scholarly journals Estimating surface turbulent heat fluxes from land surface temperature and soil moisture observations using the particle batch smoother

2016 ◽  
Vol 52 (11) ◽  
pp. 9086-9108 ◽  
Yang Lu ◽  
Jianzhi Dong ◽  
Susan C. Steele-Dunne ◽  
Nick van de Giesen
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-203 ◽  
Yang Lu ◽  
Susan C. Steele-Dunne ◽  
Gabriëlle J. M. De Lannoy

AbstractSurface heat fluxes are vital to hydrological and environmental studies, but mapping them accurately over a large area remains a problem. In this study, brightness temperature (TB) observations or soil moisture retrievals from the NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission and land surface temperature (LST) product from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) are assimilated together into a coupled water and heat transfer model to improve surface heat flux estimates. A particle filter is used to assimilate SMAP data, while a particle smoothing method is adopted to assimilate GOES LST time series, correcting for both systematic biases via parameter updating and for short-term error via state updating. One experiment assimilates SMAP TB at horizontal polarization and GOES LST, a second experiment assimilates SMAP TB at vertical polarization and GOES LST, and a third experiment assimilates SMAP soil moisture retrievals along with GOES LST. The aim is to examine if the assimilation of physically consistent TB and LST observations could yield improved surface heat flux estimates. It is demonstrated that all three assimilation experiments improved flux estimates compared to a no-assimilation case. Assimilating TB data tends to produce smaller bias in soil moisture estimates compared to assimilating soil moisture retrievals, but the estimates are influenced by the respective bias correction approaches. Despite the differences in soil moisture estimates, the flux estimates from different assimilation experiments are in general very similar.

2017 ◽  
Vol 53 (12) ◽  
pp. 10858-10877 ◽  
Yang Lu ◽  
Susan C. Steele-Dunne ◽  
Leila Farhadi ◽  
Nick van de Giesen

2011 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-244 ◽  
Tongren Xu ◽  
Shaomin Liu ◽  
Shunlin Liang ◽  
Jun Qin

Abstract Four data assimilation scheme combinations derived from two strategies and two optimization algorithms [the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) and the shuffled complex evolution method developed at The University of Arizona (SCE-UA)] are developed based on the Common Land Model (CLM) to improve predictions of water and heat fluxes. The first strategy is constructed through adjusting the soil temperature, while the second strategy adjusts the soil moisture. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) products are compared with ground-measured surface temperature, and assimilated into the CLM. The relationship equation between the MODIS LST products and CLM surface temperature is taken as the observation operator and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) is applied as the observation error. The assimilation results are validated by measurements from six observation sites located in Germany, the United States, and China. Results indicate that the developed data assimilation schemes can improve estimates of water and heat fluxes. Overall, strategy 2 is superior to strategy 1 when using the same optimization algorithm. The EnKF algorithm performs slightly better than the SCE-UA algorithm when using the same strategy. Strategy 2 combined with the EnKF algorithm performs best for water and heat fluxes, and the reductions in the RMSE are found to be 24.0 and 15.2 W m−2 for sensible and latent heat fluxes, respectively. The joint assimilation of the MODIS LST and soil moisture observations can produce better results for strategy 2 with the SCE-UA. Since preprocessing model parameters are used in this study, the uncertainties in the model parameters may have resulted in suboptimal assimilation results. Therefore, model calibrations should be conducted in the future.

2020 ◽  
Biao Cao ◽  
Qinhuo Liu ◽  
Yongming Du ◽  
Hua Li ◽  
Zunjian Bian ◽  

<p>Land surface temperature (LST) is the direct driving force of turbulent heat fluxes at the surface and atmosphere interface and is widely used in the fields of evapotranspiration estimation (Su et al., 2002) and energy budget (Liang et al., 2019). Remote sensing products offer the only possibility for measuring LST with completely spatially averaged values. The thermal radiation directionality (TRD) effect has been widely concerned in the area of thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing over 50 years which can lead to the directional brightness temperature (DBT) difference between different viewing directions up to 10 K (Cao et al., 2019). Many models have been proposed to simulate the DBT patterns over different underlying surfaces aimed to achieve the TRD effect correction for the satellite LST products. In practice, it is advised to handle only TRD models having a limited number of input parameters for operational normalization of LST products. The use of TIR kernel-driven models appears a good tradeoff between physical accuracy and operationality. It remains that the existing 4 TIR kernel-driven models (Ross-Li, LSF-Li, Vinnikov, RL) underestimate the hotspot effect, especially for continuous canopies. In this study, a new general framework of TIR kernel-driven modeling is proposed to overcome such issue. It is a linear combination of three kernels (including a base shape kernel, a hotspot kernel and an isotropic kernel) with the ability to simulate the bowl, dome and bell shapes in the solar principal plane. 4 specific models (Vinnikov-RL, LSF-RL, Vinnikov-Chen, LSF-Chen) within the new framework were further developed to assess their fitting abilities for both continuous and discrete vegetation canopies. To evaluate 4 existing models and 4 new models comprehensively, it was prepared 102 groups of 4SAIL/DART generated multi-angle datasets considering 6 different canopy architectures and 17 component temperatures. Results show that the 4 new models behave slightly better than the 4 existing models over discrete canopies (R2 increases from 0.791~0.989 to 0.976~0.996) whereas they significantly improved the fitting accuracy over continuous canopies (R2 increases from 0.661~0.970 to 0.940~0.997). The innovative new general framework with three kernels and four parameters improve the fitting ability significantly since the addition of one more degree of freedom. This new kernel-driven modeling framework is a potential tool to achieve angular correction of LST products.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (10) ◽  
pp. 2547-2564
Georg Lackner ◽  
Daniel F. Nadeau ◽  
Florent Domine ◽  
Annie-Claude Parent ◽  
Gonzalo Leonardini ◽  

AbstractRising temperatures in the southern Arctic region are leading to shrub expansion and permafrost degradation. The objective of this study is to analyze the surface energy budget (SEB) of a subarctic shrub tundra site that is subject to these changes, on the east coast of Hudson Bay in eastern Canada. We focus on the turbulent heat fluxes, as they have been poorly quantified in this region. This study is based on data collected by a flux tower using the eddy covariance approach and focused on snow-free periods. Furthermore, we compare our results with those from six Fluxnet sites in the Arctic region and analyze the performance of two land surface models, SVS and ISBA, in simulating soil moisture and turbulent heat fluxes. We found that 23% of the net radiation was converted into latent heat flux at our site, 35% was used for sensible heat flux, and about 15% for ground heat flux. These results were surprising considering our site was by far the wettest site among those studied, and most of the net radiation at the other Arctic sites was consumed by the latent heat flux. We attribute this behavior to the high hydraulic conductivity of the soil (littoral and intertidal sediments), typical of what is found in the coastal regions of the eastern Canadian Arctic. Land surface models overestimated the surface water content of those soils but were able to accurately simulate the turbulent heat flux, particularly the sensible heat flux and, to a lesser extent, the latent heat flux.

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