juvenile delinquency
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2022 ◽  
pp. 250-280
Ruža Tomić

Juvenile delinquency, abuse, and addictions are among the very serious problems of the modern world. They are becoming more frequent every day and appear among the younger categories of children and youth, with increasingly destructive forms and manifestations. The community seeks ways and takes measures to prevent these socio-pathological phenomena, with the aim of reducing or preventing them altogether. In order to succeed, social pedagogical theory and practice are constantly being improved and enriched, and they offer new contributions that can help in the constructive resolution of these painful social phenomena. Their spread degrades the personality of the individual and the whole social community, and this leaves lasting and far-reaching consequences. Only by getting to know and having insight into all the above aspects of these socio-pathological phenomena will it be possible to create and offer organized professional activity in their transformation.

2022 ◽  
pp. 281-309
Maria Jakovljevic ◽  
Sheryl Buckley

Behavioral disorders are progressively affecting all categories of pedagogues and educators and all strata of society with prevalently diverse manifestations and gaining the characteristics of an epidemic. It is especially important that future social pedagogues and other professionals contribute to solving socio-pathological problems. This chapter presents solutions and recommendations for behavioral problems detected amongst children and youths. Early uncovering and diagnosis of behavioral disorders is of outmost importance for prevention, rehabilitation, and elimination. The chapter examines the role of the family, the role of the school, and school professional services in the prevention and eradication of behavioral disorders. This chapter further explores the prevention measures to counteract and stop juvenile delinquency and to deal with effective rehabilitation early. This chapter will contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about current prevention programs, getting to know the etymology and measures of prevention, detection, and rehabilitation of the same.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-150
Datu Jatmiko

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai peristiwa klithih yang akhir-akhir ini terjadi di Kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya. Klithih merupakan jenis kenakalan remaja yang mengarah pada konflik sosial dan kekerasan di masyarakat. Klithih pada awalnya adalah sebuah ajang yang digunakan oleh para remaja untuk menunjukkan eksistensinya di dalam pergaulan antar remaja di Yogyakarta. Pada akhirnya klithih akhirnya berubah menjadi ajang untuk menciptakan sebuah konflik sosial dan kekerasan dengan menyasar siapa saja yang berada di jalan raya. Penyebab umum terjadinya klithih selain untuk menunjukkan eksistensi kelompok remajanya/ peer group juga karena lemahnya pengawasan dan control sosial oleh keluarga dan sekolah karena sebagian besar pelakunya adalah remaja anak sekolah. Dalam perspektif sosiologi, tidak ada jawaban tunggal dalam menjelaskan realitas sosial termasuk fenomena klithih ini karena sosiologi merupakan ilmu sosial berparadigma ganda. Demikian juga dalam menjelaskan realitas klithih di Yogyakarta. Tinjauan klithih di jalanan Kota Yogyakarta ini vital dilakukan agar supaya penjelasan tidak parsial sehingga dapat mengungkapkan pemahaman yang universal dan menyeluruh. Pilihan teoretik tersebut memiliki implikasi metodologis yang selanjutnya diharapkan berakhir pada ditemukannya langkah penyelesaian yang tepat oleh seluruh pihak yang terkait. Langkah solutif untuk pencegahan dan mengatasi terjadinya klithih perlu dilakukan untuk mengembangkan relasi sosial menjadi lebih harmonis dan humanis sekaligus mengurangi terjadinya penyakit sosial yang berupa klithih. This paper aims to get information about klithih events that recently occurred in the city of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. Klithih is a type of juvenile delinquency that leads to social conflict and violence in society. Klithih was originally an event used by teenagers to show their existence in the association between teenagers in Yogyakarta. Eventually klithih finally turned into a place to create a social conflict and violence by targeting anyone who was on the highway. The most common cause of klithih in addition to showing the existence of adolescents/peer groups is also due to the weak supervision and social control by families and schools because most of the perpetrators are teenage school children. In the perspective of sociology, there is no single answer in explaining social reality including this klithih phenomenon because sociology is a social paradigm with multiple paradigms. Likewise in explaining the reality of klithih in Yogyakarta. This klithih review on the streets of Yogyakarta is vital so that the explanation is not partial so that it can reveal a universal and comprehensive understanding. The theoretical choice has methodological implications which are then expected to end in the discovery of an appropriate settlement step by all parties concerned. Solutive steps to prevent and overcome the occurrence of klithih needs to be done to develop social relations to be more harmonious and humanist while reducing the occurrence of social diseases in the form of klithih.

Fauzi Isra ◽  
Neviyarni Neviyarni ◽  
Yarmis Syukur

Juvenile delinquency is one of the deviant behaviors that requires special attention and good understanding and proper handling of the resolution process because it is an important factor for the success of adolescents in the next life, considering that the teenage transition period is the most decisive period. There are several roles that parents can do in overcoming juvenile delinquency, including the process of fostering and guidance carried out by the family. Parents try to create a harmonious, communicative and comfortable family for adolescents and help adolescents in their social and adjustment processes. Family counseling is a training process that is focused on the client's parents as the most influential person in determining the system in the family. This is done not to change the personality or character of the family members involved but to change the family through changing the behavior of the parents. If the behavior of the parents changes, it will affect the members in the family.

Krystina Shpak ◽  
Alexandra Gracheva ◽  
Olga Golovko

Problem setting.Today, society is developing rapidly, there is a process of globalization, the influence of information technology is growing significantly, which in some way complicates public relations and conflicts that need to be effectively resolved and resolved through justice. Raising this issue, in our opinion, we should first of all pay attention to such a problem as juvenile delinquency, because it is the rapid development of information technology has significantly affected the spread of this phenomenon. Thus, it should be emphasized that the state does not fully contribute to solving this problem, which just clearly illustrates the problem in the introduction of juvenile justice in Ukraine. The actualization of this issue is primarily due to the lack of understanding of the implementation of new changes in the protection of children’s rights in Ukraine. The state must understand that it has a responsibility to increase the responsibility of adults for the safety and lives of people. In turn, as already mentioned, low social protection of children creates crime among minors. And here there is another problem: the application of official justice, which involves primarily the application by the state to offenders of certain coercive measures, which is provided for in the sanctions of legal norms. In our opinion, this method of justice does not help to resolve the conflict between the victim and the accused. Because, in criminal proceedings, the main mediator of the accusation is the state, as a result of which the injured party receives double damage: both from the criminal offense itself and directly from justice, which has not solved the real problem in essence. In turn, the offender, through the application of appropriate means of state coercion, is not aware of his responsibility for the act committed by him. Thus, today there is a need for the introduction and application of restorative justice in juvenile cases. Since the restorative approach is aimed at restoring the socio-psychological condition of both participants in the process, as well as real compensation for the damage to the injured party. Target of research. Investigate juvenile justice in Ukraine, and the commission of criminal offenses by minors. Correlate the concepts of formal and restorative justice, as well as consider the need for restorative justice in Ukraine. Investigate national and international practices of juvenile justice, and implemented alternative programs for the application of restorative justice practices against juveniles in Ukraine. The object of this study is: juvenile justice, the commission of criminal offenses by minors, restorative justice in Ukraine, as well as the involvement of international practices in the application of restorative justice to minors. Analysis of reсent researches and publications. This issue was studied by the following scientists: G. Kostova, V. Zemlyanska, V. Lyska, V. Sidletska and others. Article’s main body. The article is devoted to the problem of introduction of restorative justice in juvenile cases in Ukraine. The authors studied the functioning of juvenile justice in Ukraine, as well as the implementation of state programs for the introduction of restorative practices, by reviewing the main provisions of national law and international practices. The author’s position and proposals for further reform of criminal justice for juveniles in Ukraine are formulated by introducing a restorative approach involving international practices. Norway is considered to be the first country to establish rehabilitation practices for minors. It is this leading country that has been based on the origins of mediation since 1970, but began on the basis of an experiment in the theft committed by a minor who was known in 1981. The case was a success, and in recent years almost 81 of Norway’s 345 municipalities have supported innovation – restorative justice, which has been expressed in a community decision in their area. And since 1991 it has become more accessible in 1991. Norwegian law enshrines this provision in the Municipal Mediation Councils Act, which was established in 1991, the 1992 Resolutions, the 1993 Circular, sections 71-72 of the 1998 Code of Criminal Procedure, and Part 2 include the right to the prosecutor in case of committing a non-public dangerous act without illegal consequences to transfer the offender to the mediation process. Conclusions and prospects for the development. Currently, the state and trends of juvenile delinquency, as shown by the analysis of judicial statistics, indicate the urgent need to organize consolidated and targeted actions of society and the state to prevent such crime, prevent its development and growth. Canada and Norway, we have established that they carry out executive activities for the restoration of justice, communication and restoration of justice, protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms, public relations. Also, these states are passing laws to get closer to the basics of restorative justice. Despite their imperfections, their direct component is the formation of the moral condition of both parties, ensuring their understanding of the crime, solving issues related to the moral condition of the victim, which is manifested in her conscious assessment of the situation, psychological rehabilitation in case of mental illness: panic attacks. , depression, which require quality treatment. Also, it is fundamental to report the guilt of a juvenile offender for his crime, the implementation of alternative measures of punishment: community service, a fine that would positively affect the further behavior of the offender. As practice shows, such an alternative in Ukraine would be a good attempt to minimize the level of crime among criminals also through advocacy in the form of lectures, seminars on offenses, as well as the adoption of alternative regulations in Ukraine, which would legally support mediation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-92
Alvin Koswanto

Perkembangan sosial pada remaja menyebabkan mereka lebih memilih untuk menghabiskan waktu dengan komunitas atau kelompok teman-teman sebayanya. Hal ini menjadi sebuah permasalahan, apabila remaja bergabung pada komunitas atau kelompok yang salah, akan membuat mereka memiliki nilai-nilai yang salah sehingga berani untuk melakukan juvenile delinquency (kenakalan remaja). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditulis dengan tujuan memberikan masukan kepada orangtua maupun gereja dalam memberikan keyakinan atau kepercayaan yang rasional, sehingga remaja tidak sampai melakukan tindakan atau perbuatan yang melanggar norma-norma yang ada di masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan jenis analisis buku teks. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah ditemukan konsep belief yang rasional, untuk mengganti kepercayaan atau keyakinan remaja yang irasional dengan harapan remaja tidak menunjukkan perilaku kenakalan remaja.

Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 108-121
T. V. Kashanina

The paper is interdisciplinary in nature: it is written at the intersection of legal theory and neuroscience. In legal science, the study of the causes of illegal behavior is carried out at different levels (psychological, sociological and philosophical). The novelty that this paper introduces is that it is proposed to conduct research on the causes of illegal behavior at the neurobiological level, which is almost more powerful than those mentioned above. The paper is aimed at solving the problem of using a neurobiological portrait of a person or a social group to prevent offenses. According to neurobiological features, people are divided into 4 categories: visual, auditory, kinesthetic and digital, which implies a different characteristic of them in terms of law abidance/delinquency. Knowledge of the neurobiological features of the subjects of law will allow the state to act “ahead of the curve”, and not wait for the commission of illegal actions to begin the fight against them. The question of the gender brain (or the features of the female and male brains) and its influence on the nature of delinquency is being investigated. The features of the adolescent brain are considered, which are able to activate not only prosocial behavior, but also antisocial. The use of neuroscience to explain the antisocial behavior of adolescents allows a deeper understanding of juvenile delinquency. The understanding of the peculiarities of the adolescent brain, it seems possible to develop many different measures in advance to direct their energy in the right way. Finally, neurobiological knowledge is also used to study the legal behavior of older people. The gerontological brain has both advantages and disadvantages. Despite the fact that older people are law-abiding, and the level of delinquency among them is law, it is extremely shortsighted to abandon the behavior of older people in the field of law, especially in the light of demographic problems existing in Russia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 64-70
Elena V. Kunts

The article discusses the general principles and the principles applied when imposing punishments to minors who have committed crimes. Juvenile delinquents are the social base of organized crime. Juvenile delinquency harms the personal development of the minor offender himself, thereby contributing to continuing the minor's criminal activity. The research results confirm that a significant number of serious offenders began their criminal activities being minors. Correction of juvenile offenders is very important, that is, formation of stable skills of an honest attitude to work. Precise execution of laws and respect for them. Crimes committed by minors, despite the degree of their study, the share of crimes committed by minors in the total number of crimes is on average 10–12% and these are only registered official data, which means that real statistics can be 1.5–2 times higher. The above-stated points to the problem of illegal behavior of minors and the need to find effective ways to impose penalties to juvenile offenders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 278-282
A. Sizeva

The article examines the influence of the criminal subculture on the formation of juvenile delinquency. The analysis of the influence of the criminal subculture on the formation of the legal consciousness of minors is carried out, the conditions and processes of deformation of the personality of minors, the emergence of a tendency to illegal behavior and the commission of offenses are considered.

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