research finding
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Nutrients ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 274
Quang Vo Nguyen ◽  
Li Chuin Chong ◽  
Yan-Yan Hor ◽  
Lee-Ching Lew ◽  
Irfan A. Rather ◽  

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic at the beginning of 2020, causing millions of deaths worldwide. Millions of vaccine doses have been administered worldwide; however, outbreaks continue. Probiotics are known to restore a stable gut microbiota by regulating innate and adaptive immunity within the gut, demonstrating the possibility that they may be used to combat COVID-19 because of several pieces of evidence suggesting that COVID-19 has an adverse impact on gut microbiota dysbiosis. Thus, probiotics and their metabolites with known antiviral properties may be used as an adjunctive treatment to combat COVID-19. Several clinical trials have revealed the efficacy of probiotics and their metabolites in treating patients with SARS-CoV-2. However, its molecular mechanism has not been unraveled. The availability of abundant data resources and computational methods has significantly changed research finding molecular insights between probiotics and COVID-19. This review highlights computational approaches involving microbiome-based approaches and ensemble-driven docking approaches, as well as a case study proving the effects of probiotic metabolites on SARS-CoV-2.

2022 ◽  
pp. 376-391
Kaung Myat Htut

Adopting digital technologies is believed to enhance the service innovation practices and operational excellence of MSMEs and has a positive impact on competitive advantage and at least supported for survival in the market. The adoption of digital technologies seems accessible for MSMEs of Myanmar, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it made no choice to adopt it at least for business survival. The research has been done on the pharmaceutical retailers, B2B clients of, on adopting digital technologies and to give recommendations as to further strategic solutions for pharmaceutical retailers across the country. The adopting behaviors, challenges, problems, current and expected solutions, gaps on the road to further adoption of advanced digital technologies were revealed. The research finding is to support implementing further solutions for the clients by knowing their behaviors and perception on adopting digital technologies to enhance their service innovation practices in order to gain better competitive advantage.

Robert Costello

With this current Covid-19 pandemic, colleges and Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) must focus on applying educational experiences that are enriching, joyful, rewarding, and engaging. With such dynamic changes to the education systems due to the Covid-19 pandemic, gaming technologies have played an essential part in improving retention, engagement, motivation, and wellbeing. The needs of students are ever-changing within the pandemic, and institutions need to focus on wellbeing, anxiety, and depression. Current evidence does support that institutions have seen an increase of students seeking support from specialist teams for anxiety, depression, and wellbeing issues. The preliminary study used within this research is used to discover if gaming approaches can assist individuals/students who are experiencing distress within the Covid-19 pandemic. The research finding within the preliminary analysis studies does show that the use of a Game Jam provided students a chance to interact with others, assist with aspects of engaging in activities outside the everyday routines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 211
Kurniawaty Yusuf ◽  
Rini Sudarmanti

<em><span>Nowadays the presence of internet provides virtual spaces for diaspora women who are living outside Indonesia. Living within different cultures are challenging and social media platform can be as self-actualization medium to representing identities and expressing their emotional bonding with homeland.  There are only several research which have revealed on how Indonesia women diaspora from mixed family especially in maintaining YouTube platforms. The aim of this study is tried to portray how Indonesian diaspora women revealing their national identity within video YouTube content. This research method was descriptive qualitative. Data were collected from ten videos of two Indonesian diasporas YouTuber who have mixed family, living abroad, and have more than 1 (one) million subscribers. We tried to explore from some categories such as video's location, moment or time background, target viewer, and on how delivering the messages within videos. Research finding showed that the video’s contents indicated kind of negotiation construction for showing love and caring between homeland and recent locations, also acceptance with local identities. Elements of Indonesian are attached in their everyday life.  In addition, they were still depicted as being related to domestic role and being responsible for taking care of the family.</span></em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 606-515
Indah Yuliarti ◽  
Januarius Mujiyanto ◽  
Mursid Saleh

This study was about fulfilling felicity conditions in speech acts in Winfrey's speech Learn from Every Mistake. This research analyzed each utterance spoken by Winfrey’s speech entitled Learn from Every Mistake. Each utterance is categorized based on five types of speech acts. The felicity of the utterance was analyzed based on Searle's felicity condition theory. This study was a qualitative case study. The research object was Winfrey’s speech entitled Learn from Every Mistake published on YouTube on 18th May 2019. The findings showed that all the utterances in five types of speech act fulfilled the felicity conditions. The consideration came when the utterances were in a joke which meant that the speaker did not sincerely utter the utterances. There was a note when utterances in a joke were felicitous if both the speaker and the hearers truly understood that the utterance was a joke. The last conclusion in felicity condition was in the essential speech act. Based on the analysis, all of the utterances in Winfrey's speech entitled Learn from Every Mistake were felicitous in essential condition. The research finding can be used as a reference in understanding felicity conditions in the speech act.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 133
Vioni Afya Ningsih ◽  
Yustiloviani Yustiloviani

This study examines the review of muamalah fiqh on the practice of paying basiang padi with the indak dilpaesi system in Jorong Balimbing. The purpose of this study was to identify and explain the practice of paying basiang padi with an uncoated system, as well as to explain a review of muamalah fiqh on the practice of paying basiang padi with an uncoated system in Jorong Balimbing, Nagari Balimbing. The research method used is a qualitative research method by conducting field research with observation and interview data collection techniques. The research finding is that the wage practice of paying basiang padi with the indak dilapesi system in Jorong Balimbing is done by paying part of the agreed wage, which is given wages to cultivators as much as 4 liters of rice while wages should be paid 6 liters of rice. Based on the principle of fairness, wages for basiang padi with the indak dilapesi system are not in accordance with the pillars and conditions of wages. There is an element of injustice in delaying the payment of wages and reducing the payment of wages to the detriment of one party, this is not allowed in muamalah fiqh.

2021 ◽  
Kevin Surprise ◽  
Jean Philippe Sapinski

Proposals for slowing climate change by reflecting sunlight back to space, known as solar geoengineering (SG), are gaining traction in climate policy. Given SG’s capacity to slow warming without reducing carbon emissions, prominent criticism suggests that it will enable fossil fueled business-as-usual. This assessment is not without merit, yet the primary funders of SG research do not emanate from fossil capital. We analyze sources of funding for SG research, finding close ties to financial and technological capital as well as a number of billionaire philanthropists. These corporate sectors and associated philanthropies comprise part of “climate capital” – the fraction of the capitalist class aligned with climate action. We argue that SG is being positioned as a tactic for enabling incremental, market-driven decarbonization, explore key institutions advocating this approach in US climate policy, and conclude that SG is poised to serve as a tool for class compromise between fossil and climate capital.

Farida Romaito Pohan ◽  
Septiani Pohan

This research aim's to investigate language style variation used by the government on a covid-19 post on Instagram. This research is applied the descriptive qualitative method that focused on two objectives of the study. Firstly, to investigate situations types of language style variation were found in social media and secondly, to investigate realized of language style variation in social media in posting Coronavirus disease (covid-19). The data were collected through caption by the government that related to covid-19 found in Instagram. The data were collected through identified language style, do note-taking, and collecting references related to data. The researcher used Martin Joss's theory (1976: 153-155) to analyze the type of language styles such as are formal style, consultative style, and casual style. The research finding showed that 8 data were used by the government in a formal style, 7 data were used by the government in a consultative style, and 5 data were used by the government in a casual style.

Ida Bagus Putu Adnyana ◽  
I Wayan Redi ◽  
I Gusti Made Widya Sena

<p>The text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is a lontar text that has a Shivaistic nuance and is <br />thick with Tattwa teachings. The text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka has a core teaching that discusses a lot about the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe or what is known as Virat Vidyā. This study will discuss three basic consensus as the formulation of the problem which includes the meaning of harmony in the process of creation (uttpti), maintenance (stiti), and destruction (pralina). This study uses the theory of Hermeneutics from Friedrich August Wolf to discuss the overall problem formulation in this study. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with several stages, namely: determining the type of research, finding sources of research data both primary and secondary data, determining research instruments, determining informants using purposive sampling techniques, collecting data using library, document, and descriptive methods, interview, then<br />analyze the data, and present the results of the data analysis. The meaning of harmony in the process of creation (uttpti) of the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is the existence of Sang Hyang Mareka Jati to respond to an empty and silent situation without any creation. All objects and living things that He created are correlated with each other and this is what shows the existence of harmony in the universe. Because in essence the universe without its contents is incomplete and living things cannot live and settle without the existence of the universe. Furthermore, the meaning of harmony in the process of maintaining (stiti) the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka is the existence of Sang Hyang Mareka Jati in protecting the universe and all its contents. Then the last is the meaning of harmony in the process of destruction (pralina) of the universe in the text of Tutur Bhuwana Mareka which is<br />the return of the elements of creation to the creator, namely Sang Hyang Mareka Jati. The destruction process in this text shows the existence of a cyclic cycle, proving that there is harmony, balance, and harmony in the universe. Creation, maintenance, and destruction are forms of harmony created by God in his manifestation as Sang Hyang Mareka Jati to give understanding to humans that the entire contents of the universe are His manifestations and will surely return to Him.</p><p> </p>

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e12532
W. Burt Thompson ◽  
Milen L. Radell

Research findings are best understood by considering contextual factors such as treatment plausibility: how likely it is that a studied treatment or manipulation is effective, based on theory and data. If a treatment is implausible, then more evidence should be required before believing it has an effect. The current study assessed the extent to which the interpretation of a research finding is affected by treatment plausibility. Participant age varied from 18 to 82 (M = 27.4, SD = 9.4), and about half of the participants (53%) were college students. A total of 600 participants read a brief news article about an experiment with a new type of psychotherapy for weight loss. The current study used a 2 (treatment plausibility) × 3 (results type) between-subjects factorial design. Treatment plausibility had two levels: (1) a plausible cognitive behavioral therapy and (2) an implausible ”psychic reinforcement therapy” that was described as employing psychic messages to promote weight loss. The three levels of the results type factor varied how the study results were presented in the article: (1) standard results with no mention of treatment plausibility, (2) standard results followed by interpretive statements focused on treatment plausibility, and (3) no results—the study was described as still in progress. Participants rated their belief in the effectiveness of the therapy on a scale of 0 to 100% in 10% increments. When treatment plausibility was not discussed in the article, average ratings for the implausible therapy were relatively high (M = 63.1%, SD = 25.0, 95% CI% [58.2–68.1]) and similar to those for the plausible therapy (M = 69.2%, SD = 21.5, 95% CI% [65.0–73.5]). Ratings for the implausible treatment were moderately lower when the article explained why the results supporting it were questionable (M = 48.5%, SD = 26.6, 95% CI% [43.2–53.8]). The findings of the current study suggest that students and other members of the public may draw incorrect inferences from research partly because they do not appreciate the importance of treatment plausibility. This could be remedied, though not completely, by explicitly discussing the plausibility of the treatment based on theory and prior data.

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