Information Organization of The Universe and Living Things

2022 ◽  
Alain Cardon
Ida Bagus Putu Adnyana ◽  
I Wayan Redi ◽  
I Gusti Made Widya Sena

<p>The text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is a lontar text that has a Shivaistic nuance and is <br />thick with Tattwa teachings. The text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka has a core teaching that discusses a lot about the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe or what is known as Virat Vidyā. This study will discuss three basic consensus as the formulation of the problem which includes the meaning of harmony in the process of creation (uttpti), maintenance (stiti), and destruction (pralina). This study uses the theory of Hermeneutics from Friedrich August Wolf to discuss the overall problem formulation in this study. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with several stages, namely: determining the type of research, finding sources of research data both primary and secondary data, determining research instruments, determining informants using purposive sampling techniques, collecting data using library, document, and descriptive methods, interview, then<br />analyze the data, and present the results of the data analysis. The meaning of harmony in the process of creation (uttpti) of the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is the existence of Sang Hyang Mareka Jati to respond to an empty and silent situation without any creation. All objects and living things that He created are correlated with each other and this is what shows the existence of harmony in the universe. Because in essence the universe without its contents is incomplete and living things cannot live and settle without the existence of the universe. Furthermore, the meaning of harmony in the process of maintaining (stiti) the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is the existence of Sang Hyang Mareka Jati in protecting the universe and all its contents. Then the last is the meaning of harmony in the process of destruction (pralina) of the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka which is<br />the return of the elements of creation to the creator, namely Sang Hyang Mareka Jati. The destruction process in this text shows the existence of a cyclic cycle, proving that there is harmony, balance, and harmony in the universe. Creation, maintenance, and destruction are forms of harmony created by God in his manifestation as Sang Hyang Mareka Jati to give understanding to humans that the entire contents of the universe are His manifestations and will surely return to Him.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 230-243
Tülay Şenel Çoruhlu ◽  
Murat Pehlevan

This study aimed to develop a science experiments guidebook (based on discussion method and enriched worksheet) for fourth grade mainstreamed students with learning disabilities and to investigate its effect on their conceptual understanding of the "Matter and its Nature", "Living Things and Life", "Physical Events" and "Earth and The Universe" learning domains. Furthermore, mixtures, sieving, filtration, magnetism (Matter and its Nature), recycling (Living Things and Life), simple electrical circuit (Physical Events), and fossil (Earth and The Universe) concepts/issues were determined. Since the aim is to investigate the conceptual understanding of five 4th grade students with learning disabilities, the case study method was used. Conceptual understanding tests, drawing tests, and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection tools. The science experiments guidebook was presented to the students in worksheet format. Besides, worksheets were enriched with avatar images, mobile applications (QR codes), hands-on experiments, and active learning techniques (brainstorming, buzz 22, aquarium, and snowball). As a result of the research, it can be said that the science experiments guidebook had a positive effect on the conceptual understanding of students with learning disabilities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Dewa Ketut Hendra Puspawan

<p><em>God created the universe and its contents is for the benefit of all beings present in nature, especially humans because man is the supreme being who is given the mind, the mind to utilize this world wisely for the sake of the need and the sustainability of life for all beings. Man, nature and environment are a perfect unity of God’s created ecosystem, interdependence among each other is a natural cycle. Hinduism since ancient times has participated in maintaining balance among other living things. The study was designed with a qualitative approach to obtain discoveries that could not be achieved by using statistical procedures or other means of quantification. All forms of disasters and calamities that occur can not necessarily be avoided, but we as human beings who think can still reduce the disaster if we are conscious and able to maintain the environment well, and contribute in the form of mind, action to reduce the greed of natural exploitation in an effort equating nature and other creatures, in order to preserve the natural ecology.</em><em></em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 272-280

Javanese society is identical with mysticism. Everything that Javanese people do cannot be separated from the physical and metaphysical worlds. The physical and metaphysical worlds are interrelated, as these would form harmony of life between living beings and God. The harmony built by the Javanese community is not only for the people, but also for the whole living things in the world. That is what the Javanese community call the bebrayan agung. One of the patterns carried out by Javanese people to lead a bebrayan agung is by practicing the culture of petung. This culture is not only a calculation of life behavior, but also as a dialectic between humans and fate and the universe. Many people perceive that petung culture is only a prophecy, but in fact, it teaches wisdom ​​as a way of life. This is due to that the culture of Petung or Petungan in Javanese society is closely related to birthdays, pasaran, and neptu. All of these have to do with birth, sustenance, matchmaking, illness, and death. In short, everything is strung together based on the standard calculations contained in the primbon and the Javanese calendar. In this regard, Petung culture is a mathematical civilization technology that uses calculations of numbers in the Javanese calendar.This study, therefore, is focused on exploring the culture of petung in Javanese society framed within the anthropological analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Francis Olawale Abulude ◽  
Ebenezer Alaba Adeoya ◽  
Smart Adeleye Olubayode ◽  
Samuel Dare Oluwagbayide ◽  
Damodharan Usha

Air pollution is a major concern throughout the universe due to the effects on living and non-living things. Before an area is said to be polluted, there is the need to carry out a bottom-up or top-down assessment of the environment. Mosses have been widely employed as cheap bioindicators of atmospheric pollution. It reduces the time-frame spent in monitoring and the results are reliable. Several types of research have been undertaken on the spatial and temporal trends in air pollution using mosses. This paper explained what moss is, discussed the cost of biomonitoring using a moss, mapping, and researches undertaken on mosses as bioindicators.

Peter J. Bowler

Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (1859) popularized the theory that all living things have evolved by natural processes from preexisting forms. This displaced the traditional belief that species were designed by a wise and benevolent God. Darwin showed how many biological phenomena could be explained on the assumption that related species are descended from a common ancestor. Furthermore, he proposed a radical mechanism to explain how the transformations came about, namely, natural selection. This harsh and apparently purposeless mechanism was seen as a major threat to the claim that the universe has a transcendent goal. Because Darwin openly extended his evolutionism to include the human race, it was necessary to re-examine the foundations of psychology, ethics and social theory. Moral values might be merely the rationalization of instinctive behaviour patterns. Since the process which produced these patterns was driven by struggle, it could be argued that society must inevitably reflect the harshness of nature (‘social Darwinism’). Darwin’s book has been seen as the trigger for a ’scientific revolution’. It took many decades for both science and Western culture to assimilate the more radical aspects of Darwin’s theory. But since the mid-twentieth century Darwin’s selection mechanism has become the basis for a highly successful theory of evolution, the human consequences of which are still being debated.

Guowen ZHOU

LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.以老莊的道家思想為憑鑒,切入對自然之物的生命倫理審視,萬物的發端離不開生命之道,生命的兩重價值在於健康與自由。理解生命之端倪在於合乎自然,它不僅善待自然界中的有機物與無機物,而且有效地遵循自然界的生命規律。對人類生命與自然生命的關係的認識是在交互超越主義的框架下進行,它們之間無所不在、無時不在的互動提供了一種視域融合式的自然辨證法觀念。在一個更寬廣的生命倫理學層面,我們必須把生命主體的範圍由人類推廣至自然界的所有生物,它們的生命不僅與人類一樣擁有內在價值,而且也應該被賦予道德權利。對自然生命的倫理審視,是對人類在生命倫理學的生態系統層面所提出的要求。自然生命保護的倫理原則,基本上可歸類為:健康原則、權利原則、自主原則、公正原則、關懷原則與尊重原則。Daoism is a life philosophy that concerns living in line with the rules and patterns of nature. It is ecocentric instead of anthropocentric. In other words, Daoism sees the universe as an organic whole in which there is an intrinsic interconnectedness between the natural world (including animals) and human beings. The two values emphasized by Daoism are health and freedom, both of which are linked to the Daoist conception of nature and naturalness. The Daoist idea of naturalness (ziran) is based on the cosmological view that all things come from the Dao and that all things transform according to its pattern.This essay examines the Daoist ethics of “natural life” and how it is understood within the bigger picture of an ecosystem shared by all living things. The author contends that the principle of health—the physical and spiritual well-being of a person—and the principle of human freedom should be associated with the ecological concerns of today.DOWNLOAD HISTORY | This article has been downloaded 544 times in Digital Commons before migrating into this platform.

Jaime Gomez-Marquez

What is life, what is the difference between something that is alive and something that is not, are viruses living beings, or what would life be like elsewhere in the universe, are questions that still do not have clear-cut answers fully accepted by the scientific community. Based on the fundamental attributes of all living things, I define life as a process that takes place in very ordered organic structures and is characterized by being automatic, interactive and evolutionary. I also define a living being as an organic, highly ordered, automatic, interacting and evolutionary system, and a robot as an ordered automatic and interacting system. Based on this definition and what we know about the biology of viruses, I maintain that they should be considered as living entities. Finally, I explain why if there were life elsewhere in the universe, it would be very similar to what we know on our planet.

1986 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-282 ◽  
Richard R. Yeo

In his classic study,The Great Chain of Being, Arthur Lovejoy delineated a complex set of concepts and assumptions which referred to the perfection of God and the fullness of creation. In attempting to distil the basic or ‘unit idea’ which constituted this pattern of thought, he focused on the assumption that ‘the universe is aplenum formarumin which the range of conceivable diversity ofkindsof living things is exhaustively exemplified’. He called this the ‘principle of plenitude’. Lovejoy argued that this idea implied two others—continuity and gradation—and that together these reflected a pre-occupation with the ‘necessity of imperfection in all its possible degrees’, a concern which had pervaded Western thought since Plato and gave rise to the powerful ontology known as the ‘great chain of being’.

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