Bulletin of scientific research results
Latest Publications





Published By Petersburg State Transport University


2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 35-46
Denis I. PROKHOR ◽  

Objective: To perform traction electric motor performance tests with an experimental class H heat resistance insulation system. Methods: An experimental set of traction electric motors was manufactured at the Voronezh Diesel Locomotive Repair Plant to be compared with a motor of class F insulation. Results: The performance indicators of controlled locomotives have been summarized. Explanations and definition of additional insulation parameters and an example of their use in case of traction electric motor failure due to damage to controlled locomotives have been given. Practical importance: The proposed methodology for predictive diagnostics of traction electric motors performance can be used in service locomotive depots.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 57-64
Аnastasiya А. КОNОN ◽  

Objective: To outline the theoretical and methodological foundations of the railway track oscillation frequency analysis. To justify the need to assess the level of vibrodynamic impact of rolling stock on the elements of the track superstructure and the roadbed. To provide a methodology for calculating the oscillation parameters. To evaluate the effectiveness of the use of shock-absorbing elements. Methods: The modeling of the oscillatory process of the railway track elements and the analysis of physical models of oscillations were used. Results: The applicability of assessing the level of vibrodynamic impact of rolling stock on the elements of the track superstructure and the roadbed has been confirmed. A physical model of the vibrodynamic force impact of railway rolling stock and the responses of track infrastructure elements is described. The procedure for calculating the natural frequencies of the elements of the track superstructure and the roadbed and the characteristics of the shock-absorbing elements is given. Practical importance: The presented methods for calculating the natural frequencies of the elements of the track superstructure and the roadbed, as well as the characteristics of resilient shock-absorbing elements – rail shock pads and sleeper pads – make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of their use to reduce the level of vibrodynamic impacts, to protect against resonance, and ensure the train traffic safety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 125-138

Objective: Modification of trends in the development of railway transport with the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies that are optimal for predictive assessment of the activities of a transport organization. Methods: The key logical methods of cognition – analysis and synthesis – are used. Results: The scientific background related to the digitalization of the transport industry has been studied with the help of fundamental research, data from the Federal State Statistics Service, and the SPARK information resource. The necessity of introducing intelligent technologies to optimize transportation time and reduce costs has been determined. The main directions of application of intelligent technologies in railway transport are systematized, taking into account the strategic target direction of the industry. Practical importance: The main findings can be used in forecasting business processes using various digital technologies and tools

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 18-34
Andrey A. PLESHAKOV ◽  

Objective: To confirm the possibility of using a starting converter to spin up the shaft of the motorgenerator set to a speed that ensures stable combustion of the air-fuel mixture in the motor cylinders (starting), as well as of using semiconductor converters based on modern IGBT modules for starting promising motor-generator sets of mainline and shunting locomotives. Methods: The properties, characteristics, and operating modes of starting converters were studied on test benches. Results: The downsides of the currently most commonly used starter-generator circuit for engine starting have been identified. A technical solution has been developed to replace the startergenerator circuit with an inverter starting system using a starting converter for starting the locomotive motor-generator. The device structure has been designed. The basic algorithms of the automatic control system of the starting converter have been implemented. Bench tests of a starting converter prototype have been carried out. Practical importance: The developed technical solution in terms of replacing the starter-generator circuit with an inverter starting system for starting the motorgenerator set of autonomous locomotives makes it possible to increase their reliability by removing the electromechanical drive and replacing a number of engine drive auxiliary camshaft mechanisms (group 69). The inverter starting system will reduce the maintenance and scheduled repair costs, decrease the labor input, and optimize the time-schedule of locomotives. The proposed algorithms for starting the motor-generator set enable increasing the battery life by limiting its starting current, as well as improving the fault tolerance of a locomotive due to the possibility of starting the motorgenerator set at a low battery voltage (lower limit of 45 V).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 104-113
Igor G. KISELEV ◽  
Sergey B. KOMISSAROV ◽  
Dmitry Ya. MONASTYRSKY ◽  

Objective: Analysis of the feasibility of using LNG as an alternative to diesel fuel in mobile power units used as a power source for refrigeration units of refrigerated containers. Methods: Natural gas has been compared to diesel fuel in terms of the economic characteristics; exergy analysis, systema111 tic approach, and synthesis have been used. Results: The economic feasibility of replacing diesel fuel with LNG for power units of refrigerated containers is determined; general issues of converting from diesel fuel to LNG were considered; possible ways of utilizing cold during regasification are proposed; emissions of harmful substances from the combustion of LNG and diesel fuel were compared. Practical importance: The study findings can be applied when converting mobile power units for various purposes from diesel fuel to LNG, as well as for in-depth analysis of individual problems of using LNG as a fue.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 8-17

Objective: To develop requirements for the organization of maintenance of the catenary system based on the actual state indicated by the digital diagnostic and monitoring platform in the logic control system for high-speed traffic. Methods: An overview analysis of high-speed catenary system diagnostics and monitoring systems is applied. Results: The systems of monitoring and automated control of catenary system devices in high-speed lines have been studied. The analytical findings as regards the maintenance methods according to the preventive maintenance schedule and based on the actual state monitoring data have been presented. Requirements for diagnostic and monitoring devices 15 of the high-speed lines catenary system have been formulated, aimed at improving the quality attributes of current collection. Practical importance: A structural diagram of quality diagnostics and monitoring for the current collection in the high-speed Current Collector–Catenary system was obtained. The design concept of a prin-cipal model of logic control of the catenary system life cycle has been developed

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 87-103
Konstantin K. KIM ◽  
Aleksandr Yu. PANYCHEV ◽  

Objective: To familiarize the general scientific community with the latest electrotechnical innovative developments for the transport industry, carried out by the scientists of the Emperor Alexander I Petersburg State Transport University in the period from 2000 to 2021. Methods: We used the methods of calculation of electromagnetic fields and circuits, mathematical analysis, mathematical physics and numerical methods in the development of the described devices and systems. Results: 101 We developed a pipeline high-speed magnetolevitation transport system with vehicle movement in a rarefied atmosphere, a series of pantograph pantographs for heavy-loaded and high-speed trains using solid lubricants and a contactless method of transmitting electrical energy, a plasma device for fine cleaning of circuit boards for microcircuits, a device for creating a comfortable climate in office premises, electrohydroimpulse installations designed for loosening frozen coal in gondola cars in winter, shock tests of wagons, escalators and travalators using linear electric motors, high-speed electric switches-breakers, heat generators based on an electromechanical converter with the functions of a heater and pump, a wagon generator with a forced excitation system, a pulse voltage generator, allowing to measure the pulse resistance of the grounding conductors of the contact network supports, a complex of installations for various purposes using ozone technologies, a system for laser monitoring of the integrity of tanks, a device for diagnosing the degree of corrosion of the fittings of contact supports, an electrohydroimpulse installation for impact welding, treatment plants, technology for recycling car tires, security systems of the main trackbed. Practical importance: The use of the described developments will increase energy efficiency, energy saving and safety of production processes in transport

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 114-124
Yuri V. EGOROV ◽  

Objective: To develop proposals for improving freight rates for container transportation by rail in the Russian Federation in the current context. Methods: Comparative method, analysis, synthesis, statistical method, and system approach have been applied. Results: Multi-factor complex digital models of rates per wagon with containers and per container train have been developed. One of the options for the algorithm for evaluating individual components of these models is proposed, additional comments to the presented models are provided. Practical importance: The findings can be used to improve freight rates for container transportation by rail in the Russian Federation in the current context, as well as for further research in the field of pricing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Guzel’ I. NIKIFOROVA ◽  
Tatyana G. SERGEEVA ◽  

Objective: To choose a logistics scheme for cargo delivery considering the vehicle selection factors, to calculate the location of a transport and logistics center. Methods: The analysis of the logistics scheme of cargo delivery, the ranking of the parameters of the transport types, and the method of determining the gravity center of the places of origin/extinguishment of the cargo traffic have been used to determine the transport and logistics center. Results: Typical logistics schemes for cargo delivery are presented, the parameters of the transport types are ranked for selecting a vehicle, the coordinates of the transport and logistics center are calculated depending on the places of origin/extinguishment and the capacity of cargo traffic, and a diagram of the next stage of designing the logistics chain is developed. Practical importance: The article presents an opportunity for a cargo owner and a freight forwarder to choose a logistics scheme for delivering cargo based on standard options and transport type ranking by a number of parameters. The sequence of determining the location of the transport and logistics center is shown

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Vladimir V. GRACHEV ◽  
Aleksandr V. GRISHCHENKO ◽  
Marina A. SCHREIBER ◽  

Objective: To develop a method for assessing the degree of moisture absorption by the traction electric motor (TEM) insulation. Methods: Based on the analysis of one-dimensional diffusion of liquid into the insulating material of the TEM windings, it has been shown that cracks increase its saturation with liquid. The proposed analytical solution for anisotropic diffusion of liquid into a cracked insulating material has been investigated. Results: An analytical model has been developed that describes the ideal moisture absorption according to the Fick's law, and it has been shown that it is suitable for calculating the diffusion of moisture into the insulating materials of the TEM windings. Practical importance: Further research should be aimed at obtaining material properties in a moisture-controlled environment

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