Estimating the aboveground biomass of coniferous forest in Northeast China using spectral variables, land surface temperature and soil moisture

2021 ◽  
Vol 785 ◽  
pp. 147335
Fugen Jiang ◽  
Mykola Kutia ◽  
Kaisen Ma ◽  
Song Chen ◽  
Jiangping Long ◽  
2019 ◽  
Bouchra Ait Hssaine ◽  
Olivier Merlin ◽  
Jamal Ezzahar ◽  
Nitu Ojha ◽  
Salah Er-raki ◽  

Abstract. Thermal-based two-source energy balance modeling is very useful for estimating the land evapotranspiration (ET) at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. However, the land surface temperature (LST) is not sufficient for constraining simultaneously both soil and vegetation flux components in such a way that assumptions (on either the soil or the vegetation fluxes) are commonly required. To avoid such assumptions, a new energy balance model (TSEB-SM) was recently developed in Ait Hssaine et al. (2018a) to integrate the microwave-derived near-surface soil moisture (SM), in addition to the thermal-derived LST and vegetation cover fraction (fc). Whereas, TSEB-SM has been recently tested using in-situ measurements, the objective of this paper is to evaluate the performance of TSEB-SM in real-life using 1 km resolution MODIS (Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer) LST and fc data and the 1 km resolution SM data disaggregated from SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) observations by using DisPATCh. The approach is applied during a four-year period (2014–2018) over a rainfed wheat field in the Tensift basin, central Morocco, during a four-year period (2014–2018). The field was seeded for the 2014–2015 (S1), 2016–2017 (S2) and 2017–2018 (S3) agricultural season, while it was not ploughed (remained as bare soil) during the 2015–2016 (B1) agricultural season. The mean retrieved values of (arss, brss) calculated for the entire study period using satellite data are (7.32, 4.58). The daily calibrated αPT ranges between 0 and 1.38 for both S1 and S2. Its temporal variability is mainly attributed to the rainfall distribution along the agricultural season. For S3, the daily retrieved αPT remains at a mostly constant value (∼ 0.7) throughout the study period, because of the lack of clear sky disaggregated SM and LST observations during this season. Compared to eddy covariance measurements, TSEB driven only by LST and fc data significantly overestimates latent heat fluxes for the four seasons. The overall mean bias values are 119, 94, 128 and 181 W/m2 for S1, S2, S3 and B1 respectively. In contrast, these errors are much reduced when using TSEB-SM (SM and LST combined data) with the mean bias values estimated as 39, 4, 7 and 62 W/m2 for S1, S2, S3 and B1 respectively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 138 ◽  
Chaolei Zheng ◽  
Li Jia ◽  
Guangcheng Hu ◽  
Jing Lu

Thailand is characterized by typical tropical monsoon climate, and is suffering serious water related problems, including seasonal drought and flooding. These issues are highly related to the hydrological processes, e.g., precipitation and evapotranspiration (ET), which are helpful to understand and cope with these problems. It is critical to study the spatiotemporal pattern of ET in Thailand to support the local water resource management. In the current study, daily ET was estimated over Thailand by ETMonitor, a process-based model, with mainly satellite earth observation datasets as input. One major advantage of the ETMonitor algorithm is that it introduces the impact of soil moisture on ET by assimilating the surface soil moisture from microwave remote sensing, and it reduces the dependence on land surface temperature, as the thermal remote sensing is highly sensitive to cloud, which limits the ability to achieve spatial and temporal continuity of daily ET. The ETMonitor algorithm was further improved in current study to take advantage of thermal remote sensing. In the improved scheme, the evaporation fraction was first obtained by land surface temperature—vegetation index triangle method, which was used to estimate ET in the clear days. The soil moisture stress index (SMSI) was defined to express the constrain of soil moisture on ET, and clear sky SMSI was retrieved according to the estimated clear sky ET. Clear sky SMSI was then interpolated to cloudy days to obtain the SMSI for all sky conditions. Finally, time-series ET at daily resolution was achieved using the interpolated spatio-temporal continuous SMSI. Good agreements were found between the estimated daily ET and flux tower observations with root mean square error ranging between 1.08 and 1.58 mm d−1, which showed better accuracy than the ET product from MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), especially for the forest sites. Chi and Mun river basins, located in Northeast Thailand, were selected to analyze the spatial pattern of ET. The results indicate that the ET had large fluctuation in seasonal variation, which is predominantly impacted by the monsoon climate.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 615-629 ◽  
X. Han ◽  
H.-J. H. Franssen ◽  
R. Rosolem ◽  
R. Jin ◽  
X. Li ◽  

Abstract. The recent development of the non-invasive cosmic-ray soil moisture sensing technique fills the gap between point-scale soil moisture measurements and regional-scale soil moisture measurements by remote sensing. A cosmic-ray probe measures soil moisture for a footprint with a diameter of ~ 600 m (at sea level) and with an effective measurement depth between 12 and 76 cm, depending on the soil humidity. In this study, it was tested whether neutron counts also allow correcting for a systematic error in the model forcings. A lack of water management data often causes systematic input errors to land surface models. Here, the assimilation procedure was tested for an irrigated corn field (Heihe Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research – HiWATER, 2012) where no irrigation data were available as model input although for the area a significant amount of water was irrigated. In the study, the measured cosmic-ray neutron counts and Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) land surface temperature (LST) products were jointly assimilated into the Community Land Model (CLM) with the local ensemble transform Kalman filter. Different data assimilation scenarios were evaluated, with assimilation of LST and/or cosmic-ray neutron counts, and possibly parameter estimation of leaf area index (LAI). The results show that the direct assimilation of cosmic-ray neutron counts can improve the soil moisture and evapotranspiration (ET) estimation significantly, correcting for lack of information on irrigation amounts. The joint assimilation of neutron counts and LST could improve further the ET estimation, but the information content of neutron counts exceeded the one of LST. Additional improvement was achieved by calibrating LAI, which after calibration was also closer to independent field measurements. It was concluded that assimilation of neutron counts was useful for ET and soil moisture estimation even if the model has a systematic bias like neglecting irrigation. However, also the assimilation of LST helped to correct the systematic model bias introduced by neglecting irrigation and LST could be used to update soil moisture with state augmentation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Minghao Yang ◽  
Ruiting Zuo ◽  
Liqiong Wang ◽  
Xiong Chen

The ability of RegCM4.5 using land surface scheme CLM4.5 to simulate the physical variables related to land surface state was investigated. The NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data for the period 1964–2003 were used to drive RegCM4.5 to simulate the land surface temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, latent heat flux, and surface evaporation. Based on observations and reanalysis data, a few land surface variables were analyzed over China. The results showed that some seasonal features of land surface temperature in summer and winter as well as its magnitude could be simulated well. The simulation of precipitation was sensitive to region and season. The model could, to a certain degree, simulate the seasonal migration of rainband in East China. The overall spatial distribution of the simulated soil moisture was better in winter than in summer. The simulation of latent heat flux was also better in winter. In summer, the latent heat flux bias mainly arose from surface evaporation bias in Northwest China, and it primarily arose from vegetation evapotranspiration bias in South China. In addition, the large latent heat flux bias in South China during summer was probably due to less precipitation generated in the model and poor representation of vegetation cover in this region.

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (24) ◽  
pp. 5399 ◽  
Ghassem R. Asrar

A combination of multispectral visible, infra-red and microwave sensors on the constellation of international Earth-observing satellites are providing unprecedented observations for all Earth domains over multiple decades (i.e., atmosphere, land, oceans and polar regions). This Special Issue of Sensors is dedicated to papers that describe such advances in the field of Earth remote sensing and their applications to advance understanding of Earth’s planetary system and applying the resulting knowledge and information to meet the societal needs during recent decades. The papers accepted and published in this issue convey the exciting scientific and technical challenges and opportunities for remote sensing of all domains of Earth system, including terrestrial, aquatic and coastal ecosystems; bathymetry of coasts and islands; oceans and lakes; measurement of soil moisture and land surface temperature that affects both water resources and food production; and advances in use of sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) in measuring and monitoring the contribution of terrestrial vegetation in the cycling of carbon in Earth’s system. Measurements of SIF, for example, has had a profound impact on the field of terrestrial ecosystems research and modelling. The Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) instrument on the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCVR) satellite located at the Sun–Earth Lagrange Point One, about 1.5 million miles away from Earth, is providing unique observations of the Earth’s full sun-lit disk from pole-to-pole and minute-by-minute, which overcomes a major limitation in temporal coverage of Earth by other polar-orbiting Earth-observing satellites. Active and passive microwave remote sensing instruments allow all-weather measurements and monitoring of clouds, weather phenomena, land-surface temperature and soil moisture by overcoming the presence of clouds that affect measurements by visible and infrared sensors. The use of powerful in-space lasers is allowing scientists and engineers to measure and monitor rapidly changing ice sheets in polar regions and mountain glaciers. These sensors and their measurements that are deployed on major space-based observatories and small- and micro-satellites, and the scientific knowledge they provide, are enhancing our understanding of planet Earth and development of Earth system models that are used increasingly to project future conditions due to Earth’s rapidly changing environmental conditions. Such knowledge and information are benefiting people, businesses and governments worldwide.

2017 ◽  
Vol 53 (12) ◽  
pp. 10858-10877 ◽  
Yang Lu ◽  
Susan C. Steele-Dunne ◽  
Leila Farhadi ◽  
Nick van de Giesen

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