cognitive presence
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2022 ◽  
pp. 363-376
Lina Morgado ◽  
Ana Paula Afonso ◽  
Nathalie Ferret ◽  
Marta Gomes

Different higher education institutions (HEI) have broadly adopted peer mentoring as a strategy to provide initial and continuous support for new students, to promote their academic inclusion. In Distance Education HEI, peer e-mentoring assumes a crucial role in the promotion and maintenance of social and cognitive presence and in the creation of a sense of belonging to the academic community. Thus, it is assumed as a crucial support for the overcoming of online students' specific difficulties and as a factor for his success. After a theoretical framework, this chapter presents the case of a pilot e-mentoring project implemented in a European open university based on the paradigms of virtual learning communities and the model of the community of inquiry (CoI). To conclude, it presents a set of assumptions for the construction of an e-mentoring model adapted to online DE and further research to be conducted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Nurzal Effiyana Ghazali

COVID-19 pandemic changes the landscape of education, where online learning becomes very important and can not be avoided. Therefore, this article discusses how a gamer's platform, Discord can be used as an interactive online class. A comparison of Discord with other online platforms is spelled out in a tabular form. The principle used to design the online class using Discord is based on Community of Inquiry (CoI). CoI consists of three elements which are teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence for a better educational experience. The design discussed in this article are Discord features design for the online class and class activity using Discord in developing the three elements in CoI. Data collection is done using open-ended surveys. They are 58 respondents with engineering and non-engineering students. Most of the students are familiar with Discord and agreed that Discord can be adapted for an online class. Thematic analysis is conducted to analyze the open-ended questions. The themes that can be identified are parallel channels, structure, all-in-one platform, facilitation, and learning environment. Another analysis is message counts in each student group to show how active the students in online class using Discord. In conclusion, Discord is the best platform to make students active and construct knowledge with peers.

Sania Usmani

This paper presents the Revised Community of Inquiry (RCoI) framework to identify different aspects of learning presence (Learner, Teaching, Social and Cognitive presence) in a blended learning course. RCoI framework emphasizes on the roles of stakeholders in online education. This research tested the impact of RCoI on Students Learning with the moderating role of Technology (Learning Management System). The data was collected from 462 students in different universities in Karachi, Pakistan. Results identified that there is a positive relationship of RCoI and Technology Use (LMS) on Students Learning in a Blended/Hybrid course. Further, there was one moderating role of technology Use (LMS) found in this research. Technology moderates the relationship between Cognitive presence and Students Learning. It shows that technology reduces the cognitive presence of students and reduces their effective learning. They are lesser involved in critical thinking and problem solving as compared to classroom teaching.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (02) ◽  
pp. 136-145
Nour Mheidly

The COVID-19 pandemic forced lockdowns that severely affected the educational sector. The necessary shift to online learning was hindered in countries that lack communication technologies. In addition, the inadequate media and information literacy among educators and students alike exposed deficiencies in disaster preparedness. This resulted in the use of commonly used applications, such as WhatsApp, as a learning platform. We hereby present the learning experience of a mathematics class of the 10th grade through WhatsApp in a Lebanese public school. After analysis, we assess the initiative using the Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation. Although WhatsApp, as a learning tool, was functional, accessible, and technically effective, it hindered the learning experience with the lack of social, teaching, and cognitive presence. We offer our insights and recommendations on improving the learning and communication experience as we continue to navigate the current and any future pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 381-391
Hae Ok Jeon ◽  
Gyeong-Ju An

Purpose: This study aimed to identify the influence of learning presence and self-directed learning ability on nursing students’ learning satisfaction according to the online learning method.Methods: The participants of this study were 167 nursing students attending three universities in different cities. The data were collected from July 16 to July 23, 2021, via an online self-reported questionnaire. Using SPSS WIN 27.0, data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation coefficient and a multiple regression analysis.Results: The most effective online learning method experienced by nursing students was asynchronous online learning according to 58.2% of the respondents, while 30.3% of the respondents answered synchronous online learning. The main merit of asynchronous online learning was that it was possible to listen repeatedly (61.7%) to lectures, and the top advantage of synchronous online learning was that the location of the class was free (53.3%). In asynchronous online learning, the factors that significantly affected nursing students’ learning satisfaction were cognitive presence (β=.60, p<.001) and emotional presence (β=.25, p<.001). These variables accounted for 56% of their learning satisfaction (F=54.12, p<.001). Similarly, cognitive presence (β=.64, p<.001) and emotional presence (β=.21, p=.001) in synchronous online learning, were the factors cited for significantly affecting learning satisfaction. The explanatory power was 62% (F=69.19, p<.001).Conclusions: In conclusion, it was found that cognitive and social presence from the learning presence factors in both asynchronous and synchronous online learning influence and enhance nursing students’ learning satisfaction. Therefore, these results provide important data for future online class design in nursing education.

Christine Loy

Corona-bedingt musste im Sommersemester 2020 ein Seminar im Bereich der Grundschuldidaktik Sachunterricht, das als Forschendes Lernen konzipiert war, in ein digitales Format umgewandelt werden. Es wird explorativ untersucht, welche Bedeutung die Lehramtsstudierenden in ihren Reflexionsportfolios (N=31) den sozialen Interaktionen im Forschungsprozess zuweisen und wie sie dabei die Virtualität der Lernumgebung thematisieren. Theoretischer Ausgangspunkt ist das Modell der Community of Inquiry (Garrison et al. 1999, 2010), dessen drei Elemente teaching presence, cognitive presence und social presence für die Analyse aufgegriffen werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ko-konstruktive Prozesse in hohem Masse auch in einer digitalen Lernumgebung möglich sind, d. h. Austausch auf der sozio-kognitiven Ebene erfolgreich stattfindet. Die Hochschuldidaktik sollte sich, neben den technischen und räumlichen Herausforderungen durch die digitale Lehre, jedoch auch mit den sozio-emotionalen Wirkungen von digitalen Lehrformaten befassen, da von den Studierenden vor allem die fehlende physische Präsenz als Mangel erlebt wird.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 522-538
Ahmad Faiz Ghazali ◽  
Ahmad Kamalrulzaman Othman ◽  
Yusnita Sokman ◽  
Noor Azrin Zainuddin ◽  
Aishah Suhaimi ◽  

Nowadays, students have learn to accept the reality of online learning. Therefore, this quantitative study aims to explore how behaviour and social factors can influence online learning. 203 participants responded to the instrument which is a survey. The findings show that the implication of online and distance learning (ODL) is to help students in getting to know each other as well as having the social, cognitive and situational presence. The instrument of teaching, social and cognitive presence based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) is measured in order to improve the management of ODL in university during post-COVID-19 pandemic. The first research question looks at how behaviour factors (social presence) influence online presence. Next the study also investigates how cognitive factors influence online presence. The final research question looks at how situational factors (teaching presence) influence online presence. In overall, ODL management in post-COVID-19 pandemic is expected to be more challenging than during or before the pandemic. The shift that happen caused a lot of physical, mental, and emotional responses from the teaching and learning community in general. Instrument teaching, social and cognitive presence are investigated thoroughly and interesting results found in this study is beneficial for future decision support system (DSS) development in the case for community of inquiry.

The COVID-19 global pandemic has forced many universities worldwide to switch from face-to-face classes to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) to allow students to continue learning. Using the Community of Inquiry framework, this study aimed to examine a group of lecturers’ experiences of ERT at a university in Kenya. The study was conducted using a qualitative case study design within an interpretive paradigm. Ten lecturers were purposively selected to participate in semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest that these lecturers had established teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence to enhance students’ learning experiences during the time they engaged in ERT. The Community of Inquiry was found to be a useful framework by the researchers for lecturers to use in order to rethink, organize, and guide ERT at the university, which was the site of the study. This study has practical implications for course designers, researchers, and students at universities and other educational institutions concerning curriculum re-design using a CoI as a framework.

Jane Adhiambo Chiroma ◽  
Lawrence Meda ◽  
Zayd Waghid

The COVID-19 global pandemic has forced many universities worldwide to switch from face-to-face classes to Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) to allow students to continue learning. Using the Community of Inquiry framework, this study aimed to examine a group of lecturers’ experiences of ERT at a university in Kenya. The study was conducted using a qualitative case study design within an interpretive paradigm. Ten lecturers were purposively selected to participate in semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest that these lecturers had established teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence to enhance students’ learning experiences during the time they engaged in ERT. The Community of Inquiry was found to be a useful framework by the researchers for lecturers to use in order to rethink, organize, and guide ERT at the university, which was the site of the study. This study has practical implications for course designers, researchers, and students at universities and other educational institutions concerning curriculum re-design using a CoI as a framework.

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