Zuriah : Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
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Published By STAIN Curup

2746-0800, 2746-0797

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Siti Marwah

This study aimed to determine the Early Childhood Learning Strategy in the Development of Children's Independence in Edelweis Kindergarten, Jambi City. This research is based on the presence of children who are not yet independent in terms of the bathroom, children are still accompanied by parents in institutions until they return from school, children have not mingled with their peers. This research uses qualitative research techniques. The subjects of this study were children of group B Edelweis Kindergarten Jambi City. As for the research subjects, all stakeholders of Edelweis Kindergarten Jambi City include the principal, teachers, and students. And the informant is the Edelweis Kindergarten Teacher in Jambi City. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and interviews. The instrument used in the observation was in the form of research sheets, for documentation using photos to document all children's activities during activities and interviews using interview guidelines with Group B teachers to find out the conditions and problems faced. The results of this study are 1. Early childhood learning strategies in the development of children's independence in Edelweis Kindergarten Jambi City using three steps, namely a). Planning b). Implementation and c) Evaluation. 2. Constraints faced in the application of PAUD learning in the development of children's independence in Edelweis Kindergarten, Jambi City are a) Lack of supporting infrastructure in online learning activities, b), lack of parental knowledge in caring for children's growth and development, and c) Lack of parental support for children's independence so that they will not feel confident in carrying out activities. 3. The results obtained from the implementation of the Strategy, PAUD learning in the development of children's independence is the application of early childhood learning strategies in developing children's independence in Edelweis Kindergarten, Jambi City, running well in accordance with the learning objectives that have been compiled together with the parents of students, even in the middle. In the middle of a semester the learning activities turned into an online system because during the pandemic, there was Covid 19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Muhammad Taufiqurrahman

This article aimed to find out how to educate healthy and clean living behaviors in the perspective of Islamic education for early childhood in facing the new normal of Covid-19 which is still continuing today. The method employed is library research that used the Prohpetic Parenting book entitled “Cara Nabi Mendidik Anak (How the prophet educates His children) as the main reading material. Then, the data was analyzed in a literary way by looking for other books or journals that are relevant to the theme discussed. The results reveal that educating children on clean and healthy living habits in their early childhood can be done with two approaches. First, it can be a habitual approach where parents get children to do activities that support health and hygiene in accordance to the Qur'an and hadith in facing new normal such as maintaining health, hand and mouth hygiene, food intake, and a resting pattern. Second, the method approach is that parents must use the right method to show them how to do this habituation. The uswah al hasanah method can be an option for parents to invite children to have a healthy and clean lifestyle in facing this current situation of Covid-19. Therefore, parents must become role models for children in implementing clean and healthy living behaviors along the lines of Qur'an and hadith

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Heny Friantary

Language development in early childhood is the most important aspect for early childhood. Through language, children can develop the ability to communicate with other people and children can express their thoughts using language so that other people can understand what the child is thinking. On the other hand, it is not surprising that language is considered as an indicator of a child's success. In the aspect of language development, the expected competence and results are that children are able to use language as a passive understanding of language and can communicate effectively which is useful for thinking and learning well. The role of parents is very important for children's language development by providing appropriate stimulations so that language development can develop optimally

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Jauhari Kumara Dewi

Early childhood education is the embryo of an educational process that seeks to develop several aspects of development, including art. Art is one that cannot be separated in human life. The movements that are carried out in children every day are very effective means of physical development, namely developing children's motor skills. As we already know that children's motor skills include gross motor development and fine motor development. So it is very important to recognize dance movements in early childhood, in developing gross motor skills. So that early childhood can express themselves and be able to appreciate the diversity of arts as a form of respect for art. This paper aims to describe the implementation of learning the basic movements of dance in developing gross motor skills for early childhood

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Murni Yanto

This study aimed to discribe the application of management of Early Childoon Education in Wijaya Kusuma, jalan Suprapto, Talang Rimbo Baru, Curup Tengah District, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu. This tyfe of research is a qualitatifve descriptive study by taking a teacher at the wijaya Ealy Childhood Education Park Kusuma as the object of research. The data collection technique was carried out using structured interviews. The results showed that the Wijaya Kusuma Early Childhood Education Park had met management standards, namely (a) Planning, all institutational activities concerning what to do,where to do it,when it will be done, (b) Organization,planned to be compeleted by members of the work group, determining the work relationship between them and providing the appropriate work environment. (c) Direction,is the encouragement that will provide motivation in an organization. (d) Supervision to determine the realization of personnel behavior in educational organizations and whether the  level of attainment of educational goals is as desired. Supervision is carried out to collect data on the implementation of cooperation between tearhers, principals, counselors. (e) The quality of services provided to steakholders consisting of students, alumni and old school student.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 137
Delpima Suhita ◽  
Melinedri Melinedri ◽  
Tika Meldina ◽  
Yulya Muharmi ◽  
Nella Novita

Gadgets are a result of the development of information technology. Gadgets are multi-functional media that are not only used as a medium of communication but also as a medium of information and recreation. With this small device, a wireless gadget can be carried and used anywhere. Not a few people are addicted to gadgets, including children. This dependence can be caused because gadgets help in work, it can also be due to dependency due to hobbies so that it becomes "addictive". Social development must be honed from an early age. It will be an obstacle if children prefer to play with gadgets, because it will reduce children's interactions with parents, siblings, peers, or other people. Social development in children will not be optimal due to the lack of interaction. Here, parenting styles from parents are needed in managing the use of gadgets in children

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Riza Laini

The purpose of this research is to improve children's understanding of natural disasters. The subjects of this study were 20 children of Group B, all of whom were girls. This research was conducted in two cycles, where each cycle consisted of three meetings. Data collection techniques using test techniques, observation techniques, and documentation techniques. From the learning process in the first cycle obtained an average value of 1.8 with a percentage level of 61.4% in the sufficient category and increased in the second cycle to 2.41 with a percentage of 80.3%. Based on the results of the research, it can be argued that there was an increase in the ability to understand natural disasters in group B children through simple science playing techniques in Raudhatul Athfal Rabbi Radhiyya Curup

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
H. M. Taufik Amrillah ◽  
Amanah Rahmaningtyas ◽  
Meri Hartati ◽  
Gladis Agustin

This article discusses the role of parents in the digital age. The digital Era is characterized by the presence of technology, where there is an increase in the speed and flow of knowledge turnover in the economy and community life. Parents who are part of the information society cannot avoid that children in the digital age never escape from objects related to technology. The increase of digital technology in children's developmental life invaded many development phases that the child should achieve. Technology makes their lives faster (instant) and more efficient. Entertainment technologies such as television, internet, video games, iPod, iPad, and others have grown so rapidly that it makes a family hardly aware of the significant impact and lifestyle changes in their families. The education undertaken anciently differed from today's education. As new knowledge and technologies and cultural shifts are caused by thought patterns that are influenced by information obtained in a very easy way. It is demanding that parents always update/upgrade their knowledge in order to give direction to their children in a wise way. Parents need to accompany to avoid unwanted things so that the concern of parents and educators of early childhood in the digital age is the importance of the introduction of religious values, local wisdom, so as to fortify the child from global influences. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yesika Nadila

This research is due to the undevelopment of color recognition in children seen from the time of the learning process. The purpose of this research is to improve color recognition through finger painting at the age of children 4-5 years. This type of research used class action research, with the research stage covering the preparation of the plan, implementation of action, observing and reflecting on the final outcome of the activities that have been implemented. This research focuses on children aged 4-5 years PAUD Permata Bunda Muaro Jambi which the subject of this study is a group of 15 children, consisting of 10 men and 5 women. Research is conducted in 2 cycles. Each cycle is 4 times the meeting. Data on research results are analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. Data analysis techniques are obtained through the filling of the orservation sheet of observations that form field records and documentation. The results showed that there was an increase in color recognition through finger painting activities in PAUD Permata Bunda Muaro Jambi, namely: from the preview only 20.67% of children know the color, The first Cycle 1st meeting  25.33%, first Cycle second meeting 35.33%, first Cycle in third meeting 46% and first Cycle 4th meeting 47.33%. In the second cycle the increase in color recognition of children already showed the first meeting 58%, the second cycle of the second meeting 68%, the second cycle of the 3rd meeting 80.67%, the end of second cycle of the 4th meeting  90% achieved the criteria of the value of the compensation is 90%. The 4th meeting reached 90%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Jamalludin Rahmat ◽  
Rizki Yunita Putri ◽  
Ayu Azhari

This article discusses Ibn Sina's thoughts on children's education. Ibn Sina was a brilliant Islamic thinker who almost mastered all science. Ibn Sina had thoughts on philosophy, medicine, psychology, logic and education. This paper will call on Ibn Sina's thought about the education of children. Ibn Sina has a large capacity to study children's education with a variety of sciences. Ibn Sina's thoughts on the education of children to solve the problems that arise in the midst of Muslims by the base of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Then sense to explore further to explain and strengthen the scientific values that exist in the Qur'an and the Sunnah was used as a guideline. The education of children according to Ibn Sina must pay attention to uniqueness, talents, interests and potential of the child. In addition, it pays attention to aspects of sexual development, reason and child's soul. In other words, Ibn Sina's thoughts felt original because of the science of doctors and mental sciences that he had so that the physical and psychic aspects of the child was more concerned in addition to the importance of religious lessons and poetry.  Ibn Sina did not merely argue (theoretically) but he participated in the educational world because it was once a student and teacher. Some aspects of the educational thinking of Ibn Sina's children can be applied in Islamic education in Indonesia.

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