V. Nakhodov ◽  
O. Borychenko ◽  
A. Cherniavskyi

Statistics show that energy is one of the highest operating costs in a manufacturing enterprise. So, improving energy efficiency can lead to a significant increase in profits and reduce the impact of the enterprise on the environment. To increase the performance of energy efficiency activities, it is necessary to implement an energy management system. One of the components of this system is energy monitoring, which, in turn, is based on the periodic collection and analysis of data to assess the state of the monitoring objects in terms of energy efficiency. In this paper, the role and place of energy monitoring in the energy management system of an industrial enterprise are noted. The paper proposes the concept of creating energy monitoring system in industrial companies, which is based on the combination of a monitoring system based on specific energy consumption, and usage of group energy characteristics of production facilities. Implementing such energy monitoring systems will allow to conduct operational control of energy efficiency of production facilities by creating individual systems for monitoring energy efficiency, as well as successfully carry out such monitoring at the enterprise and its subdivisions over longer periods of time using specific energy consumption indicators. It also provides general guidelines for conducting energy monitoring. These guidelines were formed based on the results of studying various methods and scientific publications in the field of energy monitoring, as well as on the basis of practical experience in the development and implementation of energy management systems. Particular attention is paid to the issues of processing and analysis of information about the objects of energy monitoring of industrial enterprises. The practical application of the concept of creating energy monitoring systems envisages gradual improvement of the existing monitoring system based on the specific energy consumption, which will be further completely replaced with individual energy efficiency monitoring systems.

Francesco Scorza ◽  
Alessandro Attolico ◽  
Vincenzo Moretti ◽  
Rosalia Smaldone ◽  
Domenico Donofrio ◽  

Jaejun Ko ◽  
Young-June Choi ◽  
Rajib Paul

AbstractThe substantial number of wearable devices in the healthcare industry and the continuous growth of the market procreates the demand for computational offloading. Despite major development of wearable devices and offloading techniques, there are several concerns such as latency, battery power, and computation capability that requires significant development. In this paper, we focus on the fact that most smart wearable devices have Bluetooth pairing with smartphones, and Bluetooth communication is significantly energy-efficient compare to 3G/LTE or Wi-Fi. We propose a computation offloading technique that offloads from the smartphone to the cloud server considering the decision model of both wearable devices and smartphones. Mobile cloud computing can elevate the capacity of smartphones considering the battery state and efficient communications with the cloud. In our model, we increase the energy efficiency of smart devices. To accomplish this, a Dhrystone Millions of Instructions per Second (DMIPS)-based workload measurement model along with a computation offloading decision model were created. According to the performance evaluation, offloading from wearable devices to smartphones and offloading once to cloud server can reduce energy consumption significantly.

Jorge Israel Anchundia-Santana ◽  
Julieta Evangelina Sánchez-Cano ◽  
Washington Garcia-Quilachamin ◽  
Evelyn Isabel Santana-Mantuano

The constant growth of the world’s population has generated various changes in the use of the diversity of the resources provided to us by the planet. Considering that by properly managing energy in air conditioning systems correctly, it collaborates in the fight against climate change, reducing the excessive use of fossil fuels and, therefore, the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, creating an environment of comfort in industrial sectors, businesses, companies, homes, among others. The objective of this research is to validate the instrument considering the information obtained about smart devices applied in air conditioning systems and their improvement in energy efficiency. The methodology applied consisted of a field study conducted through an online survey that was directed at 226 students and professionals from three provinces of the Republic of Ecuador. To validate the data obtained in the instrument, the exploratory factor analysis was performed also of the principal components in the last phase it was obtained in factor transformation matrix (0.986), which demonstrates the validity of the study. To apply the KMO test and Bartlett’s sphericity, the following ranges (≥0.6) y (<0.05) were considered respectively.

2021 ◽  
Deepak Kumar Sharma ◽  
Jahanavi Mishra ◽  
Aeshit Singh ◽  
Raghav Govil ◽  
Krishna Kant Singh ◽  

Abstract IoT smart devices are a confluence of microprocessors, sensors, power source and transceiver modules to effectively sense, communicate and transfer data. Energy efficiency is a key governing value of the network performance of smart devices in distributed IoT networks.Low and discrete power and limited amount of memory and finite amount of resources form some major bottlenecks in the workflow.Dynamic load balancing, reliability and flexibility are heavily relied upon by cloud computing for its accessibility.Resources are dynamically provided to the end client in an as-come on-demand fashion with the global network that is the Internet. Proportionally the need for services is increasing at a rate that is astonishing compared to any other forms of development. Load balancing seems a major challenge faced due to the architecture and the modular nature of our cloud environment. Loads need to be distributed dynamically to all the nodes. In this paper, we have introduced a technique that combines fuzzy logic with various nature inspired algorithms - grey wolf algorithm and firefly algorithm in order to effectively balance the load in a network of IoT devices. The performances of various nature inspired algorithms are compared with a brute force approach on the basis of energy efficiency, network lifetime maximization, node failure rate and packet delivery ratio.

Washington Garcia Quilachamin ◽  
Luzmila Pro Concepción ◽  
Evelyn Santana Mantuano ◽  
Richard José Salazar

The development of technologies associated with energy efficiency and use in lighting systems, arise as problems in the application of smart devices in different places such as: houses, buildings, industries, companies and public and private institutions. The objective of the study was to validate the instrument and the information obtained on the use of intelligent devices such as automatic control in a lighting system and its improvement in energy efficiency in the public sector. As a research methodology, a field study was conducted, based on a survey applied to 231 employees (bosses and workers) who work in 17 public institutions located in 6 cantons of the province of Manabí, Republic of Ecuador. To validate this instrument, an exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis of the data obtained was carried out. As a result of the principal component analysis, a factor transformation matrix (0.870) was obtained and the reliability analysis was obtained (0.880) in relation to the reagents that describe three dimensions established in knowledge, application and technology management. It is concluded that the factor analysis applied through the KMO test, Bartlett's sphericity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient, with a correlation range ≥ 0.5 between reactants was feasible, which allows to certify the reliability and validity applied in this instrument.

Sharanappa P. H. ◽  
Mahabaleshwar S. Kakkasageri ◽  

The use of wireless sensor technology in various Internet of Things (IoT) applications is growing rapidly. With the exponential increase of smart devices and their applications, collecting and analyzing data is gradually becoming one of the most difficult tasks. As sensor nodes are powered by batteries, energy efficiency is essential. To that intention, before passing the final data to the central station, a sensor node should reduce redundancies in the received data from neighbor nodes. There will be some redundancy in the data because different sensor nodes typically notice the same phenomenon. Data aggregation is one of the most important approaches for eliminating data redundancy and improving energy efficiency, as well as extending the life time of wireless sensor networks. Furthermore, the effective data aggregation technique might help to reduce network traffic. In this paper we have proposed cluster based data aggregation using intelligent agents. The performance of the proposed scheme is compared with Centralized Data Aggregation (CDA) mechanism in IoT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 778-798
Andrei A. KUL'KOV ◽  

Subject. This article discusses the importance of the Smart Home system in the development of the housing sector of Russia's regions. Objectives. The article aims to define the concept of Smart Home and justify the relevance of the introduction of innovative systems in the housing sector. Methods. For the study, we used the system, and functional and structural analyses. Results. The article defines the Smart Home system, names the system's three main principles, and describes the operation of integrated lighting, heating, water, and safety systems. Conclusions. Introducing and installing innovative smart devices will help save time, money, and energy.

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