inductive methods
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2022 ◽  
Maharani Allan

<p>This study focused on reviewing a student's music therapy practice at an acute assessment unit for people living with dementia and mental health issues, finding links between the placement philosophy, and new ideas about practice. Kitwood's (1997) book on personhood and the needs of people who are living with dementia and other mental health issues appeared to resonate with the student music therapists' practice. This was supported by the active use of his model of needs by nursing staff at the placement. Investigations looked specifically at Kitwood's model of needs; how music therapy links with his philosophy and how interventions during practice connected to those needs. The data was draw from descriptive clinical notes using secondary analysis. The rich qualitative data was analysed using deductive and inductive methods. Findings are presented under Kitwood's model of needs, forming the five categories for the study. The main themes within these categories were then summarised and explanations given under both Kitwood's model of needs and music therapy interventions used to meet them. Though the findings are qualitative, specific to this study and not necessarily generalisable, several links within music therapy practice, and nursing practice revealed the importance and need for more person-centred individualised care programmes for patients in mental health settings.</p>

Perspektif ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 264-272
Koen Adi Suryo

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi kerja karyawan dengan kompensasi. Penelitian dilakukan di “PT PAI”. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan PT ”PAI”, sampel sebanyak 20 orang karyawan diambil dengan teknik convenience sampling. Perangkat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah perangkat kuesioner. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan induktif. Perangkat analisis data yang digunakan adalah tabel distribusi frekuensi dan korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif kuat sebesar 0,983 dan signifikan antara motivasi kerja karyawan dengan kompensasinya pada PT ”PAI”. Abstract This study aims to determine the relationship between employee motivation and compensation. The research was conducted at "PT PAI." This research is descriptive. The population in this study were all employees of PT "PAI." A sample of 20 employees was taken using the convenience sampling technique. The data collection device used is a questionnaire device, and the method used is descriptive and inductive methods. Data analysis tools used are frequency distribution table and Spearman correlation. The results showed a strong positive relationship of 0.983 and significant between employee motivation and compensation at PT "PAI."

2022 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 235-254
İlknur Sertdemir

Mencius, referred to as second sage in Chinese philosophy history, grounds his theory about original goodness of human nature on psychological components by bringing in something new down ancient ages. Including the principles of virtuous action associated with Confucius to his doctrine, but by composing them along psychosocial development, he theorizes utterly out of the ordinary that makes all the difference to the school. In his argument stated a positive opinion, he explains the method of forming individuals’ moral awareness by means of inseparable integrity of feelings and thoughts, saying human being are born innately good. According to Mencius, heart-mind correlation is the motivational complement of inner incentives. Knowledge and virtue, which are extensions of inborn goodness, comprehended intuitively; then affective motives respond to circumstance, what is learned transmits to cognitive process and eventually behavior emerges. Comparing during the years of Warring State period he lived, in western geography Aristotle, who is one of the pioneers of Greek philosophy, argues deductive and inductive methods in mental activity. On the other hand, Mencius uses analogical reasoning throughout his self-titled work. This essay is an attempt to assert that most postulates of developmental theories, which have been considered an integral part of modern psychology, begin with Mencius in early era. Secondly, this study also aims to discuss the main paradigm of Mencius across emotivist-rationalist opposition, which keeps emotion above thought as well as reason above emotion.

Muhammad Ayman Al-Akiti ◽  
Che Mahzan Bin Ahamad ◽  
Che’ Razi Bin Jusoh ◽  
Ismail Bin Mamat ◽  
Aliza Bin Elias @ Mayah ◽  

This article analyses the roles of the mosque committee in enhancing the mosque’s educational programmes in Gombak, Selangor. Gombak as an administrative district that is located inside the hectic and modernized area of Klang Valley is prone to foreign ideologies and socio-cultural issues. This study aims to broaden the understanding of how the mosque committee in Gombak could empower the mosque’s educational programmes in addressing these issues. This study also aims to discover creative improvision that the committee could make in making the mosque’s educational programmes attractive to the surrounding community. This study focuses on the role of the mosque committee in improving their mosque’s educational programmes with a specific case study on selected mosques in the Gombak district. It is a qualitative study that utilizes the deductive and inductive methods derived from surveys collected from Focus-group Discussion (FGD) and literature studies. Recordings from the FGD survey and recent literature studies related to this topic are examined and analysed according to its appropriation. The result indicates the importance of the mosque committee and their significant roles in enhancing the mosque’s educational programmes such as adjusting the curriculum to cater the diversity of people and continuously improvising the lesson through feedback taken from the surrounding community. Keywords: Mosque Educational Programme, Mosque Committee, Islamic Education, Gombak District, Majlis Agama Islam Selangor. Abstrak Artikel ini mengkaji peranan yang boleh dimainkan oleh ahli jawatankuasa masjid dalam usaha penambahbaikan program pendidikan masjid di sekitar kominiti Gombak, Selangor. Gombak merupakan sebuah daerah pentadbiran terletak di dalam kawasan Lembah Kelang yang sibuk dan moden terdedah kepada ideologi asing dan permasalahan sosio-budaya. Kajian ini bermatlamat untuk memperluaskan kefahaman berkaitan tentang bagaimana ahli jawatankuasa masjid boleh menambahbaik program pendidikan masjid untuk menanggapi permasalaha-masalah tersebut. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk menemukan kaedah penambahbaikan kreatif yang boleh dilakukan oleh ahli jawatankuasa masjid untuk menjadikan program pendidikan masjid menarik bagi masyarakat sekitar. Kajian ini juga memfokuskan kepada peranan ahli jawatankuasa masjid dalam menambahbaik fungsi program pendidikan masjid dengan kajian kes keatas masjid terpilih di daerah Gombak. Ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunapakai kaedah deduktif dan induktif yang berasal dari hasil dapatan tinjauan Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus (FGD) dan juga kajian literatur. Rakaman dari tinjauan FGD dan kajian literatur terkini yang berkaitan dengan topik ini akan dikaji dan dianalisa mengikut kesesuaiannya. Hasil menunjukkan kepentingan ahli jawatankuasa masjid dan peranan besar mereka dalam menambahbaik program pendidikan masjid contohnya dalam menyesuaikan kurikulum untuk menyantuni kepelbagaian masyarakat dan penambahbaikan berterusan pengajian melalui maklum balas yang diperolehi dari masyarakat setempat. Kata Kunci: Program Pendidikan Masjid, Ahli Jawatankuasa Masjid, Pengajian Islam, Daerah Gombak, Majlis Agama Islam Selangor.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126
Retno Anggraini ◽  
Astri Wahyuni

One way to build character early is through games, including traditional games. Apart from building character, this game can also develop aspects of children's religious and moral values. The purpose of this research is to make children's character. The type of research used in this research is descriptive research with an inductive approach, data collection techniques used are primary and secondary data through inductive methods. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, it shows that traditional games performed for early childhood using cublak-cublak suweng games can help train and develop the development of religious and moral values ​​in children aged 4-6 years by training children to behave well, honest, polite behavior, tolerance, train cooperation, and train children's creativity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Amelia Yuli Astuti ◽  
Silvia Ningsih Zebua

This research aims to find out the factors that influence the pronunciation of Nias people when using Indonesian as a second language, to find out the rules of language change. The theory used in this research is the theory of behaviorism and neutral theory. This research used qualitative research methods and observation techniques to collect data. Data were taken based on interviews with respondents, video recordings of interviews and field notes found in the form of words. The collected data were analyzed using inductive methods and using error analysis techniques to analyze research data. This research interviewed forty five years old man and forty two years woman who are living in Gunung Sitoli. The data collected is related to basic swadesh vocabulary and vocabulary that is not included in swadesh which changes when spoken into Indonesian. The results of the collected data describe and represent the wrong pronunciation when pronouncing Indonesian. The results of this research indicate four factors that influence the change in Nias language in Indonesian. These factors occur because of the differences in the language system of Nias and Indonesian. The use of the Nias language is more dominant than the Indonesian language, the Nias people always use the regional language (Nias) in a formal atmosphere.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 297
Mahsun Mahsun ◽  
Junaidi Abdillah ◽  
Ahmad Munji

This paper is aimed to determine the response of the pesantren community in Magelang-Indonesia to the Measles Rubella (MR) immunization law in 2017. Moreover, this paper was more focused on the investigation for the elements that is influencing the emergence of pro-contra attitudes among the pesantren community in Magelang-Indonesia toward the MR Rubella immunization law.  The author used a sociology approach.  Data obtained through observation, interview and literature study.  The author used deductive-inductive methods and critical reflection to analyze the data. The article presents the conclusion of research that the pesantren community response in Magelang to inplementation of immunization and vaccination occurred pros and cons. Groups who reject immunization argue that immunization is against religious law. Meanwhile, the group receiving immunizations argues that immunization is important and emergencies in ensuring the health of children to avoid the disease that will result from not being immunized. So is the perspective of world religions. Essentially Islam, Protestant, Hindu and Jewish receive immunization as an effort to ensure the health of children. While Catholics and Buddhism tend to reject immunization

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 670-676
Nguyen Thi Hang ◽  
Dinh Thi Hien ◽  
Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy ◽  
Leng Thi Lan ◽  
Ly Thi Hue

This paper aims to present practical values of a socialism economy from ideologies of V.I Lenin and Ho Chi Minh, two talented leaders of the world. Authors mainly use qualitative analysis, consisting of synthesis and inductive methods and historical materialism methods. Research findings show us that from Ho Chi Minh views, People is the most important criterion to evaluate the effectiveness of the political system’s operating capacity. This is also a very humanistic goal of the Vietnamese political system. If the operation of the political system is ineffective, the bureaucracy, the contingent of cadres and civil servants, especially key cadres, are degenerated and degenerated, the political system will slip out of the orbit of the people. The owner of the people, to become a force opposed to the people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 208-214
Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy ◽  
Le Thi Thanh Huong ◽  
Do Thu Huong, Nguyen Thi Thuy Hanh ◽  
Do Thi Sang

Nowadays both parents and teachers in schools has been in charge of educating our kids and children from 2 to 6 ages in kindergarten in developing countries such as Viet Nam has been integrating into world and Western education method, and has been changing from traditional to modern education model. This papers use mainly qualitative analysis, synthesis and inductive methods and explanatory methods, combined with dialectical materialism methods. We propose suggestions for standardizing kid teachers, as well as lessons from Western education style and method. Teachers or kid instructors need to prepare well by lesson planning. This study also analyzes psychological issues in kid educating at kindergarten and at home for parent and teachers. For instance, we do not need to put heavy punishment, as a result from our work stress, on our children. Moreover, parents need to spend time for our children to understand and listen their needs and fulfill their emotions and emotional intelligence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 638-644
Leng Thi Lan ◽  
Dinh Tran Ngoc Huy ◽  
Dinh Thi Hien ◽  
Nguyen Thi Hoa ◽  
Pham Thi Huyen Trang

Educating the youth in developing and developed countries such as Vietnam is receiving lots of concerns from the public and government. President Ho Chi Minh, a talented leader of Vietnam and the world has emphasized so much on the youth education as they are the future generation and the owner of the nation. In the relationship between individuals and society, Ho Chi Minh requires young people to ask themselves what they have done for the country, not what the country has given them? Must educate young people to have love and responsibility for everyone. Young people must regularly practice self-criticism and serious criticism to help each other progress. Authors main use qualitative analysis, synthesis and inductive methods. We also use experiment test methods and experiences. Beside, physical exercise and sport training for students also are in a main concern, as Tuan, N.A (2017) also mentioned in Quang Binh University, many students prefer soccer and volley ball as their favorite sports to train. Through study, authors indicated traditional and modern values need to be mixed in educating young generation and need to keep good traditional values, morality with physical health training via physical exercises and sport games.

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