legal regulation
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2022 ◽  
Valsamis Mitsilegas ◽  
Elena Fasoli ◽  
Fabio Giuffrida ◽  
Malgosia Fitzmaurice

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 416-433
B. M. Bizhoev

Purpose: the aim of the article is to calculate the reduction in transaction costs when transferring purchases to electronic format, as well as determine the potential for digitizing the consideration of all requirements for procurement participants.Methods: the study is based on the conceptual provisions of the institutional economic theory, the use of the system approach methodology, the use of survey research methods, and the generalization of expert assessments. The development of the proposed topic is also based on the use of methods of economic and statistical analysis, scientifc abstraction, comparison and scientifc generalizations.Results: as a result of a detailed analysis, the digital transformation electronic trading platforms into the digital trading platforms was substantiated. The paper also shows the role of electronization and digitalization in reducing transaction costs and time spent on customers. It was revealed that the transfer of authority to the electronic trading platforms not only excludes the possibility of errors, unfair and opportunistic behavior of customers, and as a result – the imposition of fnes, but also reduces the time spent on procurement. The main approaches to improving the contract system, building its digital ecosystem, where the necessary actions are performed by the software and hardware complex, and the contract manager only "accompanies" the purchase, are proposed. The article presents the evolution of the use of digital technologies and the corresponding legal regulation in Russia.Conclusions and Relevance: the use of digital technologies in public procurement is becoming a factor causing changes in the contractual system. The electronic form of trading has brought a new reality, opportunities for digital transformation are opening up. The use of automated counterparty verifcation technologies in the activities of electronic trading platforms is a potential factor in reducing transaction costs. In the future, it is possible to use digital technology “big data”, which helps to identify and categorize the necessary information regarding the availability of experience in the execution of similar contracts.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 182-204
A. Yu. Lipova

In the recent years debates surrounding the autonomous weapons systems development and regulation have gained a new momentum. Despite the fact that the development of such type of weapons continues since the twentieth century, recent technological advances open up new possibilities for development of completely autonomous combat systems that will operate without human in-tervention. In this context, international community faces a number of ethical, legal, and regulatory issues. This paper examines the ongoing debates in both the Western and the Russian expert community on the challenges and prospects for using lethal autonomous systems. The author notes that Russian and Western discourses on most of the issues have very much in common and diff erences are found mainly in the intensity of debates — in the West they are much more ac-tive. In both cases the most active debates focus around two issues: the potential implications of fully autonomous weapons systems including the unclear line of accountability, and the prospects for international legal regulation of the use of lethal autonomous weapons. Both the Russian and the Western experts agree that the contemporary international humanitarian law is unable to handle the challenges posed by aggressive development of the lethal autonomous weapons. All this points to the need to adapt the international humanitarian law to the new realities, which, in turn, requires concerted actions from leading states and international organizations.

2022 ◽  
Virginia Zaharia ◽  

The concept of punishment represents one of the most difficult legal issues that are related to the concept of human freedom and responsibility. Since Antiquity, the brilliant minds of humanity contemplated about the sense of punishment and the function of this institution. Each epoch analyses this concept from different aspects and some of them are reflected in the actual legislation. The most important principles of contemporary criminal law were expounded by the Ancient, Modern and Contemporary philosophers. The field of research of this article is the philosophy of punishment of criminal law. In this study, we have applied the method of historical research of the proposed topic, which gives us the opportunity to analyze the development of criminal punishment and its goals from a historical perspective. In this paper, we aimed to determine the philosophical base of the legal punishment that legitimizes the application of sanctions to the person who committed the crime. We established the importance of the theories developed by brilliant thinkers for the contemporary concept of penal retribution and legal regulation of this institution. This theme generates several discussions that are formed in the process of comparison and debating of the ideas of influential philosophers regarding the purpose of criminal punishment. Therefore, we consider that the analysis of the theories of great thinkers gives us the possibility to understand the complexity of the phenomenon of criminal punishment, and leads to the more effective application of state constraint towards the offender.

2022 ◽  
pp. 115-121
I. D. Changli

This article examines the main historical, ideological, social and other factors that determined the emergence of the judicial system of the Soviet state (RSFSR) during its formation in 1917-1922, as well as the main patterns of its further development, features of legal regulation of the activities of courts and extraordinary judicial bodies, as well as the views of Soviet jurists on the essence and importance of courts in building socialism in the early stages of its development.

2022 ◽  
Al'bert Trofimov

The monograph is devoted to the analysis of the patterns of development of modern legal regulation of budgetary systems in the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. The range of issues under study includes clarification of the structures of budget systems in selected jurisdictions, identification of the specifics of legal regulation of the formation and expenditure of extra-budgetary and budgetary funds, study of the features of the delimitation of powers of state (municipal) authorities for public finance management. A comparative analysis of the legal regulation of the budgetary systems of Russia and China is presented. For a wide range of readers interested in the issues of legal regulation of budget systems. It can be useful for students, postgraduates and teachers of law and economics universities.

2022 ◽  
pp. 73-78
E. V. Voskresenskaya ◽  
N. N. Zhil’skiy ◽  
M. V. Kolmogorov 

This article is devoted to the application of the marriage contract by persons entering or already married. The authors define the relevance of concluding marriage contracts and emphasize the positive trend of their application in Russia. As a rule, the question of the division of property is the most difficult and problematic both in theory and in practice. In scientific circles, there is a discussion about the legal nature of the marriage contract. The specifics of its conclusion and the scope of regulation of relations do not give an unambiguous answer about the branch affiliation of this legal institution. There are also a large number of gaps in the Family Code of the Russian Federation due to the lack of legislative consolidation of some aspects related to the contractual regime of spouses’ property. In addition, there is still an unresolved issue regarding the conditions and procedure for concluding a marriage contract by minor citizens entering into marriage. In the article, the authors come to the conclusion that the marriage contract as a legal phenomenon requires more legal regulation at the legislative level.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 130-135
Asiya Subaeva ◽  
Natal'ya Aleksandrova

State support for the development of agriculture, like other subsidized industries, has a significant impact on the development of crop and livestock products, acting as a strategic bulwark of the country's food security. An increase in the volume of state support for agriculture is possible with the dynamic activity of all sectors of agriculture, the main task of which is to increase economic efficiency through the transition to innovative production principles. State support for the technical re-equipment of agribusiness is the basis of agricultural production, which has a decisive impact on the transition to digital solutions for the entire agrarian industry in the future. In this regard, the goal was set to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of digital technologies using the example of typical agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan located in different climatic zones of the Volga region, confirming an average decrease in the production cost of 1 centner of grain crops by 13%, payment labor on average by 14.5%, which makes it necessary to allocate financial support to agrarians as an effective mechanism for increasing the efficiency of agribusiness based on funds from the federal and regional budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and from extra-budgetary sources. Revealing the mechanism of state regulation in the form of tax, control and inspection, as well as the mechanism of state support and legal regulation, a mechanism of state support for the digitalization process is proposed in the form of subsidizing the costs of purchasing digital products, as one of the effective mechanisms, contributing to the acceleration of the transition of agribusiness to the digital economy. This mechanism will allow agrarians, at the first stage of the digitalization process of agricultural production, to acquire primary digital equipment in the form of trackers and sensors capable of receiving, sending, generating and processing data, which will subsequently lead to the need for the acquisition of interfaces capable of providing unhindered exchange of data between machines and business partners, and later portals in the form of ecosystems

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