learning by using
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2022 ◽  
pp. 65-85

This narrative focuses on a classroom teacher called to forge a path for students during online learning by using journal writing as well as a variety of other methods including sharing life lessons, discussing time management, and organizing priorities. Transformative leadership requires vulnerability, courage, and innovation. During difficult times such as the recent pandemic, leaders need to demonstrate creativity and resilience. Anyone who wishes to enhance a leadership role can benefit from the strategies presented.

2022 ◽  
pp. 244-264
Ipek Deveci Kocakoç ◽  
Pınar Özkan

Clubhouse is an invitation-only social networking application that differs from the usual social media platforms in that it is “audio only.” In this chapter, the sentiments in the social media messages about Clubhouse in the classic SMPs are examined by supervised learning (by using Hugging Face Transformer Library), and the user feelings are analyzed. Because Turkey is in the first ranks among European countries in terms of both the number of social media users and the number of messages, the analysis is conducted using the Turkish users. Mentions of Clubhouse have begun on Twitter and Sourtimes platforms in Turkey in early 2021. In this study, the aim is to demonstrate how Clubhouse, a new and different SMP, is evaluated by Twitter and Sourtimes users and to reveal user thoughts about this SMP along the timeline by using sentiment analysis.

2022 ◽  
Hendrik Setyo Utomo ◽  
Veri Julianto ◽  
Ahmad Rusadi Arrahimi

Tri Yanti

<p><em>The purpose of the research: To describe the enhancement of the students` study result during the online learning by using the learning model of the power point and the whatsapp group. In order be suitable to the education purpose in which to develop the students` individual talent and skill,so the students` psyche potenty couldbe actualized perfectly so it needs some methods that hoped to be the indicator achieving the teaching and learning activity to achieve the desired purpose. Besides the method is very important unsure and can`t be lost in the education in achieving the desired purpose. The purpose of the enhancement will be achieved if there are students` participation and their parents` supports. Especially in the pandemicrecently. With students` activation ,it will create the most desireh learning result. </em></p>

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Qianwu Zhang ◽  
Zicong Wang ◽  
Shuaihang Duan ◽  
Bingyao Cao ◽  
Yating Wu ◽  

In this paper, an improved end-to-end autoencoder based on reinforcement learning by using Decision Tree for optical transceivers is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Transmitters and receivers are considered as an asymmetrical autoencoder combining a deep neural network and the Adaboost algorithm. Experimental results show that 48 Gb/s with 7% hard-decision forward error correction (HD-FEC) threshold under 65 km standard single mode fiber (SSMF) is achieved with proposed scheme. Moreover, we further experimentally study the Tree depth and the number of Decision Tree, which are the two main factors affecting the bit error rate performance. Experimental research afterwards showed that the effect from the number of Decision Tree as 30 on bit error rate (BER) flattens out under 48 Gb/s for the fiber range from 25 km and 75 km SSMF, and the influence of Tree depth on BER appears to be a gentle point when Tree Depth is 5, which is defined as the optimal depth point for aforementioned fiber range. Compared to the autoencoder based on a Fully-Connected Neural Network, our algorithm uses addition operations instead of multiplication operations, which can reduce computational complexity from 108 to 107 in multiplication and 106 to 108 in addition on the training phase.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 579-588
Livia Dinda Rochmawati ◽  
Madziatul Chuuriyah

Penggunaan media dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dapat membantu keterbatasan yang dimiliki guru/pendidik dalam menyampaikan materi yang ingin diajarkan, terutama untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan pembelajaran secara daring dari jarak jauh seperti saat ini. Salah satu sekolah yang menerapkan hal tersebut adalah SMK Negeri 1 Turen Kabupaten Malang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Android Studio, mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis Android Studio, mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik, dan mengetahui perbedaan self regulated learning peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Korespondensi Bahasa Indonesia untuk kelas X yang mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar dan kemandirian belajar peserta didik. Metode penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Research and Development yang dicetuskan oleh Sugiyono dan terdiri dari 9 langkah, diantaranya adalah potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk, revisi produk, uji coba pemakaian, dan produksi massal. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatnya hasil belajar dan kemandirian peserta didik dari kelas eksperimen dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol.

2021 ◽  
Srdjan Skok ◽  
Ladislav Havas ◽  
Tomislav Horvat ◽  
Marko Gamberger

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Ni Putu Juni Ari

This study aimed to investigate the students ‘perception and challenge in learning by using Google Classroom especially in the current pandemic of Covid-19. The present study used a literature review as the design to collect the data. Related studies about students ‘perception and challenge on Google Classroom in teaching and learning were analyzed to be described in the present study. The finding of this study showed that students have positive perception toward the use of Google Classroom in learning and it was useful in teaching. However, students ‘accessibility and connectivity were the most challenging in learning through Google Classroom during the pandemic.

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