technological processes
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2022 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 269-277
Mishchuk Ievgeniia ◽  
Riabykina Yekateryna ◽  
Ushenko Natalya ◽  
Hamova Oksana ◽  
Tkachenko Sergii ◽  

The article shows that in Society 5. 0 intellectual capital is a key factor forming economic security of enterprises. The priority of structural components of intellectual capital as a factor of enterprise economic security formation is determined. Features of mining and beneficiation enterprises operation are considered while structuring intellectual capital. The resulting criteria for assessing efficiency of the intellectual capital use during economic security formation are established. Three key groups of competences of personnel necessary for economic security formation are identified. It is substantiated that organic connection of intellectual capital structural elements will enable forming economic security of the enterprise during the current period and providing economic security parameters in the long term. Based on the data obtained from mining and beneficiation enterprises, it is demonstrated that this will be possible due to growth of an innovative level of technological processes which will contribute to product quality enhancement that, in turn, will expand the client base.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1211 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
A A Valke ◽  
D G Lobov ◽  
A G Shkaev

Abstract Contactless thermal control tools play an important role in solving the high-temperature technological processes improving energy efficiency problems. In order to create such controls, the authors analyzed the developing possibility of spectral ratio high-temperature pyrometer using a multispectral radiation receiver (color sensor) TCS34725. In the paper this receiver application coefficients are determined, signals ratio graphs in different spectral intervals on temperature are given for two applications: without additional filtration of the control object radiation infrared component and using an opaque in the infrared spectrum part external filter.

Holzforschung ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Carsten Mai ◽  
Uwe Schmitt ◽  
Peter Niemz

Abstract Wood science covers in particular the areas of the formation and composition as well as the chemical, biological and physical-mechanical properties of wood. First comprehensive studies have already been published in the last century. Detailed knowledge of wood is required for the processing of wood, the production of wood-based materials, and the utilization of wood and wood-based materials as buildings and various other products such as furniture. This review gives a brief overview on the progress in wood chemistry, wood biology (including photosynthesis and biodeterioration), and physical-mechanical properties of wood and wood-based materials. These fundamentals are also essential for understanding technological processes and product development.

Oleksandr Lishafai

The purpose of the article is to study the main components of the technological process in the formation of the soundtrack of the audiovisual space. The research methodology is based on the use of methods of source search, systematization, and comparative analysis. The scientific novelty lies in the representation of the attempt to create a theoretical concept concerning the importance of technological processes in creating the sound design of works. Conclusions. The article presents the concept of technological processes for creating sound in the audiovisual context, as a scientific and practical phenomenon, in the form of a panoramic figure. The research will serve as an incentive to search for updated options for combining existing elements of the background composition, as well as to create previously unused sound effects. Keywords: sound design skills, background composition, sound field unit, sound recording techniques, sound design.

Alexey Zhukov ◽  
Ekaterina Bobrova ◽  
Ivan Popov ◽  
Demissie Bekele Аrega

The article discusses ways to solve engineering problems in the study of technological processes using methods of system analysis. The essence of this method is to study the technology as a cybernetic system with an assessment of the" reactions” of this system to external influences formed during an active experiment. At the same time, optimization problems are solved analytically. Analytical optimization is based on two main principles. The regression equations obtained as a result of processing experimental data and testing statistical hypotheses are models that adequately describe real processes. Each of these equations is an algebraic function of several variables, to which methods of mathematical analysis are applicable, including the study of extremums of functions in partial derivatives. The next step is to develop a process algorithm and develop computer programs that allow you to select the composition and predict the properties of the product. As an engineering interpretation, it is possible to construct optimized nomograms that allow solving both direct and inverse problems; that is, predicting the result or selecting technological factors. The research methods described in the article are implemented in the study of technologies of cellular concrete, foam concrete, cement-polymer concrete and products made of mineral wool and foam glass. As an example, the article considers the optimization of the selection of the composition of fine-grained concrete reinforced with chopped glass fiber. The implementation of the developed method allowed us to determine the optimal value of the determining parameters, including the consumption of fiber and plasticizer, as well as to form a method for studying the properties of products.

Dmytro Kovaliuk ◽  
Ruslan Osipa ◽  
Victoria Кondratova

Technological processes are always accompanied by deviations from the set mode, which is due to the influence of many external and internal factors. The environmental parameters, the components of input raw materials, and the condition of technological equipment are constantly changing, which requires solving the problem of finding the optimal control parameters and, in some cases, the parameters of the process itself. Most industries are focused on obtaining the final product with a given level of quality. Changes in parameters of the technological process may deteriorate the quality of production and cause defects or even emergency situations. To prevent this, forecasting methods are used. The task of constructing predictive models based on experimental data is relevant for a wide range of technological processes. Today, predictive models are widely used in management, diagnosis and identification. The vast majority of these models are based on artificial intelligence technologies or methods of mathematical statistics. The most widespread forecasting models find application in areas such as banking, insurance, business economics, medicine, diagnostics of technical components and equipment, and forecasting the parameters of technological processes. Despite the well-developed algorithm for model development and application, the main problem that remains is to acquire data, select an appropriate model structure, and integrate the model into existing control systems. The paper will predict the parameters of the technological process of methanol production under reduced pressure. The production of methanol under reduced pressure is a multi-stage process, and the emergence of problems at some stage will adversely affect further work and the end result. Note that there are all problems related to the performance of technological processes in the production of methanol, which are described above. Therefore, another task is to forecast emergencies, taking into account the indicators of all stages in the process. The development of models for forecasting emergencies and controlling thermal regimes and their further integration into the existing automatic process control system is proposed to be performed according to the principles of industrial revolution – Industry 4.0. Important components of Industry 4.0 are the Internet of Things, data analysis, and digital duplicates. Each of these components solves a partial problem and, collectively, they provide full automation of production, forecasting of real-time process indicators, and calculation of optimal control. The process of methanol production under reduced pressure can be fully automated in accordance with the components of Industry 4.0. First, there is instrumentation that allows the values of technological process to be obtained over time. Second, given a moderate size of these data, one can obtain models of control objects, perform their software implementation, and use them to calculate optimal control or predict the state of the process. The paper proposes a variant of constructing a virtual model based on experimental data and its further use with actual values ​​of process parameters. A regression model was chosen to develop a model for predicting the temperature regime. Regression analysis allows checking the statistical significance of the parameters, assessing the adequacy and accuracy of the model, and establishing the nature and closeness of the relationship between the studied phenomena. It is also important to predict the occurrence of emergency (adverse) situations at the workplace. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine a list of these situations according to the technological regulations and develop a model for forecasting emergencies. There are various forms of presenting a model for forecasting emergencies. A decision tree is one of them. It will be developed for the production of methanol. The resulting tree is a graphical structure of the verbal (semantic) model relying on the expert's reasoning in solving problems related to emergencies. This is a network structure, whose nodes indicate potential deviations of the control object from the normal mode of operation. The resulting tree is used to solve forecasting and diagnosing problems. For practical use, the decision tree is implemented in software as an "if - then" set of rules. The software is used as an element of a higher-level system in relation to the existing automatic process control system.

Tamaz Isakadze ◽  
Sophio Buchukuri- Sologashvili ◽  
Givi Gugulashvili ◽  

Technological processes differ from each other. Accordingly, the devices on which these technological processes are implemented also differ. As a rule, the optimal solution is to select the right machine or device for each process. This facilitates the entire process even in the event of a breakdown of any device on the production line. Such a machine can be replaced by another machine, manual labor, or the operation can be completely excluded. And if all technological operations are carried out on one machine, then its failure will lead to a complete stop of the entire technological process. The issue of processing the Caucasian rhododendron is considered and an innovative technology is presented, according to which its leaves are shock-frozen, crushed, freeze-dried and the product gets a light smoke aroma. It is shown that the use of different devices for each operation of this technological process can lead to microbiological clogging of raw materials, significant loss of cold and complicate the design of all equipment. Therefore, this process is best carried out in one universal device. A schematic diagram of a new device for processing rhododendron is presented, which ensures all technological operations (shock freezing, frozen leaf grinding, freeze-drying and giving the final product smoke aroma and bitter taste) without contact of the raw material with ambient air.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 96-102
Vladyslav Diachenko ◽  
Oleksii Liashenko ◽  
Oleg Mikhal ◽  
Mariia Umanets

Cereals are an essential part of the diet of Homo sapiens. Since late Neolithic times, with the transition to sedentary farming, working with grain (growing, storing, processing, cooking food) has become a traditional type of professional human activity. As part of the accumulated historical experience, numerous technological processes have been developed and optimized for this type of activity. The relevant technologies evolved in close correlation with the changing conditions of life, literally under the pressure of Darwinian natural selection, because they were directly related to the survival of the Homo sapiens. Further development of grain-processing technologies remains invariably urgent today, as evidenced by the report [1] presented by the UN on the state of food security and nutrition in the world - with horrifying figures depicting the need and misery of the wide masses of the population of the planet. An important component of grain processing is the technology associated with the storage of grain products. Part of the stored grain products is used as seed stock for a new cycle of grain sales, the other - a significant part - for processing into food products. At the same time, new developed (optimized, improved) grain storage technologies must be safe, low-cost, maximally compatible with previously developed (available) equipment, and scalable to large volumes of stored material. Of course, the technology must ensure proper efficiency, an indicator of which should be a reduction in the percentage of grain product losses. In this regard, management methods used in the technological processes of grain products storage are substantially important, as well as methods of control over the current state of grain products for the correct organization of the technological processes. In particular, methods using elements of artificial intelligence are of high interest. Among them, neural networks are promising, especially those capable of learning "without a teacher" - Kohonen Maps (KK). Modified KK algorithm [2] implements reduced learning time[3], which is relevant in the implementation of adaptive procedures for processing the results of measurements of controlled parameters. The purpose of this paper is to consider the principles of using modified Kohonen maps to classify situations with applicability to remote quality control of grain products storage.

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