Key Terms

2015 ◽  
pp. 141-147
2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 5-11
E. Randolph Soo Hoo ◽  
Stephen L. Demeter

Abstract Referring agents may ask independent medical evaluators if the examinee can return to work in either a normal or a restricted capacity; similarly, employers may ask external parties to conduct this type of assessment before a hire or after an injury. Functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) are used to measure agility and strength, but they have limitations and use technical jargon or concepts that can be confusing. This article clarifies key terms and concepts related to FCEs. The basic approach to a job analysis is to collect information about the job using a variety of methods, analyze the data, and summarize the data to determine specific factors required for the job. No single, optimal job analysis or validation method is applicable to every work situation or company, but the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission offers technical standards for each type of validity study. FCEs are a systematic method of measuring an individual's ability to perform various activities, and results are matched to descriptions of specific work-related tasks. Results of physical abilities/agilities tests are reported as “matching” or “not matching” job demands or “pass” or “fail” meeting job criteria. Individuals who fail an employment physical agility test often challenge the results on the basis that the test was poorly conducted, that the test protocol was not reflective of the job, or that levels for successful completion were inappropriate.

2004 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Christopher R. Brigham ◽  
Kathryn Mueller ◽  
Douglas Van Zet ◽  
Debra J. Northrup ◽  
Edward B. Whitney ◽  

Abstract [Continued from the January/February 2004 issue of The Guides Newsletter.] To understand discrepancies in reviewers’ ratings of impairments based on different editions of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (AMA Guides), users can usefully study the history of the revisions as successive editions attempted to provide a comprehensive, valid, reliable, unbiased, and evidence-based system. Some shortcomings of earlier editions have been addressed in the AMA Guides, Fifth Edition, but problems remain with each edition, largely because of the limited scientific evidence available. In the context of the history of the different editions of the AMA Guides and their development, the authors discuss and contextualize a number of key terms and principles including the following: definitions of impairment and normal; activities of daily living; maximum medical improvement; impairment percentages; conversion of regional impairments; combining impairments; pain and other subjective complaints; physician judgment; and causation analysis; finally, the authors note that impairment is not synonymous with disability or work interference. The AMA Guides, Fifth Edition, contrasts impairment evaluations and independent medical evaluations (this was not done in previous editions) and discusses impairment evaluations, rules for evaluations, and report standards. Upper extremity and lower extremity impairment evaluations are discussed in terms of clinical assessments and rating processes, analyzing important changes between editions and problematic areas (eg, complex regional pain syndrome).

2014 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-124
Michael Dorfman

In a series of works published over a period of twenty five years, C.W. Huntington, Jr. has developed a provocative and radical reading of Madhyamaka (particularly Early Indian Madhyamaka) inspired by ‘the insights of post- Wittgensteinian pragmatism and deconstruction’ (1993, 9). This article examines the body of Huntington’s work through the filter of his seminal 2007 publication, ‘The Nature of the M?dhyamika Trick’, a polemic aimed at a quartet of other recent commentators on Madhyamaka (Robinson, Hayes, Tillemans and Garfield) who attempt ‘to read N?g?rjuna through the lens of modern symbolic logic’ (2007, 103), a project which is the ‘end result of a long and complex scholastic enterprise … [which] can be traced backwards from contemporary academic discourse to fifteenth century Tibet, and from there into India’ (2007, 111) and which Huntington sees as distorting the Madhyamaka project which was not aimed at ‘command[ing] assent to a set of rationally grounded doctrines, tenets, or true conclusions’ (2007, 129). This article begins by explicating some disparate strands found in Huntington’s work, which I connect under a radicalized notion of ‘context’. These strands consist of a contextualist/pragmatic theory of truth (as opposed to a correspondence theory of truth), a contextualist epistemology (as opposed to one relying on foundationalist epistemic warrants), and a contextualist ontology where entities are viewed as necessarily relational (as opposed to possessing a context-independent essence.) I then use these linked theories to find fault with Huntington’s own readings of Candrak?rti and N?g?rjuna, arguing that Huntington misreads the semantic context of certain key terms (tarka, d???i, pak?a and pratijñ?) and fails to follow the implications of N?g?rjuna and Candrak?rti’s reliance on the role of the pram??as in constituting conventional reality. Thus, I find that Huntington’s imputation of a rejection of logic and rational argumentation to N?g?rjuna and Candrak?rti is unwarranted. Finally, I offer alternate readings of the four contemporary commentators selected by Huntington, using the conceptual apparatus developed earlier to dismiss Robinson’s and Hayes’s view of N?g?rjuna as a charlatan relying on logical fallacies, and to find common ground between Huntington’s project and the view of N?g?rjuna developed by Tillemans and Garfield as a thinker committed using reason to reach, through rational analysis, ‘the limits of thought.’

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Karin Finsterbusch

This article studies how the word Torah is used in the Pentateuch to designate a collection of laws. In Deuteronomy – originally an independent composition – “Torah” is used for the first time as a designation of a substantial collection of laws. When Deuteronomy was integrated into the Pentateuch this deuteronomic signification of “Torah” changed: According to Exod 24:12, God gives on Mt. Sinai to Moses. Based on the key terms and , the adressees of the Pentateuch could only understand this Sinai-Torah as refering to Exod 25:1–31:17; Lev 1–27; Deut 5:1b–26:16; the blessings and curses of Deut 28; and the song of Deut 32. The Torah containing these passages forms the basis of the covenant in Moab (Deuteronomy 29–30) and is written down by Moses according to Deut 31:9, 24. This “Moabite” Torah Book is placed in the Pentateuch next to the “Book of the Covenant” which is written down by Moses as well (Exod 24:7) and which provides the basis for the covenant formed on Mt. Sinai.

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-309 ◽  
R. M. Gogorev ◽  
D. A. Chudaev ◽  
V. A. Stepanova ◽  
M. S. Kulikovskiy

The present work is an attempt to summarize, systematize, supplement and clarify the terms used in morphological description of diatoms and their taxonomy (systematics). Two glossaries (Russian and English) include definitions of near 300 key terms (excluding their synonyms) and their Latin translations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 71-105 ◽  
N. A. Davidovich

The absence of a conceptual terminology, sufficiently developed and widely accepted in the Russian literature, significantly hinders progress in the field of reproductive biology of diatoms, restricts communication and debate, prevents training and transfer of knowledge. The present work is an attempt, based on world literature and our own research experience, to summarize, systematize, add, and clarify the existing terms, concepts and definitions related to research which are focused on sex and sexual reproduction in diatoms. A glossary of key terms (more than 200, including synonyms) is provided. Terms refer to diatom reproductive biology, life cycles, fertilization, mating system, gender (including inheritance and determination of sex, as well as inheritance associated with sex). Contradictions between possible interpretations of certain terms are briefly discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 172-187 ◽  
Nikita Saraswat ◽  
Neetu Sachan ◽  
Phool Chandra

Introduction and Ethnopharmacological relevance: In the Indian Vedic literature, Charakasamhita and Sushritasamhita, the Ajwain is known as Bhootika and in the charaksamhita commentaries, it is termed as Yavanika. The medicinal role of Ajwain fruit is claimed to be very important in the treatment of many ailments in humans. The plant Trachyspermum ammi Linn. is a grassy, aromatic annual plant, which falls in the family Umbelliferae. This plant is grown in India, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, etc. for its medicinal benefits. Tribals of India use it for the treatment of diarrhea, arthritis, colic and gastrointestinal problems. In the traditional preparations, Indian Vaidya guru’s (Ayurveda Guru’s), the ajwain extract is used as “Admoda Arka”. The Ayurveda doctors, hakims and Vaidya gurus recommend ajwain for treating headaches, cold, flu and even during painful menstrual periods. Aim of the Study: The review paper has compiled the researches conducted on Trachyspermum ammi, which will help in presenting a collective data of the authentic researches conducted on the plant worldwide. It will also present information about the phytoconstituents which can be useful for building up new researches in near future. Materials and Methods: This paper has been prepared by collecting all the information available on the following platforms and the papers were searched from 1975 to 2019. The databases and electronic journals were well searched including Wiley, Springer link, Google Scholar, Science Direct, Pubmed. The key terms used for the search were Ajwain, C. copticum, Trachyspermum ammi and other synonyms of the plant. The search was also done by the names of chemical constituents present in the plant and the pharmacological effect of the plant. Results: The multiple uses of T. ammi are due to the active constituents present in it. As per the phytochemical studies on the fruits of T. ammi, the presence of various phytoconstituents has been found such as saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, fixed oils, thymenes, cumenes, tannins, amino acids, p-cymene, c-terpinene, steroids, etc. Conclusions: This paper is focused on presenting a detailed review on the literature, pharmacological properties, physicochemical studies and the newest researches on the plant. In this paper, we have also compiled the traditional uses of the herb used by Indian peopleon recommendations from their Hakims, Vaidya and use of the herbs by many tribes all across India and Pakistan.

2019 ◽  
Clemens Kruse ◽  
Britney Larson ◽  
Reagan Wilkinson ◽  
Roger Samson ◽  
Taylor Castillo

BACKGROUND Incidence of AD continues to increase, making it the most common cause of dementia and the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States. 2018 numbers are expected to double by 2030. OBJECTIVE We examined the benefits of utilizing technology to identify and detect Alzheimer’s disease in the diagnostic process. METHODS We searched PubMed and CINAHL using key terms and filters to identify 30 articles for review. We analyzed these articles and reported them in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. RESULTS We identified 11 technologies used in the detection of Alzheimer’s disease: 66% of which used some form of MIR. Functional, structural, and 7T magnetic resonance imaging were all used with structural being the most prevalent. CONCLUSIONS MRI is the best form of current technology being used in the detection of Alzheimer’s disease. MRI is a noninvasive approach that provides highly accurate results in the diagnostic process of Alzheimer’s disease.

Gil Ben-Herut

Chapter 2 considers the multiple ways in which the characters of the Ragaḷegaḷu embody the ideal of worshiping Śiva and seeks to identify the constitutive and recognizable component that is shared among the various model devotees that populate the corpus. I argue in the chapter that such a component can be located in the interiority of the Bhakta figure, an interiority that is indicated in the Ragaḷegaḷu through a specific set of key terms, the element that is most clearly shared among the text’s bewildering variety of Śaiva characters with their different religious behaviors, and is expressed through actions that point to an uncompromising devotional stance.

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