatura actual sobre la adaptación de todos los que pasan tiempo en el extranjero, los modelos clásicos de choque cultural de curva en U y de cuatro etapas continúan tener una gran popularidad. Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar su validez partiendo de la experiencia (recordada) de un residente temporal. Aplicando un enfoque cualitativo, realizamos entrevistas semiestructuradas con 50 estudiantes que habían participado en el intercambio europeo Erasmus para ver si surgía algún patrón de adaptación que coincidiera con concepciones anteriores u ofreciera alternativas a las mismas. Nuestros resultados muestran que, en general, no se informaron momentos de crisis o choque, ni ninguna de las cuatro etapas o los típicos problemas de adaptación culturalmente inducidos. Las representaciones, en cambio, muestran el éxito de los estudiantes, el crecimiento personal y una estructura de tres fases que dividió la experiencia principalmente en términos de la densidad de eventos y contactos sociales. Además, una ambivalencia emocional emergió como un rasgo distintivo durante toda la estancia. Proponemos que las características específicas de la experiencia Erasmus dan cuenta de algunos de nuestros resultados. Para dar un ejemplo, parece seguro que las relaciones de los estudiantes con sus compañeros internacionales de estudios facilitan la adaptación cultural.

Andrzej Jamiołkowski

The article is an attempt at a comparative analysis of the novels: Return from the Stars by Stanisław Lem and Van Troff’s Cylinder by Janusz A. Zajdel. Both works belonging to Polish science fiction present visions of humanity in the future. Despite obvious differences (both novels were written in different circumstances, one novel is a dystopia, the other an anti-utopia) it is possible to find areas common to both works representing the Polish science fiction genre. The novels present a pessimistic vision of humanity in the future. The greatest similarity, however, can be observed in the creation of the main characters, who experience culture shock when faced with a new vision of human society. The protagonists find themselves confused, discordant and despairing. They see that the changes have gone in the wrong direction. But it is too late for them to do anything about it, except for accepting this reality or trying to escape from it back into the stars. 

2021 ◽  
Maritza Cabrera ◽  
María Teresa Muñoz-Quezada ◽  
Carmen Antini ◽  
Myriam Díaz

<p>Migratory figures place Chile as one of the South American countries with the most significant number of migrants. The present study evaluated the psychosocial occupational risks of migrant workers in the Maule Region and their association with health-related quality of life. Cross-sectional study with migrant workers between 18 and 60 years old, residing in the Maule Region (n = 145). The questionnaires applied were: a) SUSESO ISTA-21 Psychosocial Risk Questionnaire; b) SF-12 health and quality of life questionnaire; c) Socio-demographic questionnaire. We perform a bivariate statistical analysis with non-parametric tests of Mann Withney U, Kruskal Wallis, and Spearman correlation. The migrants with lower quality of life in terms of the physical health dimension are those who are divorced, widowed or single, who work less than 22 hours per week and arrived directly to the Maule Region from their countries of origin. The psychosocial risks related to double presence at work seem to be the dimension with the highest prevalence. Migrants who work between 33 and 43 hours per week a negative association between the number of hours worked and work rewards; lack of control, which strongly impacts job satisfaction due to insecurity; and exhaustion from overwork. Exposure to a new social and work environment could lead to different psychological responses in which anxiety, confusion, and culture shock affect the mental health of migrants. Coming into contact with a new culture is a complex process; it requires support networks, adaptation, and migration policies based on human rights.</p>

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